Gina’s Thanksgiving FaceTime Offer

拒绝一个offer比投递一个简历难。 拒绝一个offer,无法面对的,有活生生HR对你语重心长的劝勉,有错失这次机会所带来的机会成本,还有担心自己看走眼下家公司的风险。不过该拒绝还得拒绝,千万不要因为面子过不去就委屈自己。 但,拒绝也讲究方式。 一、如果我们接受offer又不去入职,是否要承担责任呢?. 首先我们给offer下一个定义,这里的offer是指企业发出的,表达愿意录用应聘者的一封信件,通常是由企业的HR发邮件给应聘者,应聘者需要在XX时间给出答复,可以选择接受或者不接受,通常在XX时间之前 ... 如果offer上没规定违约金事宜,那么一般情况下是不用交违约金。但这时,你损害的是个人信誉。所以,在签offer时,还是要慎重。 2.签offer怎么违约? 只和单位签了offer,没有签三方,想违约,怎么办? offer是你和公司签署的一个录用意向,并不涉及学校。 整个Offer的审批过程是卡在了这两类角色之外的更高一个层级。特别是从Leader的角度,按照招聘流程,这个角色应该有招聘最终决定权,目前也只能说帮忙争取。所以极有可能是ta的上级或者整个公司的层面发生了一些变化,导致Offer审批不下来。 在HR没有发正式offer给你之前,一切都有可能。 你说的进入offer环节,是HR打算和你谈offer的细节了?还是已经谈好了offer的细节公司内部正在走审批流程? 如果是前者,还是有比较大的变数,毕竟还会涉及到薪酬的谈判等。 一般的offer都会有要求候选人在收到offer之后,3天之内签字确认回复,这是因为offer虽然是表示意向,但是也是有法律效应的,所以一旦你签字确认,那么一个协议就成立了。后续如果有争议或者麻烦,这个就是诉讼和仲裁的非常重要证据之一。 不接受offer怎么回复 一、面试问你有其他offer,用意在哪?. 1.你是否已经有中意的offer。. 面试官觉得你在这场面试中的表现可圈可点,很想知道你目前是不是已经有中意的其他家offer。. 面试官考虑的点是:. 如果一个求职者很优秀,肯定会有其他企业抛来橄榄枝。. 所以,问你目前 ... 从法律上来说【录用意向书】和【录用通知书】即offer,根本就是两码事。. 意向书对于双方来说均没有法律约束力,而一旦用人单位发出书面录用通知书,即对用人单位产生法律约束力,但用人单位可以在录用通知书送达求职者前随时撤回录用(比如邮件还没到 ... 2、offer生效:. 普及一个概念,offer是有生效条件和有效期的。. 对于应届生来说,一般是 3个工作日内回复邮件,15-30天内寄出三方,这样offer才是生效了。. 也就是说, 你回复邮件,这个offer只是生效了一半。. 在offer完全生效之前,你们彼此双方都会产生变数 ... 一、口头offer不算数. 要知道offer是表达双方合作意愿的一个产物,但要产生约定效应,必须落实在书面上才行。. 所以, 口头offer是不具有任何法律效力的!. 有些企业在发放正式offer之前,内部是需要走录用流程的,但这个流程往往需要耗费几天时间。. 但HR会 ...

2024.11.27 01:50 tlozbotwamiibos Gina’s Thanksgiving FaceTime Offer

Gina’s Thanksgiving FaceTime Offer submitted by tlozbotwamiibos to ShowBobasPodcast [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 android_tests_pac Anyone can post AMA test for 27/11/2024 01:49:56

submitted by android_tests_pac to qa_ama_anyone [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 Latex_lover_69 Huh

Huh submitted by Latex_lover_69 to fashion [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 DiggerJer Made some old timer gold pan pendants as gifts for some digging friends. The gold come from our claims here in the Kootenay BC area in Canada

Made some old timer gold pan pendants as gifts for some digging friends. The gold come from our claims here in the Kootenay BC area in Canada submitted by DiggerJer to Prospecting [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 lilacteardrop Everybody knows that the world is full of stupid people...

