2024.11.26 19:41 Galaxy_Bg Can someone make this image higher quality?
submitted by Galaxy_Bg to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 19:41 S4tine My game is glitching like crazy
They're all falling out at once. Nearly impossible to take any action. Certainly not stoppers. And the reward rocket screen... It's all zero. Reinstall? submitted by S4tine to LemmingsGame [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 19:41 MonyWony How can I join these pieces of indium back together?
I tried stacking weights on top of the pieces but that didn't seem to work. I don't have the equipment to melt it (idk if an oven works), but even if I did I a) do not want to inhale the fumes, and b) have any indium vapours float away. Thank you very much for your help! submitted by MonyWony to AskChemistry [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 19:41 hansen_acm Keyboard til arbejde og gaming
Hej holdet
På mit hjemmekontor har jeg et setup med en dock og min egen computer. I den forbindelse leder jeg efter et tastatur, som både kan benyttes til arbejde og gaming. Jeg har et par krav.
- Det skal være 100%, både min kone og jeg bruger numpad i forbindelse med arbejdet på hjemmekontoret.
- Det skal være low profile. Hverken min kone eller jeg kan holde til at skrive på et "regulært" gamertastatur i længere tid ad gangen.
- Det skal være så stille som muligt. På mine ældre dage er jeg ikke fan af de klassiske gamertastaturer som larmer meget.
- Forbindelse er ikke vigtigt, da jeg planlægger at bruge en USB switch, så jeg ikke skal flytte rundt på ledninger hele tiden.
Jeg har kigget på både logitech 915 og Keychron K10, da det virker til at være de eneste low profile mekaniske tastaturer man kan få i 100%.
Er der nogle her der har erfaring med de to tastaturer jeg har kigget på? Eller en helt tredje mulighed. Jeg er meget grøn når det kommer til tastaturer, da jeg indtil for nyligt har gamet på en laptop.
God aften
submitted by hansen_acm to dktechsupport [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 19:41 TheUnknownXanny stop acting like yall wouldnt rock w the lows #usps
submitted by TheUnknownXanny to bud_n_pill_lovers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 19:41 eggs_bacon_eggs First time attempt cave build - Eissentam
submitted by eggs_bacon_eggs to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 19:41 LCDRformat When your stupid ass daughter is sad that her mom is dead
submitted by LCDRformat to creepcast [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 19:41 TrackaLackerBot Figs High Waisted Zamora Jogger Scrub Pants - Charcoal - 6XL - Petite and 1 other listing are in stock at Figs
View 2 stock updates
As of 11/26/24 02:40 PM EST
submitted by TrackaLackerBot to FigsRestockAlerts [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 19:41 No_Goose5951 Struggling to Connect After Years of Casual Relationships - Need Advice
Hi Reddit,
I’m in my mid-30s and have spent the last decade focusing on my career and casual relationships. Initially, it was thrilling, but now I feel lost and unable to form deep connections. Most of my friends are settling down, while I’m left with surface-level interactions and a growing fear of vulnerability.
Every time I start to get close to someone, I instinctively pull back. I worry that I’ve built walls that prevent me from experiencing love and companionship. I envy those who have meaningful relationships, and I fear I’ve missed my chance.
Has anyone else been in a similar situation? How can I learn to let my guard down and pursue deeper connections? Am I too far gone to turn things around?
Thank you for any advice!
submitted by No_Goose5951 to Advice [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 19:41 OctonicVR Introducing Kinneta for Cycling and Running Machines on Meta Quest 3 and 3s
submitted by OctonicVR to Quest3 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 19:41 ContaTesteFoi Mandei mensagem pra ex e me sinto melhor?
Terminamos tem quase um ano. Foi um término muito intenso e difícil, mas não foi por nossa causa na época.
O ponto é que por mais que eu tenha mantido contato zero e evitado procurar ela, sempre fiquei com isso na cabeça de passar as coisas a limpo, tentar me explicar, não necessariamente pra voltar com ela.
Acabou que várias coisas aconteceram na minha vida e só hoje eu decidi fazer isso. Ficava com aquilo na cabeça de não mandar mensagem pra ex nunca e o “e se” me consumia mais a cabeça que a saudade do relacionamento em si.
