
2024.11.26 22:40 BubblyOption7980 Ganso

Saindo contundido. Renato Augusto vai dar conta?
Precisamos desta vitoria hoje!
submitted by BubblyOption7980 to nense [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:40 luism6n [Aureo Ribeiro] PL 2613/2024 (21): Altera a Lei nº 11.340, de 7 de agosto de 2006, para dispor sobre a tutela provisória de filhos menores em caso de violência doméstica e familiar.

submitted by luism6n to BoletimDaCamara [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:40 Ok-Afternoon-2113 What are you doing here? 😭

What are you doing here? 😭 submitted by Ok-Afternoon-2113 to funny [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:40 Tasty-Park-9819 New referral code available to use. Save up to $2000
submitted by Tasty-Park-9819 to teslareferralcode [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:40 AleFallas Rei lockscreen

Rei lockscreen submitted by AleFallas to evangelion [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:40 HollowmanArts Whitemask [OC]

Whitemask [OC] submitted by HollowmanArts to DigitalArt [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:40 NightTarot Public Service Announcement

Public Service Announcement submitted by NightTarot to bonehurtingjuice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:40 Anonymous375555_3 Does that ball lives here now? Forever!

This is supposed to be a ball and spring snap thingy. Unfortunately the ball got stuck in the groove and I can’t get it out. I tried WD40 and degreaser but nothing worked. Is there anyway to get this thing out?
submitted by Anonymous375555_3 to Machinists [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:40 ZenicDesigns420 Ben & Luca saving the vibes

Ben & Luca saving the vibes
submitted by ZenicDesigns420 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:40 luism6n [Lucio Mosquini] PL 2470/2024 (20): Altera a Lei nº 12.651, de 25 de maio de 2012, Código Florestal, para dispor sobre recomposição de áreas suprimidas dentro da reserva legal e dá outras providências.

submitted by luism6n to BoletimDaCamara [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:40 RecentComedian5731 I'm being blackmailed

(This is a throwaway account just in case)
So, I know, I wasn't thinking with with the right head. Last night, I matched with someone on a dating app. Things escalated and she asked for my number. Things kept escalating and she asked for me to do a video call on Whatsapp. All of a sudden she hangs up. 2 minutes pass by and she says that if I don't send her money she's gonna leak everything and she sends me a recording of the video call showing my face and junk. She said that if I don't send her $500 she's gonna make a post claiming I have HIV and I'm also a pedophile. That she has all my information and all of my contacts and she'll send everything to them. I panicked a bit, asked her to give me untill Wednesday. She kept insisting and I blocked her.
Today, another number texts me, saying that the worst thing I could've done was blocking her, she again sends me the video and tells me that they're gonna come kill me tomorrow if I don't send the money. I once again blocked the number.
Lesson learned, I will never do that again and I will start thinking the right way.
What are the chances of her leaking everything and what are the chances of me getting killed? Should I contact the authorities? The number that first texted me was a local phone number and the new number that texted me today is from the Dominican Republic.
submitted by RecentComedian5731 to Sextortion [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:40 CallMeBigDaddyy 24M how bad is it and how to improve it? swipe for more.

thank you in advance.
submitted by CallMeBigDaddyy to malegrooming [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:40 Spicy_Disaster_ Can’t wait to get the f*ck out of here

I’m a 5th year PhD candidate in Biochemistry and am slated to defend and graduate in the spring. I haven’t posted on here in years, but figured this was the perfect place to vent. After almost 5 full years in the program I am so done with every faculty member I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. The misogyny, the racism, the ableism, plus everything else grad students as a whole experience has been enough to drive me up a wall. I go to therapy once, sometimes twice a week and while I have struggled with mental health for over a decade, it’s never been as bad as during grad school. I know they didn’t initially want me in the program as I was a second or third round pick (after the initial choices said no), and not a moment goes by that the way I am treated reminds me of that. It is different than how some of my white colleagues have been treated, and whenever it has been brought up there have been consequences for me and them. Assuming they will even pass me at my defense, I will be beyond happy to get my degree just out of sheer spite! It feels good to get it off my chest to a group of strangers. Here’s hoping I can finish these next few months. 🤞🏾
submitted by Spicy_Disaster_ to PhD [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:40 fluoride-injex 💥BREAKING NEWS💥 NOV. 26 2024- Yolo and the catfish bust it wide open with facts on wrench and made him choke!

