What’s a cbf, luma?

fm、pm、nm、um、mm、cm、m之间的换算及fm、pm的读法1微米(um)=1000纳米(nm); 1纳米(nm) =1000 皮米(pm) 1皮米(pm)=1000飞米(fm)长度单位还有兆米(Mm)、千米(km)、分米(dm)、厘米(cm)、毫米(mm)、丝米(dmm)、 justin bieber- baby 歌词和中文翻译歌词: Oh woooah, oh woooooah, oh wooooah You know you love me, I know you care. what's是 what is 的缩写形式 。what是疑问词,is是be动词,疑问句中,疑问词后要加be动词(am ,is ,are)或者助动词(do ).比如: What’s your job title? 你的职称是什么? 例: Could you tell me your official job title? 你能告诉我你的正式职称吗? 常见各种职称英文单字 Job title . 下面列出一些常见的 Job title,可以对这些职称英文有更多的了解。 Administrative Coordinator 行政协调员 Administrative Director ... 请问英文中的First name ,middle name ,last name 具体的含义,并且以例子为证明1、first name是你的名字,在英文中通常放在最前面,例如:Lily White ,Lily就是first name,是她的名字。 百度ip地址是多少百度首页的IP地址为【】你可以通过电脑本机进行查询,查询步骤如下:1、点击【开始】--->>【运行】,输入【cmd】; 按键盘上的【Win键】+【R键】,调出运行,输入【cmd】,点击 's和s'和s的区别。1、’s,表示有生命的东西的名词及某些表示时间、距离、星球、世界、国家等无生命的东西的名词后加 ’s来表示所有关系,叫做名词所有格。 一师一优课登录入口: https://1s1k.eduyun.cn/portal/html/1s1k/index/1.html “一师一课”晒课报名 在电脑上打英语中的一撇s的一撇怎么打's方法在英文输入法下按”←Enter的左边的键“即为“‘ "再按s键,即为 “ 's ”。 百度知道页面,提供关于“applicable”一词的含义和用法的信息。

2024.11.27 02:20 Macrokloon What’s a cbf, luma?

What’s a cbf, luma? submitted by Macrokloon to SuperMarioGalaxy [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:20 bashfulnights This is a first for me

This is a first for me Finally played Dragonite after so many failed attempts and won with no points.
Thank you for your sacrifices Lickitung and Krabby 🫡
submitted by bashfulnights to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:20 Traditional-Fly5931 Lavender Fields glorifying kabits

I get it. The Buenavidez have an illegal business, but:

