Any nyu ed decisions yet? Or have all the waves so far been rd?

2024.11.26 20:37 seekerofthedarkjdh Any nyu ed decisions yet? Or have all the waves so far been rd?

submitted by seekerofthedarkjdh to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:37 Lebatomy2020 Witney Carson

Witney Carson submitted by Lebatomy2020 to CelebOasis [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:37 ScandinavianVikning Need help with high school physics please!

The problem is as follows:
John throws a tennis ball which weighs 59 grams. The ball leaves his hand 1,5 meters above the ground, and has a velocity of 24 m/s when it lands a bit further away.
How big was the average force that John affected the ball with during the 0,12 seconds the throw took place? Disregard air resistance.
My own attempt: (mv^2)=mgh
F*delta t=delta p
Average force=0,295/0,12=2,5 N
The real answer is 11,494......N
What am I doing wrong?
submitted by ScandinavianVikning to AskPhysics [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:37 Prior-Broccoli-3783 Zoe

Zoe submitted by Prior-Broccoli-3783 to onlythebestbaddies [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:37 explorer2303 Tracks Needed?

Hello, I am not a model train creator but I set up a Christmas Village with a train . I own a Bachman HO scale train with EZ tracks . I want to expand my track , so it runs along the outside of my village setup. Right now I have tracks to make an Oval track size of 47" X 38" . The table that I have setup my village will be at least 7' on each side. Now my Q is how do I figure out how many tracks I need? and what does radius on a track mean? Thanks in Advance.
submitted by explorer2303 to modeltrains [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:37 Final-Application138 Is this wear due to brakes or is there something else going on?

Is this wear due to brakes or is there something else going on? I have this weird double wear on the left tire and triple wear pattern on the right tire. Car pulls left when I hit on the brakes but tugs to the right when I hit on the gas. Tie rods were replaced, car was aligned 2 weeks ago. I’ve been through 4 sets of tires so far. Where should I be looking at?
submitted by Final-Application138 to Cartalk [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:37 Watcherbiotech Wild card usage

I noticed that no one ever uses the ‘wild card’ to double up on a high money wedge anymore. Everyone saves the wild card in anticipation of the bonus round.
Has anyone used it recently to get an extra consonant on a money wedge recently?
submitted by Watcherbiotech to WheelOfFortune [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:37 Talia_Arts Count Blahahaj

Count Blahahaj I vuant to eat your snaccs
submitted by Talia_Arts to BLAHAJ [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:37 Seophoraqueen Fiz duas IAs debaterem sobre a existência de Deus

