She took her sisters carrot out of her mouth, shame her.

2024.11.27 01:50 Luna_Milo13 She took her sisters carrot out of her mouth, shame her.

She took her sisters carrot out of her mouth, shame her. submitted by Luna_Milo13 to RATS [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 404-Person-Not-Found Supporter Tier 4

How do I buy supporter? I've dug through the patron page and clicked all the locked stuff for tier four but it only pulls up payment for a tier 2 supporter. I want tier 4, but it's not clear where to buy the tiers and I'm so confused and frustrated.
submitted by 404-Person-Not-Found to PonyTown [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 irishpisano Airplant care for a newbie?

Airplant care for a newbie? Attached are some pics of some airplanes I’ve had since midseptember. I could use some advice on how to care/better care for them.
Here’s some room info and my routine based on some web searching.
Room has no windows - just fluorescent lights. A grow light is not possible to have right now. Temps are around 70°-71°. Humidity 40-45%. I soak for 30min once a week and mist daily.
  1. How are they looking? (And what is the white stuff on them?)
  2. What am I doing right?
  3. What should I stop doing?
  4. What should I start doing?
Thanks so much!
submitted by irishpisano to airplants [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 Previous_Practice155 Which movie hauled in a massive $164M at the global box office last weekend?

Which movie hauled in a massive $164M at the global box office last weekend?
submitted by Previous_Practice155 to BingQuizAnswers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 MANFRITA contexto? alguien tiene data?, me salio en youtube (SS marschiert in Feindesland-(Paraguayan version)
submitted by MANFRITA to Paraguay [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 maepiranha Como é difícil chegar em alguém sendo tímida

tem umas pessoas que a gente nem percebe direito no começo, mas aí, quando começa a reparar já era😭. Fiquei interessada em um garoto do meu curso. Ele não é mt bonito fisicamente, é bem normal mesmo mas é super inteligente, e isso me atrai. Acho que ele também tem algum interesse, porque vivia me fazendo umas perguntas que ele poderia facilmente perguntar para os amigos dele (e a gente tem 0 intimidade, ele só chegava do nada). Mas sei lá, pode ser coisa da minha cabeça, então acabo não fazendo nada. E a timidez também atrapalha. Quando ele falava comigo, dava pra ver que ele ficava nervoso, e eu achava isso muito fofo. Aí comecei a reparar mais nele, e foi aí que a minha mente descaralhou. Agora sou eu quem fico nervosa e pra piorar ele não desgruda dos amigos, o que me deixa ainda mais distante, porque é um monte de homem e eu fico desconfortável de chegar absolutamente do nada, ainda mais pq se eu tomar um fora ainda tenho que ver essas pessoas todos os dias kkkkk. Também tem um detalhe que um amigo dele já tentou chegar em mim, esse é mais padraozinho mas não faz nada meu estilo, não dei muita bola então acho que talvez ele não tente nada por isso.
E pra piorar, semana passada ele me viu com um amigo meu sozinha. Ele ficou olhando muito e nem tentou disfarçar. Acho que deve ter pensado que eu estava com o meu amigo de um jeito romântico, porque na faculdade eu sou bem na minha, não fico conversando com homens. Só falo com as minhas amigas. Ou seja, a mínima chance q eu tinha já era kkkkk só queria desabafar sobre isso pq tô pensando muito, enfim preciso de conselhos.
submitted by maepiranha to RelatosAmorosos [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 ____Shiro____ Red DRam light stays on

Hey guys, I have built a pc with the following specs:
A gigabyte b650 gaming x ax v2 motherboard A Ryzen 5 7600 cpu 2x16 Gbs 6000Mhz Corsair Vengeance RAM kit
Currently i only have this components built to test if the system would post to BIOS, wich it did. And also recognized all the components connected to the motherboard.
The issue is that despite not having any aparent issues, the motherboard still show the red dram light wich I can't seem to solve.
Any help would be very appreciated and I will try to answer any questions.
submitted by ____Shiro____ to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 over_omega How should I use to defeat sentinel in act 6 1.2

