How was my post the top three of the year??

2024.11.26 23:22 EGG_LOVER_ How was my post the top three of the year??

submitted by EGG_LOVER_ to PhightingRoblox [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:22 Life-Bid5983 [USA-TX] [H] XFX Speedster Merc 319 RX 6950XT 16GB [W] PayPal I have a pristine XFX RX 6950XT for sale- $450 shipped (CONUS only). I purchased it new in Aug 2023 and used it for eight months. It is a beautifully manufactured gpu- all aluminum construction, subtle LED lights: RADEON RX 6950 XT. This thing is a BEAST and closely competes with the current gen RTX 4070Ti Super in performance, and reportedly out performs the RX 7800XT, RX 7900GRE and the RTX 4070 Super, per Hardware Unboxed 12 game tests in 1080/1440/4K. This triple fan, triple slot gpu measures 13.4 x 5.5 x 2.2 inches. Check your case. AMD/XFX recommend an 850 Watt power supply. TechPowerUp suggests a 700 watt psu. I have another XFX RX 6950XT running in a spare computer with a Seasonic 750 watt psu and it does just fine. The gpu maxes out at just under 300 watts at full gaming load, and my entire computer system measures 485 watts at the wall plug under max gaming conditions. The RX 6950XT idles at about 20 watts. It is powered by two 8-pin connectors. It requires a 64-bit OS and supports Linux, Win 7/10/11. This former AMD flagship offers current gen level performance with 16GB of VRAM for futureproofing, all at a discount price. I will promptly ship this gpu and provide both a tracking number and full insurance coverage. Please comment before PM. Thx . D4D
submitted by Life-Bid5983 to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:22 Phantomasmca Teclas Impresión Lateral ISO Español?

Teclas Impresión Lateral ISO Español? Como se me acaba de borrar todo el puñetero post después de estar recopilando enlaces e información, trato de ir al grano que seguro sabéis más que yo.
Después de estar buscando teclados y la "mayoría" resultan ser distribución ANSI, veo una posible solución. He encontrado un teclado con distribución ISO (nórdica) pero claro, lo suyo sería ponerle unas teclas españolas, a poder ser de impresión lateral (side printed) pero no las encuentro por ningún lado.
Busco estas teclas o similares en español:
Para meterlas en este teclado que creo es el Akko 5075B Plus
Me gusta que es compacto y tiene teclas directas para inicio, fin, avanzar y retroceder página.
A ver si me dais otras posibilidades. He visto otros teclados como el Aula F99 Pro pero sólo tiene 3 teclas entre teclado y numérico (inicio y páginas). El Royal Kludge RK98 tiene las teclas desplazadas encima del numérico y son 4, pero en lugar de poner la tecla fin ponen la tecla insertar.... ¬_¬
submitted by Phantomasmca to MechanicalKeyboards [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:22 Purple-Sir7860 Loa question

Dls just told me that i can take loa upto 5 weeks only. Can i use vacation aftwr my loa to extend time a week or two or i have to go back after loa
submitted by Purple-Sir7860 to AmazonFC [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:22 Flowodre315 What mods should I get?

I got wu Kong prime recently and wanna make him a good dps what mods would help with that?
submitted by Flowodre315 to Warframe [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:22 PossiblePast WB Palkia w/ 2 locals using party power 264697587429

submitted by PossiblePast to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:22 True-Concept-6633 Snap:flix2477 add if your a cuck or a F. Very open minded :)

submitted by True-Concept-6633 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:22 superarmandbros Why is the coin’s $ value on phantom not matching up with $ the value of SOL?

submitted by superarmandbros to SnakewifHat [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:22 AnyResidentOps Manifestation contre l’OTAN | « Qu’on arrête les voyous ! », réclame François Legault

submitted by AnyResidentOps to montreal [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:22 OriolesrRavens1974 Awesome nose video. Lots of dry chunks and a shooter.

Awesome nose video. Lots of dry chunks and a shooter. submitted by OriolesrRavens1974 to popping [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:22 faeladawn I'm gonna slay some zombies!!!

submitted by faeladawn to vtubers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:22 lilqtpierikki ✨Sets✨

✨Sets✨ submitted by lilqtpierikki to Pocketfrogs [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:21 Yxordart [For Hire] Nsfw furry/ anime artist and character designer. You can see more information in the Comments below

submitted by Yxordart to anthro [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:21 galaxyfan1997 Could mayonnaise be considered a musical instrument?

I am part of my neighbor’s marching band. During rehearsal, I asked him if mayonnaise is an instrument. He said no and also told me that horse radish is not an instrument either. However, he’s pretty pessimistic most of the time, so I’m not sure if I totally believe him. Could it be said that mayonnaise is an instrument?
submitted by galaxyfan1997 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:21 Cow_Abduction4832 17f hey ya so bored rn💀💀 looking for friends :)

Helloooooo!!! Kinda hard to write this. I enjoy learning about new cultures and languages!! I'd love to know about yours
I'm also into traveling (dont do that much tho lolll) scifi and romcom movies and MINECRAFT AND ROBLOX👌👌 lmk if u also do so i can add u
Hobbies prolly would be dancing and watching youtube (i watch it more than tv shows) and listening to songs. pretty basic
Have a great rest of dayyy!!
submitted by Cow_Abduction4832 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:21 OP_Looks_Fishy2 Live wallpaper, summer edition {by Sina Weibo}

Live wallpaper, summer edition {by Sina Weibo} submitted by OP_Looks_Fishy2 to ArtComingToLife [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:21 GhostSunday I give up.

Please Lord take me tonight. It can always get worse an I can handle not one more thing. I am tapped out.
submitted by GhostSunday to Reformed [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:21 Maintenancegirl Will this be super expensive to have fixed?

2018 dodge caravan. Husband backed into mailbox. Mailbox is fine. Will this be super expensive to fix? Trying to determine if we should make a claim with our insurance or just pay for repairs ourselves. TIA.
submitted by Maintenancegirl to Autobody [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:21 Kid_with_problem I wish water tension didnt exist

sometimes it just screws me over. i hate physics
submitted by Kid_with_problem to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:21 MrFlow I rewatched Sam Raimi's Spider-Man again and had forgotten about this scene, even though J. Jonah Jameson was always a douche to Peter, he protected his sources and was brave enough to not give Peter's identity up.

I rewatched Sam Raimi's Spider-Man again and had forgotten about this scene, even though J. Jonah Jameson was always a douche to Peter, he protected his sources and was brave enough to not give Peter's identity up. submitted by MrFlow to comicbookmovies [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:21 RichFrasier Elderly Woman

Elderly Woman submitted by RichFrasier to pics [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:21 Nervous_Put5617 Deputy responding to missing girl report ends up battering a teenage boy

submitted by Nervous_Put5617 to policebrutality [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:21 Phos_1Inclusion 28nb. converse with me about things and stuff.

not doing anything. woke up feeling sick and groggy but i just had some coffee so hopefully that wakes me right up. if you're like depressed and s*icidal and need to vent i'm right there with ya. can't guarantee i'll be of any help, though! i'm just here to provide a listening ear, figuratively
submitted by Phos_1Inclusion to chat [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:21 Vailhem Superalloys withstand 1112°F test to protect nuclear fusion reactors

Superalloys withstand 1112°F test to protect nuclear fusion reactors submitted by Vailhem to materials [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:21 MrBabelFish42 Life Hack for the Colorblind

Take a picture of an outfit or yourself wearing it, then upload it to Chat GPT and ask if your clothes match. It’s money and will make you more confident about your choices.
submitted by MrBabelFish42 to ColorBlind [link] [comments]