What is the best thing strangers have done for you?

2024.11.26 22:11 Cheap_Example_289 What is the best thing strangers have done for you?

submitted by Cheap_Example_289 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:11 National-Floor8766 Spider-Ectype. Spider-ectype. Does what ever a spider can. Shots a grapple, any time. Defeat the hollow just like flies. LOOK OUT! HERE COMES THE SPIDER-ECTYPE!

Spider-Ectype. Spider-ectype. Does what ever a spider can. Shots a grapple, any time. Defeat the hollow just like flies. LOOK OUT! HERE COMES THE SPIDER-ECTYPE! submitted by National-Floor8766 to joinvoidcrew [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:11 dieunderfeet5 Goddess Jessica Wants to Teach a Lesson About How to Crush

submitted by dieunderfeet5 to BugCrushin [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:11 Cheesebreadplz Failed unit

Has anyone ever successfully fought a failed unit? I had a must pass assignment that I failed.
I don’t think I’ve ever felt so disappointed in myself. I worked so hard this year to get through, and this has just completely thrown me under.
I’ve been at uni for 7 years and due to graduate in 2025.. this will now add another 2 years into my degree.
I genuinely don’t think I can do it.
submitted by Cheesebreadplz to curtin [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:11 Birdwithabowtie 4 year or CC to transfer?

Hey yall I need some advice. I'm currently a high school senior applying to colleges for computer science but I'm not too hopeful about my results. So far I've gotten into ASU and am still waiting to hear back on UMD, Purdue, and Northeastern. While I'm certainly not doomed, I'm not certain I'll be able to get into much with a relatively low gpa (saving my reach schools for RD to have my high senior year gpa + 1560 SAT result in).
I realize it's easier to transfer into colleges as a community college student, but what's the real difference between that and transferring from a four year? I realize if I go to cc I could probably aim a lot higher for my results, but I'm terrified that I won't be able to transfer and get the college experience my parents have been raving about (also my parents are EXTREMELY opposed to the possibility of me going to a CC for 1 or 2 years. Also, does transferring into college as a sophomore/junior hurt your ability to get an internship in CS? Thanks!
submitted by Birdwithabowtie to TransferStudents [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:11 Ramen_man1234 First DnD session soon

So as the title says, I have my first DnD session coming up soon. Everyone else that I'm playing with has played before but I'm basically brand new to DnD. Is there anything I should know? Or anything I should avoid doing? Thanks!
submitted by Ramen_man1234 to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:11 OneButterscotch9760 [SALE] selling this ZuoBan Totoro asking $800

[SALE] selling this ZuoBan Totoro asking $800 PayPal G&S 4% fee the 800 includes the shipping open to offers don’t hesitate to ask
submitted by OneButterscotch9760 to animeGK [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:11 Cozy-Winter- This one inch empty space that Firefox decided to add to the side of their browser for no reason.

This one inch empty space that Firefox decided to add to the side of their browser for no reason. submitted by Cozy-Winter- to mildlyinfuriating [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:11 Easy-Engineering3080 Anyone wanna play?

submitted by Easy-Engineering3080 to GhostofTaborQuest2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:11 TrickIllustrator2608 Newfie humping, should I interfere?

Newfie humping, should I interfere? Hello all, some of you may remember my not so flewfie Newfie, Ellie, pictured. When she play wrestles with our other dog, chocolate Labrador Wyatt, it usually ends in her humping him. I know that this is simply a sign of dominance, but I kind of feel bad for Wyatt. She has about 20 pounds on him, so it makes sense that she is always the victor of their squabbles. Should I step in and stop when this happens? Or just let her ride it out? Pun intended.
submitted by TrickIllustrator2608 to Newfoundlander [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:11 aikh012 The visuals of d-chowk are absolutely sickening. La'nat upon these heartless individuals. May Allah سبحانه و تعالى‎ keep the remaining protesters safe. Remember we will always have the strength in numbers

The visuals of d-chowk are absolutely sickening. La'nat upon these heartless individuals. May Allah سبحانه و تعالى‎ keep the remaining protesters safe. Remember we will always have the strength in numbers submitted by aikh012 to chutyapa [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:11 qrtzgry HELPP!!

HELPP!! How do I make edits like this? I almost tried everthing, but nothing seems to work.
submitted by qrtzgry to CapCut [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:11 Gloomy-Cable-8249 should I really bring it up?

