深度学习的代码中网络都会有backbone,这个是什么意思呢?关注用的什么backbone意义是什么呢?比如某篇论… 最近在enjoy121 T07 backbone 中間選椅子 試坐過後覺得backbone 還不錯 朋友又有買過他們家的椅款 就從網路上下訂了 backbone mamba這款 但之後卻發生了些意外問題 先講結論 他們家椅子坐起來不錯 服務也很好且迅速 但是產品做工 覺得是有待加強 首先是頭枕螺孔部分的 ... 本系列已授权极市平台,未经允许不得二次转载,如有需要请私信作者。考虑到每篇文章字数的限制, 每一篇文章将按照目录的编排包含2至3个小节,而且这个系列会随着 Vision Transformer, 通用 Vision Backbone 的发… 會麻煩有好市多朋友幫忙買,想先自己搞清楚不要太麻煩朋友。 3. Backbone eagle $4200 在預算抓四千的時候有去看過 Eagle, 比較陽春 坐感普通 優點是兩年保固 可客製化較多 可能會考慮上中階6-7千款式 不知道backbone 大家有沒有推薦得款式? 如何提升计算效率. ViT采用的全局attention和图像输入大小(HW)的平方成正比,对于检测模型,其输入分辨率往往较大,此时用ViT作为Backbone在计算量和内存消耗上都不容小觑,比如输入为1024 × 1024时,采用ViT-B训练Mask R-CNN单batch就需要消耗∼20–30GB显存。 知乎,让每一次点击都充满意义 —— 欢迎来到知乎,发现问题背后的世界。 在用这些网络作为backbone的时候,都是直接加载官方已经训练好的模型参数,后面接着我们自己的网络。 让网络的这两个部分同时进行训练,因为加载的backbone模型已经具有提取特征的能力了,在我们的训练过程中,会对他进行微调,使得其更适合于我们自己的任务。 问题非常有意思,很多人应该碰到过这个问题。有两个原因。 1 大模型,深模型是神器,通常能取得不错的结果,不过使用起来有些困难,其中一个点就是 双下降 现象,有兴趣可以看一下相关的文献,不过还是需要大量的实验。 backbone是指深度学习网络,比如VGGNet、ResNet等;pretrained model是使用大量数据训练深度学习网络,得到的权值文件,比如使用ImageNet数据集,训练ResNet网络得到的权值文件。 如标题所说,比如一个检测模型,注意力机制往往都加在提取特征的backbone中,我还没有见过把注意力机制加入到head或neck中的,transfor… 显示全部 关注者
2024.11.26 21:30 junkapan1 Backbone one PlayStation compatible?
I have been looking at a backbone one PlayStation for my OnePlus 8 pro but i cant find info Anywhere if its compatible or not?
Anyone know?
submitted by junkapan1 to oneplus [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 21:30 astrahails Time For Some Remodeling
Oscar decided his cage needed a remodel last night. Dragged his snuggle sack from the open space in the right corner up to the top of his structure 😂 I think he has an interior design career in his future
submitted by astrahails to Hedgehog [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 21:30 kid_napme Test
submitted by kid_napme to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 21:30 No-Clue4432 Finally found a good red
submitted by No-Clue4432 to WomanHands [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 21:30 atlanticskies54 after a few years, i finally replayed triple deluxe. can’t believe its 10 years old already, still holds up
this is probably one of the best kirby games i’ve ever played, to be honest. now i just gotta do Dededetour and The Arena and i’ll be done for the most part! /pos submitted by atlanticskies54 to Kirby [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 21:30 OwnDraft7944 How do I actually connect my iPod to iTunes?
Just bought my first ever iPod. It's a 5th gen iPod Classic and I was very excited to load it up with my music. However, I have never really used Apple products before. I was vaguely aware that you need to connect your iPod to iTunes. So I downloaded iTunes, hooked up my iPod to my PC, and then followed a tutorial on Apple's website. I am however stuck, because there's supposed to be a "device" button in iTunes that does not show up. I have tried updating, and restarting my computer.
