2024.11.27 02:40 -P1NK- how are the last 2 witcher games compared to 3?
i’m going to play both of the old games and i just wanna know what im getting into
submitted by -P1NK- to witcher [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 02:40 indiainvest Best dividend paying stocks in India
submitted by indiainvest to India_Investments [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 02:40 Techtoys79 I started the cycling plan to improve general fitness workout still shows after completing
On my edge it now shows today as a rest day. Just looks weird to me since the edge is not a rest day but connect shows up like this. Anyone seen this before? submitted by Techtoys79 to Garmin [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 02:40 AugustHate Kanye mii
submitted by AugustHate to Kanye [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 02:40 ZOP_Gaming Putting Delamain Back Together | Cyberpunk 2077
submitted by ZOP_Gaming to zopgaming [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 02:40 Responsible-Image831 Monthly Challenges
If I get to the max level before it ends is it worth the $10 or $15 to get the atlas bucks and especially the legendary land?
or should i just not spend any on that?
submitted by Responsible-Image831 to AtlasEarthOfficial [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 02:40 AmericanAccent-Coach Let your DESIRE to Adopt the American English Accent Overpower any DOUBTS you have about the Learning Process!
submitted by AmericanAccent-Coach to ENGLISH [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 02:40 hiulga CRK Sebenza Alternatives?
I am considering getting a small Sebenza after learning about the history of CRK and the quality of this knife, but I also understand that there are those who believe that CRK is overrated.
For the latter group, what knives would you recommend as alternatives to the small Sebenza that have similar quality and profile at a lower price point?
submitted by hiulga to chineseknives [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 02:40 MarvelDCFanboy1999 Question
I already have the US Blu-ray of Shin Godzilla from Funimation, which has the sub and dub. But I’m thinking about getting the 3 disc Japanese Blu-ray set on Amazon for $50 or the 4 disc version that has a 4K disc for $60 (because it would arrive sooner). The reason is because apparently they include a ton of bonus content. And it would look nice on my self with the Japanese edition of Minus One. However, I’m aware that none of it has subs.
It’s a lot to pay for something that is probably useless to me since there’s no subs, so I have a few questions for anyone that owns the set. First, how much bonus content are we talking about? Like how many hours and what kind of stuff is there on each disc (I think there’s 2 bonus discs)? And does any of it require subs to understand, or is it just BTS footage that can be watched and enjoyed without needing to know what’s being talked about?
submitted by MarvelDCFanboy1999 to GODZILLA [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 02:40 Right_Performance553 Tips on bloodwork?
My 2.5 son has hypersensitivity to pain. For example he can bump his head and turn purple and hold his breath crying. He also has really tiny veins so providers really struggle to find one. I’ve been crying just thinking about having him go again. Any tips, I’m desperate.
submitted by Right_Performance553 to Autism_Parenting [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 02:40 Future-Campaign4907 [USA-WI][W]RTX 3070 or RTX 3070 ti [H] PayPal
Building my son a computer for Christmas. In need of a GPU. Also need PSU and SSD if you happen to have that as well lmk RTX 3070 $250 shipped RTX 3070 ti $300 shipped
submitted by Future-Campaign4907 to hardwareswap [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 02:40 TheGlowstickHyper_FR umm
submitted by TheGlowstickHyper_FR to autocorrect [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 02:40 Ok-Butterscotch-763 Monarch counts in overwintering sites
From Monarch Watch
Eastern Monarch Population
We've been hearing from Monarch Watchers and others that the fall migration has overall been late this year, and monarch observations across much of the country have been low. As of November 21, Journey North reports that more monarchs are arriving at overwintering sites in central Mexico. As described by Estela Romero, the arrival was late, and numbers are still lower than normal. As you probably recall from previous years, official population numbers in Mexico will be released early next year.
