Cred că e momentul să ne maturizăm și să recunoaștem că nu am avut grijă de democrația noastră + mesaj către suveraniști

2024.11.27 00:20 Calin787 Cred că e momentul să ne maturizăm și să recunoaștem că nu am avut grijă de democrația noastră + mesaj către suveraniști

"Copiii noștri vor fi liberi". Dar am fost cu toții prea răsfățați și nu am avut grijă de libertate și de democrație.
Și cum nu ne-a îngenunchiat corupția, o pot face rușii acum. Și mi se pare că ne-au cam dat șah.
Sincer, mă simt resemnat. Am înțeles acum, prea târziu din păcate, ce înseamnă să-ți aperi drepturile, libertățile și democrația.
O să o votez pro-european, pentru că asta îmi sunt valorile. Vreau să călătoresc liber și să mă bucur de beneficiile Uniunii Europene, dar în primul rând să-mi asum responsabilitățile față de blocul comunitar.
Și nu e nimic pierdut. Chiar dacă intră populiștii ăștia la putere. România va fi o țară democratică și după 9 decembrie. Constituția României e chemarea noastră, e hrana noastră.
Las totuși un mesaj suveraniștilor: Dragă Călin Georgescu și suveraniști, Mulțumim că ne-ați unit, noi cei care avem valori pro-europene și ne-ați amintit cât de important este să lupți pentru propriile valori. Asta ne va fi energia. Trebuie să recunoaștem, ne-ați redat demnitatea de a taxa partidele politice mereu când nu-și păstrează traiectoria pe care și-au asumat-o sau nu sunt în concordanță cu valorile noastre. Iar cu compatrioții noștri să încercăm să discutăm sau să dezbatem când nu suntem de acord și să găsim consens.
Așa că fiți siguri, domnilor conservatori/naționaliști/suveraniști, suntem cu ochii pe voi. Și nu vă îmbătați cu apă rece, obligați să ne apărăm când valorile ne sunt atacate, ne-ați trimis la un război în social media împotriva compatrioților noștri. Dialogul ar fi adus liniștea, dar ați ales să nu răspundeți la întrebări. Oare asta să fie pacea și neutralitatea pe care v-o doriți?
submitted by Calin787 to Romania [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 Euphoric_Leek_8522 Is being too emotional a bad thing?

Is being too emotional a bad thing?
TLDR: I feel like I’d cry at any small act of affection since I’ve been lonely for so long. Is that bad? Will potential partners understand?
Ok so I (18m) have never been in a relationship, but like the title says, I’m just wondering if being too emotional in a relationship is a bad thing? Because for me, my dad passed away when I was 13, and for the most part I only feel like I have my older brother in my life, and I mean he obviously tried to help as best he could when our dad passed, but he was also just beginning his adult life at the time so I was sort of alone, this kind of ended up making me feel very lonely and sort of neglected, and as I entered high school I tried my best to be normal during my freshman and sophomore year, then during my junior and senior year I got hit with depression really hard, and now I’m finally graduated and stuff and I have friends from school that I still talk to online all the time, but I guess like, I’ve felt so lonely for so long that I think if I was to get in a relationship with someone that I’d end up bawling my eyes out over the simplest compliment or thing they’d say to me. So is that a bad thing to get so emotional over small acts of affection or just anything nice from someone in the beginning of relationships?
I just don’t think I’d be able to not cry if that stuff was said to me like that, I would definitely bawl my eyes out and I mean that would definitely seem weird but I just feel like I wouldn’t be able to contain it, I’d for sure be getting emotional over any sort of acts of kindness or affection or just even a person showing they care about me and asking how my day is and stuff even if it’s just over text. So… this bad? Will this make relationships harder for me? I obviously don’t want to come off weird, and I think people would obviously understand how I could be that emotional from the smallest things, but at the same time I just worry that I’ll be looked at like “woah this guy is too emotional, like why is he getting so worked up over that?”
So yeah, I guess I’m just asking is it a bad thing to be emotional like that? And will it make things harder for me or will people be understanding?
Thanks in advance for all the comments and advice.
I originally tried to put it on relationships but it got taken down so if anyone has any other subreddits form me to post it please let me know, I don’t really use Reddit that much.
submitted by Euphoric_Leek_8522 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 TripleSeven1337 Smoking a Turducken on Traeger

Any tips on rub and time? First time smoking a turducken, need some tips. It's 10 pounds and it doesn't come with any instructions. Thanks!
submitted by TripleSeven1337 to smoking [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 Massive_Ad_7563 4 months

submitted by Massive_Ad_7563 to AustralianShepherd [link] [comments]


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submitted by Intelligent-Map-939 to vcetutors [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 Leemo1992 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Leemo1992 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 mentalxmystics Salkantay Trekking for the Salkantay and Inca Trail Peru

I've found a few threads about Salkantay Trekking, but can't seem to get clarification on what I'm looking for.
Basically, my group is in the process of booking with them for next June. My partner and I want to do the Huayna Picchu add-on on the last (7th) day, when we reach Machu Picchu. We've been told by the company that hiking Huayna Picchu would mean losing an hour of our guided tour of Machu, but when I called to get clarification, another employee told me that we would NOT miss our any of our guided tour.
I tried to get further clarification on this, because now we've been told both, but can't seem to get in contact again (and we're on a time-crunch to book, and all add-ons need to be included at time of booking). My question is, has anyone gone through Salkantay Trekking for the 7-day Salkantay and Inca Trail? Were you able to explore Machu Picchu and do Huayna Picchu? If you did Huayna Picchu, were you allowed re-entry to the main area of Machu Picchu?
Thanks in advance for any responses. I've never planned a trip out of the country and am very frazzled right now 😵‍💫
submitted by mentalxmystics to travel [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 No_Historian718 Best place to lease a car?

