Aston Martin 1964 DB5-Goldfinger

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2024.11.26 21:40 45Auto1 Aston Martin 1964 DB5-Goldfinger

Aston Martin 1964 DB5-Goldfinger Had a real blast on this build. DID NONOT know it was a Snap Together kit when I ordered it! HOWEVER, it is a Revell German-made kIt and listed as a Level 2, but at 122 pieces I feel it should be at least a level 3, maybe a 4. I did take the time to paint much of the kit and I think it turned out ok.
submitted by 45Auto1 to ModelCars [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 I-am-ocean Seekbar in pip

Is it possible to have a seekbar in the pip?
submitted by I-am-ocean to revancedapp [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 ef1swpy Pilot dies en-route to Albany while transporting rescue dogs

Pilot dies en-route to Albany while transporting rescue dogs RIP Seuk Kim 💔 Condolences to his family!
submitted by ef1swpy to Albany [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 Cpt_Kalash Finally finished the game. I feel sad

69 hours and 17 minutes was what it took me and a pal to play through the game. I am currently heartbroken knowing this is it and there’s no more adventures. I thought the adventure would last forever to be honest and now that it’s ended, I feel so sad! This has been the best game I’ve played in my lifetime. And it saddens me to the greatest lengths that I will never, ever experience something like this ever, EVER, again :(
But what a fucking amazing game this was. Cheers to the developers!
submitted by Cpt_Kalash to BG3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 ph0tonflocks What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by ph0tonflocks to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 No_Blacksmith_7734 Am I getting groomed, how do I get out of this situation.

I'm sorry that this is so long but I don't know how else to write it and give the full picture. I just really don't know what to do. Maybe i should have added a trigger warning but the title feels pretty self explanatory.
I’m a 15 year old girl, and I've been talking to a guy for the past two years. Currently he's almost 23. We started talking online due to meating on an app that's made for making friends and yes, the app said that you should be 18+ to download it but I didn't really care at the time. I had just changed schools due to how badly behaved the kids at that school were and the fact that I was really struggling socially and was honestly really lonely. I started getting bullied by a guy in my class and eventually more people went in. I wanted to have someone to talk to so that was why I signed up. I lied about my age, I was 13 and said that I was 18 and after a few days of having the app he reached out to me. During the first year we were only friends, we had so much in common and I really felt understood by him. He told me things about his life that I could really relate to back then. It was about 4 months into our conversation where I told him my real age, he said he was really shocked but was fine with it as long as I was and didn’t want to lose someone who he had such a great connection with. I've always been called mature for my age so I guess it's not that weird. We stayed friends for about a year.
One day he sent me a message that basically said that we had to be in a relationship if we wanted to continue talking like we were. Otherwise we would just have to stop being so close or just stop talking altogether. I didn’t want to lose him since he was the closest friend I had so I said yes. Shortly after he said he loved me and I said it back even though I didn't really know how I felt about it. I had never liked anyone at all before so yeah, didn’t really have much to base it off. We continued talking and getting closer and it became slightly sexual over time, mostly just that we’ve been making jokes about such things but I do know some things about him in that regard that I shouldn't.
He’s constantly telling me how much he loves me and how pretty I am and how nice I am, how much he misses me and thanking me for letting him be with me as well as that he wants to kiss me and hug me and cuddle with me. Not to mention that he wants a future with me. It's really nice to hear such things. I'm self conscious about almost everything about me and he helps reduce that but lately it’s been feeling too much. Lately he's been talking about meeting up sometime during my summer break and I agreed to it. He wanted us to meet somewhere private. He even went as far as to suggest that we should meet in the forest or that he rents/books a place for us. I've said no to this since it feels way too stereotypically “something bad is gonna happen to me” . I feel weird about being with him like this, and whenever I try to talk about it he just gets really sad and it ends up with me taking it all back and just saying that it was just being self conscious again.
He has always wanted me to be secretive about him but I didn't really think about such a thing when we were only friends so I told my friend about him, which he isn’t really happy about. They don't know anything about us being in a relationship with him though, neither do my parents. I care about him a lot and I don't want to hurt his feelings but I feel trapped in a way. I just have such a bad feeling about it and I don't know how to get out of this mess. I don't want to be alone and I feel really guilty for feeling this way about him but I have other friends now and I'll be able to make a lot more friends soon since I'm going to a much bigger school next year.
He knows a lot about me, too much admittedly. He has a lot of pictures of me, (lucky all non sexual), knows my full name and address as well as which school i go to and has my phone number as well as my school email. I know I was stupid to tell him this much but I really trusted him and i didnt think about the consequences that could arise.
Non surprisingly I really don't want to tell my parents so if I can by any means avoid that then that would be great.
submitted by No_Blacksmith_7734 to groomingvictim [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 throwaway_acc0untduh Shopped as an employee today...

And it took my discount on non sale items and also purchased black friday deals with no issue. Screw what the bpu said! We are able to shop freely.
submitted by throwaway_acc0untduh to tractorsupply [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 GreenEyedGoliath That’s code, right?

