True love

2024.11.27 04:39 Father-Mathew True love

Dear children of God, Do you know the real meaning of love? 1 Phê-rơ 4:8 says "Trên tất cả mọi sự, hãy yêu nhau sâu đậm, vì tình yêu thương che phủ vô số tội lỗi". In true love, there is no permanent hatred or permanent disconnect. It is ok to be upset in love but disconnected for ever is devil's trap. Have a blessed day. Amen!
submitted by Father-Mathew to VietnameseOrthodox [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:39 scoutpred I'm late, but I managed to get myself a photo with a Gordon Freeman standee

I'm late, but I managed to get myself a photo with a Gordon Freeman standee Two of my favorite games crossing over, I'm having man tears.
Also, do we have a clan centralized over Gordon? I'd most likely contribute for a single Black Mesa facility. LMAO
submitted by scoutpred to HalfLife [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:39 knarglegarth Help me build an outfit around this floral jacket!

Each year, myself and a group of friends go to the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park to see a band that we all collectively enjoy. The tradition is to dress quite nicely, as the entire crowd takes a photo together to pay homage to the ballroom scene from The Shining. After years of wearing normal suits, one friend and I have decided to dress a bit more flashy. We found these jackets online and bought them immediately. I have the blue and he has the pink. The problem is I have no idea how to build an outfit around this jacket.
This is why I come to you and humbly ask for help! Please give me any and all advice, recommendations, links -- anything helps!
submitted by knarglegarth to mensfashionadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:39 Responder343 Question about the grooming theory.

Hello all I have been reading posts here for a few months now. I am from the states and have been interested in Andrew's case for a while after reading about it several years ago. Recently here I have been seeing that one of the more popular theories is the Andrew was groomed. I was wondering if this has been mentioned in the British media as everything I have read tends to say that Andrew did not have a digital presence. Now this isn't to say that he absolutely did not have one, as I'm sure if the police in the UK operate like they do in the states a lot of time they have more knowledge and will withhold knowledge for something called here as "Guilt Knowledge" (something only the police a perpetrator know). So I am just curious that if the police in the UK truly did not find an online presence from Andrew why the grooming theory seems to be gaining more popularity.
submitted by Responder343 to AndrewGosden [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:39 TangerineCertain2024 Black Friday deal for new kit builders

Black Friday deal for new kit builders Really amazing deal on arms of America, 500 for a Headspaced parts kit is amazing these days. If your looking to get into building aks get one of these rather than trying to figure out headspace on your first shot. This whole build could be made for sub 600.
submitted by TangerineCertain2024 to partskits [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:39 Alone-Measurement288 Sizing question

Sizing question I was hoping to get this cable knit and a zip up (if they drop them) what size should I go for I’m 5,8 - 5,9 ish Travis Scott ahh build I have the bred hoodie in a M, thanks in advance
submitted by Alone-Measurement288 to revengeofficial [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:39 viper46282 Whats the story between widow, her husband and soldier 76?

I never looked into the lore or even know much about the games lore as i never played ow1, but ik apparently widow killed her husband because she was brainwashed?
Anytime in game soldier kills her , he says “That was for gerald / gerard”, can anyone explain why? Excuse my spelling of his name
Like were soldier and widows husband really good friends and because widow killed him, this made 76 hate widow?
Im curious about the story there. Anything i said above may be wrong because i genuinely dk the lore that much about any characters. Can someone please explain?
submitted by viper46282 to Overwatch [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:39 xylia_1256 I am an unwanted child of my parents