💥BREAKING NEWS💥 NOV. 26 2024- Yolo and the catfish bust it wide open with facts on wrench and made him choke! submitted by fluoride-injex to Legendarywrenchsnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:40 CarelessTelephone256 MOMMA DUCK GOES OFF ON FYB J MANE😲

MOMMA DUCK GOES OFF ON FYB J MANE😲 submitted by CarelessTelephone256 to Chiraqology [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:40 whatsupbrother123abc Help getting trident rod

Can anyone help me get the Trident rod because I have 150k cash and more than 5 relics but I need help discovering 100% of the fish in desolate pocket. Text me if you can help.
submitted by whatsupbrother123abc to FischRoblox [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:40 Belt839 My dad lore will be crazy :3 ✨

If I ever become a dad (which is never happening :3 ) ✨
submitted by Belt839 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:40 HeavyKitten239 f- it 🤷🏽‍♀️🤞🏼

submitted by HeavyKitten239 to fanduel [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:40 NoobleyBerret i need help on something

on the piano roll the moving is not quite working well
the problem:
how can i fix this?
submitted by NoobleyBerret to FL_Studio [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:40 Regular_Praline_8666 Litter box

Hey y'all. We just adopted a 4 month kitten and we are trying to teach him to use the litter box. He doesn't want to stay in it and goes to the food plate instead; trying to move the imaginary sand. The new litter box is closed but we opened until he gets used to it. Any advice on how to make him use it?
submitted by Regular_Praline_8666 to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:40 turbocohete [s2 spoilers] Christian Linke (Arcane co-creator) about Sky and Viktor

Recently on Twitter they asked him what Skye represents in Viktor's mind and Spideraxe answered with an audio from Christian about this...
"you think it's actually like the remnants of his humanity is his reason but actually is the hex core who over time leads Viktor towards getting what he wants which is as much influence as possible as much power as possible and eventually the glorious evolution so when Viktor finally comes to the conclusion that the glorious evolution must happen Sky and the hex core is done and has achieved what was the goal"
Link >>> HERE
submitted by turbocohete to arcane [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:40 luism6n [Coronel Chrisóstomo] PL 2333/2024 (23): Institui o Programa Nacional de Reabilitação Tecnológica Avançada.

submitted by luism6n to BoletimDaCamara [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:40 MacDaddyDC WTF is Spectrum’s problem with listing the channels on each tier for cable tv?

I spent a couple hours on their website today trying to simply choose which cable tv tier I wanted to have installed. Went through 2 internet chat sessions with different agents and finally a very frustrating phone call.
I’m already and internet customer and am very happy with it, it’s rarely down and speeds stay consistent.
Does anyone have info on their tv tiers and channels? I’m sick of having to sign in to their site and receive a 2fa text to only go directly to the same spot I was on in a different tab. Regardless of choosing new customer or I have an existing account, just an endless loop of bullshit.
i truly want to compare channels, choose a package with a dvr included, and get it installed. I despise my current Directv and really want to move on from them.
Questions, comments, and snide remarks appreciated :)
submitted by MacDaddyDC to Spectrum [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:40 s4074433 Pricing of items and its user experience

submitted by s4074433 to UX4All [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:40 marijan00 Tips needed: how do I remove these white steaks and spots off my glass stove top?

I steam cleaned my stove tops but nothing really helped. I'm fairly new to glass stove tops but I can't get these white stains off. Has anyone dealt with these and if so how do they get it back to normal? This is an apartment so any help would be appreciated!
submitted by marijan00 to CleaningTips [link] [comments]