Are you in need of expert help with computer science, essays, research papers, thesis writing, data analysis, projects, online classes, or case studies? Look no further! I offer top-notch assistance at affordable rates.

2024.11.26 19:45 Shot_Dragonfruit7702 Are you in need of expert help with computer science, essays, research papers, thesis writing, data analysis, projects, online classes, or case studies? Look no further! I offer top-notch assistance at affordable rates.

Complex Math: Mastery in Algebra, Calculus, Geometry, and Statistics. Coding: Proficient in Algorithms, Data Structures, Python, Java, and more. 3D Modelling: Proficiency in Blender, Autodesk Maya, Unity, Unreal Engine, SketchUp, Autodesk Revit, Lumion, 3ds Max. Essay Writing: Tailored writing support across various subjects. Biology & Chemistry: Biochem, Bioinformatics, genetics & Comprehensive coverage of topics in both fields. Data Analysis: Using SPSS, R-studio ,Excel, and ArcGIS, I provide comprehensive data analysis for clear and insightful results. I specialize in a diverse range of subjects to help you succeed academically. Reach out for personalized support today! Email: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Discord: dr.nicho
submitted by Shot_Dragonfruit7702 to College_Homework [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:45 Character_Stay1560 Pls help šŸ™ regarding what career should I pursue and will I ever be financially succesful?

submitted by Character_Stay1560 to vedicastrology [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:45 GreyZiro Help with picking a 4K Short Throw Projector

Hope folks here more knowledgable with projectors can give some recommendations for my use case.

I have looked at some pricier options like the EH-LS11000W but wondering if that is overkill for the short throw distance and small screen size, would greatly appreciate any advice and recommendations!
submitted by GreyZiro to projectors [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:45 KindaStupidTho4 My foster kitten, Wheatley

My foster kitten, Wheatley One of my two current foster kittens, the other one being named Chell.
submitted by KindaStupidTho4 to cats [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:45 Electrical-Leg5435 Quick question

Hey commanders, is there anyone with a carrier near brestla system that's willing help me to gain credits by trade and get the rear admiral rank, if so please let me know (My profile is semaj-ratcliff54)
submitted by Electrical-Leg5435 to EliteDangerous [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:45 Upstairs_Art_1110 Looking for 250-300$ display tablet recs!

As the title says I'm looking for recommendations for my first display tablet.
Two things I know I want:
- A medium sized screen (14" - 16"). I've used an iPad 11" previously and found that to be way too small for me.
- As little pen lag (is there a word for that??) as possible.
I was really sold on the XP-Pen Artist Pro 14 (2nd Gen), both because of it's design and the screen size, but it's just a smidge out of my preferred price range. I wanted to see if there were any other options before deciding to "splurge" on the 14 Pro.
Thanks in advance for the help! :D
submitted by Upstairs_Art_1110 to drawingtablet [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:45 talanamstein Dumba

We all know this is a problem at this point. I was hopeful at the beginning of the year but it seems the coaches are trusting him less and less. He played 10:43 against TBL and 13:52 last night (compared to Miro playing 26 lol). Essentially paying over 3m for a borderline 3rd pairing defenseman. Hoping he gets better as the season goes on because as of now this contract is looking BAD. I do think his physicality could help in the playoffs but so Dr has been offset by his mistakes.
submitted by talanamstein to DallasStars [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:45 jloadin3 The #Jets are also bringing back an old friend: RB Zonovan "Bam" Knight is signing with the practice squad.

submitted by jloadin3 to fantasyfootball [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:45 Anywhere_Last Out-jerked by marvel comics

Out-jerked by marvel comics submitted by Anywhere_Last to marvelcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:45 Ok_Dig_7502 celebrating a small victory!

hi everyone! this is my 3rd week on tirz and i hit my first goal- get under 300lbs! today i weighed in at 299.6. my highest weight was 330. i was able to get down to 311 ā€œnaturallyā€ but it took forever. 311 ā€”> 299.6 in 3 weeks using tirz. so happy. i know i have such a long way to go, but i havenā€™t seen the scale under 300 in atleast 3 years. šŸ©·
submitted by Ok_Dig_7502 to tirzepatidecompound [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:45 Bandit419HLR Latest creation

Love the bomb pop colors on racecars.
submitted by Bandit419HLR to forzamotorsport [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:45 Aimee_Toussaint What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Aimee_Toussaint to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:45 Yama_Dipula Simonis da indicii ca PSD o va sustine pe Lasconi

A postat Freddy astazi pe pagina lui de facebook un clip electoral pentru parlamentare. Ca sa va scutesc de greata de a-i vedea fataul si a-i auzi vocea, va fac un resumat:

