
2024.11.26 18:30 ncv123o Help

Help Can anyone help me identify these please! I’ve had a selection of mini crystals come with an order but it doesn’t tell me what they are. (I’m new so I don’t really know what’s what I’m very much still learning!) Thank you in advance!
submitted by ncv123o to Crystals [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:30 Bellamafia9800 Who wants the easiest $1 ever?

Who wants the easiest $1 ever? Hey y'all I need your help. I'm trying to win the referral contest with this app. If you never downloaded and signed up with Bridge I need you to download this app and make an account. Use my referral code
I'm paying $1 after you signup and enter my referral code(also verify email) message me.
I pay chime and PayPal.
Takes 2 mins to do!
submitted by Bellamafia9800 to ReferalCodes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:30 Outrageous_Tomato_16 Last Min flight MIA (or FLL) to FCO for ~28,900 Miles

Last Min flight MIA (or FLL) to FCO for ~28,900 Miles In case anyone is looking for a last minute getaway, there's RT flights from MIA and FLL to FCO (Rome) for 28,900 Miles with the 15% Delta Amex discount. Was looking for a last minute flight for my girlfriend to join me in Rome after her family thanksgiving went to sh*t lol - hope someone can snag!
submitted by Outrageous_Tomato_16 to delta [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:30 Shot-Gap-br Porque fica assim 2?

Porque fica assim 2? Por que no meu perfil, alguns posts meus ficam assim quase invisíveis e outro não?
submitted by Shot-Gap-br to NovoNoReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:30 Cruiseman100 What does 'something casual' mean to you?

When people say that want a casual relationship, how does that come off to you?
I think it's might mean different things to men and women.
submitted by Cruiseman100 to Bumble [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:30 MAB180 How much can I expect this to cost?

Hi all, I recently had a repipe done on my townhome after having a series of leaks and now need to get the drywall done. What can I expect this to cost?
I'm located on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. And yes, unfortunately the ceilings are popcorn.
submitted by MAB180 to drywall [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:30 Data-Graph Seemingly random I want to say underextrusion? [Ender 5 Pro running Klipper & Mailsain with a RPi 3B+] (More info in comments)

Seemingly random I want to say underextrusion? [Ender 5 Pro running Klipper & Mailsain with a RPi 3B+] (More info in comments) submitted by Data-Graph to FixMyPrint [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:30 Baszd Why does the crown store timer seem off?

Why does the crown store timer seem off? I checked the crown store showcase for November, and there several items such as Highhallow Hold were mentioned to be available until December 5th. However, in the crown store the timer counts down in about 20 hours. Is this a bug?
submitted by Baszd to elderscrollsonline [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:30 Odd_Atmosphere1047 Mildly interesting. VMF brought me a spare and I can't believe this tag has been on here that long. 1987 / 1999 I've been here since the days of the tiny little jeeps and I've never seen one of these test vehicle labels.

Mildly interesting. VMF brought me a spare and I can't believe this tag has been on here that long. 1987 / 1999 I've been here since the days of the tiny little jeeps and I've never seen one of these test vehicle labels. submitted by Odd_Atmosphere1047 to USPS [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:30 marIan_AN Será que puedo con esto?...

Para resumir un poco la are corta. Soy de un pueblito y estoy estudiando en otra provincia. (No muy lejos) Económicamente nesesito una ayuda y estoy por empezar un empremdimiendo de venta de ropa en la cual invertire 100mil pesos. Dependiendo de mis horarios lo hare por encargo y aparte llevare ropa a vender, mi mama se encargará de la venta, el poner precios y las consultas, yo le llevaria la ropa para vender en un día especifico y obvio la acompaño y tdo.
La cosa esq nunca en mi vida trabaje ni nd y ni idea de como es este ambiente ni nd, tengo miedo y nose como tendría que hacer si es mucho el dinero que pongo o que cosas tengo que ver a la hora de comprar la ropa o como se compra por mayor la ropa osea nose.... y ni idea de como tendría que hacer la división de ganamcias conmigo y con mi madre Nose nada y quiero hacerlo pero me da miedo Nesesito urgente ayuda
submitted by marIan_AN to rediturras [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:30 bradleyy51 Mix it up

This is mainly for new players but some other people might not know it but if you get bored playing normally go to settings and search for "distribution mode for passengers" and change that setting. I prefer symmetric personally and try playing with that.
submitted by bradleyy51 to openttd [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:30 InfiniteHippo444 كيف اصير معلم؟

ايش المفروض اسوي بعد ا اتخرج بدرجة بكالريوس في تخصص علمي؟ رياضيات مثلا؟
submitted by InfiniteHippo444 to SaudiProfessionals [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:30 Bektashi69 Almost died watching this

Almost died watching this submitted by Bektashi69 to funnyvideosyoutube [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:30 BlueBea- Als Kind war ich wirklich böse.