That’s code, right? Came across this on a reno/flip we’re doing. Was sealed in drywall and painted.
submitted by GreenEyedGoliath to electricians [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 Gibbed_Kettle Juggernaut origin

Whatever happened to the juggernaut origin? Where you started with a delapitated flagship in your origin system.
When was it removed? Why was it removed?
submitted by Gibbed_Kettle to Stellaris [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 brucefromvancity Is it just me or are they using abit of the retro miles for the new spider boy?

Is it just me or are they using abit of the retro miles for the new spider boy? Should have already come with butterfly joints
submitted by brucefromvancity to MarvelLegends [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 AssBlastrTwoThousand Roomba, I JUST got this starship. how long till were underway?

Roomba, I JUST got this starship. how long till were underway? submitted by AssBlastrTwoThousand to 691 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 Tiny-Logalberrie-54 I wouldn’t care if he died on the way home today

submitted by Tiny-Logalberrie-54 to Unsent_Unread_Unheard [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 ThatFatGuy98 Rate my DBZ cosplay

submitted by ThatFatGuy98 to VintageStory [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 muddybuddy442 i drooled on my shirt :c

its so over 😔
submitted by muddybuddy442 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 Longjumping-Tune-454 Is it possible she won’t cheat but move on fast?

Because I don’t think mine could when she was attached, maybe they keep a back up friend as can’t give commitment as she would rather move on than be left?
submitted by Longjumping-Tune-454 to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 Ok-Relation6122 Kick him

submitted by Ok-Relation6122 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 urgod42069 there's no way... 😧

there's no way... 😧 submitted by urgod42069 to hearthstone [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 Wide_Jacket3694 THANK YOU SAMUYIL

submitted by Wide_Jacket3694 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 ExamLoud9862 I know exactly who u need to trib n get milked to. Contact on last2pics only if u triiib

I know exactly who u need to trib n get milked to. Contact on last2pics only if u triiib submitted by ExamLoud9862 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 zerosanity Where to buy Rainbow Apocalypse Expansion?

I recently tried this game and it is lots of fun. I'm looking to buy it but finding almost all the listings for it are counterfeit on amazon and google shopping.
Ended up finding most of the expansions on the official unstable games website except for Rainbow Apocalypse. Here is the expansion I'm looking for
I'm worried about trying to purchase this from anywhere due to the majority of the listings for anything unstable unicorns being very suspect of counterfeit. I've never had this issue of mass counterfeit listings when buying games before.
Where can I buy this expansion?
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
submitted by zerosanity to UnstableUnicorns [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 splitshredder Pick up basketball at the Rec Center?

I played in the past but stopped and looking to play again. Are people still playing on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays? Thx!
submitted by splitshredder to JacksonHole [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 JuiceAffectionate252 Voltar para meu antigo emprego ou ficar no telemarketing?

Me formo esse semestre em direito, trabalhei num escritório de advocacia por 3 anos, porém foi para uma vaga predominantemente administrativa, por conta disso não tive uma experiencia juridica de fato. Acontece que em maio desse ano, decidi que gostaria de mudar de setor, pois já vou me formar e essa experiencia no jurídico seria muito importante para o meu futuro profissional.
Consegui ser transferida para um dos jurídicos do escritório, porém não me adaptei com a gestão, então, depois de 2 meses, acabei pedindo meu desligamento.
Desde então decidi me dedicar exclusivamente aos estudos, porém o dinheiro está curto, e para tentar conciliar trabalho/estudos, acabei aceitando uma vaga de telemarketing, por ser homeoffice e com carga horária reduzida.
Acontece que a minha vaga no setor administrativo do escritório está novamente em aberto, e estou tentada a mandar mensagem para o meu antigo gestor informando que tenho interesse, pois eu gostava do que fazia e do pessoal com quem trabalhava.
Perguntei ao meu namorado e ele me disse pra não aceitar, pq vou estar regredindo. Realmente não é uma vaga que vá me agregar profissionalmente, e não pretendo ficar novamente por tantos anos, porém no momento estou realmente precisando ganhar dinheiro, e o telemarketing é pessimo como vocês bem devem saber.
PS: na vaga anterior o salário também era maior que o atual, porém é uma vaga presencial.
Além disso, quando eu sai, acabaram dividindo a minha vaga em duas, e indiquei meu melhor amigo pro cargo. O que significa que trabalhariamos juntos.
E aí, o que vocês fariam no meu lugar?
submitted by JuiceAffectionate252 to conselhosdecarreira [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 Southern-Dream4931 Me ajudem por favor oque pode ser isso?coça muito nasceu só em um lado das coxas entre as coxas

Coça muito achei até que fosse impingem estou preocupada me ajudem por favor
submitted by Southern-Dream4931 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 Ali-Imran- BBC: Bushra Ali Amin key sath bhag gaee 😩😩😩😩

BBC: Bushra Ali Amin key sath bhag gaee 😩😩😩😩 submitted by Ali-Imran- to PAK [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 21:40 Eween Obligé de vous partager cette pépite

Obligé de vous partager cette pépite submitted by Eween to Linkedinfr [link] [comments]