Entertain your goddess

2024.11.26 23:30 FantasyFae06 Entertain your goddess

Entertain your goddess Spin the wheel, loser
submitted by FantasyFae06 to findommes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 Yaddah_1 What is the intended use of Refined Flame?

This upgrade for Dragon's Breath just always seems actively bad for your run. I never want to take it and I can't even think of a build where it would make sense to take it. Why would you intentionally tank your attack speed so that you only get one wave every blue moon? So what if the burn stacks that it applies do more dmg? (as far as I know it only counts for the burn specifically applied by Dragon's Breath) If it barely ever attacks anymore it can't apply burn anyway.
What am I missing about this "upgrade"? There must be something. Otherwise it might as well not exist because you should never take it.
submitted by Yaddah_1 to hallsoftorment [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 FilipeMiguelescritor Já não sei voar

Já não sei voar submitted by FilipeMiguelescritor to Lifestyle_ON [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 NaTrave [Match Thread] Campeonato Brasileiro: Palmeiras x Botafogo

Palmeiras x Botafogo Campeonato Brasileiro Data: 26/11/2024, 21:30
submitted by NaTrave to palmeiras [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 GODMESSAGE001 ⭕ You Made a Mistake That You Must Correct…😱⚠️

We all make mistakes—it’s part of being human. But sometimes, those mistakes can have consequences that we’re not prepared for. God knows the burden you carry, and He wants to help you correct it before it’s too late.
There’s a message today that speaks directly to your heart, offering guidance on how to make things right. Don’t let guilt or fear hold you back from receiving this wisdom.
Take a moment to watch this video and learn how you can correct your path with God’s help.
Watch the Video Here
submitted by GODMESSAGE001 to affirmationsprayer [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 HealthToTheYeah The Aftermath Foundation gives thanks

submitted by HealthToTheYeah to Scientology_Protest [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 Candid-Special-6063 Rena sofer (Quinn) 2016 vs 2024 what happened???

Rena sofer (Quinn) 2016 vs 2024 what happened??? submitted by Candid-Special-6063 to boldandbeautiful [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 AutoModerator 200M-X Elite Running Shoes

submitted by AutoModerator to Sneakers2023 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 Difficult_Hour8404 What’s fun to do this Friday night with two teens in Madison?

Visiting from out of town with the family, catching the game earlier in the day. I’ll have my MIL with me, but she can hang out too.
submitted by Difficult_Hour8404 to madisonwi [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 PinkPepperPizza95 Elden Ring: Poise Damage Values of Braggart's Roar?

Does anyone know what are the numbers for the poise damage of the Braggart's Roar charged heavy attacks? Does the buff increase the poise damage of the weapon? If so, by how much? Does the running charge deal poise/stance damage amd by that it contributes to building up a bos's stance meter? The running charge also hits multiple times so does each tick inflict an actual amount of poise damage?
submitted by PinkPepperPizza95 to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 pauljs75 When you make Bluegrass instead

When you make Bluegrass instead submitted by pauljs75 to vcvrack [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 almondboy64 Fossil Hunting 101?

What should somebody know for their first fossil hunting trip? What tips do you have for spotting fossils? Obviously I understand in concept this is a straightforward and easy to start hobby, no equipment required, but like every hobby I’m y’all have probably acquired a ton of knowledge that makes it even better, so hit me with what ya got!
submitted by almondboy64 to FossilHunting [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 ddizzle13 Which cheesecake filling recipe seems better?

Which cheesecake filling recipe seems better? submitted by ddizzle13 to BakingNoobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 Ok_Carob4083 Self-promotion Thread

Use this thread to promote yourself and/or your work!
submitted by Ok_Carob4083 to chooseself [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 BroMandi [Amazon] $6.66: Foo Fighters: Saint Cecilia EP (Vinyl w/ AutoRip MP3) at Amazon [Deal: $6.66, Actual: $19.98]

[Amazon] $6.66: Foo Fighters: Saint Cecilia EP (Vinyl w/ AutoRip MP3) at Amazon [Deal: $6.66, Actual: $19.98] submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 Teslamania91 In spite of harsh judges, his spirit will remain in the Twilight Realm. r/AceAttorney Rates That Culprit! #29 - New entries at 6:30 PM daily!

