My first proper campaign as Germany.

2024.11.27 06:30 Current-Scar-940 My first proper campaign as Germany.

My first proper campaign as Germany. submitted by Current-Scar-940 to hoi4 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:30 Frosty-Article-3136 He/she was right guysss😭😹

He/she was right guysss😭😹 I remember someone posting on this sub that Keerthy's dogs name is the last letters of Antony and Keerthy's name and everyone made fun of him/her calling jobless 😭😹 now keerthy herself confirmed it!! Such a brilliant guy 😂
submitted by Frosty-Article-3136 to InsideMollywood [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:30 atoastedbox wordington joker

wordington joker submitted by atoastedbox to wordington [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:30 Alijony Can't see over my car!

Can't see over my car! I purchased a Pfister Comet Safari and built it up with a roof rack, but whenever I drive it with the car in the view, I cannot see what's in front of me. It's really annoying. Any solution other than driving first person? I feel like even without the crap on the roof it is too low of a camera angle to see over the car.
submitted by Alijony to GTAV [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:30 glazeddonut29 Some cuttings. One from my bamboo plant and other two from my moms plant idk the name of

Some cuttings. One from my bamboo plant and other two from my moms plant idk the name of submitted by glazeddonut29 to plants [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:30 b4434343 why was 2017 the best year ever?

submitted by b4434343 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:30 Separate_Cricket139 Shopping 🛍️

submitted by Separate_Cricket139 to Drank [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:30 bethaurora a feud theory…

submitted by bethaurora to MattyandGabbriette [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:30 recherche_nyx How I feel while coding my CSS

How I feel while coding my CSS submitted by recherche_nyx to JanitorAI_Official [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:30 Historical_Patient31 (Returnee) Are these correct starting? And how much am I supposed to sell it for if so

(Returnee) Are these correct starting? And how much am I supposed to sell it for if so submitted by Historical_Patient31 to ToramOnline [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:30 Lola8454 Okay... sure honey...

Okay... sure honey... submitted by Lola8454 to CollectiveSnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:30 PITABOO Room sublet in a 3 bedroom apartment in Greenpoint from January-March ($1,800)

Room sublet in a 3 bedroom apartment in Greenpoint from January-March ($1,800) submitted by PITABOO to NYCapartments [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:30 No_Passage8663 Thoughts on this?

Thoughts on this? submitted by No_Passage8663 to PalmettoStateArms [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:30 Opening_Ad_9448 let’s see what I got

submitted by Opening_Ad_9448 to pokemoncards [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:30 Meluha1173 Jai Mahakaleshwar

Jai Mahakaleshwar submitted by Meluha1173 to IndianFestivals [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:30 Dazzling-Ad5240 I think I might be done driving for Uber because I just got offered a job by a PAX

The job is for a medical device company. Basically you drive to people’s houses and show them how to use the medical equipment it takes 15 minutes to show them then you leave you get paid $75 per one you do. She told me a guy there made 10k last month doing it. It depends how much u work. Also, it’s a stepping stone to get into the sales role to actually sell the equipment which those people she said make upwards of 500k a year. She gave me her business card. I’m to text her sometime next week. What do I honestly have to lose? I worked all night tonight and only made $110…
submitted by Dazzling-Ad5240 to uberdrivers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:30 No_Nefariousness8879 New pterosaur species discovered in Japan. Paleontologists have announced the discovery of a new species of quetzalcoatline azhdarchid pterosaur, Nipponopterus mifunensis, from Japan's Late Cretaceous period.

New pterosaur species discovered in Japan. Paleontologists have announced the discovery of a new species of quetzalcoatline azhdarchid pterosaur, Nipponopterus mifunensis, from Japan's Late Cretaceous period. submitted by No_Nefariousness8879 to DiscoverEarth [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:30 BlueRain1080 What other things can I do to become a better friend?

In the past several months/years, I realized some of my toxic habits. They are very obvious and buzz kill-y, and it has taken me a while to improve them. But now, I feel like I'm *way* more normal in that regard (although still vast room for improvement). However, just as I was blind to these personal flaws for literally decades, I'm wondering what I still may be blind to.
What things have you appreciated a friend improving at?
submitted by BlueRain1080 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:30 MubJub How to get 2.1 percentages

Quick question, I've seen numerous people who have their percentages shown by how 2.1 used to calculate them, I can't seem to find the option on MH so I'm wondering if it's a mod and if so, which one it might be.
submitted by MubJub to geometrydash [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:30 Kool_mackenzie_aid I am a good Chester main?

submitted by Kool_mackenzie_aid to ChesterArmy [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:30 Next-Wishbone-9769 Varför är den svenska dejting scenen så jävla död?

Hej. Ladda ner Hinge och tänkte väl att det var dags att träffa en normal lång, trevlig och snygg man.
Säg till mig varför varannan man jag ser på appen är typ 30 år och börjat tappa hår eller helt enkelt ser ut att vara 60 år? Och dom jag matchar med är otroligt tråkiga och kan knappt hålla en konversation?
När jag betyder Location till USA/ Uk eller någon annan storstad i Europa är män redo att flyga mig till deras land för en dejt. Vad är det som händer i detta land?
Jag vill bara ha en normal lite kinky man på hemmaplan. 🙄
submitted by Next-Wishbone-9769 to Asksweddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:30 vantaratine Tnuck Barbour Coupon Code

Go to this page for Tnuck Barbour Coupon Code. If you're looking for the newest coupons and promo codes, that page is the place to go. They always have the latest offers available.
submitted by vantaratine to ArticulateOffers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:30 dweller710 $4 swapmeet pickup with a surpise inside

$4 swapmeet pickup with a surpise inside Picked this up at the local college swap meet on Sunday and while putting it in a fresh bag and board I flipped it open and it looks like it’s signed by Jim Shooter.
submitted by dweller710 to comicbookcollecting [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:30 encouragingcalamity Anyone coming to this sub brand new from the Netflix documentary?

Yeah me too and l'll say this, do not make this Netflix documentary the only source you take from. I watched it in one sitting and my overall opinion after the fact was that they were very innocent and done very dirty by the media and the police.
What made me suspicious throughout the first episode was some of the things John R says however as the documentary moves along the narrative is so biased that you'd walk away thinking there's no way they done it. My suspicions came full circle at the very last second of the documentary. JBR is sitting by the Christmas tree with her mum very excited over her new car toy, her mum asks her to show dad and JBR's face drops instantly and there's a look on that little girls face that just made me think oh, what is that? If you havent watched it and or do not want to watch the Netflix document.. please go to episode 3 right at the end and see what l'm saying. Anyway after that i decided to come to this very sub and was surprised by how confident everyone was with the opposite opinion I had been left with so that made me more curious and I looked at better documentaries to watch. Half an episode into the American murder one and there's already a fucking shit load of information that was funnily left out of the Netflix one.
So if you've watched the Netflix documentary and are new to this case like me, I strongly advise you to look further before deciding the Ramseys are innocent. I'm still researching cause I'm still new so I won't say 100% what I think yet but I will say that 20 minutes into a different documentary there was an abundance of factual information that was left out of this new one.
submitted by encouragingcalamity to JonBenetRamsey [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:30 lowrizzle Area 5150 on and IBM PC, 640k expanded on megaplus 2 cards, ran in dos 6.2 off a picomem HDD on a Quadchrome II CGA monitor.

Area 5150 on and IBM PC, 640k expanded on megaplus 2 cards, ran in dos 6.2 off a picomem HDD on a Quadchrome II CGA monitor. submitted by lowrizzle to retrocomputing [link] [comments]