Hot Take (?): Post-Rose Meruem is the strongest character in the HxH Anime.

2024.11.26 20:26 black-pantha Hot Take (?): Post-Rose Meruem is the strongest character in the HxH Anime.

Hot Take (?): Post-Rose Meruem is the strongest character in the HxH Anime. This shouldn’t be a hot take imo. I think Post-Rose Meruem is easily the strongest character in HxH. Stronger than prime Netero. But every single TikTok I’ve seen for the past year or so ALWAYS put Netero over Meruem. Every. Single. TikTok. Does this sub feel the same way?
submitted by black-pantha to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:26 honest-tea9 Mnemonica 2.0

submitted by honest-tea9 to Italia [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:26 Weegee48434pogo WB Palkia origin 9998 9059 9799

submitted by Weegee48434pogo to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:26 SnooRadishes9611 Application Rejected-90 day wait to reapply

I just got my application rejected at one location, do i still have to wait 90 days to reapply to a different location or is it just referring to the location i was rejected from? If i have to wait 90 days no matter the location, could i make a different account to bypass the 90-day wait?
submitted by SnooRadishes9611 to AmazonFC [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:26 saintrez Any ideas why layers start separating like this at random points in a print?

Any ideas why layers start separating like this at random points in a print? Hey All,
Fairly new to 3D printing. Bought the BambuLab A1 and have been printing away fine until yesterday.
However now I'm having these issues where layers begin to separate at random points in a print, I'm using Elegoo PLA+ Grey Filament with the below settings, any ideas? I'm kinda at a loss at what could be causing the problem as I've played with various temps and settings and confirmed there's no clogs going on.
I have had the machine make a grinding noise twice and stop mid print with an error about the cutter being stuck, but it never it and the magnet and ribbon cable are in place.
Nozzle Temp 220 Bed Temp 60 after first layer
submitted by saintrez to BambuLab [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:26 Low-Moment-555 Which trade should I take?

Which trade should I take? submitted by Low-Moment-555 to FantasyFootballers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:26 Sostrene_Blue Suis-je le seul à détester le patrimoine?

Je ne déteste pas le patrimoine en lui-même, mais je trouve qu'il est avant tout une charge.
Ce que je veux dire, c'est qu'en France on a énormément de patrimoine, mais vouloir le conserver à tout prix entraîne des coûts (notamment via les impôts, la conservation etc), alors qu'on pourrait davantage moderniser nos villes
De plus, la plupart des gens s'en moquent totalement du patrimoine : qui, parmi vous, pense à notre patrimoine chaque jour?
Je pense que vouloir conserver à outrance notre patrimoine nous empêche de moderniser nos infrastructures, notre architecture et notre qualité de vie
A Dubaï (pire exemple je sais), la vie peut sembler plus pratique car c'est une ville qui est partie de rien et adaptée pour la vie d'un citadin du 21ème siècle.
Pareil pour le Canada, avec des routes bien plus larges qui sont plus pratiques
submitted by Sostrene_Blue to TropPeurDeDemander [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:26 SaborFinds My bubbles look like cobwebs

My bubbles look like cobwebs submitted by SaborFinds to mildlyinteresting [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:26 First_Seaweed_555 Was zum Geier ist das?

Was zum Geier ist das? Moin moin, bin neu hier und allgemein relativ neu im Game. Die Tage ist mir was wirklich seltsames passiert und ich frage mich seither was da passiert ist. Kann mir jemand helfen und mich aufklären?! Ich hab herausgefunden, dass einer meiner etfs scheinbar für ein paar Minuten von 27€ auf über 2500€ gestiegen und sofort wieder runter auf den ursprünglichen Kurs gefallen ist. Aber wie kann das sein?
submitted by First_Seaweed_555 to wallstreetbetsGER [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:26 retro_Kadvil4 Best horse?

Where's the best place to get the best horse in the game?
submitted by retro_Kadvil4 to RDR2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:26 gruesomesonofabitch sea roach (ligia exotica) [OC]

sea roach (ligia exotica) [OC] submitted by gruesomesonofabitch to MacroPorn [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:26 scochennet Book 4 Chapter 34: Priori Incantatem

When the shades of Cedric, Frank, and Bertha are circling Voldemort and Harry, the book says they hiss words at Voldemort and encourage Harry. What do we think the three of them would be saying to Voldemort during this time? What kind of taunts would they hurl at him to discourage him?
submitted by scochennet to harrypotter [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:26 _Just_doit Is my Calamondin dying?