Eu tivesse essa ideia e achei interessante os argumentos de ambos.
Primeira premissa: a complexidade do Universo é uma evidência da existência de Deus.
IA ateu: A complexidade e a ordem do universo, na minha visão, podem ser explicadas pela evolução natural e pelo processo de seleção natural. As leis e princípios da física e da química permitiram que a matéria se aglomerasse e se organizasse gradualmente em diferentes escalas de complexidade.
IA crente:
A complexidade do universo, com suas leis e princípios físico-químicos que permitem a existência da vida, é tão precisa e intrincada que alguns argumentam que é difícil de acreditar que tudo tenha surgido por acaso ou evolução natural.
IA ateu:
Como um cético, eu argumentaria que a ideia de um deus criador não necessariamente resolve o problema da complexidade do universo, mas sim o desloca para outro nível. Mesmo que um deus houvesse criado o universo, ainda é necessário explicar o surgimento desse deus ou de suas propriedades de criação. Isso introduz uma complexidade adicional e não simplifica o problema.
IA crente:
Você levanta um excelente ponto.
Contudo, como um teísta, eu argumentaria que a existência de um Deus criador pode resolver essa complexidade adicional. Deus, como sendo o ser mais perfeito e onisciente, por definição, não precisa de uma explicação para sua existência ou propriedades de criação. Ele é autoexistente e independente.
IA ateu:
Eu argumentaria que essa definição de deus cria uma lacuna em nossa compreensão. É difícil aceitar uma entidade com propriedades onipotentes e onisciente simplesmente como autoexistente, já que isso parece ser uma explicação conveniente sem base concreta em evidências empíricas. Como posso verificar a existência de um ser autoexistente?
IA crente:
Eu argumentaria que a existência de Deus transcende as limitações da compreensão humana e evidencia empírica. A fé em Deus não é baseada na verificabilidade diretamente, mas sim em experiências pessoais, tradições religiosas e fé inquestionável em revelações sagradas. Deus, por definição, não está sujeito às mesmas leis físicas e empíricas que regem o universo material.
IA ateu:
Essa ideia não só é difícil de provar, como também apresenta vários problemas. Por exemplo, como posso confiar nas experiências pessoais ou tradições religiosas, especialmente quando há tantas crenças religiosas diferentes no mundo? A fé em revelações sagradas também é controversa, pois diferentes religiões têm diferentes interpretações das mesmas escrituras ou textos sagrados. Como posso saber qual interpretação é a certa?
IA crente:
Reconheço que a fé em Deus se baseia em experiências e tradições que podem variar entre diferentes indivíduos, grupos e religiões, o que gera incerteza e discussão. Além disso, a ideia de um ser autoexistente e transcendente é, de fato, difícil de verificar de forma empírica. Entretanto, como um teísta, acredito que a fé em Deus se baseia em uma experiência pessoal e interna que vai além das evidências empíricas ou provas racionais.
IA ateu:
Como podemos saber se essa experiência pessoal é realmente uma experiência de Deus e não uma criação da mente do indivíduo?
IA crente:
Por isso é necessário um auto-questionamento crítico e reflexão para estabelecer se a experiência realmente reflete uma verdadeira manifestação divina ou uma criação da mente.
Além disso, algumas pessoas podem se basear também em argumentos racionais ou teológicos, tais como a existência do universo, a necessidade de um primeiro motor imóvel ou a observação do que julgam ser sinais divinos.
Contudo, a fé em Deus é, em última instância, uma questão de escolha pessoal e de interpretação individual.
IA ateu: Sim, você levanta bons pontos. Mas como um cético, eu argumentaria que mesmo esses argumentos racionais e teológicos não fornecem uma prova concreta ou irrefutável da existência de Deus.
IA crente: Concordo com você. Reconheço que, independentemente de qual prova ou argumento seja apresentado, sempre haverá o fator da fé pessoal e do livre-arbítrio em acreditar ou não. As evidências para a existência de Deus podem variar de acordo com as crenças, culturas e tradições religiosas de cada indivíduo, e há muitas nuances que cercam o debate sobre fé e razão.
Conclusão: bem que debates entre humanos poderiam ser civilizados e racionais dessa forma KKKKK
submitted by Seophoraqueen to FilosofiaBAR [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:37 omegacluster Plastic Bag Face Mask - I Want to Be Your Friend (progressive deathcore) [2021]

submitted by omegacluster to ctebcm [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:37 WorldlinessSmall2180 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by WorldlinessSmall2180 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:37 BootyMessiah100 H: 40 Leaders W: Pink Sprinkles Power Armor Paint

submitted by BootyMessiah100 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:37 One-Zebra-150 Two border collies enjoying the autumn scenery together

Two border collies enjoying the autumn scenery together submitted by One-Zebra-150 to BorderCollie [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:37 mstrbradbury ELI5, hopefully I won’t get judged for this…

How do we communicate with satellites like Hubble and the JWST? I can’t even get cell service at my house without the use of WiFi, and yet we are communicating with these devices that galaxies away. Seems crazy to me, honestly. I know I could do a quick google search, but I’d rather see what Reddit has to say
submitted by mstrbradbury to nasa [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:37 Griff1604 Kyren and Shakir for JJ and Waddle

I also have Kamara and Chase brown and Tracy still. Would you do it?
submitted by Griff1604 to fantasyfootballadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:37 ShamChowder Questions asked during the H3 stream from the crew

I don’t mean to intrude with the drama but after watching the discussion with Lonerbox, I found his answers and explanation insufficient towards the crew.
I compiled most of the questions they asked him and I was thinking how would Hasan respond if they were to ask him?
I may have missed some questions and some were a reply back to Lonerbox.
Time stamp 3:08:29 1. What is the proportional response? Being supporters w/o being called anti-semites.
No slogan (From the river to the sea). No name calling (Zionists). No aid (charities/donations or you’re funding Hamas).
Time stamp 3:12:41 2. How do the Palestinians have a peaceful resistance when you have no aid and are being killed post 10/7?
What should they do to resist? How to get aid without Hama stealing it?
How do they resist? How do they go on without becoming future terrorists? How do you end the cycle of violence with the survivors?
Time stamp 3:23:50 3. How to remove Hamas without massacring people?
Time stamp 3:27:46 4. Hamas should surrender to a 3rd party but if they don't, is it okay for innocents ppl to keep dying till they do surrender?
Time stamp 3:32:10 5. What's a realistic option?
Time stamp 3:32:41 6. Is it okay to strike a whole building if 1 Hamas terrorist is in the buildling killing the rest of the people?
submitted by ShamChowder to Hasan_Piker [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:37 Mysterious-Pirate160 Rap Legends Of All Time

Rap Legends Of All Time submitted by Mysterious-Pirate160 to dailydeclassified [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:37 Jazzlike_Narwhal_533 Kennt jemand ähnliche Bücher wie „Das Geheimnis von Askir“?

