Constant bloating and nausea, OTCs aren’t helping.

2024.11.27 00:27 S_A_Woods Constant bloating and nausea, OTCs aren’t helping.

I (23F) have been experiencing gastrointestinal issues for quite sometime now and it’s only gotten worse overtime. I have constant bloating, nausea, constipation, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.
Meds: Motegrity 0.5mg per day Ocella everyday - stopped periods entirely
Supps: Gas-X about 2-4 125mg per day Vit D 1000U per day Magnesium 400mg per day Miralax 1 dose EOD/ETD
I was diagnosed with IBS and SIBO a couple years ago, I was treated with antibiotics and put on motegrity because my doc thought my GI issues were likely due to dysmotility. I usually get super bloated (especially in my stomach) after eating. Sometime a few hours after eating I’ll have bloating in my intestines as well. The bloating causes a lot of pain and nausea. I’m almost always constipated (1-2 BMs per week) and when i’m not I have diarrhea instead. I don’t eat much at all because of my symptoms and i’m hanging out around 110 lbs at 5”11.
Because I haven’t technically lost weight recently and keep maintaining 110 lbs, doctors don’t seem too concerned about my symptoms. I hate being this thin though because it seriously affects my energy levels and ability to exercise or work. The motegrity I’m on used to help around the time that I started it but it feels less effective now.
I had an endoscopy and they found nothing. H. pylori negative. Haven’t been retested for Sibo. Stool and blood tests come back normal. I’ve tried every fad diet under the sun. I’m seeing a new gastroenterologist in about a month because I didn’t really like my last one. What could be causing my symptoms? Is there anything I should mention or ask my doctor? I really want this appointment to be productive and for my doctor to really understand how my symptoms are affecting my life. I’m tired of not having answers.
submitted by S_A_Woods to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:27 I-Want-A-Chicken22 “Good evening humans. In the spirit of the Christmas season, I hope all your hunts are plentiful.”

“Good evening humans. In the spirit of the Christmas season, I hope all your hunts are plentiful.” submitted by I-Want-A-Chicken22 to GachaLife2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:27 Exciting-Dealer-407 19m looking to make some friends!!

Here goes. Ive had a super hard time making new friends IRL ever since i moved places a year ago, and been feeling really down lately struggling with my weed addiction and really need to talk to someone about it. I don't usually post anything on reddit and just lurk. Some things about me ( I love binge watching tv shows/ movies, and I love listening to music)
submitted by Exciting-Dealer-407 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:27 EH042 Onde eu posso assistir alguns animes antigos dublados?

Onde eu posso assistir alguns animes antigos dublados? Me bateu uma baita vontade de assistir alguns da minha infância só pela nostalgia e Viewtiful Joe é um dos meus favoritos mas aparentemente os sites que eu usava não existem mais, alguém pode me recomendar algum site bom, por favor? De preferência sem vírus, mas se não der eu aceito um viruzin ou dois no máximo.
submitted by EH042 to animebrasil [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:27 AcadiaNo1039 Old Bring Me The Horizon or new Bring Me The Horizon? Which do you personally prefer? I'm still partial to their first 4 albums honestly.

Bring me the horizon
submitted by AcadiaNo1039 to BringMeTheHorizon [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:27 babii_medium Jet hates the audience lol. Feeding these fish better food than most of y'all are eating tonight

Seafood takeout for the fish is pretty funny too
submitted by babii_medium to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:27 El_Vencedor86 Making my game- a single screen tunnel

Making my game- a single screen tunnel submitted by El_Vencedor86 to RPGMaker [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:27 Exciting-Guide3691 [SOUSN] South Sun Industries - Sov Null - US/EU TZ