I'm (18F) a student and I'm preparing for JEE(entrance exam for engineering) this is my drop year but i didn't really studied as I should've this year my entire year is wasted. I have no motivation to study or do anything at all, all day i just want to lie in bed doing nothing i know i should go and study but i just can't bring myself to do it, i feel like an absolute failure.
My parents always demotivate me and tell me how i can't do anything in life. My mom even once told me that how it's better to not have a child than having a child like me. That thing really effects me till this day knowing i was an unwanted child. I have two siblings one brother(34M) and one sister(32F) both are married and have their own jobs and family anyone can tell seeing my age that i was just a mistake of my parents and my parents even joke about how I'm a unwanted child and how they were about to abort me but couldn't because of medical issues of my mother. I really feel so suffocated in this environment although my parents provide me with everything i need but their words hurt me very much. I constantly get bodyshamed and compared to my cousins and other students too.
I even tried unaliving myself twice but i failed even at doing that i really don't feel like living anymore, i can't study, i can't do anything, I don't even have friends anymore because my parents restrict me going out anywhere so my friends just parted away from me. I really don't know what to do anymore i can't live here. I know studying and getting a good college will help me get out of here but i really can't concentrate on studies no matter how hard i try please someone tell me what to do
submitted by xylia_1256 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:39 Different-Donut-801 Check profile to chat about my mom 18+

submitted by Different-Donut-801 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:39 Pan_Goat You'd to have a big thing against thanksgiving

You'd to have a big thing against thanksgiving
submitted by Pan_Goat to dontputyourdickinthat [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:39 jasjeramy Cats (Impressionism Style)

Cats (Impressionism Style) submitted by jasjeramy to aiArt [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:39 BoringApocalyptos The cruelty just slides off these folks like bronzer under the spotlight.

The cruelty just slides off these folks like bronzer under the spotlight. submitted by BoringApocalyptos to ABoringDystopia [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:39 West-Condition-8523 What are some random encounters that you hope for or expect to see in the game?

What are some random encounters that you hope for or expect to see in the game? submitted by West-Condition-8523 to GTA6 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:39 themamacurd619 Gus. Nine weeks.

Gus. Nine weeks. submitted by themamacurd619 to bassethounds [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:39 Boolink125 Trump's economic advisor be like

Trump's economic advisor be like submitted by Boolink125 to Destiny [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:39 Remarkable-Hyena7162 NEW GIRL THERE ...

well hes streaming and has a new girl there already...i hope we can warn her in someway
submitted by Remarkable-Hyena7162 to PirateWatch [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:39 Environmental-Ad305 My new pup. First time posting.

Meet Ta-lay (it means 'sea' in Thai)​ I adore this little guy.
submitted by Environmental-Ad305 to Yorkies [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:39 sweetygirl1111 gay_irl

gay_irl submitted by sweetygirl1111 to gay_irl [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:39 ManMartion Good Greek grammar books?

Hello! If this question has already been posed, if you wouldn’t mind linking the post, that would be fantastic. I’m specifically looking for basic structure. I know a good amount of vocabulary from my younger years but have a hard time setting rules straight. Thanks in advance!
submitted by ManMartion to GREEK [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:39 Radiant-Gift1897 Monumento to Pine Suites Tagaytay

How do i get to Pine Suites Tagaytay from Monumento via bus? thank you!
submitted by Radiant-Gift1897 to HowToGetTherePH [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:39 Fair_Wear_9930 sick of senna constantly ending up with 53% winrate and no losing lanes

Can we just delete this champion already. Its never ever balanced. And just constantly being abused. How can she scale so hard, Have no losing matchups, and have 53% winrate. Pretty gross. Get this champ out of here please riot. Give her the yuumi treatment already. Or reduce her mobility or something
submitted by Fair_Wear_9930 to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:39 chewing_platinum What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by chewing_platinum to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:39 DouglasRessler What spider is this? Found in my home in Alabama.

What spider is this? Found in my home in Alabama. submitted by DouglasRessler to whatisthisbug [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:39 --_Allmight_-- Kinera Celest wyvern abyss or Final e4000

Kinera Celest wyvern abyss or Final e4000 submitted by --_Allmight_-- to inearfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 04:39 Ambitious-Ad8598 Such a missed opportunity but a lesson for the depressed

Such a missed opportunity but a lesson for the depressed submitted by Ambitious-Ad8598 to NepalSocial [link] [comments]