For some context I have gone though the biohazard path and I an finally at the sentinel mini boss but I don't know who to switch out my ultron for.I am debating between 2 champions one is a 5* prowler rank 4 and a rank 2 6* Claire voyant both champions have their ups and downs like Claire can gain back health but isn't fully bleed and poison immune while on the other hand prowler does great rupture damage and is bleed immune but it's hard to master I am wondering who to use prowler or Claire voyant?
submitted by over_omega to MarvelContestOfChamps [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 rosieeblushyy Lovely dogs

Lovely dogs submitted by rosieeblushyy to dogmemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 ComprehensiveFun4732 Need $30 quick!!

F43 petite and selling content tonight can verify Cashapp PayPal Venmo DM me 🫶
submitted by ComprehensiveFun4732 to PocketmoneyOnline [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 ea_fitz Remember like when you were little? I'll buy you one of those Mister Potato Heads, alright?

Remember like when you were little? I'll buy you one of those Mister Potato Heads, alright? submitted by ea_fitz to CirclejerkSopranos [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 Practical_Rope_4528 Advice for my team

Advice for my team submitted by Practical_Rope_4528 to FantasyPL [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 Alarming-Square5908 trade nudes of girls

submitted by Alarming-Square5908 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 android_tests_pac AMA post

submitted by android_tests_pac to qa_ama_anyone [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 Turbulent-Thing3104 [The Fairly Oddparents]

[The Fairly Oddparents] submitted by Turbulent-Thing3104 to explainthisscreen [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 AshariShafi3i #shorts

#shorts submitted by AshariShafi3i to AshariMaturidi [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 jbraden09 New user flair

New user flair As requested, I added a lot of flair options for time since surgery and TDS vs. SADI.
Please update with your information.
submitted by jbraden09 to wls_duodenalswitch [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 Guilty_Magician_1177 Future of code after anticheat 😂?

Future of code after anticheat 😂? Future of code after anticheat 😂?
submitted by Guilty_Magician_1177 to blackops6 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 Dave_CM Reddit AMA, starting NOW!

Reddit AMA, starting NOW! Hello Divers!
We are having an AMA over at NintendoSwitch !!
Join below and ask us anything!
submitted by Dave_CM to DavetheDiverOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 Prior_Tip_5246 As I figured my post are bad, but I want to hear your opinions. Do you think it would be useful if there was option to store those 30 minutes of 50 percent plus tips?

submitted by Prior_Tip_5246 to GoodPizzaGreatPizza [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 NA30SC Bruv selling week one for 60k 🤣

Bruv selling week one for 60k 🤣 submitted by NA30SC to Soundmap [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 SkitZxX3 ☠️ SPAWN Universe ☠️ (Haul)

☠️ SPAWN Universe ☠️ (Haul) Yes, I get every cover. There's 20 pic limit.
submitted by SkitZxX3 to ImageComics [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 Potatomanin Which numbing cream for TCA peel?

I have been doing at home TCA peels which I have found to be effective. I'll be moving to 20% soon and want to prep with a numbing cream beforehand. I was looking to use Platinum Skincare's cream however this seems to be 5% lidocaine which the FDA recently warned against. The risk seems low but I want to know what people are using. Also, I imagine there are similar numbing products that do the same function without the large markup.
submitted by Potatomanin to SkincareAddictionUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 BananaMan245 anyone know what card this is and price?

anyone know what card this is and price? i can’t find anything on this card can someone help me?
submitted by BananaMan245 to F1Cards [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 Specialist_Gene_8361 Does anyone on medi-cal have any advice on how to avoid SFDPH as much as possible for care?

I've experienced enough to want to avoid SFDPH run facilities as much as possible. I was wondering if anyone has any advice to offer on on how to avoid them? Seems like the publicly insured are pigeonholed into SFDPH care.
submitted by Specialist_Gene_8361 to AskSF [link] [comments]