  1. Is that a grounds for cheating? Yes Tyrone wanted out, but was cheating the answer? He just dug himself another hole by cheating. It's crazy to me how this actually happens in real life. Okay, the relationship may be toxic, but why cause further harm and resort to cheating?
  2. Who wouldn't go batshit crazy if you found out your dad or husband has a mistress?
First, it was Iris Buenavidez finding out Tyrone not only engaged in an affair, but also got his freaking kabit pregnant. I don't care that it's the beloved Jodi Sta. Maria playing the Jasmine Flores/Lavender Fields role. Her character was still a kabit. Yes, she deserves to be reunited with her kid but for her to have the audacity to go after Iris? When Iris was just reacting to what was done to her?
I remember that recent scene she had with Tyrone after they got reunited. Tyrone told her that he will surrender himself to the authorities once this is all over on the condition that they let Iris go and LavendeJasmine said kailangan magbayad ni Iris sa mga kasalanan niya. I was like ??? You think you have the moral high ground now? Okay, she wasn't aware that Tyrone was married when they had their affair. She was, after all, just an innocent and naive countryside girl, but when she did find out, what did she do? She still had the audacity to go to the funeral which they didn't know back then was fake. I get it also, she was a grieving mother who got separated from her child and went through so much shit most of which orchestrated by Iris, but to go after Iris, the wife of the man you had an affair with after she found out and went batshit crazy about your affair? That's just embarrassing. In case it further needs to be emphasized, all her suffering was a result of her relationship with Tyrone.
People can argue she was just a victim too and was blindsided, the same as all other women out there who didn't know the person they were engaging with is already married or have another girlfriend, but Jasmine Flores/Lavender Fields wasn't clueless for long. She did eventually find out Tyrone was married. She tried to quietly live her life but Iris went after her. Again though, can you blame Iris for doing that? What if we were in her shoes? Haven't we seen real life situations of this where the wife would breakdown and threaten to let all hell break loose after they find out their husband was cheating on them? The difference is, Iris actually has the power to make that happen and she tried to.
I'm not justifying the character of Iris Buenavidez. She has her own fair of piling faults and questionable actions, but did we forget who she was before her miscarriage? Before her marriage fell apart? She was the bubbly golden girl who was always there for her friends (i.e when her friend Lily Attienza, played by Jolina Magdangal, tried to k-word herself among other things)
Second, we find out Marigold, the missing daughter of Aster Fields, was also the mistress of Iris' dad Vittorio. Heather, also another child of an affair but was eventually accepted into the family, confronted Marigold and accidentally killed her. Yes, yes very unfortunate. Very horrifying. But again, we have seen too many real life situations of children and wives that got cheated on and we have all heard all the possible insults and threats they hurled. I mean, if you were also the daughter, wouldn't you have fought for your family? Wouldn't you be so fuming mad at the kabit especially when they have the audacity to not even show slightest remorse?
The common argument people raise is we should go after the men too because they instigated this and were equally at fault, but in the Lavender Fields TV show, the mistresses and their families are crying for justice and going after the legal family. They are the ones who are antagonizing the real family.
Now for the technicalities, I know it was revealed that Tyrone and Iris' marriage certificate was not real. The showrunners or fans might make this as a loophole to make Tyrone and LavendeJasmine end up together since technically, she wasn't a kabit after all but it doesn't change the fact that Tyrone still cheated. He, Iris and all the people they know lived most of their lives believing Iris and Tyrone were married. There's no loophole for Marigold being a kabit though.
submitted by Traditional-Fly5931 to Philippines [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:20 Yakobobey What's he got there?

What's he got there? Took the picture of the shadow figure inside the mirror and enhanced it and still can't tell. Any theories?
(I did this after seeing someone cross reference the shadow figure mirror to the mirror in liberty falls this morning)
submitted by Yakobobey to CODZombies [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:20 Fine-Essay-3295 Melfina from Outlaw Star

Though she was presented as being more cute as opposed to Aisha’s sexy and Suzuka’s beautiful, I had the biggest crush on Melfina when I saw Outlaw Star.
submitted by Fine-Essay-3295 to Spacegirls [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:20 Ikagara Commute Home <@ronnoffski.bsky.social‬>

Commute Home <@ronnoffski.bsky.social‬> submitted by Ikagara to anthroswim [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:20 Maleficent_Box6990 Nah y’all gotta stop playing with my son kai.

submitted by Maleficent_Box6990 to KaiCenat [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:20 moonlightmanners Chalupa, one of my current foster kittens 🖤

Chalupa, one of my current foster kittens 🖤 A true void
submitted by moonlightmanners to kittens [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:20 myheartexploding From friends to lovers is the best

From friends to lovers is the best I finally found what I've been looking for
And now you know I'm going to love you more
Hold me tight 'cause it's always been you
submitted by myheartexploding to SoundTripPh [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:20 Mountain-Extension43 Colorgaurd and disabilities

I just finished highschool last year and I was in colorgaurd for 8 seasons I have autism and dyslexia and dyscalcula and I am wondering if anyone else had the same experience as me my coaches always put me in the berry back of every show and always put me with the beginners everyone else was considered a vet after 2 seasons but I wasn't even after 7 the other girls in colorgaurd wonded why I was put in the back and separated from the other vets one season we had buddies for who we would walk in line whith the pairing was vets and newbies instead of having two vets be partners I was partnerd whith a girl who had only done one season and she was my vet they had all the vets get there newbie partner a gift and i got a gift to like the rest of the newbies exept .... I was one of the most experienced in the colorgaurd Everyone knew I had disabilities even my coaches I told them I couldn't yell my counts because that was to much for my body and mind to process at one time and that if I missed a day I would have to figure out the changes on my own or ask one of the other girls ... And the other girls couldn't teach me because it was new to them to. One time I had to hide under a parked Simi truck because I was over stimulated and soaking wet and we and everyone had to help the band pack everything up and are band was over a hundred people Are all bands and colorgaurds just not that disability friendly
submitted by Mountain-Extension43 to marchingband [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:20 Beautiful-Turnip-353 Dialog box keeps popping up while typing code - how do I remove it?