Hi guys I just wanted to post to ask for advice I’m 19 and I just started a new job as an apprentice and when I got the job offer it said I’d be getting basically 8.00 an hour and I thought because I was younger that would be fine and ofc it would be less pay since I’m an apprentice however I just found out a girl who’s has the same role as me and the same age is getting 1.9k a month while I get 1.1k a month , however I haven’t been there more than 2 weeks so idk if should say anything and the other coworker doesn’t want me to mention her because she doesn’t wanna get involved what do you guys think I should do ?
submitted by Gloomy-Cable-8249 to Salary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:11 lilyvalleygames Do you think that this art style would be acceptable?

submitted by lilyvalleygames to webtoon [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:11 xJoeking19 To me she seemed like she was only interested in getting bought things, and not the thought of just spending time and making memories in the first meet. Added context - she also didn't really show too much interest in me, very dismissive in everything I said, and just banter/insults... Opinions?

submitted by xJoeking19 to Tinder [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:11 RoosterPretty8666 A minute of laughing to my enemy who lost his capital to insurgents

submitted by RoosterPretty8666 to ConflictofNations [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:11 Double-Fly-9922 انا اقدر انافس Ikea

انا اقدر انافس Ikea
شباب انا لو عندى ورشه كبيره وعمال وجوده ممتازه ووصلت لمنتج يقدر ينافس Ikea فكل حاجه واقدر اطلع كميات كبيره وفى ناس بجد عيزين يستثمرو معايا بس فكره انى ابيع لافراد تانى عشان اغطى الاوبريشن مش نافعه فقدر ازاى اجيب ديلز كبيره بستين وسبعين منتج بسعر حلو جدا وانا استفاد وصاحب المعرض تو المول يستفاد او حتة لو حد يقدر يصدر برضو مفيش مشكله مشكلتنا فلكلينت اكوزيشن مش جوده او انتاج او عمال احنا بفضل الله وصلين للفل جامد❤️دا معرض اعملنا لو ىاى حد يقدر يساعد ولو بمعلومه اكون شاكر ويتواصل معايا https://milanoeg.store/products.html ودا رقمى 01063344708
submitted by Double-Fly-9922 to AlexandriaEgy [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:11 Ok_Material_3288 how do i transfer money from my paypal to my bank account, i haven’t used paypal in so long and the UI is very different

help me please
submitted by Ok_Material_3288 to paypal [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:11 Top_Experience6991 Is this worth it?

Is this worth it? I’ve been triying to get some good Offers with this moment but everyone keeps low balling me
submitted by Top_Experience6991 to Soundmap [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:11 toomuchtitty13 Please Help fix my Photo!

Please Help fix my Photo! Hello, fellow redditors.
This is a photo that I received from a company that adds past loved ones to recent pictures. I asked to add my grandmother (far right). To me, it doesn’t look well incorporated. Can anyone please help me? This will be a Christmas gift for my mom. Thank you for looking!
submitted by toomuchtitty13 to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:11 Becanotbecca Started progesterone pill and I'm having the strongest period of my life?

I (27) was waiting for a few days to ask this question because I thought I was overreacting, but this is the seventh day and I'm spooked.
Let me start from the beginning: I have PCOS, got diagnosed as a teen, and always had irregular periods.
My last period before this was in July, it was very light and it lasted just 5 days.
I started taking the pill on the 3rd of November, desogestrel, and for the first two weeks nothing changed, and then I started having pre period symptoms and then a period, and from the first day I was in pain. On the 3rd day, the only way I was managing pain was we 3 different kinda of pain medication, and I had a very intense flow, a big issue with leaking and having to change and wash my clothes because I'm not used to such a strong flow and such a strong pain.
Today is the seventh day of my period already and it has not slowed down, and I'm getting worried now. I did have 2 people tell me it just probably opened the flood gates, and I initially guessed it's just the last 3 and a half months of lining coming out, but I really don't know.
I read that some people experience bleeding on their first 3 months on it, but I didn't think it would be so severe. And Google isn't helping.
I work from home, so it's not disturbing my routine, but I don't know how to proceed.
Has anyone experienced it before? Should I try to speak to a doctor or wait?
submitted by Becanotbecca to Periods [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:11 lil_misssy Be back soon!

Be back soon! submitted by lil_misssy to Aucklandgonewild [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:11 Fancy_Click_3048 The 1% get it

The 1% get it submitted by Fancy_Click_3048 to Pepecryptocurrency [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:11 Comfortable_Bee_2830 I dati catastali dell’immobile

Ciao a tutti, c’è qualcuno che potrebbe aiutarmi a compilare il modulo per l’Iscrizione Anagrafica per cittadini provenienti dall’estero? Sono un cittadino dell’UE (Repubblica Ceca) e ho iniziato a studiare a Parma. Voglio ottenere l’Attestazione di iscrizione di cittadino europeo, ma per farlo devo registrarmi all’Iscrizione Anagrafica per cittadini provenienti dall’estero. Ho un problema con una parte del modulo: i dati catastali dell’immobile. Non riesco a ottenere le informazioni dall’Agenzia delle Entrate perché non ho lo SPID né gli equivalenti. (Metterò una foto qui). Qualcuno può aiutarmi su come procedere? Grazie mille ☺️☺️
submitted by Comfortable_Bee_2830 to italy [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 22:11 EmotionalArm6 I received a letter for jury duty

I received a letter in the mail today for jury duty. It’s for December. Is there way to be exempted? 23f
submitted by EmotionalArm6 to kansascity [link] [comments]
