Dual monitor setup with glitchy window snapping

2024.11.26 19:50 key4427 Dual monitor setup with glitchy window snapping

I have a 1080p monitor and a 1366p on the left. I've been noticing that sometimes windows snap on the 1080p monitor with alignment to the left one, which has even made some apps open with a gap between the top of the window and of the monitor.
This seems to happen because windows "remember" the last overhead panel they snap to, so if i snap a window to the left monitor's panel, then it doesn't snap to the one on the right, and thus the 'hitbox' to snap is attached horizontally across the right screen to the left panel.
For a quick fix, I've set up the display configuration to align both screens on their tops, but that still is a bit of an immersion break from their real position on my desk. Any thoughts on this?
submitted by key4427 to kde [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 egknight46 mechatronics question

i am trying to get admission in COMSATS islamabad (mechatronics),i want to give NTS NAT-IE and the entry test of COMSATS too. Can The students who are in mechatronics please tell me how much is the closing merit for mechatronics for a Karachi FSC student.
submitted by egknight46 to Comsats [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 OrdinaryImportant798 Beginner looking for a new driver

I have been playing since the start of this summer. Currently with a driver I carry about 250 with a controlled 110 club head speed. (Measured at a simulator) At the moment I play an old regular shaft sasquatch. I have more swing speed in me, but if I try to swing at all faster than 110 club head speed all of my drives are snap hooks. The club head speed comes from actively playing finnish baseball (search it on youtube so you know what I am talking about). With a controlled swing about half of my drives are snap hooks and the rest straight (never slices). I know I have A LOT to fix on my swing that a new driver wont fix, but I would like to fix it with the right driver for me, so I don't start doing the wrong things compensating the wrong driver. So I am asking how stiff of a shaft should I choose and which driver heads would you recommend for me? I am in the market for a used driver for now.
submitted by OrdinaryImportant798 to golftips [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Outtathaway_00 ¿Cómo sería la versión latam de esto?

¿Cómo sería la versión latam de esto? submitted by Outtathaway_00 to 2latinoforyou [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 kaity_06 EXTREMELY RARE hand dyed and pilled babydoll top 😍😍

EXTREMELY RARE hand dyed and pilled babydoll top 😍😍 These photos are so awful, the dye job is so shitty too for $250??
Same seller that’s selling those y2k fur lined jackets for like $300 someone take her phone away istg
submitted by kaity_06 to depoop [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 romidell Another Night Fury!

Another Night Fury! It looks so good, and has amazing stats, too. Wonder if it's free with the Grand Alpha pass or it'll cost a ton of currency, too.
It's from the new update, btw. Will be available when the next season starts on Monday.
submitted by romidell to RiseOfBerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 AudeMaire AudeMaire - Vol.1

AudeMaire - Vol.1 submitted by AudeMaire to SoundCloudHipHop [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 No_Physics1705 LRL Humans

Hi, new here! I’ve been receiving quite a few LRL Humans studies recently, but they’ve now totally disappeared. Any idea how I find out if they’ve just stopped, or if I’ve done something wrong?!
submitted by No_Physics1705 to ProlificAc [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 PrestigiousBridge543 I think someone liked Fire TV Sticks

I think someone liked Fire TV Sticks submitted by PrestigiousBridge543 to fireTV [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Demony83 Why does that "U" key have a brighter dot on the light up keyboard? Maybe I have OCD but I guess it might be missaligned

Why does that submitted by Demony83 to Lenovo [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 lyvanlyvanius Recording vocals without bothering my neighbours

I'm moving to Copenhagen in a small studioflat next year.
I want to keep making music while i'm there, but don't want to bother the neighbours when i'm recording vocals...
Is there any easy/cheap way to make or buy a soundproof box or something that will ''ease'' the noise i'm making?
Perhaps cover me with blankets when i'm recording or something?
submitted by lyvanlyvanius to homestudios [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 oh_mygourd I can never fully settle on a good name

I'm a writer, and I need some help from this sub! I cannot, for the life of me, decide on a name for my female main character.
It's a fantasy story, and I want to stay somewhere in the realm of reality with her name - if that makes sense.
So what's a name that gives you fantasy level feelings that also has good nickname potential?
Names that I've scratched so far:
Penelope, nn Poppy Lyra Katherine, nn Kit
submitted by oh_mygourd to namenerds [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Desperate-Set4866 DJI Controllers

I am new to all of the different types of controller stuff, I plan on buying a Nazgul 5 drone from iflight. I have seen videos about using a DJI RC and to not use one. Is there a huge downside and reason not to? Also if anyone does happen to have the same drone, is it worth it?
submitted by Desperate-Set4866 to drones [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 piatt-j Dialga Raid - Add me 659629632861

submitted by piatt-j to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 sanatruja Anyone can ID this blue polo shirt? Thanks!

