2024.11.26 22:36 CisIowa Ankeny Xmas Spirit!
submitted by CisIowa to Iowa [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 22:36 Immediate-Hat937 She is too pretty
submitted by Immediate-Hat937 to AnyaTaylorJoyFans [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 22:36 Jer_Sg Quest 2 to psvr 2 upgrade worth it?
I checked the faq and couldnt find an answer to this question so hopefully this is ok
With the current very good black friday sale on the psvr2 i was wondering if the upgrade from quest 2 will be worth it.
I was never a massive fan of how the quest 2 always felt like a bit blurry and low res at times, coupled with air link at times just having random issues and the fov being a bit small made a great but at times frustrating experience.
Now that the psvr2 is on a great discount i was thinking of upgrading and after all the research ive done a while ago i thought i was convinced, but ive seen some posts that make me worry like a blurry screen (granted it was photographed from inside the headset).
So yeah honestly what would be the opinion here is the upgrade worth it?, i have both a ps5 and a pretty good pc so id be playing both psvr and pcvr
And how does it stack up against the quest 3? I heard that they are pretty close and its more of a case of you either like apples or oranges.
I dont want to get a quest 3 if im honest because of the price difference and the fact that it would just be a graphical update instead of also opening up a new platform. But if the difference is so big then id probably wait for the inevitable quest 4
submitted by Jer_Sg to VRGaming [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 22:36 LionheartOnEdge The full 5 minute penalty kill from last night [via @DevilsJointX on X]
Bonus empty netter thrown in for good measure! That crowd noise ❤️🥺🫡 submitted by LionheartOnEdge to devils [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 22:36 Affectionate-Cell-73 Aspect of reanimation not salvaging nor dropping
I try to find this aspect for my necro minion build and i found around 4 object with this aspect but none of theme where salvages by blacksmith in the codex, i also tryed the aldurwood dungeon multiple time but it's not unlocking, it is a bug or am i doing something wrong?
submitted by Affectionate-Cell-73 to diablo4 [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 22:36 yao26 Чому жінок не мобілізують?
Рівність прав ≠ рівність обов'язків?
submitted by yao26 to reddit_ukr [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 22:36 apptikka ASICS Men’s Gel-Nimbus 25 Running Shoes (various colors) only $41.07 - Follow us: https://deals.w.link/
submitted by apptikka to DealsShoppingOnline [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 22:36 ning2011 Snitches get _______.
submitted by ning2011 to AskOuija [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 22:36 Kiwi-Frilatte48 Me ayudarían a buscar el álbum?
Hace como dos años YouTube me recomendó un álbum de música de 8bits y la portada era un gato blanco creo sobre una cuerda floja que manejaba un monociclo mientras hacía malabares o sostenía una barra de equilibrio, tenía un cuello como los de los payasos y el fondo era Rosita, el nombre del video estaba como en árabe o tailandes no recuerdo, pero si era otro idioma, si alguien lo ha visto me podría decir como se llama? Algo así como la imagen, no se ve igual pero 😆 es más o menos así
submitted by Kiwi-Frilatte48 to Music [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 22:36 MisterMacbooki7 macOS Sequoia for MacBook Pro 2019 13inch?
So I recently got a MacBook Pro 2019 13inch i5 1.4Ghz 8GB Ram on Sonoma. Ignore the low ram thing i know it’s bad it’s just out of the point. I want to know whether upgrading to Sequoia (which is supported for this Mac) is better than sonoma? Any help?
submitted by MisterMacbooki7 to macbookpro [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 22:36 SuccessSea1852 Gua sha experiences?
I just heard about this from a friend of mine? Can anyone share any experiences?
submitted by SuccessSea1852 to 30PlusSkinCare [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 22:36 apptikka 100-LBs BalanceFrom Dumbbell Set: Pairs of 5 lb, 10 lb, 15 lb and 20 lb only $69 - Follow us: https://deals.w.link/
submitted by apptikka to DealsShoppingOnline [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 22:36 reddit_lover8 I suck at this game
I haven’t been playing rhythm hive as much as I used to but it’s like I can’t play a single song with out getting a good 😔 how did I end up sucking at a game I used to be cracked at ??
submitted by reddit_lover8 to RhythmHive [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 22:36 iamhereforbeer Bremse reagiert nach Bremssattelwechsel später
Vorab, tut mir leid falls das der Fall Subreddit ist, aber ich hab keinen anderen gefunden.
Folgendes Thema: Habe letzte Woche bei meinem Audi A3 2011 den TÜV und HU machen lassen und im Zuge dessen musste der Bremssattel hinten rechts gewechselt werden. Grund hierfür war, dass die Handbremse bei zu festem Anziehen sich nicht mehr lösen hat lassen. Anders konnte man das nicht beheben (die Jungs in der Audiwerkstatt sind Freunde der Familie).
Was mir sofort aufgefallen ist, ist dass mein Auto viel später auf die Bremse reagiert. Ich wars seit Jahren gewohnt, dass ich die Bremse nur sanft betätigen musste und schon hat das Auto angenehm gebremst. Jetzt reagiert die Bremse fast gar nicht bei leichten betätigten und erst bei intensiveren durchtreten habe ich die gewohnte Bremswirkung. Der Unterschied ist signifikant.
Ich hab natürlich gleich die Jungs in der Werkstatt gefragt und die meinten dass mehrfach entlüftet wurde und das alles passen sollte. Einer der Kollegen meinte, dass mein Bremssattel wohl zu nah stand, dh sich zwar von der Bremse gelöst hatte, aber nicht den vollen Weg zurück gegangen ist, somit hat die Bremse früher immer weniger Entfernung zur Scheibe und hat deshalb früher reagiert. Klingt verständlich, mich wundert halt nur, dass ich das Auto seit 2012 habe, es Checkheft gepflegt ist, dh alles ordentlich gemacht wurde und ich mich trotzdem nicht daran erinnern kann, dass die Bremse jemals so spät reagiert hat.
Hat jemand Erfahrung mit dem Thema?
submitted by iamhereforbeer to automobil [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 22:36 KiwiRico Just Realized How BAD The Starlancers MFD's are Compared To The Freelancer
submitted by KiwiRico to starcitizen [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 22:36 itemluminouswadison Watch Spotting: At An International Meetup For Vintage Heuer Collectors
submitted by itemluminouswadison to watchnews [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 22:36 drasvlo what do you guys think?
I made a letter to my GF using my conlang, Is It cute? submitted by drasvlo to neography [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 22:36 Kitchen_Warning_512 Hosting Origin Palkia w/ 2 locals. Join up 058437328406 and 990312458162
Hosting Origin Palkia w/ 2 locals. Join up 058437328406 and 990312458162
submitted by Kitchen_Warning_512 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 22:36 RicardoGamer379 What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by RicardoGamer379 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 22:36 Ens-Causa-Sui Got a perfect score on the tile match. Did they make it easier? It feels easier.
submitted by Ens-Causa-Sui to CookieRunKingdoms [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 22:36 larry72345 it was going to happen sooner or later
submitted by larry72345 to SnootGame [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 22:36 patentcuffs Why do they post photos like that?
submitted by patentcuffs to RealHookupAdvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 22:36 Whysoangry2 This feels like a money grab season for something else in the future.
submitted by Whysoangry2 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 22:36 LeftOverCrack17 B.lack U.rban R.ough T.hug
submitted by LeftOverCrack17 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 22:36 Equatorial_Guinea LOL is this a good find or nah
submitted by Equatorial_Guinea to DumpsterDiving [link] [comments] |