Hi, I am trying to remove this dialog box that shows up when typing code. It is sometimes very large and blocks a lot of the screen, does anyone know how to remove it?
Thanks a lot!
submitted by Beautiful-Turnip-353 to vscode [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:20 eigo-bunpou 「英単語解説」nitrogen-monoxideの意味について

nitrogen monoxideは、「空気中で二酸化窒素の赤い煙を形成する無色のわずかに溶けるガス。化学式:NO系統名: nitrogen monoxide 」が定義されています。 読み方はˈˈnaɪ·trə·dʒən*です。豊富な例文及び運用法を通して「n..
詳細はこちらへアクセスしてください: https://eigo-bunpou.com/nitrogen-monoxide/
#英語文法 #英文法
submitted by eigo-bunpou to omoshiroi_eigo_bunpou [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:20 sortaoriginal 2.3M views · 48K reactions | Breaking Half-bad | cine | By Docvader | Facebook

2.3M views · 48K reactions | Breaking Half-bad | cine | By Docvader | Facebook submitted by sortaoriginal to HalfLife [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:20 Acceptable_Tell_6566 Genre

Hinterland has always featured multiple genres from bluegrass to pop. What genres do you want to see featured in 2025?
submitted by Acceptable_Tell_6566 to HinterlandFestival [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:20 Fishy_floppy071 Finally got a hundo. Still no shiny or ROT.

submitted by Fishy_floppy071 to pokemongobrag [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:20 Airtatsy Missing Person

Missing Person submitted by Airtatsy to Rathara [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:20 FangGaming69 I can't figure out what gen in nvme my laptop supports. Help plz

I can't figure out what gen in nvme my laptop supports. Help plz https://www.asus.com/laptops/for-gaming/tuf-gaming/asus-tuf-gaming-f15/
I have this latop and I'm gonna buy a new ssd for it. I don't know what's the max generation of nvme i supports though. Help me out.
submitted by FangGaming69 to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:20 weightsai SpongeBob SquarePants (Talking And Singing) - Top AI Voice Model of the Day

submitted by weightsai to Weights_Models [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:20 blue_bayou_blue and morgoth came

and morgoth came source
submitted by blue_bayou_blue to lotrmemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:20 1mn0m4d Any idea what could be wrong here? Tried everything but the amber light wouldn't go away. Anybody?

Any idea what could be wrong here? Tried everything but the amber light wouldn't go away. Anybody? submitted by 1mn0m4d to BlazerEV [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:20 DuncanMcOckinnner Is Kumar (from Harold and Kumar) stupid or something?

Is Kumar (from Harold and Kumar) stupid or something? submitted by DuncanMcOckinnner to okbuddyvicodin [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:20 Suspicious_Ad5007 Play after 830 pm

It’s already bedtime for the type of players we don’t want to deal with. 2 matches last night, 2 matches tonight, and I haven’t faced a spammer yet. Or I’m just lucky….
submitted by Suspicious_Ad5007 to ThrillOfTheFight [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:20 _-Julian- First Time Collecting Pokemon

First Time Collecting Pokemon Got my first binder with some sleeves and two packs to open for now(one for me and one for the gf). Gonna try to get a booster box or an ETB this Black Friday. Wish us luck!
submitted by _-Julian- to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:20 Unhappy_Raspberry_21 Added Plants to the 5 Gallon Blackwater Riparium

Added Plants to the 5 Gallon Blackwater Riparium I cant help but think that the scape looked better unplanted.
Can you think of anything work in this other than shrimps/snails or possibly Chili Rasboras?
submitted by Unhappy_Raspberry_21 to Aquascape [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 02:20 KOCHERZHINSKY MacOS 15.2 Help. Can't use Quick Actions with AirDrop, Mail and Messages.

MacOS 15.2 Help. Can't use Quick Actions with AirDrop, Mail and Messages. submitted by KOCHERZHINSKY to MacOSBeta [link] [comments]