  1. Sustine ca votul de duminica este o palma data partidelor traditionale
  2. Sustine ca nu trebuie blamati cei care au votat intr-un fel sau altul
  3. O da ca PSD sustine intotdeauna valorile crestine, traditionale, dar si democratice. Pune accent pe valorile democratice.
  4. Romania nu poate fi condusa de un singur om
  5. Apartenenta la UE si NATO nu este negociabila
Din punctul meu de vedere, punctele 3, 4 si mai ales 5 indica destul de clar pe cine va sustine PSD in turul 2. Bine, asta depinde intr-o oarecare masura si de ce rezultate va scoate Simonis in Timis la parlamentare si daca se va mai regasi in echipa de conducere a PSD dupa ce va zbura Ciolanu, mai ales ca este din gasca lui.
Intr-un fel asta ma bucura, dar ma si sperie:
Daca PSD va sustine Lasconi, teoretic ar trebui sa-i creasca sansele pentru ca toti aia care voteaza la comanda vor vota pentru Lasconi. Si-s multi ai dracu si vor continua sa fie.
In alta ordine de idei, sa nu uitam ca PSD e ciuma rosie, nu crucea rosie, iar daca o va sustine pe Lasconi nu va fi pe gratis. Fie Lasconi le va da ceva la schimb, fie o vor face din convingerea ca Lasconi va putea fi mai usor de controlat decat Georgescu. Sau poate Kremlin intr-adevar e atat de periculos ca a Ć®nspăimĆ¢ntat pana si PSD-ul.
Totodata, daca PSD isi va declara sustinerea pentru Lasconi, botii CG vor plusa instant pe propaganda ca Lasconi e sustinatoarea sistemului, votezi Lasconi votezi PSD etc. si va fi foarte dificil de combatut cu contraargumente, mai ales ca avem un exemplu foarte proaspat de presedinte care a facut campanie pe muie PSD, insa o data ajuns in functie a fost cel mai pro-PSD presedinte de la Iliescu incoaceā€¦
submitted by Yama_Dipula to Roumanie [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:45 Daddywhisk Is this okay?

My car burns oil, so Iā€™ve been topping it off and accidentally added too much. Will this be okay if itā€™s going to burn it off anyways? 2009 Toyota Camry 4 Cylinder.
submitted by Daddywhisk to carquestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:45 GraceMwangiLove šŸ«‚

šŸ«‚ submitted by GraceMwangiLove to hopeposting [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:45 StunningComplaint608 I'm writing a memoir and am unsure on if this story should be in it

Okay, so I'm 18 years old and am writing a memoir about what it was like to grow up in several different and dangerous situations. The first half is supposed to be sad and scary stories, and the second half is the positive outcomes that came from the sad/dangerous situation I came from. They're supposed to read like diary entries, but I'm unsure of how this one reads. Any advice is welcome :)
Memoir Writing
submitted by StunningComplaint608 to writingadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:45 entrelineas_org Segundo Verano Del Amor #SegundoVeranoDelAmor #AcidHouse #Ibiza #extasis #1987 #Rave #MusicaElectronica #1990 #DiscJockey #RutaDestroy #Bakalao

Segundo Verano Del Amor #SegundoVeranoDelAmor #AcidHouse #Ibiza #extasis #1987 #Rave #MusicaElectronica #1990 #DiscJockey #RutaDestroy #Bakalao submitted by entrelineas_org to incredulos [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:45 jjbs90 What type of lichen?

There are two stones in this particular cemetery that have this rust color lichen. At least I think itā€™s lichen; never seen this color before.
submitted by jjbs90 to CemeteryPorn [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:45 Psichi-dude GZdoom support

GZdoom support I inserted a WAD file into my GZDoom directory, (I donā€™t know if this breaks the WAD, but I replaced D_SHAWN3 with another mus with the same name), but I opened the same GZDoom folder with the ā€˜maspaiā€™ WAD, and gave the same fatal error screen that hints of no WAD in the folder. What do I do here?
error screen
contents of the GZ-doom folder along with the wad
submitted by Psichi-dude to Doom [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:45 themessi4 Qn me hace rol de nicki

submitted by themessi4 to emimernesbitch [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:45 Danyziin SerĆ” que vale a pena fazer a faculdade de inglĆŖs?

Na sua opiniĆ£o de vocĆŖs, vocĆŖs acha que vale a pena fazer essa faculdade?
submitted by Danyziin to Idiomas [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:45 BMX_BASTARD Worth taking a look at this gem<sid=a562483e-6f0b-4e3f-88dc-6dbf9f7de0cd
submitted by BMX_BASTARD to shitcoinmoonshots [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:45 Clickittycat Can't be regular camera colored

Can't be regular camera colored
The idea was to have a fun, colorful collection but not be tempted to buy every old camera I saw. The rule is: avoid black cameras (except when curating a color series). Gray and brown cameras are on a case by case basis.
submitted by Clickittycat to AnalogCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:45 Kuro_Sasorie What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Kuro_Sasorie to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 19:45 SinayJo Welcome to my shRoom šŸšµšŸ»šŸ„

submitted by SinayJo to TripCaves [link] [comments]