eu sai do vegas lol ( Não da para ficar usando pirata lol )

2024.11.27 01:40 arthurfame1 eu sai do vegas lol ( Não da para ficar usando pirata lol )

eu sai do vegas lol ( Não da para ficar usando pirata lol ) submitted by arthurfame1 to Enizei_Reddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:39 Top-Factor-6349 Application date is near and I may have wasted my time

For the past two years, I’ve been attending a community college with the goal of transferring to UIUC, focusing solely on this as my next step. I knew UIUC was a strong choice, but I now realize I set this as my only option without setting any safety nets for myself. I'll elaborate on this later. At the end of my second year, I’ve only just started to seriously reflect on why I want to transfer, how and if I’ll even be accepted. My planned application is for Spring 2025, with a focus on I.S. (Business) at the Gies College of Business, but today I learned that Gies is highly competitive for transfers, which brought me here.
I’m feeling overwhelmed and unsure about my future, especially since I haven’t considered whether my major or coursework would transfer to other schools. I’ve maintained a 3.9 GPA and completed the required UIUC courses, but I’m nervous about breaking the news to my parents, who supported me all this time. They do not know about the specifics of my education, they trusted me to do my best. I’m afraid they might be disappointed and very worried, especially if my options are more limited than we thought. While I’ll schedule an appointment with my school’s advisor soon, I’m seeking guidance on opportunities and resources to avoid being entirely unprepared, if anyone would be kind enough to point me toward.
Though I recognize this might be a hard lesson to learn, I hope to salvage the situation and move forward. Planning on telling my parents is what I am most scared of. Scheduling advisor appointments across universities sometimes takes months and I don't want to wait that long for guidance and direction to tell my parents.
submitted by Top-Factor-6349 to UIUC [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:39 ShyGuy1404 Looking for Rio

Looking for Rio submitted by ShyGuy1404 to ACNHwishlistrequest [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:39 helix400 The Jazz's transition defense is the NBA's worst over the last 21 seasons, and it's not close.

The Jazz's transition defense is the NBA's worst over the last 21 seasons, and it's not close. submitted by helix400 to UtahJazz [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:39 ursusino Noob not being able to overfit a simple model