SOUSN is seeking players with a sense of humour, crazy stories, and a mutually-shared hatred for Blood Raiders. We’ve been evolving successfully for the past 2 years, and we need more fresh blood to bring us to the next stage of our development.
If you’re new to null, we have a good degree of experienced pilots and a wealth of custom-made guides to give you a leg-up in your first couple of weeks. Our team is willing to help you achieve whatever goals you seek!
We are looking for:
★ Well-rounded, comms-active pilots with an interest in Industry, PvP and PvE
★ Self-starters with whacky ideas and a sense of adventure
★ Friends who simply want to talk nonsense and chill with a crazy bunch of dudes
Our perks:
★ Regular corp-focused content, industry projects & mining fleets
★ Corp-owned industry stations
★ Corp-exclusive mining ship delivery service
★ Corp-exclusive inter-regional hauling service
★ A dedicated mentor program for new members
★ Plenty of PvP opportunities (including SRP)
★ Full access to some of the best player-owned markets in the game
★ Monthly competitions and free starter packs for newbros
★ Thriving community that extends into the real world
★ A friendly, organised and no-drama group that puts player needs first
Our requirements:
★ A working mic
★ Full ESI registration
★ Discord (corp comms) & Mumble(alliance)
★ Omega account
★ Minimum of 5m SP and 3 months of in-game history
We operate in the EU & US time-zones, and are particularly looking to grow our US & AUTZ population.
Any potential applicants should start by completing a short questionnaire via a ticket on our Discord, following which a member of the leadership team will start a chat with you. Please allow up to 24 hours for a response (though we do try to respond immediately).
Feel free to check out our website for a quick preview of our corp operations, as well as an FAQ for potential applicants.
submitted by Exciting-Guide3691 to evejobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:27 zeropoint-1 Triangle sign when reversing the vehicle

I saw a triangle sign when reversing the vehicle, anyone know what is the meaning of it?
submitted by zeropoint-1 to mercedes_benz [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:27 BootedUp__ 🐐 In My City

submitted by BootedUp__ to Drank [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:27 Pau11ins Robot concept @Pc_pen03

submitted by Pau11ins to DigitalArt [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:27 Sultry_Penguin "I just want to be able to do the dishes..." By me

I created this in a rage while my meds kicked in; All I had to do today was the dishes. I just want to do the dishes. Why can't I do the dishes? It's just dishes. Please let me do the dishes. I need to do the dishes.
submitted by Sultry_Penguin to Artisticallyill [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:27 Helpful-Gear1909 My squad mate is making Xbox dayz videos. Check him out

submitted by Helpful-Gear1909 to DayzXbox [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:27 NailCrazyGal Let's hear everyone's thoughts on peeing in the shower!
submitted by NailCrazyGal to hygiene [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:27 MiserableTarget2383 Mojo Dojo Casa House

Mojo Dojo Casa House First time doing that kind of roof, any tips will be appreciated :D
submitted by MiserableTarget2383 to PixelArt [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:27 Rare-Sentence Why do parents of missing dead people become karens

submitted by Rare-Sentence to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:27 DeLaWhole Help me decide which grinder to buy [sub $400] - new espresso at home

Considering - eureka notte 2.0 ($264) - eureka facile ($349) - Turin df54 ($229)
Give me your experienced opinion as I’m new to this world. All are flat burr and step less, don’t think any of my choice above will lead me astray.
The Turin is single dose with bellow. The eurekas have hoppers. Would I regret not buying the quieter facile for $85 more? Rate which one I should buy based on your experience PLEEASE!
Bought a breville bambino today for $250 at Marshals 🎉
submitted by DeLaWhole to espresso [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:27 KaminaGoodd A escrita está me destruindo.