I have also tried the "Apple Devices" program, but that doesn't do anything either. So how do you actually connect to your iPod?
submitted by OwnDraft7944 to ipod [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 21:30 Whattheholyhell74 Vintage Singer Sewing Machine Table…
I just inherited a lot of furniture and homeware pieces upon my mom’s passing. There are some interesting items in the lot that I am curious to know more about. This Singer Sewing Machine mounted in a Maple Table is one of them. Any info about the possible age and value would be appreciated. submitted by Whattheholyhell74 to Antiques [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 21:30 CosmicBreadstix Help
So we are fixing up a trailer and had the electricity and water turned on today. The city called my wife and told her there was an issue with the water and we “need to tie into the water meter” she said there was reported theft in that area in 2023. Whatever that means. I can’t get them on the line and curious how big of a job/issue this will be? Is it a do it yourself job or call the plumbers? Thanks!
submitted by CosmicBreadstix to Plumbing [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 21:30 Unable_Background886 Well
submitted by Unable_Background886 to ZanClan [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 21:30 Defiant-Factor-6935 Herpes or Yeast pregnancy dilemma
I’m currently 9 weeks pregnant. I got my first GHSV2 outbreak around 4 years ago, it was horrible and then I got OB every 2 months.
Before pregnancy I was using Siberian Ginseng which did not decrease frequency but greatly decreased healing from 7-10 days to 3-5 days for me. I stopped the ginseng when I found out I was pregnant.
Last Tuesday I got awful symptoms, everything red and raw down there, painful and itchy. I thought it was thrush because my herpes OB tend to be one lesion either on the right OR left side of my genitals. Also, the last 4 OB before pregnancy were all in the anal region.
The thrush cream felt like such a relief whenever I applied it and the pessary seemed like it did well. I used one pessary and used the cream for 2 days because that’s all I had.
Went for a checkup yesterday anyway and the nurse said it looks like I had a healing herpes sore. She said it looked like it’ll heal in 24 hours. It’s not totally healed (whatever it is) and I have redness and sores on the right and left side.
Is this a herpes OB manifesting differently because of pregnancy?
https://ibb.co/6bB7fPt https://ibb.co/JRkc3zh
Despite OB being quite frequent, I like the consistency I have. Usually one sore on one side of the genitals which clears in 3-5 days with ginseng and up to 10 days without ginseng. This has thrown me out of whack!
I was told the Herpes swab might come back negative because it was taken so late in the healing stage and if it was thrush that may also come back negative because I had started treatment.
submitted by Defiant-Factor-6935 to HSVpositive [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 21:30 Individual_Area_8278 dake balding looks like a cat smiling
submitted by Individual_Area_8278 to KendrickLamar [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 21:30 buxom_baby 39 [F4R] #US #online Banter and bullshit?
I’m just looking for some good people to talk to, maybe we can be friends. At the very least, maybe we can just be civil to each other. I’d like to talk with someone that hasn’t some sort of ulterior motive. Anyone like that around today? Platonic friendship, please. There is a time and place for hot chat, neither of which is here or now…
I bet your day is also filled with shit you are avoiding, let’s partake in avoidance together! Do you have any holiday traditions that you have been meaning to start (or ditch) for years now? Maybe you’ve already had your thanksgiving, how was it? Are you team turkey or team ham? Or maybe pasta! Or maybe you don’t believe in being thankful via gorging yourself on poultry and carbs so you’ll be having no big meal. No judgement here. Maybe you will be having pie for dinner. If so, please invite me. This bitch loves pie!
Married, content, bored for the day. Love the rapid fire back and forth of stranger banter. Let’s have it, hit me with your best joke!
submitted by buxom_baby to r4r [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 21:30 YaFaceGodammit 30 M uk/online - Anyone wanna chat?
Evening. if anyone wants to be a cool little pumpkin and keep me company for a bit and chat. That'd be grand.
Long term or short term chats are fine by me. Who knows, we might even become jolly good pals.
A fact about me; I'm boring, but sometimes I am funny. So it balances out.
A slightly cooler fact about me; I have 6 snakes.
About you; please be 21+ and keep ya toes socked or I'll cry.
Q: would you rather fight god 1v1 in hand to hand combat or live your last nightmare you had for 24 hours?
Yours faithfully, YFG.
submitted by YaFaceGodammit to LetsChat [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 21:30 Chance_Routine2813 What does the symbol circled in red mean?
It comes with the Saug blueprint. What does it mean? Does it have a special attachment for bullet velocity or something? submitted by Chance_Routine2813 to CODZombies [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 21:30 desertbassin69 Rtf?
Looking to get a complete RTF FPV goggles and all any good recommendations. I have roughly 127 hours on DJI mini 3 I know these are to very different experiences.
submitted by desertbassin69 to FPVFreestyle [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 21:30 Mind-Of-Dec-350 The Jackerpillar Returns?
submitted by Mind-Of-Dec-350 to JackSucksAtLife [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 21:30 toonice79 How do you respond to students when they want to meet with a fellow counselor?