Looking to lease maybe something easy and practical like a Toyota or Subaru. I don’t drive much so I think a lease would be good. Any suggestions around here?
submitted by No_Historian718 to SalemMA [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 obisan69 Free Box Code

Spice up your meals with Factor! Tap the link to claim your FREE week of food now
submitted by obisan69 to factor75 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 NotTheRealTobee Can’t make an account on checkout - help!

Hey there, I’ve been trying to take advantage of the black friday sale and buy FL, but every time I submit the account creation form at checkout the page refreshes and never progresses. I’ve tried putting it through on every browser and device I have and nothing seems to work - I just wanna give Image Line money ffs 😭
Anyone know any solutions for this issue?
submitted by NotTheRealTobee to FL_Studio [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 thecommunisthedgehog Does ur self talks to u ?

Hard to explain, but all day long, at random moments, i got voices that tell me how pathetic i am and that i should end myself, that it would be easier. I don't think i hear voices, because i recognize my own voice. Usually i just ignore it, but sometimes it's hard, really hard. I hate those voices, first sh was because of it. Do u have that too ? How do u get rid of it
submitted by thecommunisthedgehog to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 Spirited-Dust8012 Honour Mode Inquisitor W'wargaz help :(

Okay so I messed up, I should’ve prepared for this more, but we move - I accidentally saved my game during the dialogue before the big gith fight, so no escaping and sorting my characters now :(
In my party, I have; Lae'zel (battle master, fighter), Shadowheart (trickery domain, cleric ), and Gale (Divination, Wizard). And then there’s my tiefling tav; a college of lore bard. We are all level six.
Does anyone have any tips or advice for me? I need my own Reddit dream guardian right now sob (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
submitted by Spirited-Dust8012 to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 JenovaImproved Intune Detection creating dated folders with Powershell Transcripts multiple times a day on specific user profiles

Have around 100 users. 2 users have folders showing up daily in their documents folder named the date (20241126 for today). Inside are powershell transcript files. Powershell transcription is off and has never been on for either user. The transcript contents say it's for the detection of 2 different apps. The apps are successfully installed for the users, no idea why it keeps checking. One of the apps is also installed on 30 other users with no trascript files showing up for them.
Any ideas what's causing this?
submitted by JenovaImproved to Intune [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 Saradas I think you'll find Mr Flameheart your loot is more or less all in order

I think you'll find Mr Flameheart your loot is more or less all in order submitted by Saradas to Seaofthieves [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 bot_neen Gobernador Rubén Rocha llama a los padres de familia a llevar a sus hijos a la escuela en Culiacán

submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 UnderstandingNo2933 Brand New Vehicle Alignment

I have purchased a 2024 F250 Platinum High Output 6.7 Powerstroke barely over a month ago. I noticed the alignment was a little off when they delivered to me. I went about a week later and they realigned it and said that they needed to replace a hub (it took more force to turn the right wheel hub than the left one is what the notes stated). I went back and got that replaced about a week ago and they realigned it. Today I went over a speed bump (didn't romp it just normal) and next thing I noticed is that the truck was pulling to the right again and that the alignment is off again. So within the last month or so of ownership I have had the vehicle realigned twice. And it's out again.. any ideas? It's literally a brand new truck. I am getting pretty frustrated with this.. the dealers seem like idiots and don't seem to care. I spent nearly $100k on this truck and I feel pretty frustrated with this whole thing.. any advice on what the issue might be would be great.
submitted by UnderstandingNo2933 to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 BeautifulBrownBabes Rakhi

Rakhi submitted by BeautifulBrownBabes to bollyleg [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 Worldly_Regret_6809 What happened if there two characters meet each other?

What happened if there two characters meet each other? submitted by Worldly_Regret_6809 to DreamWorks [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 uleglybeciaak dojedzie ktoś beciaka i cucka i zwali do mojej laski? (możemy też głosowo) dc alss221

submitted by uleglybeciaak to SexyPolishInfluYoutub [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 fatenbybich Testosterone

Enby(32afab) I've been toying with the idea of talking to a doctor to microdose t until I felt like I was where I wanted to be. Cause I wanna have a little more hair and my voice to be lower. Have you done it? Pros cons?
submitted by fatenbybich to NonBinaryTalk [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 Last_Vin New Expo

submitted by Last_Vin to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 Embarrassed-East1501 H:enclave aligned flamer mod w:2x 2star strength mod and cap offer

submitted by Embarrassed-East1501 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 Buptun [S2 act 3 spoilers] A small Viktor sketch i made

submitted by Buptun to arcane [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 Bingbongwarrior69000 Anyone want to Burt off

Anyone want to Burt off submitted by Bingbongwarrior69000 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:20 perfectirls Searching for college jerk buds and hung tribbers to join a discord group full of my irls. Work in progress. Discord: sweetirlss send your asl

Searching for college jerk buds and hung tribbers to join a discord group full of my irls. Work in progress. Discord: sweetirlss send your asl submitted by perfectirls to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]