Everybody knows that the world is full of stupid people... submitted by lilacteardrop to tvfilmmusic [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 azzaranda How are you guys deciding on regions/combat styles for Leagues? I feel so lost and keep flipflopping back and forth.

I'll preface this by saying I've had a melee build for every past League and really want to try something different.
For starters, I feel like the melee perks just seem somewhat subpar compared to range and melee. Ranged having 100% guaranteed accuracy + minimum hit and magic's conditional damage boost + healing seem way more versatile and useful overall. The low echo chance and 5% heal proc for melee feels... underwhelming.
As far as Region unlocks go, I am always unlocking Mory. It's my favorite region and has my favorite content. Regardless of combat style decision, this is my first region unlock.
This is where my plan starts to unravel. Mory meshes well with all three styles; I know Frem is the meta pick this Leagues, and it not only provides infinite passive gold and 50m con xp with GG and also the best-in-slot jewelry from Echo DKS, but I just don't vibe with it. If I decide to go for magic I will pick it due to the boost being more significant between the jewelry and the saturated heart, but for ranged and melee... it feels less important beyond the Echo boss gear.
Asgarnia is fun because I like GWD, but it meshes primarily with melee (cerb Echo boss' Dogsword) and ranged (ZCB + specialist will go HARD). If I pick magic, Asgarnia is a dead region, full stop.
Kandarin... if Frem isn't picked, Kand is basically required for Zenytes and Occult. If I pick Frem this is a hard pass.
Kourend is always fun, and it has a little bit for each style, but nothing pops out as required, particularly if grimoire is selected. I want to learn CoX and this would be a nice start to that goal.
Desert is a great pick if I choose Magic and don't pick grimoire. With desert I have ancients access and that frees up my Tier 7 pick to either pocket kingdom or overgrown. ToA is a pass for me, I can take it or leave it. Without ToA though, I'd be missing a lot of points, and forcing myself to play content I don't want to play is a recipe for disaster.
Wilderness is a wildcard for me. Echo KBD seems like fun and zero-stress PKing and wildy bossing has its own appeal, even if the "usefulness" of the region is subpar at best. Black chins are kinda huge, though.
Long story short:

The relic choices seem a lot easier to make, in comparison to combat masteries.
  1. Animal Wrangler. not really even a choice for me.
  2. Corner Cutter. Nobody likes agility. Except that one guy. This was a harder choice as all three are good.
  3. Clue Compass. Clues are good, even when nerfed, and bank teleports are easy to come by.
  4. Golden God synergizes too well with Frem to not pick it if you go there. Without Frem it's good but not get-50m-con-in-an-hour busted. Equi is a noob trap, but Reloaded... is tempting. Going back and picking up Dodgy Deals would be a huge boon for farming, crafting, and reduces the dependency on Golden God.
  5. Slayer Master. Picking Mory as my first region. Not even up for debate, really.
  6. Bankers Note. Again, recall is nice, but... note is much more useful.
  7. This depends on my combat choices. Grimoire is great for thrall and raid prayers access without picking Kourend, while Overgrown meshes well with Dodgy Deals and basically handles farming and herblore.
  8. I pretty much am picking Guardian for the straight DPS increase. My goal is to learn bosses and the other two trivialize them a bit too much.
If I had to pick right now, I would probably go ranged (6) and melee (4) with Mory/Asg/Tirannwyn. Relics would be Animal Wrangler, Corner Cutter, Clue Compass, Reloaded (Dodgy Deals), Slayer Master, Banker's Note, Overgrown, Guardian.
submitted by azzaranda to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 KillbotXx How to preserve a new leather desk top? - Using glass on top of leather

