What is the hate about pisces men?!

2024.11.27 01:40 mimibedumb What is the hate about pisces men?!

I've seen so much hate about them, but I personally love them. Can someone who dislikes them please tell me what's so wrong about them?
submitted by mimibedumb to piscesastrology [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 WoodlandStag How did you make it work?

Has anyone here actually successfully had sex with their partner after a long period of nothing? If so, how'd it happen?
submitted by WoodlandStag to DeadBedrooms [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 cassmath 2019 Ram ProMaster Conversion

2019 Ram ProMaster Conversion Selling my 2019 Ram ProMaster 2500. I’ll drop the link below for more details!
submitted by cassmath to vandwellermarketplace [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 frfrbroqwr Dragon tv not working?

I only have one set of ads and I’m missing the ads to watch gems and the one on the right that says play other games to collect gems. Can anyone please help me?
submitted by frfrbroqwr to DragonCity [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 hogiemane Amazon Holster Recommendations

Ordered holsters off Amazon a while back. Don't really love the ones I got.
Primarily appendix carry / iwb 4 o'clock
Typically carry p365 or m&p 2.0 compact.
Also open to non Amazon options if you guys have a solid recommendation. Prime is tuff to beat for convenience.
submitted by hogiemane to handguns [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 Much-Dragonfly2196 BlueBerry Acid

BlueBerry Acid Www.blueberryacid.store
submitted by Much-Dragonfly2196 to Promoteyourclothing [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 arcane_oak My timline stuff

My timline stuff Ah yo
submitted by arcane_oak to TurningRed [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 SSJ_02 Help on trade

I receive Tyreke hill + Jonnu Smith I give Courtland Sutton + Najee Harris
submitted by SSJ_02 to Fantasy_Football [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 RichDude36547 NIU 100p or Segway nine boy max gl30lp

NIU 100p or Segway nine boy max gl30lp submitted by RichDude36547 to ElectricScooters [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 ieatdiarhea Had Ukraine never sought NATO membership, you'd have a few hundred thousand more men in your country.

You were tempted by the US and their plan for a proxy war. Your puppet has gotten rich and your children are dying.
submitted by ieatdiarhea to ukraine [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 Odd-Run9106 konisegg regera

is the konisegg really worth it or should i not buy
submitted by Odd-Run9106 to NFSHeat [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 Suitable-Brain7714 Phasmophobia is not a good game

For those of you who are unaware phasmophobia (wich i'll be referring to as phas from now on) is a up to four player horror co op game about hunting for ghosts... the thing is is that it's so fucking boring, you wait for like 10 minutes for the ghost to even give you one piece of evidence, when the ghost "hunts" (basically when the ghost tries to kill someone) you sit in a courner, closet or locker, turn off all your shit and hope the ghost doesnt just hear or find you because yes the ghost can hear you and when the ghost haunts it's not even scary, the ghost models themselves seem to be asset flips with darker textures and lighting thrown onto them, infact alot of the assets seemed to be flipped, the gameplay loop isnt fun and the ghost fails at doing it's job aka being scary and killing people half the time. If you think the game is fun or you somehow enjoy it then good for you but i just can't stand the game personally
submitted by Suitable-Brain7714 to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 Major-Bandicoot3427 Monopoly go tokens

I know everyone says or a lot of people agree that they don't have abilities but some people do agree so does anyone have an advice for a token that they feel hit the tax and utilities more than others?
submitted by Major-Bandicoot3427 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 groshretro iPhone 14 Pro

iPhone 14 Pro submitted by groshretro to iPhoneography [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 got_em_saying_wow Can someone explain to me like I'm 5 about sleep sacks and what is rolling safe?

I'm a first time mom to 4mo little gal. We are in hell transitioning her out of the Merlin suit because she rolled in it. It's been a week. We have tried other products, but I don't understand how/why those are so much safer than rolling in the Merlin. The Zipadee Zip restricts their movement too, doesn't it? It doesn't allow for full extension of their arms or use of their hands. How can that be safe, but not the Merlin? Traditional sleep sacks allow for movement of the arms, but not for their feet necessarily, right? How can they use their feet to push themselves up? Then there's the gunamuna, which everyone recommends to get in a 2.5 tog so it's nice and thick and mimics the Merlin. But how can that be safe for rolling if it's so padded and tight on the chest/tummy?
I'm just miserable. I know she can't use the Merlin, but I'm struggling so hard with this rolling thing. Please give me some supporting evidence to know I'm making the right decision and not feeling like we're undoing literally all of the good sleep progress.
submitted by got_em_saying_wow to sleeptrain [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 Ok-Statistician1790 Throwback to hair school

I see so many serious topics in this subreddit and I just wanted to lighten the mood a bit by showing you guys how I’d wash my mannequins in hair school lol
submitted by Ok-Statistician1790 to hairstylist [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 EloHellBronze OBS crashing with Black Ops 6

