2024.11.27 06:29 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Business] - IMF sees Thai GDP growth at 2.7% this year, 2.9% in 2025 | Bangkok Post
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:29 nayiryd Moto école qui ne donne pas de leçons car absence d'agrément
Bonjour à tous.
Je me suis inscrit fin juillet 2024 dans une moto école afin d'obtenir mon permis moto après avoir discuté avec eux notamment pour m'assurer de la présence d'un moniteur dédié, des disponibilités pour la prise de leçons... Je paie un acompte équivalent à la moitié du prix.
On convient d'un début de formation fin août à la fin des vacances avec plusieurs créneaux de bloqués.
La veille du début, je reçois un appel pour annuler la leçon du lendemain pour maladie, les autres séances s'annulent au fil de l'eau (aucune n'est honorée), jusqu'à ce qu'on m'annonce qu'ils n'ont plus d'agrément moto et qu'ils attendent des nouvelles de la préfecture. Cela dure jusqu'à la fin du mois de septembre, où je demande à l'oral et par mail un remboursement de mon acompte.
Depuis, malgré plusieurs relances, je n'ai aucune nouvelle. Elle est toujours ouverte, fait bien passer des leçons de conduite automobile, propose toujours à d'autres de s'inscrire au permis moto.
J'ai envoyé une LRAR la semaine dernière dont je n'ai pas encore de retour.
Quelles sont désormais mes possibilités afin d'obtenir un remboursement ?
Vous en remerciant par avance
submitted by nayiryd to conseiljuridique [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:29 Klutzy_Box_3584 Someone come feed my 8 inch throbbing cock. Make me cum for you! Kik: hungg16
submitted by Klutzy_Box_3584 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:29 FontAddiction Engraving Sideways or Very Tall Items
I want to engrave chopping boards made from one solid piece of hardwood on the edge like the above pic, no idea how to go about it… are there engravers that will engrave sideways? Most boards are about 20” x 15” but some are larger
submitted by FontAddiction to Laserengraving [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:29 jacksonthewisee When you realize you're not double-stranded in life either
submitted by jacksonthewisee to biologymeme [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:29 Kaldoreiyne 25F drunk a lot of coffee, now I can't sleep. Looking for ppl to chat till get sleepy
I'm Brazilian, gamer, and big fan of random chats and talk with new people.
If you speak portuguese it'll be nice, but I dont mind If not
submitted by Kaldoreiyne to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:29 Roman-Empire_net Roman Society & Life
submitted by Roman-Empire_net to ancientroma [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:29 Blueberry2736 Tons of these showing up inside all of a sudden? Queensland, Australia
Most of them seem to be dead already. Saw two trying to mate on our bed last night and this morning we’ve found at least 10 dead around the house. They look like orange beetles with long shells. Bonus points if you can tell us why they’ve decided to invade all of a sudden. 😵💫 TIA submitted by Blueberry2736 to whatisthisbug [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:29 Own-Jackfruit43 Day 3 progression
Thank you to all who commented on my last post here! The advice was well received and today I made I giant leap in my riding progression. Yesterday I went from only being able to ride for 30 feet slowly, to today I hit 35 mph multiple times on a 9 mile ride and never fell once! I was even able to mount and dismount without the aid of a wall, pole, fence, etc! I'm only having problems with wobble when braking, but I believe better footwear and foot positioning with negate wobbles. Thank you all! And don't forget, ride safe, ride free, ride euc!!
submitted by Own-Jackfruit43 to ElectricUnicycle [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:29 deadflora4625 dragonfly molded in diy rehydration chamber, can it be saved?
submitted by deadflora4625 to Entomology [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:29 Lonely-Lover102 Snapcube Great God Grove Livestream??