Western Monarch Population
Monarch Conservation Specialist and Coordinator of the Southwest Monarch Study Gail Morris shares some details about this year's western population:
"In California, monarchs are continuing to arrive at the coastal overwintering sites but in dramatically smaller numbers than in earlier years. Informal counts reveal the number of monarchs is only about 10% of the monarchs present last year at the same time. The largest populations to date have been in the Santa Cruz sites, but even these locations are a fraction of the monarchs everyone was hoping to see by now. While there is growing concern and disappointment, there is also still hope that more monarchs will arrive in greater numbers in the days to come before the annual official Western Monarch Count, which begins soon."
submitted by Ok-Butterscotch-763 to FriendlyMonarchs [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 02:40 Putrid-Excuse1312 Artist
Looking for places in town that would like my unique art in their establishment...any suggestions? submitted by Putrid-Excuse1312 to RapidCity [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 02:40 nate19988 Tickets for 12/13
Is anyone selling 2 tickets for 12/13 in New York not tryna pay 120 a ticket lmao
submitted by nate19988 to HONESTAV [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 02:40 unknown07724 stop spreading misinformation
you keep on making us look like the worst people on earth while you spread misinformation like "HitLeR mAKeD MeIN KraFt"
submitted by unknown07724 to BanVideoGames [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 02:40 Moist_Lychee6762 First Step into Prepper Life!
I've finally taken my first step into prepping. Was able to pick up an EcoFlow Delta 2 Solar Generator (Portable Power Station) plus 220W Solar panel today. Very excited for this purchase to come in and get me going on my preparation journey.
Any thoughts / recommendations / anecdotal evidence in regard to this piece of gear? Looking forward to having power security in the event of grid unreliability.
Also, any other essential pieces of beginner prep gear y'all would recommend? I'm focusing on having proper medical gear (already have a substantial first aid kit), a stock of food and potable water / purification system, and access to power.
Thanks :)
submitted by Moist_Lychee6762 to preppers [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 02:40 vp-ivy what is something "silly" that happened today that made you break down and cry your heart out?
submitted by vp-ivy to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 02:40 Owning_Liberals There putting WOMEN and BLACKS in my Goku x Vegeta
https://preview.redd.it/mndxsco2xc3e1.png?width=826&format=png&auto=webp&s=885aae907e667921c4a262003a56e1f2d406c0cc submitted by Owning_Liberals to satire [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 02:40 Maleficent-Focus-595 551005026910 wb dialga need help
submitted by Maleficent-Focus-595 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 02:40 Dianagorgon From writer created The Man In Yellow after observing a homeless person?
I watched an interview with Ricky He who described how the writer for From was inspired to create TMIY.
So Griffin was living in LA and one day he saw a man wearing a yellow suit and he looked very happy and filled with joy. Then a few years later he saw the same man and his suit was dirty and tattered and he looked unhappy.
So in other words, years of being homeless made a man lose joy in life and his clothes were in bad shape. Imagine that.
Dear John,
We're enjoying your show so far but please refrain from repeating the story in the future.
Thank you,
A From fan
submitted by Dianagorgon to FromSeries [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 02:40 JustAoplogize Beware of latest 🚽Scam
Heard she is going into the oppositional groups and having her many aliases or friends anonymously ask for help with Christmas gifts. She then plans to laugh as she got away with it!
submitted by JustAoplogize to RockwallCounty [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 02:40 Rat_with_revolver Two missing, last sightings
(First girl’s name is hard to read) and Dillion Hall from the missing posters based on their descriptions (Dillion’s is loose so I made up a scenario) I got bored :/ submitted by Rat_with_revolver to MurderDronesOfficial [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 02:40 Adventurous-Crew1025 Need your help with this coin.
It looks like initially the coin was sniped and farmed. But now the insiders have almost all sold off. I like it because the guy is the original artist and has a large following. They also want to start TikTok trends. Would you guys put some $$$ in this ? Honestly asking for feedback. https://dexscreener.com/solana/9il89qfbtmwygtawzgikl2j6asbryx7xsm5epucoq5fk submitted by Adventurous-Crew1025 to SolanaMemeCoins [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 02:40 SunnyLu2015 如何看待《金融时报》报道国防部长董军在接受贪腐调查?
submitted by SunnyLu2015 to China_irl [link] [comments]