Ive been in this business long enough to realize that my style is not for every student. Nor is other counselor’s styles for every student.
I understand that some students may feel more comfortable talking to a counselor of a certain gender and others it may make no difference.
I understand that there may be other commonalities that make the counseling relationship more comfortable with a different counselor.
Recently, I’ve been finding that there’s a colleague who wants to meet with my students, but when their students want to meet with me…the students are scared to even saying hello to me.
It’s never bothered me when a student prefers another counselor over me. In fact, it keeps me humble and wanting to improve.
Today, I saw a student in passing who I was a counselor for during part of last school year because we had a resignation and had to pick up parts of the caseload. She stopped and waived and just looked at me. I told her that she could come into the office. She seemed apprehensive.
I made small talk and she told me that she’s asked to see me many times, but the new counselor refuses to let the student see me. I reiterated that she can see me any time she wants.
It really bugs me that a student has a positive connection with a fellow counselor and someone is too insecure to do what is best for the student.
When something is mentioned about meeting with other students to the other counselor, it is always passive aggressive response and there’s almost always a comment about them being liked. I swear, they are insecure themselves.
I’m just wondering how others handle these situations?
submitted by toonice79 to schoolcounseling [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 21:30 Rawfill INVITE TRAIN TIME
Click em, tell em, continue https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTYh1E1Vx/
submitted by Rawfill to PKMNTikTokDeals [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 21:30 starlordbg Каква е причината за надигането на крайнодясното по света?
Подчертавам, че под крйанодясно имам предвид това, което му казват на запад, а не тукашното.
Аз лично се определям като центрист и не съм съгласен с всичко от западното ляво, ама малко ми е тревожна тая тенденция всякакви психопати да набират популярност и да печелят избори или поне да влизат в управлението.
Само се надявам всичките усилия положение от България, колкото и минимални да са те, през последните 35 години да не се окажат напразно.
submitted by starlordbg to bulgaria [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 21:30 Grajalesn Origin Palkia Add 291618890059
submitted by Grajalesn to PokemonGoRaid [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 21:30 Infamous_Box_6955 Clicks for clicks
submitted by Infamous_Box_6955 to PKMNTikTokDeals [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 21:30 excuseihavequestion milsim mods
Hi guys,
Just picked up Stalker 2 and not up on the modding scene. Coming from a ARMA and Squad background, I was wondering if there were any modders of note that plan on making content for realistic conflicts, weapons and factions? Not just Ukraine/Russia but others too?
submitted by excuseihavequestion to stalker [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 21:30 Str8uplayin PC Issues (help)
Hi all,
My brother has a PC build that has started giving him trouble. According to him, every so often he will go to boot up his PC and he gets a black screen that says no signal on the monitor. He claims all he has to do is reset the PC and it fires back up.
His drivers are said to be up to date.
Neither he or I are super tech savvy. He asked me about it today and I was stumped so I figured maybe someone out here could provide some insight. His PC build is as follows:
-B550 Plus WiFi II TUF gaming MB -2 Delta T Force DDR4 8GB ram -Samsung 979 EVI plus SSD -Aresgame AGV750 80 Bronze PSU -Challenger 6700XT -Ryzen 7 5700G -Monitor is Sceptre 144hz refresh rate
Any insight or input would be appreciated.
submitted by Str8uplayin to buildapc [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 21:30 glitterkitten_xoxo Thanksgiving Meal Delivery to Earlysville VA for my Grandma
Hi Charlottesville friends!
My grandma is spending Thanksgiving alone this year and I would like to get her a hot meal delivered. I'm unfortunately in a different state. :(
Looking for recommendations on services where I can order a nice Thanksgiving meal to be delivered to her house so she can enjoy some comfort even though I can't be there.
Thanks in advance for any ideas/leads! 💗🦃🍗🥧
submitted by glitterkitten_xoxo to Charlottesville [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 21:30 Kingston-876 Hostile Takeover
Is normal for people to team up and go fight one person in hostile takeover. I just got four people team up and wrecked me I thought I was a 5 person free for all but nope they all attacked only me. And to make sure I wasn’t tripping I respawned and stayed away and watch as they all sailed towards me and attacked again So is this normal so I can know to leave if others join from now on
submitted by Kingston-876 to SkullAndBonesGame [link] [comments]