2024.11.26 23:39 AlexTheDraculaBoiyee The Battle Cats X Jojo's Bizzare Adventure [OC]
submitted by AlexTheDraculaBoiyee to StardustCrusaders [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 23:39 tieb22 Help ordering contacts
I’m trying to order contacts online. I’m hoping someone can label the values on my prescription so I can properly order them. Thanks!
submitted by tieb22 to contacts [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 23:39 college_guy24 [USA-CA] [H] Cash, PayPal [W] NF-A 12x25 (2) or Silent Wings Pro 4 (2)
Can PayPal or swap with T30’s brand new.
submitted by college_guy24 to hardwareswap [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 23:39 Ahsoka1509 I'm like the ginger version of the onryō from the ring✨
submitted by Ahsoka1509 to femboynl [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 23:39 your_fav__winx_09 Name ?
submitted by your_fav__winx_09 to romancenovels [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 23:39 Great_Lord_Of_dumb What is with the Ulquiorra glaze he’s not touching any of the stronger captains
submitted by Great_Lord_Of_dumb to BleachPowerScaling [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 23:39 Andrew-aka-Ted Need help
Hy, I've been using the 6.09 version of ElvUi and i've just made a feral druid when i noticed that when i shapeshift i get 2 mana bars on my health bar, i can disable the top one but the lower one in the middle doesnt want to go away, no matter what edits i do in the unitframes menu. Any ideas?
submitted by Andrew-aka-Ted to warmane [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 23:39 Chrisq526 [WTT] PDM Althair 2.5oz, Nishane Ani 50ml (bottle)
Looking to trade a 2.5 oz bottle of PDM Althair and 50ml bottle of Nishane Ani. Bottle is about 90% full on the Althair, Sprayed 3x for the Ani. Open to hear all trade offers, primarily other niche winter frags. Not interested in Mancera/montale.
Can add cash if needed.
Pictures here: https://imgur.com/a/T4ZQ69D
submitted by Chrisq526 to fragranceswap [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 23:39 Josepppi08 That better not be Jason down there!
submitted by Josepppi08 to CirclejerkSopranos [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 23:39 Ok-Concentrate-8515 ولد ولابنت؟ شو شعورك وانت من علامات الساعة؟ مؤامرة ماسونية لمنع الانجاب
الشعب العربي شعب طيب، العرب كانوا أكثر انفتاحاً تجاه قضايا الترانسجندر والكويرز. اجت الست بريطانيا احتلت منطقتنا وزرعت عنا رهاب المثلية والتحول الجنسي، بعدين صارت من الدول التي تتظاهر بالحرية. بعدها، الغرب زرعوا فينا الميديا التي أقنعتنا أن أي حدا مختلف عنا هو عدو. بالغوا بإظهار قضايا الترانس والمثليين بطريقة يبينوهم مستفزين قدر الامكان لحتى قدروا يقنعوا العالم أنها بروباغندا هدفها منع الإنجاب.
صرنا نتعرض للاضطهاد ومع ذلك بنتفهم أن هاي الاضطهادات سببها الأساسي هو الجهل بهاي المواضيع. الي زينا عاشوا حياتهم وهم مفكرين حالهم غلط أو مرضى نفسيين مع انه مجتمعنا منافق بالخفاء بيعمل السبعة وذمتها، وبالعلن يظهر الشرف.