Als ich ein Kind war, habe ich so heftig in der Klasse gefurzt, dass alle Fenster geöffnet wurden und viele sich schlecht fühlten. Um den Verdacht nicht auf mich zu lenken, habe ich angefangen, mit dem Finger auf eine Klassenkameradin zu zeigen. Sie wurde eine Woche lang ausgelacht, aber ich kam ungeschoren davon.
Am Ende sind wir alle aus dem Klassenzimmer gegangen, sogar die Lehrerin. 🤚 sorry
submitted by BlueBea- to Beichtstuhl [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:30 No_Swing8336 Legendary skin price

Does anyone know the skin prices of legendary skins particularly AAlice? Or if there’s a strategy to getting it cheaper, I’ve tried finding vids but most aren’t up to date. Dead game ig🤷‍♂️
submitted by No_Swing8336 to MLA_Official [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:30 dark_barberry What do you see?

What do you see? submitted by dark_barberry to Memes_Of_The_Dank [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:30 ratbas Wildcat Falls, Merrimack NH USA

Wildcat Falls, Merrimack NH USA 5.5 miles before the rain got heavier than necessary, but some found a new trail.
submitted by ratbas to trailrunning [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:30 koonookoo [FOR HIRE] OPEN COMMISSION ANIME STYLE NSFW

submitted by koonookoo to starvingartists [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:30 Fit_Fix_6812 Waste from animal transport?

I was driving cross-country yesterday, and at one of the roundabouts near the Longford Westmeath border, a truck transporting livestock pulled in front of me. Within a minute or two I noticed some kind of brown coloured substance billowing out the back. At first I thought it was some kind of powder or grain; then the smell coming in my airvents told me it was raw animal waste. For about 10 mins solid I was stuck behind the truck, my car getting completely covered in liquid shite, before I gave up waiting for them to turn off and turned off myself.
I get that you cant tell the animals to go to the toilet before they leave, but surely a branded animal transportation truck should be equipped to not spew animal waste onto vehicles and pedestrians? Does anyone know if this is legal? At one point the driver jerked the wheel a bit and if anyone was walking along the side of the road they'd be covered in it from head to toe.
I can live with the cost of a car wash but the smell inside my car is rank
submitted by Fit_Fix_6812 to AskIreland [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:30 Traditional-Way-247 Reverting Leaves

Reverting Leaves Now & then a leaf that has reverted back to green pops up. Does it make a difference to the plant's variegation if it's removed or does the amount of variegation depend just on the amount/strength of light the plant gets?
Do you leave reverted leaves alone or remove?
submitted by Traditional-Way-247 to pothos [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:30 urhoneymilktea Do you guys relate? I’m having a crisis of the tummy aches

Do you guys relate? I’m having a crisis of the tummy aches I decided to let go yesterday and ate like a typical teenage boy and i had four protein brownies (they were smaller than my hand) but shi 10 mins later I felt a shift in my mood and a growling in my stomach, I KNEW IT NOW IM SUFFERING WITH THE CONSEQUENCES RELEASE MEE. But do you guys ever get a stomach ache and your whole mood changes? Could be just me😔
submitted by urhoneymilktea to teenagersbuthot [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:30 More_Composer_2283 Kai, some dude hacked your spotify. Tell your team to fix that shit

Kai, some dude hacked your spotify. Tell your team to fix that shit submitted by More_Composer_2283 to KaiCenat [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:30 Pugherd Early Boarding for those needing extra time or assistance

So my elderly (late 70s) brother & sis-in-law who have not flown in years will be flying Delta on a cross country flight to attend a wedding Thanksgiving weekend. My brother has a pacemaker & is starting treatment for prostate cancer. I feel that even though he looks pretty normal, he & his wife should be able to pre-board. I can’t find any definitive guidance on this. What does the community think?
submitted by Pugherd to delta [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:30 obv_anony_jonni Jetzt muss u speiben

Jetzt muss u speiben submitted by obv_anony_jonni to SchnitzelVerbrechen [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:30 einkcheap The Cloven Viscount; Italo Calvino; (Kindle; $2.99)

submitted by einkcheap to ebookdeals [link] [comments]