Anyone can ID this blue polo shirt? Thanks! submitted by sanatruja to findfashion [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Specialist-Candy3226 You're not ready for this son, it'll kill ya

You're not ready for this son, it'll kill ya https://preview.redd.it/e8akegytva3e1.png?width=1352&format=png&auto=webp&s=78706dd5fa3487bc68e4dc71a766265c9374169f
submitted by Specialist-Candy3226 to slaythespire [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 HonestElk2525 Poor puppy… and holding a 🔪 while nodding off isn’t very smart.

For educational purposes only.
submitted by HonestElk2525 to tayhotrish [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 ImpossibleClock6167 Just venting.

10 weeks from DD1. Yesterday he disclosed that she begged him to not leave her. That she said she'd do anything to keep him. That they had started their affair then he ended it. Then she started it back up with him and he continued the pursuit. The only reason it's ended is because I caught them. I already feel like the other woman. What do I even do with that. I don't think I can stay anymore. He's already ended it with her before. Who's to say they won't start it back up again, like before. Yes, we're in individual therapy and couples therapy. 2 weeks ago I considered staying but after hearing that, why should I. He had said that he told me everything but he lied, again. Why tell me that after I've said I think I'm going to give this a chance, again.
submitted by ImpossibleClock6167 to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 Future_Dot_8357 I'm considering applying for a german passport and can use some guidance

Hello! From what I've been told, since my Father's parents who were born in Germany and fled when Hitler took over, I may be eligible to to apply for a German Passport. To that end, I've completed the document "Application A for naturalization of persons living abroad pursuant to Article 116 (2), first sentence, of the Basic Law (GG) for the Federal Republic of Germany - for persons aged 16 years or over."
What do I do next?
Thank you in advance for any guidance you can offer!
submitted by Future_Dot_8357 to GermanCitizenship [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 K2H_Dev Final Launch of 2D MMORPG – Friday, November 29th!

Get ready for the ultimate Indie 2D MMORPG experience November 29th at 20:00 CET! After nearly 20 years in the making, Key to Heaven is officially exiting Early Access and launching on brand-new servers where everyone starts fresh at Level 1.
Why Play Key to Heaven?
Embark on an epic adventure packed with:

Website: https://key2heaven.com/
Download: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1347630/Key_To_Heaven/
Discord: https://discord.gg/TmHHJkG
Where to Play:
Key to Heaven is available for download on Steam, Microsoft Store, and Itch.io. Launch the game to see the countdown timer leading to the official start – don't miss out!
Join the journey this Friday and be part of a community two decades in the making. Your adventure begins now. Will you figure out the secrets?
submitted by K2H_Dev to gameDevClassifieds [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 pro_angry_bean Rate My Trophy Area

Rate My Trophy Area Sorry for the potato quality pics but... Rate my lil set up. I'm actually finally happy with it I think.
submitted by pro_angry_bean to CultOfTheLamb [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 doutorx999 Pequenos negócios podem renegociar débitos na dívida ativa até sexta (29/11), avisa o Sebrae

Pequenos negócios podem renegociar débitos na dívida ativa até sexta (29/11), avisa o Sebrae Entre os benefícios, estão a redução significativa do valor total da dívida e a flexibilidade para parcelamento
submitted by doutorx999 to farialimabets [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 darla412 Win 100 eBooks + a $200 Amazon Gift Card {??} (1/14/2025)

Win 100 eBooks + a $200 Amazon Gift Card {??} (1/14/2025) submitted by darla412 to giveaways [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 jboglarka Asus Rog Zephyrus G14 MD Ryzen 9 8945HS, RTX4060-as modell hosszútávon jó vétel lenne?

Mac-ről szeretnék váltani(2020 M1-es Air modell) a fent említett Zephyrus-ra. Legfőképpen játékra(cs2,fortnite stb.), programozásra használnám. Hosszútávú befektetésként szeretném legalább 4 évre. Nagyon szeretem a Macbook-omat, de sajnos hiányzik a játék feeling, és emiatt gondolkodom a cserében. Minden véleményt meghallgatok, és köszönöm a jó tanácsokat előre is.
submitted by jboglarka to GamingHungary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:50 bananabrownie Man who missed O.C. Fair ends up winning $1 million by going the next day

Man who missed O.C. Fair ends up winning $1 million by going the next day submitted by bananabrownie to orangecounty [link] [comments]