Hi all! I'm restoring a ~1930's wooden desk and applying new leather on top. This is going to be my main desk so I intend on putting a very heavy monitor mount/dual monitor setup. Due to this I want to add a glass top. How do I adequately space the glass from the leather so that it can breath? Would decorative studs around the perimeter be enough of a space? What other ways can I do this? Will a heavy object permanently indent the leather if I don't put a glass top? Thanks!
submitted by KillbotXx to Leathercraft [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 x_SHiTHEAD debate my friend came up with while we smoked

so there is a perfect copy of you exactly one week from the future, with miscellaneous evil intentions. they are exactly you and know everything you know plus a week more, and you are found in a room with them. what question could someone ask to differ you from the other?
submitted by x_SHiTHEAD to StonerThoughts [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 CodyBankss What's wrong with this thing?

It grinds when starting and trying to make coffee. No water with dbl wall filter in. Water will come out when the tray is not in the thing. Anyone have experience with this? Video below
submitted by CodyBankss to breville [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 oracles4444 Status Match

I have silver status with United, does spirit have a status match program? I looked on but it states spirit is currently not accepting offers, is this true? Thanks for your responses
submitted by oracles4444 to spiritair [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 myrightnut11 (WTS) Aero 6 arc 20" upper

Photos also in above link. Let me know if there's other you want.
$275 $250 $240 final price drop
Decided to stick to 6.5 grendel since I have less time to reload than I thought and 6.5 factory ammo is a bit friendlier on the wallet. Shot about 200 rounds through this upper, about 50/50 reloads and factory ammo. Shot solid, I'd say averaging around 1-1.5" with hornady precision hunter, and closer to 1.5 with hornady black. Didn't do much load development (just loaded up steel plinking ammo), but the little development I did showed lower levels of LeverRevolution showed promise with 103gr ELD-Xs.
This essentially ended up being an unintentional Aero build: - Aero standard milspec upper - BA 20" premium black series 1/7 twist, DMR profile - 15" Aero Atlas S one handguard - Aero gas block and gas tube - NO BCG OR CH - currently no muzzle device, but if you can wait until Tuesday for shipping I can put on a standard birdcage
Dibs gets priority. Ppff, but g and s is fine if you pay the fee.
submitted by myrightnut11 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 WilliamsLakeNewsBot Williams Lake, Wildwood fire departments extinguish spreading backyard burn - Williams Lake Tribune

Williams Lake, Wildwood fire departments extinguish spreading backyard burn - Williams Lake Tribune submitted by WilliamsLakeNewsBot to WilliamsLakeNews [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 portia_portia_portia Why isn't there any help?

I have been in a variety of really messed up and complicated situations for the last year and a half since losing my job. I haven't had a steady place to live since last fall, and have been bouncing between hotels and friends' apartments while looking for work and dealing with sudden health issues. I keep ending up in these weird inbetween situations where I can't help myself and no one can help me; I'm broke but still make too much money for some services. I'm mentally ill but not in enough danger to get in to a respite center (that doesn't have some insane waitlist). I've dealt with long bouts of ideation this year and sought help in ERs only to be left alone in a room watched by a guard until I "feel better" then sent on my way, with a referral to therapists or doctors who can't see me any time soon because of wait lists. I got a therapist who got a new job and ghosted me before our last session. So many things...I'm speechless about the last 6 months, and now last week I had surgery and wound up getting cut into before I was put to sleep. I kept screaming on the table for 30 minutes until they finally put me out. I can't lay down now without having a panic attack. I keep drinking. I was discharged and stayed with friends of friends, nice people but people I don't know nonetheless. No one's even hugged me since all this last week. I was trafficked from when I was a toddler til I was 9. And since then I've worked so hard to have a good life and be a good person yet I can't tell you how many absurd things have happened to me, how many simple things work out to be so complicated or hard or "weird" when it comes to me. I deserve better, I want better. I'm holding on by a thread and things just get more complicated or more painful. I am here because I'm too scared to go, and I'm angry. That tells me something. But I'm miserable and I just wish all this physical and emotional pain would stop. Thank you for reading.
submitted by portia_portia_portia to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 anonymous-guy1 FTR Bald: “You appearing at the rumble? Just saying, it’s a bad look.”