Hi, I'm trying to overfit the model for educational purposes, yet I cannot seem to do so even with hundreds of neurons for a rather simple classification problem
``` import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
device = torch.device("cpu")
generator = torch.Generator(device=device)
# Generate training data
x = torch.rand(10_000, 3, generator=generator, device=device)
y = torch.sigmoid(6 * x[:, 0] - 10 * x[:, 1] + 5 * x[:, 2])
w1 = torch.rand(100, 3, requires_grad=True, generator=generator, device=device)
b1 = torch.rand(100, requires_grad=True, generator=generator, device=device)
w2 = torch.rand(200, 100, requires_grad=True, generator=generator, device=device)
b2 = torch.rand(200, requires_grad=True, generator=generator, device=device)
w3 = torch.rand(200, requires_grad=True, generator=generator, device=device)
b3 = torch.rand(1, requires_grad=True, generator=generator, device=device)
learning_rate = 0.01
losses = []
for _ in range(100_000):
batch_indices = torch.randint(low=0, high=x.shape[0], size=(64,))
batch_x = x[batch_indices]
batch_y = y[batch_indices]
a1 = torch.relu(batch_x @ w1.T + b1)
a2 = torch.relu(a1 @ w2.T + b2)
z3 = a2 @ w3 + b3
loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(z3, batch_y)
w1.grad = None
b1.grad = None
w2.grad = None
b2.grad = None
w3.grad = None
b3.grad = None
loss.backward() -= learning_rate * w1.grad -= learning_rate * b1.grad -= learning_rate * w2.grad -= learning_rate * b2.grad -= learning_rate * w3.grad -= learning_rate * b3.grad
print(losses[-10:]) ```
Scaling the network from say (3x3 + 4x3) did't basically nothing for the loss. After what is essentially 650 epochs I'd expect the loss to go essentially 0 as such big model should be able to memorize all of the training data
Is there something obviously wrong with the code?
submitted by ursusino to learnmachinelearning [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:39 Flat_Jicama8729 Mamada baja sacada de tik Toks

Mamada baja sacada de tik Toks submitted by Flat_Jicama8729 to MAAU [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:39 LittleBarracuda1219 Is there is a Subbredit for Childhood Memories?

submitted by LittleBarracuda1219 to findareddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:39 Mialtck Its the small things in life

Its the small things in life I work at walmart and i tried to order some of the black friday tins online. All were sold out except for one. (Turns out our entire stock was bought by 3 people) i got my one tin. I got a card im happy with. Life is good.
submitted by Mialtck to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:39 Positive_Current_479 Did Peggy ever take that Nazi dick out of his mouth?

No problem with sucking dick just wish he didn’t do it to a Nazi yknow? Did he ever really apologize or did he just keep going on tirades about how everyone who is criticizing him must not know that he’s black? Or claiming to apologize and then clarifying that he was only apologizing to his fans? I hope the money Kanye made off of Peggy paying to suck his Nazi dick didn’t go straight to funding right wing groups that are trying to destroy America but yknow I can’t be so certain. Imagine using leftist politics to market your music and then never making any indication that you understand it is bad to platform someone who wants to kill Jewish people and endorses Hitler on right wing shows. I wonder why I wasn’t motivated to go to his concert again when I had been invited.
submitted by Positive_Current_479 to fantanoforever [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:39 GamerForeve Player characters actually Talking?!

So playing my 3rd play through after 220 hrs on the game so far and I just experienced my character actually speaking during the cutscene and I literally had my jaw drop in shock! (Spoilers for Emerald Grove kill refuges and druids) Minthara wants to celebrate so meets you back at camp with a bunch of goblins, long story short she turns on you and you kill them all, at the end a dialogue plays and the first time I did it I was the only survivor and the narrator just said the typical (your camp is clear but full of blood bit) but the second time I retried and Asterion survived and he had a bit too add on then my character talks to him reacting to what just happen!
submitted by GamerForeve to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:39 AltruisticSkirt6518 Always ready for belly rubs 😍

Always ready for belly rubs 😍 submitted by AltruisticSkirt6518 to Awww [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:39 Solenoidics Acer alg performance budget laptop

Acer alg performance budget laptop submitted by Solenoidics to GadgetsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:39 Timely_Pop9405 Manifest a different attachment style for someone?

I (healing anxious) have split from a person (avoidant, barely aware) I care greatly about. Is it possible to manifest someone's attachment style change?
submitted by Timely_Pop9405 to Manifestation [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:39 Unlegendary_Newbie Do you prefer Miku Harem or Kurumi Harem?

Do you prefer Miku Harem or Kurumi Harem? submitted by Unlegendary_Newbie to lostpause [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:39 Moicifer01 La Orden del Dragón, espero les guste ⊂⁠(⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠)⁠)⁠⊃

Estoy resumiendo un poco las cosas para que no sean tan largas.
Se sabe que los marines de esté capitulo son muy amables y de espíritu libre lo cual los hace muy humanos siendo considerados una compañía y grandes amigos que te hacen recuperar la fe en la humanidad. Durante su reclutamiento se les enseña lo importante que es la vida y la libertad dándoles una mentalidad más humana, aunque ésto terminó causando que sólo sean fieles a la humanidad y al emperador e incluso han llegado a negociar con otras razas que han encontrado serca de su hogar
Informe del Sistema dragwlia
"Esos mutantes asqueroso no son más sombras retorciéndose a espaldas del emperador, su propia humanidad los llevará a la ruina"
Esas fueron las últimas palabras de un comisario durante las guerras draconicas después de faltarle el respeto al maestro de capítulo de La Orden del Dragón y amenazar con destruir el planeta frente a un Salamandra y un Dragón Negro
Guerras draconicas Hacé mucho una tormenta disforme estalló sobré el sistema dragwlia dañando seriamente la población causando mutaciones y trayendo demonios, La Orden del Dragón logro mantener una línea de defensa firme hasta que una oleada de energía dañó los cuerpos de varios Astarte mutandolos en bestias con el aspecto de dragones humanoide convertidos en berserkers que destruían todo a su paso