أنا عشت حياتي بعيدة عن الناس، عشتها وأنا بفكر: هل رح يكون لي مستقبل حلو؟ هل ممكن حدا يتقبلني كترانس من دون ما ينظر إليّ نظرة جنس بس؟ كل لحظة بحياتي هي خوف وتوتر وخوف أني بلحظة أنتحر. إذا سافرت، يمكن أعيش بحرية، بس برضو رح أعيش بمجتمعات عنصرية بتكره العرب.بس بنفس الوقت عمري ٣٠ سنة وتركت اكتر من شغل بسبب التحرش والمضايقات وما في الي مستقبل بالبلد. كلامي مش لكسب التعاطف قد ما هو دعوة انه نحب بعض زي ما احنا بدون ما نضطر نمثل قدام المجتمع. ما تنسوا النهاية المأساوية بعدم التقبل الي راح ضحيتها ناس كتير منهم سارة حجازي وحنان الطويل وغيرهم كتير. بالاخر يا رب تفرج عن كل حدا مظلوم وعن اهلنا بغزة ولبنان والسودان. بس بفضفض الي بقلبي
submitted by Ok-Concentrate-8515 to jordan [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 23:39 BahamutLithp I Must Complain About Overanalyzing Avatar Again
So, after my thread about his video on the Book 2 finale, & a few rocky episodes at the start of Book 3, I very narrowly decided to keep watching. He more-or-less reigned it in after that, so I haven't felt much need to complain about his complaining, but I swear his episode on Long Live The Queen is daring me to just try ignoring all of the bad takes. This is probably going to be disjointed because I'm just going to go through commenting on whatever I thought was particularly bad, but here goes:
He says he "maintains the opinion that bending another person's bending opens up a lot of fuckery with the magic system." WTF? He's still on about this? Bending is mystical fantasy martial arts. When someone throws a fireball or a boulder, it's effectively an extension of a punch or kick. Bending another person's bending is just grappling. It's an extension of the concept of grabbing someone's punch or kick & trying to turn it against them. Why is he so weird about this?
He goes on this rant about how the rest of the Red Lotus aren't real characters, they're just generic people with cool abilities that are extensions of Zaheer. Now, I get that Zaheer gets significantly the most speaking time to flesh out, but "could use more screentime for development" isn't the same as "not real characters." They all have distinct personalities & certain notable characteristics, like how Ghazan was clearly the most affected by his time in prison. He also does this "thought experiment" where he asks people to remember the names of Ming-Hua & P'li & just kind of guesses that "the majority of you couldn't remember both of their names," & like how is that a point? Setting aside that if you just discount anyone who doesn't fit your guess, of course you're going to get the result you want, a lot of people watch a lot of shows. They said the name of the creepy scientist in the last season of Arcane, & I immediately forgot it, does that somehow mean he's not a major character?
"Lin, police detective, finds a tracking dog & best friend of the person she's looking for & just says 'eat this & leave me alone.'" Yes, because if Naga could find Korra, she'd clearly be there instead of bothering Lin.
Then he goes on this very, very long rant about how he doesn't understand why people think Zaheer, or any airbender for that matter, can make a vacuum, & he obviously must just be making her breathe her own deoxygenated breath until she dies, & the whole time I'm thinking, "But this is just wrong, though. I hate to say this because it's become such a cliche, but....read the novels." Ordinarily, I just brush it off when he doesn't know something from the expanded universe because some things can be obscure, & you shouldn't really have to do a bunch of homework just to make a simple response to a specific show, but when he devotes so much time to one specific point & is basically lecturing people about how they all got it wrong, yeah I think it's officially time to do some research to make sure he's not just talking completely out of your ass. Like am I just supposed to ignore that every word of this is wrong, & he could know that with a bit of Googling? Because that hardly seems fair.
I'm very deliberately not going through every single minor complaint he has, but just consider this a blanket expression of irritation that he keeps complaining whenever the plot is even slightly convenient that it's "clunky writing," as if that never happened in Last Airbender. Hey, Overanalyzing Avatar, why did that teacher who was so strict about the rules relent on letting Aang keep his head scarf on? If she didn't, he would've had to reveal himself or, at the very least, try to get away without using any bending, bringing down a lot of attention on himself. Isn't that strangely convenient? Dare I say...clunky? Also, his complaints about the sand shark in general are basically just this meme.
And then, shortly after that, it was finally over. And I mean it felt exactly how I just made it sound. I was seriously considering putting it on double speed to get through it faster, but mercifully, I only had a couple seconds left until the credits. I know from experience with the thread I mentioned up top that, if anything, the comments are going to be even harsher critics than I was, but that's just as well because this episode honestly put me in no mood to mount any kind of "but there are also good things about Overanalyzing Avatar" defense right now. That was just really, really bad. I guess not quite as bad as it was during Book 2, though of course he compared them at one point, & that just makes it stand out more that he's finding these inconsequential nitpicks & pointless hills to die on in some of the best material the show has to offer. I also know from experience there's probably going to be at least one person like "you're just mad he has a different opinion than you," & when the opinion is nonsensical enough, yeah. Don't act like people don't do the same when someone criticizes Last Airbender because I finally have an example of what happens when someone is willing to make the same kind of unhinged take about a Last Airbender episode. Spoiler alert, people did not like it.
submitted by BahamutLithp to legendofkorra [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 23:39 babisflou Second corne. This time zmk RGB and joystick, encoder
submitted by babisflou to crkbd [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 23:39 Dazzling_Solution900 What is this Flag?