Is my Calamondin dying? Looking like it’s furling on the top on some yellow leaves
It’s in a greenhouse and I just fed it citrus fertiliser last week and this week
Should I do some repotting? Maybe the soil is bad?
submitted by _Just_doit to Citrus [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:26 InfamousFisherman573 Meditated for 116 days in a row 🎉

I never thought I’d be someone who could stick with a habit for this long, but here I am—116 days of meditation in a row. It started small, just 2 minutes a day, but tracking it in Mainspring habit tracker app kept me motivated to keep going.
At first, it felt like a chore, but now it’s something I actually look forward to. It’s helped me feel calmer, more focused, and way less stressed. Honestly, I’m just proud of myself for showing up every day.
Anyone else crushing their habit goals? Let’s celebrate some wins!
submitted by InfamousFisherman573 to enlightenment [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:26 Practical-Act-6563 Anyone want to control this athletic sissy femboy on cam? I'll get dressed in my lingerie and do whatever you say like a good little toy. Discord - localD701

submitted by Practical-Act-6563 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:26 Individual_Heart8011 Whats up with these dental schools taking centuries to send out interview invites!!!

submitted by Individual_Heart8011 to UCAT [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:26 FargoNoWells Big cluster on bubblemaps

Big cluster on bubblemaps I was looking at $CHILLGUY on bubblemaps and saw this big cluster of wallets holding 8.4% of the supply. Is this something to be hugely concerned about or can we expect this from most successful meme coins?
submitted by FargoNoWells to CHILLGUYCOIN [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:26 TradedMedia Target Signs Lease For 75500 Square Foot Retail Space At Flemington Marketplace With Vanessa Fernandez-Kelty And Jeffrey Howard

The transaction involves a retail property located at 325 US Route 202 in Flemington, New Jersey. This asset encompasses a total of 75,500 square feet and is situated within the Flemington Marketplace.
Summary of transaction details:

Target has signed a lease for the new store, which is set to open in the fall of next year. Levin ManagementCorp. and Ripco Real Estate facilitated this transaction, representing the landlord and Target, respectively.
Learn More: Target Signs Lease For 75500 Square Foot Retail Space At Flemington Marketplace With Vanessa Fernandez-Kelty And Jeffrey Howard
submitted by TradedMedia to tradednewjersey [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:26 FlimsyVisual9524 Winged Fury

Winged Fury Something I started working on. Honest feedback is so much appreciated.
submitted by FlimsyVisual9524 to PourPainting [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:26 Snerrir A city-state in the land of Kannesh

A city-state in the land of Kannesh submitted by Snerrir to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:26 XenonTheArtOfMotorc Shifter not doing anything

My rear shifter cable recently snapped and I have just replaced it, but now I'm indexing the gears, the shifter is doing nothing - any ideas on what could be happening?
While retrieving the snapped head, the shifter wasn't playing ball, but that was to be expected. But now the new cable is in, it still does very little. It was able to click a few positions each way for a bit but now is doing nothing and is stuck in it's tightest position.
It's a Claris R2000.
submitted by XenonTheArtOfMotorc to bikewrench [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:26 steffxoxoxoo H: Futuristic Globe, Alien Couch, Rockets, Pink & Teal Hazmat Plans W: 10k Caps Each

submitted by steffxoxoxoo to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:26 creamiimiilk Fan made RH Series?

Hihi!! Sorry if this isn't the right flare, I wasn't sure which to put it under!
But lately I've been thinking...RH fans are really creative, a lot of them anyway, and I've seen some GORGEOUS customs done. I myself have been getting more into customs and although I haven't posted any, I've done a lot for practice. In the mean time, I've been drawing different ideas for dolls to make, and accessories to make along side those dolls, just for fun.
But that got me thinking...if fans were able to make cute, unique fan made series that echoed the quality/style that rainbow high embodies..would anyone be interested in that? I've been experimenting with things that would make it easier to do faceups, and make them consistently good (and if they're ultimately a success I'll post it here) but that made me think, what if it were possible to make custom dolls w/ RH dolls, and make them a limited series that was available for sale?
Example: 4 custom dolls/designs based off fruits, 8 dolls made for each design, meaning a total of 32 dolls for that series would be for sale. (That's a lot, but you catch my drift.)
I know there's a lot to consider like if MGA would have a problem with that, but like, if they're not labeled as RH or anything and they're uniquely their own, wouldn't it be alright? I'm genuinely asking cuz I'm not well versed in any of that. Not using their name, just using the dolls as a base, and calling them custom art dolls or something would be alright, no?
There's also the fact that a lot of the appeal of rainbow high dolls in general is that they're high quality, and (mostly) affordable. (At least before the reboot) so it's worth it to consider if it would be possible to make these custom dolls around the same price, so that they're more accessible to the collectors who liked collecting Rainbow High in the first place.
I was just thinking about all of that while doodling, so I wanted to see what you guys thought!
Tl;dr: Would it be possible to make custom art/doll series using RH dolls as bases without being obliterated by MGA? would the community be into that if they reflected the same quality and price that made them appealing?
submitted by creamiimiilk to RainbowHigh [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:26 Fuzzy-Ad1872 spray boxes only string for 55 in Abudhabi I can deliver it too !

Msg me
submitted by Fuzzy-Ad1872 to UAETeenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:26 No-Improvement4760 Chapter 2 is up! 😍

Chapter 2 is up! 😍 A "While You Were Sleeping"-AU.
When Aziraphale, the lonely owner of a bookshop, saves the life of Beelzebub, he is mistaken for her fiancé by his family. While she is in a coma, things get complicated as Aziraphale begins to fall in love with her family - and her brother.
Chapter 2 is here: 🫶🏼
(For some reason, I have to post links like this 🫠)
submitted by No-Improvement4760 to GoodOmensAfterDark [link] [comments]