Se necesitó de la asistencia del capítulo de las Salamandras, lo Dragones Negros y de todo los soldados disponibles en el sistema para evitar perder los mundos y cuando la tormenta desapareció sólo quedaba limpiar el desastre, pero no fue tan sencillo porque casi destruyen el planeta por pensar que había caído en herejía además de que el Capítulo había quedado casi extinto con apenas 100 miembros.
Durante mucho tiempo fueron un capítulo decadente tratando de no arriesgarse para no perder más miembros hasta que la llegada de los Primaris les permitió volverse un capítulo activo en pleno derecho.
Armas del capítulo
Garras del emperador: garras de hueso de dragón extremadamente duras y afiladas unidas a un guante de poder, suelen usarse con amaduras Agressor aunque también pueden verse en algunos marines más experimentados. Manténgase fuera del alcance de los niños
Rompe colmillos: un tipo de lanza de gran tamaño que también es un cañón pequeño, suele usarse juntos a un gran escudo.
Reliquias del capítulo.
La espada negra: una antigua reliquia del planeta forjada con hueso, escamas y piel de varios dragones, se dice que aun puedes sentir el pulso de la criatura a la que pertecio los huesos.
El dragón del vacío: una espada necrona santificada y usada por el comandante de flota del capítulo, solo es una espada necrona normal.
Aliento draco: una receta especial que se utiliza para fabricar combustible para los lanzallamas.
•Crianza de dragones: Gracias a su fauna reptiliana los habitantes del sistema dragwlia crían grandes reptiles con varios propósitos algunos incluso son considerados sagrados, es una costumbre muy común ver a algún reptil del tamaño de un perro ser de los astartes durante sus tiempos libres en su planeta.
•Familias y amigos: Aunque se considera un poco raro muchos miembros de La Orden del Dragón tienen familia, esposa e incluso hijos lo cual sólo resalta más su humanidad
•Subida de rango: al subir de rango dentro del capítulo el marine debe luchar a muerte con un dragón de gran poder el cual es considerado sagrado para el capítulo y el cual han logrado criar para el propósito de los duelos de rango, al derrotar al dragón los cuernos son retirados y moldeados para adornar el casco del marine, el resto del cuerpo del dragón se usa para objetos sagrados y su carne y sangre son usados como comida.
Tácticas de combate. Cada uno de estos marines es capaz de pelear de frente contra enemigos poderosos pero también pueden colocar trampas y usar tácticas de guerrilla para desgastar a sus enemigos.
Suelen realizar misiones rapidas en equipos de 4 marines donde el más viejo es el líder buscando hacer el mayor dañó posible antes de retirarse y realizar otros ataques sorpresa hasta que el objetivo ya no pueda más.
Cuando luchan contra grandes cantidades de enemigos o un enemigo de gran tamaño se envían a 10 marines en una nave capaz de prestar fuego de apoyo hasta que los objetivos sean reducidos.
A la hora de ir a la guerra demuestran su educación de academia privada ya que son capaces de luchar de forma cordinada con otros capítulos y con las fuerzas bajo su mando y si es necesario tomar el mando del campo de batalla.
Sistema solar Dragwlia Esta formado por seis planetas y siete, dos de ellos son súper planetas con una enorme cantidad de personas.
Tepes es el primer planeta del sistema y se cree que su gran tamaño le permite tener una población mayor a la de un mundo colmena promedio. Además su luna Dracul es la base de La orden del dragón.
Dracul es el tercer planeta del sistema y es el más poblado de todos siendo un mundo colmena en pleno funcionamiento.
submitted by Moicifer01 to Warhammer40kEsp [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:39 iamboosh The Leagues Community Discord just wrapped up our once per league census. Here's some of the results gleened from the ~3k surveyed players.

The Leagues Community Discord just wrapped up our once per league census. Here's some of the results gleened from the ~3k surveyed players. submitted by iamboosh to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:39 Mysterious-Slip835 Does Rp4 or Rp5 work multiplayer in compatible games?

With a bluetooth or cable control, example: guitar hero, Mário kart
submitted by Mysterious-Slip835 to retroid [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:39 Terrible_Weight_6867 Fruits

so i love fruits and berries! so i let myself have them during the weekend and holidays as a “treat”
does anyone else do this?
submitted by Terrible_Weight_6867 to keto [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:39 Patient_Dig_7998 We got a little nightmares movie!

We got a little nightmares movie! submitted by Patient_Dig_7998 to littlenightmemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:39 bot_neen Sheinbaum responde a las amenazas de Donald Trump shorts

submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:39 Sweeet_ $JAK is the next doge

submitted by Sweeet_ to SolanaMemeCoins [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:39 Beginning_Wear_1853 The end!

Ok so at the end where she gets the magic tattoo it is assumed that she’s now a demigod and can live forever right?
submitted by Beginning_Wear_1853 to moana [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:39 OneCelebration8778 Creep cum tribs sess

submitted by OneCelebration8778 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:39 adhd-lonely69420 Yeah, I'm the

Yeah, I'm the submitted by adhd-lonely69420 to BatmanArkham [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:39 Vinonz Por que cursos de humanas são tão desvalorizados?

Isso tá mais pra uma reflexão ou um desabafo, mas convido vocês a participarem da discussão!
É fato que uma sociedade que se preze, não funciona bem sem as humanas. Simplesmente não vai pra frente, está fadada ao fracasso de diversas formas.
Mas porra, no mercado de trabalho, isso não se reflete. Apesar das humanas terem muita importância na sociedade, é quase impossível você se dar bem com humanas, financeiramente falando. Exceto se cursar direito ou medicina (que engloba as naturais, também).
Claro que, hoje em dia, nenhum curso é garantia de sucesso ou sequer de estabilidade financeira. Mas a vida de alguém que não tem aptidões às exatas é mil vezes mais complicada no ramo profissional.
Talvez eu esteja me equivocando e fazendo essa análise em uma bolha. Eu gostaria de estar errado, me digam o que vocês acham!
submitted by Vinonz to conselhodecarreira [link] [comments]