So if I even try to have OBS open while Black Ops 6 is open, both of them crash! It was working fine for the first few days Black Ops was released, now it’s just crashing all the time. OBS, GPU Driver, Windows are all updated
submitted by EloHellBronze to obs [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 Substantial-Lie8185 Simulator

Does anyone play online via Simulator?
submitted by Substantial-Lie8185 to thegolfclub [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 arthurfame1 eu sai do vegas lol ( Não da para ficar usando pirata lol )

eu sai do vegas lol ( Não da para ficar usando pirata lol ) submitted by arthurfame1 to Enizei_Reddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:39 Top-Factor-6349 Application date is near and I may have wasted my time

For the past two years, I’ve been attending a community college with the goal of transferring to UIUC, focusing solely on this as my next step. I knew UIUC was a strong choice, but I now realize I set this as my only option without setting any safety nets for myself. I'll elaborate on this later. At the end of my second year, I’ve only just started to seriously reflect on why I want to transfer, how and if I’ll even be accepted. My planned application is for Spring 2025, with a focus on I.S. (Business) at the Gies College of Business, but today I learned that Gies is highly competitive for transfers, which brought me here.
I’m feeling overwhelmed and unsure about my future, especially since I haven’t considered whether my major or coursework would transfer to other schools. I’ve maintained a 3.9 GPA and completed the required UIUC courses, but I’m nervous about breaking the news to my parents, who supported me all this time. They do not know about the specifics of my education, they trusted me to do my best. I’m afraid they might be disappointed and very worried, especially if my options are more limited than we thought. While I’ll schedule an appointment with my school’s advisor soon, I’m seeking guidance on opportunities and resources to avoid being entirely unprepared, if anyone would be kind enough to point me toward.
Though I recognize this might be a hard lesson to learn, I hope to salvage the situation and move forward. Planning on telling my parents is what I am most scared of. Scheduling advisor appointments across universities sometimes takes months and I don't want to wait that long for guidance and direction to tell my parents.
submitted by Top-Factor-6349 to UIUC [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:39 ShyGuy1404 Looking for Rio

Looking for Rio submitted by ShyGuy1404 to ACNHwishlistrequest [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:39 helix400 The Jazz's transition defense is the NBA's worst over the last 21 seasons, and it's not close.

The Jazz's transition defense is the NBA's worst over the last 21 seasons, and it's not close. submitted by helix400 to UtahJazz [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:39 ursusino Noob not being able to overfit a simple model

Hi, I'm trying to overfit the model for educational purposes, yet I cannot seem to do so even with hundreds of neurons for a rather simple classification problem
``` import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
device = torch.device("cpu")
generator = torch.Generator(device=device)
# Generate training data
x = torch.rand(10_000, 3, generator=generator, device=device)
y = torch.sigmoid(6 * x[:, 0] - 10 * x[:, 1] + 5 * x[:, 2])
w1 = torch.rand(100, 3, requires_grad=True, generator=generator, device=device)
b1 = torch.rand(100, requires_grad=True, generator=generator, device=device)
w2 = torch.rand(200, 100, requires_grad=True, generator=generator, device=device)
b2 = torch.rand(200, requires_grad=True, generator=generator, device=device)
w3 = torch.rand(200, requires_grad=True, generator=generator, device=device)
b3 = torch.rand(1, requires_grad=True, generator=generator, device=device)
learning_rate = 0.01
losses = []
for _ in range(100_000):
batch_indices = torch.randint(low=0, high=x.shape[0], size=(64,))
batch_x = x[batch_indices]
batch_y = y[batch_indices]
a1 = torch.relu(batch_x @ w1.T + b1)
a2 = torch.relu(a1 @ w2.T + b2)
z3 = a2 @ w3 + b3
loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(z3, batch_y)
w1.grad = None
b1.grad = None
w2.grad = None
b2.grad = None
w3.grad = None
b3.grad = None
w1.data -= learning_rate * w1.grad
b1.data -= learning_rate * b1.grad
w2.data -= learning_rate * w2.grad
b2.data -= learning_rate * b2.grad
w3.data -= learning_rate * w3.grad
b3.data -= learning_rate * b3.grad
print(losses[-10:]) ```
Scaling the network from say (3x3 + 4x3) did't basically nothing for the loss. After what is essentially 650 epochs I'd expect the loss to go essentially 0 as such big model should be able to memorize all of the training data
Is there something obviously wrong with the code?
submitted by ursusino to learnmachinelearning [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:39 Flat_Jicama8729 Mamada baja sacada de tik Toks

Mamada baja sacada de tik Toks submitted by Flat_Jicama8729 to MAAU [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:39 LittleBarracuda1219 Is there is a Subbredit for Childhood Memories?

submitted by LittleBarracuda1219 to findareddit [link] [comments]