Vamos lá. Tudo começou com uma aposta com um amigo. Até os meus 16-18 anos, eu fui uma pessoa que "não queria nada", tirava notas boas na escola e me esforçava pra orgulhar meus pais, mas só queria chegar em casa e jogar no videogame até chegar na hora de dormir, meu amigo se aproveitou disso e me perguntou se eu seria capaz de escrever uma história (meio aleatório). Eu disse que sim e ele lançou um "duvido".
Isso foi em 2022. Fiz um esboço de construção de mundo, mas desisti em setembro de 2022 por aí. Só que isso me despertou a leitura de livros, tenho um outro amigo que lê romances e tal ele me explicou sobre isso (eu não sabia sobre o conceito de "romance", nunca tinha lido nenhum livro do tipo. Eu estudava na época, aí eu peguei Hobbit e Drácula para ler com um vale que a minha escola deu.Esses livros foram o que me fizeram ter a vontade real de escrever uma história, queria criar a minha, o meu mundo com algo a contar, achei que poderia fazer uma história também, sabe?
Bem, achei uma comunidade de escritores no discord e eles me ajudaram MUITO na criação da minha história. Fiz 1 capítulo e meio da minha primeira história, só que pelo feedback que recebi, percebi que eu "estragaria" essa história, decidi abandonar a ideia e escrever outra coisa.Esse foi o estopim para eu tentar escreve algo por 1 ano.
Sim, fazem quase dois anos, na verdade, que estou tentando escrever uma história até o fim.Nesse meio tempo, descobri o gênero xianxia que são basicamente artistas marciais que ficam fortes com meditação e absorção de uma energia natural que buscam a imortalidade. Esse tipo de história me lembra Dragon Ball e um dos meus sonhos seria criar tipo um "Dragon Ball em versão de livro" já que é a minha história favorita.
Mas por que estou escrevendo esse post? É basicamente porque a escrita virou uma paixão, me deu um objetivo para alcançar e algo para se fazer na vida que poderia virar um trabalho legal, ganhando dinheiro se eu tiver sorte e habilidade o suficiente.
O problema foi que falhei miseravelmente em escrever uma história, não consigo criar um enredo sem pensar "não sou capaz de escrever isso".Eu me esforcei, lia meio que 60 mil palavras por dia durante alguns meses para absorver muito conteúdo e já fazer algo.Mas né, parece que investi tempo (e dinheiro também) em algo que não vai adiantar nada, não vai servir de nada.
Perdão pela prolixidade, mas nunca desabafei.Uma coisa, acho que estou bem em escrever algo ruim, mas não consigo me manter num enredo só e não consigo terminar história nenhuma, nem contos! Consegui terminar apenas 1 conto em quase 2 anos de escrita.Alguém passou/passa por algo similar? Obrigado por lerem.
submitted by KaminaGoodd to desabafos [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:27 sassykittenpixie BEHOLD!!! My first homemade Bread ever (had to make it into a L shape to fit my tray) but god am I happy rn

BEHOLD!!! My first homemade Bread ever (had to make it into a L shape to fit my tray) but god am I happy rn submitted by sassykittenpixie to Breadit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:27 Dollabillz____ Good or should I upgrade something?

16 GB DDR5
submitted by Dollabillz____ to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:27 notwastingthetime Is an inkjet worth buying if I have a large print order?

I only have basic printer knowledge; forgive me if this is a stupid question. I have a large print order that will run me >$200 (up to 2k full-color, double sided pages on decent paper). Am I better off just using that money to purchase a lower tier inkjet to print the documents myself?
I would be able to use an inkjet longterm, though I already have a Brother Laser that works fine. The ink is just so pricey that I don't think it's the appropriate tool for the job.
submitted by notwastingthetime to printers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:27 Pandavictim1 Guys Just Imagine.

submitted by Pandavictim1 to CryptoMoon [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:27 Kyle_AH_Sharpe Some new backdrops.

Some new backdrops. submitted by Kyle_AH_Sharpe to PixelArt [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:27 Aggravating_Main8324 Zaleje młode

submitted by Aggravating_Main8324 to SexyPolishInfluYoutub [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 00:27 Flat-Watercress-8819 Pick one! my fav is #2

Pick one! my fav is #2 submitted by Flat-Watercress-8819 to SelfieDump [link] [comments]