“By supporting Cody, you are taking breakfast away from my daughter.”
submitted by anonymous-guy1 to SCJerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 fonodon Struggling With Odd Boot Drive Issues After SSD Upgrade

Just got a 2023 G14 in the mail yesterday, and after some initial testing, I upgraded the SSD, wifi card, and RAM today. But I'm having some confusing issues after installing windows. The SSD seems to RANDOMLY disappear from the BIOS as an available device. But it works perfectly when it's actually detected and boots into Windows. I can't seem to find anything in particular to indicate if it will be detected on the next boot.
Some relevant info about the drive and what I've tried:

Would really appreciate any kind of help here as I'm at a loss for things to try. I'm currently 11% into a "Full Scan" within the Samsung Magician software, I'll update the post once it's completed.
Thanks so much for any ideas!
submitted by fonodon to ZephyrusG14 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 Flashy_Potato_5992 Chopper Gunners Shouldn't Beget Chopper Gunners

Chopper Gunners Shouldn't Beget Chopper Gunners submitted by Flashy_Potato_5992 to blackops6 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 Raynor555 Help ID'ing this jacket

Help ID'ing this jacket submitted by Raynor555 to TheNorthFace [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 wenirene Is this mild popeye?

Is this mild popeye? Hey! I got my dumbo boy last saturday and his eyes have already looked a little bulgy and weird even before I got him, and I wanna see if this could be a mild case popeye or not. He’s behaving and eating well. I currently have indian almond leaves, aqua and epsom salt, and kanaplex to treat him if this is popeye. Thanks!
  • Tank size 5 gal.
  • Temp 27.8°C to 28°C.
  • Hob filter 2.5 watts (?), but haven't cleaned in three months
  • 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 20 ppm nitrate
  • Ph around 7.6 last time i checked.
  • Tank has rotala plants, bacopa monneiri, and red alternanthera, very few duck weed. Added an indian almond leaf too, no tankmates. I feed him two pellets, three times a day.
submitted by wenirene to bettafish [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 MugShots 86-year-old California woman critically injured after unprovoked punch

86-year-old California woman critically injured after unprovoked punch submitted by MugShots to ArrestStories [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 AnM60ForJesus I asked AI to make a music video about Greenland

I asked AI to make a music video about Greenland submitted by AnM60ForJesus to aiMusic [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 MaxHavoc298 Visiting Singapore

Hi all,
I was a regular visitor to Singapore 20+ years ago but haven't been back in a while. I am bringing my adult kids there at the end of January. What are the best experiences to give them a feel for the unique blended culture of Singapore? I'm not talking about the usual tourist traps.
I used to spend most of my time on the North side of the island eating and partying in and around Yishun and Sembawang so I am looking for a more authentic Singapore experience.
submitted by MaxHavoc298 to askSingapore [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 After-Possibility430 Do you think they would ever do a supercell make brawler?

I know they’ve done a bunch of supercell make skins but do you think there would ever be a supercell make brawler? I mean the closest we have is Draco or kit because Draco is Dragonforce. Kit was also a fan idea but not specifically supercell make. I think supercell make brawlers would be a really cool thing that would bring more people to supercell make and brawl stars itself.
submitted by After-Possibility430 to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 techworkerelf What kind of valve are these Home Depot link?

What kind of valve are these Home Depot link? What kind of valves are these exactly? How hard would it be to replace them as someone with more electrical background.
submitted by techworkerelf to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 Electrical-Lime3160 Drinking bad

Drinking bad submitted by Electrical-Lime3160 to im14andthisisdeep [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:50 Impossible-Mood-3858 E&L

E&L submitted by Impossible-Mood-3858 to airsoft [link] [comments]