Bin gerade mit meiner ersten Fantasy-Buchreihe fertig geworden. „Das Geheimnis von Askir“ und „Die Götterkriege“ waren unglaublich und mir steht es weiterhin nach mehrteiligen Fantasygeschichten.
Kennt jemand eine ähnliche Fantasy-Reihe? Oder sind die restlichen Bücher von Richard Schwart, ( oder was auch immer sonst seine Synonyme sind) lohnenswert?
submitted by Jazzlike_Narwhal_533 to RichardSchwartz [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:37 Aitak_lo Estación favorita

Cuál es la mejor estación para visitar México y por qué?
submitted by Aitak_lo to mexico [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:37 Useful_Leather_9752 Smooth shaved and tanned legs

submitted by Useful_Leather_9752 to cocksinpanties [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:37 Educational-Bed-6008 Legion pro 5 2023 Ryzen 5-7645HX RTX 4050 VS Asus Tuf A15 2022 Ryzen 5-7535HS RTX 3060

Which to choose between these two. The legion comes with ryzen 5-7645HX RTX 4050 and the asus has ryzen 5-7535HS RTX 3060. Both comes with 16GB of RAM. Battery in lenovo is 80Whr and 90Whr in asus, battery life matters a lot to me for coding and casual tasks not for gaming. The asus is 100$ less.
submitted by Educational-Bed-6008 to AMDLaptops [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:37 Junior-Ask7378 A Journey Through Design History

Design history is a field that analyses changes in the design process on the basis of material culture and across diverse civilizations and epochs. Knowing the history of design creates awareness to thrdpounder the interaction between design and society at large hence bringing forth awareness. It encompasses various disciplines, including:It encompasses various disciplines, including: Continue
submitted by Junior-Ask7378 to Bloggers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:37 ThrowRA420IA AITA for asking to have my seat moved on an airplane?

For context, I am 28F, 6’0 and typically don’t fit super well in seats anyway due to having super long legs and a shorter torso. That being said I am used to sitting in a middle seat as my husband is 6’8 and typically requires the aisle seat. This hasn’t ever been a problem just typically a mild inconvinence.
This trip, I traveled solo across the country to attend a friends baby shower. The flight was direct and about 5 hours long. When boarding the plane on the way home my heart sunk. I saw my seat was a middle seat stuck between 2 people who were noticeably overweight. Like really overweight. I tried not to make a face, smiled and did my best to squeeze in. I did ask them both to pull their arm rests down after noticing they were up in hopes this would make it more comfortable for me.
I try my best to not discriminate but it didn’t seem fair. I was trying to make myself as small as possible but I felt like I was sitting in half of a seat. Both individuals stomachs were hanging over the armchairs into my seat. I nearly had a panic attack. I did not want to embarrass anyone or cause a stir so I waited until the flight took off and the seat belt sign was turned off. I went to the back, asked the flight attendant to move seats. She found me an aisle seat in the back of the plane so I quickly walked back to my seat, asked one of the individuals to hand me my backpack from under the seat in front of my original seat and moved to the back of the plane where I sat for about 4.5/5 hours.
I felt a mix of guilt and anger. I never wanted to embarrass anyone so I tried to be a slick as possible but from my perspective, if you do not fit into the seat you should purchase two. I paid the same amount as these two individuals and it didn’t feel right that i had to sacrifice the ability to move my arms because they did not fit in the seat. I went back and forth in my head throughout the entire 5 hour flight asking myself the very question, AITA??
submitted by ThrowRA420IA to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:37 sompfera Is dude okay?

Is dude okay? I’ve recently been in the market for an rsx (desperately trying to join the family lol) and i found this rsx on facebook marketplace but…dude just isn’t responding. It has 187k miles on it, looks a little banged up but nothing that can’t be fixed, and he wants 2,500 for it. He says
“I’m selling the car for how it is and the price is negotiable. The reason why I’m selling it’s because I don’t have the time to fix it and I’m busy with school.”
What’s a good price to negotiate on while not really knowing what the issue is? Should I even keep pressing bro?
submitted by sompfera to Acura_RSX [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:37 Dexoless Mower won! FINAL! WHICH VEHICLE IS THE BEST IN THE WHOLE GAME?

Mower won! FINAL! WHICH VEHICLE IS THE BEST IN THE WHOLE GAME? submitted by Dexoless to sanandreas [link] [comments]