Ela me respondeu bem pouco, agradeceu o contato mas não quis conversar. Sinceramente isso me deixou muito mais leve. Senti liberto, coisa que eu não era até então. Acho que só agora eu me sinto bem o suficiente pra procurar outro alguém, não sei explicar. Tinha muito respeito pelo que eu e ela tínhamos.
submitted by ContaTesteFoi to relacionamentos [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 19:41 holdmycoffee45 Buying a property next door. Tax implications
Im thinking about buying a 10 acre lot right next to my residence. The previous owner kept oil and gas rights when they sold this property to current owners 85 years ago. There are 7 oil tanks that have to stay on the property. The sellers won't divide or partition them out. The tanks are shown as commercial property and taxes are assessed for them. I really only want the land. The taxes are about $2400 per year. If I use a Home Equity loan to purchase the land can I still deduct the Property Taxes even though its considered commercial? For context, because the land is in a flood zone, I can't build on it. Anyone have any experience with this?
submitted by holdmycoffee45 to RealEstateAdvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 19:41 Pretend-Count-7100 Huge Teen bull looking for cucks to share their Irls/fam/gf/wife etc. Creps or Nũdès preferred Ses: 05ca25eb7a540e3fb506229ebc36706d1d4a705809ef719c0adda246b1966f3663 Teleguard: ZYUTMZ2PX
submitted by Pretend-Count-7100 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 19:41 PixelBlxde Cantrip reroll strategy with 10 dices and against two 'The Hand's, gave me my first normal raid win! (Killed one of the hands before taking ss sorry!)
Also I made a saber run away haha scared sword submitted by PixelBlxde to SliceAndDice [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 19:41 GroundbreakingBig485 Glitched trophy
I have had this game one trophy away from the platinum pretty much since release. I’m sitting at 99% on the trophy “overtime at the morgue” is there anyone that can shed some light on how to fix this issue so I can get my platinum?
submitted by GroundbreakingBig485 to outriders [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 19:41 Anxiety1246 How is this pay plan?
First car sales job here.
I was wondering if this is a good pay plan??
$600 a week salary. ($2400/month)
1-9 units - $175 per 10-14 units - $200 per 15-19 units - $225 per 20-24 units - $250 per 25+ units - $300 per
Bonus volume:
10 units - $200 13 units - $250 17 units - $500 20 units - $750 25 units - $1000
submitted by Anxiety1246 to askcarsales [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 19:40 certicet Help me sanity check before I buy
Looking for someone to help me sanity check this, before I pull the trigger.
Used to do a fair bit of PC gaming a few years, moved to playing more on consoles and now have the itch to return to playing games much better suited for PC, eg Cities Skylines II.
I’m considering purchasing a Mac Mini M4, and paying for GeForce Now to be able to run said PC games. I have a stable internet connection, 80mbps download, 20 upload.
There’s no reasonable reason this shouldn’t work, right? Appreciate any advice before I purchase anything.
submitted by certicet to GeForceNOW [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 19:40 CatLovingPrincess To wit
submitted by CatLovingPrincess to ElonMuskFanGossipBlog [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 19:40 Emotional_Face4971 there is no inbetween.
based on this subs posts. caseoh fans are either: hardcore simps hardcore fat phobics
its crazy ngl
submitted by Emotional_Face4971 to caseoh_ [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 19:40 Agile_Sky5643 Customer Service
They are so great on the phone- I just spoke with Kevin and he was so kind regarding an issue with the pharmacy. He read my emails I had sent and quickly gave me an answer, I didn’t have to tell my issue again from the start. Thanks again
submitted by Agile_Sky5643 to TryEden [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 19:40 magicgoly Match.com Black Friday 2024 Coupon Codes
Use the link for Match.com Black Friday 2024 Coupon Codes. The website features a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly for you to choose from and make your purchase more affordable.
submitted by magicgoly to FluentDiscount [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 19:40 EquivalentOil2145 Worth grading?
Decided to find some old cards around the house after I got back into it. Found this and a good amount of base set cards from when I was a kid. (Not a bend on the first pic, just light) submitted by EquivalentOil2145 to Pokemoncardappraisal [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 19:40 icespiceedwardmunch Is this on the right track to find convergence or divergence? Any other strategy i can use? Any videos w a similar series? I cannot find anything like it.
submitted by icespiceedwardmunch to calculus [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 19:40 amievendead Can anyone help me figure out what this is on my cats mouth?
Hi! My family recently took in a stray cat that’s been on our porch. She’s super sweet and stays inside now most of the time. We’re currently saving up to take her to the vet to get fixed and get all her vaccinations so she will be seeing the vet soon. While I was petting her I noticed this on her upper inner lip? Can anyone tell me what this is? Thank you!
submitted by amievendead to CATHELP [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 19:40 Alex-C2099 Do you think precursors like the GGs, Critics Choice or SAG will go for Ariana winning?
She has received universal praise for her performance in the film. I don’t think she IS winning anywhere, Saldana is a safer pick, but I wonder how likely is it that the less prestigious precursors will give her victory.
submitted by Alex-C2099 to oscarrace [link] [comments]