Yesterday's winner was Appropriate_Ruin9973 with 27 upvotes! Tahrust does require pushing through some emotional boundaries to appreciate, as his plan resulted in a 2-year disciple of his being falsely accused of murder. As such, quite a few people gave him low ratings, but it was ultimately overshadowed by the message of a tragic man who put his wife's safety before everything in a country of merciless punishment.
Thank god for SoJ anime cutscenes
Today's candidate is the widow of our previous one, Beh'leeb Inmee! Although her situation was secondary to Tahrust's actions, it was the root of the plan that drove the entirety of 6-3. Beh'leeb was both a Defiant Dragon and the alter-ego of the rebel hunter, but the former was hidden from everyone in Khura'in other than her husband. As such, when acolyte Puhray Zeh'lot discovered their identities and assaulted her, she panicked and incidentally pushed him into the warbaa'd statue, slaughtering him. Not only did she deal with having committed manslaughter, but she would soon learn of her husband's death and mourn it until learning of his plan to protect her from the regime. Will she be met with a less indignant response from the audience than her husband?
submitted by Teslamania91 to AceAttorney [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 Peachestho Today we will see the Health Benefits Of Meditation – Meditation has grown in popularity as more and more people discover its many health benefits. Research has also linked meditation to many other health benefits.

submitted by Peachestho to entirebodyexercises [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 banne101 I’m so close to reaching platinum level 🥹

I’m so close to reaching platinum level 🥹 I thought, I finally reached it. I still need $2.52 lol. I’m excited though! Going in store for the Black Friday deals.
submitted by banne101 to Ulta [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 ehillz008 How should I start to drop pumps after regulation?

I think I have large capacity .. I can easily pump 10 oz at night or morning in like 10 minutes and that’s not feeling engorged when I wake up. Day time I usually pump for 10-15 minutes and then stop when I have about 5 ounces. Right now I’m doing before bed around 830pm, 130am, 530am, around 10 or 11am, 3ish pm and sometimes 6pm if husband home to watch him otherwise I’ll just skip it. So I get around 35 ounces minimum and freezer is full. I would rather pump less if I can, which pumps should I drop first and how long should I wait between dropping pumps? Thanks!
submitted by ehillz008 to ExclusivelyPumping [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 pessimist_and_proud Rcat at 8.07 and OPTT at 0.25

Should I sell now and take my winnings or let it ride another day?
submitted by pessimist_and_proud to pennystocks [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 RockefellerJK Lightskin

submitted by RockefellerJK to Jayda_AndFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 ThatWeebInTheCity Ask Anything :)

Use this thread to ask anything at all!
submitted by ThatWeebInTheCity to ScriptingTheGameAU [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 Puzzled-Turn-9763 Gene mutations?

Does anyone know of other genetic mutations that could potentially cause this? I’ve read about MTHFR and SELENBP1, but are there any more?
My mother has bb which led me to consider she passed something to me…but we also both have GERD which I suppose could be the culprit as well. Would love to know people’s thoughts
submitted by Puzzled-Turn-9763 to badbreath [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 Cortex-Ad7678 I got a 2012 beetle recently and I’m not sure what car charger to get that will work. Just got a deal worthy dc 5v car charger and it doesn’t work.

Any suggestions Or advice?
submitted by Cortex-Ad7678 to Volkswagen [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 23:30 Accomplished_Pop3129 New to Spawn :)

New to Spawn :) So I've been wanting to get into the Spawn series for a while now, and I decided to pick up some Spawn comics to get into the franchise. I know that Al Simmons was an assassin who then became a hellspawn, but if there's any more info about his backstory I need, feel free to clue me on his background and powers. I haven't read these yet and I'll give updates as I do.
submitted by Accomplished_Pop3129 to Spawn [link] [comments]