I think they are sigma submitted by Dazzling_Solution900 to vexillologycirclejerk [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 23:39 EminemVevo66 What character is shown in the cunning art?
One of my favorite SWU arts but confused who is depicted. The outfit is the same as young Han playing sabacc but he’s blonde and doesn’t really look like solo. Who is this dude? I recognize characters from all the other arts in this cycle but not this one… submitted by EminemVevo66 to starwarsunlimited [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 23:39 YoungSea7344 Speed speed lover🗣️🗣️🔥🔥
submitted by YoungSea7344 to initiald [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 23:39 infieldmitt [Serious] If players simply worked harder, could anyone, in theory, just reach base always and bat 1.000 through all that work?
Like imagine a mr beast video. I got stuart fairchild to be locked in a room for a month and he has to take batting practice, study film, etc 8a-8p every day and have MLBN on 24/7, would his AVG meaningfully improve in 2025?
I mean, that is to say - I can imagine a Brandon Phillips type guy thriving on not torturing yourself working all the time. But what if literally studying all day all offseason makes you amazing? Would it? Based on the American idealization of the Protestant work ethic, one would expect so!!
submitted by infieldmitt to mlb [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 23:39 mcfredmidfield Can't buy any DJI products on Ebay
I have been buying & transacting very smoothly on ebay on all products until recently when I started getting an error message 'Attention Buyer, The item you are trying to purchase is not available for purchase in your location. You cannot buy this item.{e244585-1260494x}'
I tried narrowing down the problem & realized I only get this error message when attempting to buy any item from DJI. Be it a drone, gimbal, battery, spare, anything DJI gets me this error message. Am able to buy any other product smoothly, just not DJI.
Am in Kenya & I usually buy on ebay uk, pay via PayPal & my primary address is a UK based forwarding company that brings it directly to me. I have never had such a problem for the last 5yrs I have been on Ebay until the last few days. Any help?
submitted by mcfredmidfield to Ebay [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 23:39 Aggravating_Wing_854 This time we got 10 follicles!
Last time first follicle count was only 3 ended with 1 fertilized graded AA (they have a horrible number grading system but their alphabet doesn’t change -they didn’t pull enough DNA so they he/she sits waiting.) I’m excited!!! I’ll update later after I get my excitement out!
submitted by Aggravating_Wing_854 to DOR [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 23:39 MotorChemists Lets F*cking Go Boys!
2024.11.26 23:39 egomann Older HDD is blank
I have an 8tb Seagate drive that is about seven years old. It has been acting up and I did not do anything about it fast enough. My system finally would not boot up and went into a drive repair loop. I finally pulled the drive and put it in an external case and connected it to my notebook. It is showing as a blank 8tb drive with no data. I ran CHKDSK and it told me the drive was fine. Are there any data recovery apps out there that I could try? Nothing on there that I can't afford to lose, but I have a lot of old files I would like to keep.
Thank you.
submitted by egomann to computers [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 23:39 dancinwiththestars Webbie & Lil Phat “You B*tch” (2010)
webbie spazzed 🔥 submitted by dancinwiththestars to DaDumbWay [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 23:39 Comfortable-Tax4234 She still doesn't look pg - ???
All I can say is wow- I know people look different when they're pg but she never seems to show imo & they're in Florida damn must be nice to get to take all of these vacations
submitted by Comfortable-Tax4234 to GRBskeptic [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 23:39 Cassanova729 What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Cassanova729 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 23:39 thissubthrowaway Nottingham show!!!
it was incredible!! paris held my hand during the warmth, & kept making eye contact & smiling at me!!! i fear i will simply never recover! submitted by thissubthrowaway to ParisPaloma [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 23:39 Individual_Cow4661 Anyone able to id this plant
I got it at the store a few weeks ago the guy had no idea what it is it came in with his shipment but he didn’t order it , it’s my first live plant and isn’t doing to well since I was aware red plants need co 2 just tryna figure out what it is ? And if anyone has a healthy one if they could add a picture submitted by Individual_Cow4661 to Aquariums [link] [comments] |