Hi so like a day before the game Great God Grove came out it showed that she was streaming it on Steam and I really really want to watch that stream like terribly bad but I genuinely cannot find it anywhere like its been wiped from the internet. Does anyone know where it is?? PLS HELP ME (photo for proof that it EXISTS) And the thing is, it said it was live but it only played the same part of the game over and over and you couldn't go back in the stream and watch previous parts. I feel like I got slipped into a parallel universe where this happened pls don't let it be lost media I love this game and wanted to see her play it so bad.. cause the tiny bits of it I did see I rlly enjoyed it!!! 😭 https://preview.redd.it/wkls8d9g1e3e1.png?width=946&format=png&auto=webp&s=21b81cf6a94526a54b746998ac31b414ba9e500c submitted by Lonely-Lover102 to snapcube [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:29 TopRevenue2 ‘Penguins’ Are Just Doppelgangers.
submitted by TopRevenue2 to BirdsArentReal [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:29 BeginningOfHorizon How long until a wacom drawing tablet is delivered? (UK)
Hey there! Been meaning to get a new drawing tablet for awhile. My birthday is coming up next month and I ordered the wacom cintiq 16 with the stand bundle since it's on sale as a gift to myself. The site wasn't very clear on when exactly this thing will arrive. If anyone knows a rough estimate that would be great! And if anyone has any good sources on how I can set this up properly without too much headache that would be good! Thank you for your time! :) https://preview.redd.it/9objjdfu1e3e1.png?width=1393&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9e8428741f9fd0d69e715420fbbf769984ed219 submitted by BeginningOfHorizon to wacom [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:29 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Sports] - UC Irvine beats Wahine but Hawaii gets No. 2 seed in tourney | Honolulu Star-Advertiser
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:29 Conscious_Routine_77 I let the urge win
Me and my bsf were outside and suddenl stumbled upon a toy store and it had so many toys statues and costumes.my paradise. We saw a DC shelf and spent all our food money on this (I got the joker figure and he got the batman lego set ) submitted by Conscious_Routine_77 to joker [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:29 vantaratine Tuckernuck Top Coupon Code
Check this out for Tuckernuck Top Coupon Code. Find the best deals for you by looking at the current promo codes and coupons on that page. You'll always find the newest coupons, promo codes, and deals on that page. Choose one to apply to your order and save money.
submitted by vantaratine to ArticulateOffers [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:29 Fun_Leather_9871 On a vid of a guy inside a van saying "I'm getting candy and you're not"
submitted by Fun_Leather_9871 to woooosh [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:29 mymaloneyman Put a basic land to hand for 7 generic
submitted by mymaloneyman to BadMtgCombos [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:29 WillKimball Found a CRaig in a thrift shop in Hawaii Bois!
submitted by WillKimball to unexpecteddankpods [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:29 Ok_Angle_5563 “Put your favorites in a room together and see how they interact” Ryu as soon as he meets Bondrewd.
submitted by Ok_Angle_5563 to ninjagaiden [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:29 Drag0n0us139311 Should I get Skyrim or ESO
I am relatively new to the elder scrolls
I have played like 20 hours of oblivion and I am loving it. I was looking at getting Skyrim during the autumn sale tomorrow but Somone said online looked way better but was shorter
I don't have a gaming laptop it has Iris Xe Graphics Intel core i5 11th gen processor
What is my best bet for performance and fun
Also anyone have any idea on performance and graphical mods that will run well on my machine
submitted by Drag0n0us139311 to skyrim [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:29 Expensive_Ruin9060 Triiiiobz for your moms and daughters
submitted by Expensive_Ruin9060 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:29 hashe121 You wouldn't understand
submitted by hashe121 to classicwow [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 06:29 nelweb Fac Simile Lettera di Impegno all'Assunzione a Tempo Indeterminato Word e PDF
Nuovo modulo su Modulieditabili.com - https://modulieditabili.com/fac-simile-lettera-di-impegno-allassunzione-a-tempo-indeterminato - Nella pagina si trova un Fac Simile Lettera di Impegno all'Assunzione a Tempo Indeterminato Word e PDF che è possibile scaricare e modificare in modo da adattarlo a quelle che sono le proprie necessità.
submitted by nelweb to Modulistica [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 06:29 InTheHeadsetVR Hitting with an elbow would be cool but lose a point
The elbows have physics, of intry using my elbow is transparent goes through opponents
Uh, accidental head buts should happen too,
Yall member Tyson bit holly, I think Mike say he kept headbutting him. That's why he bit him.
Elbows too, boxers use the elbow, on purpose or accidentally.
Thats real boxing too.
Fix elbow and head physics would be great.
Ropes too should be solid so I can rest my arm on em, also if they moved when he fighting up against the ropes would be great.
submitted by InTheHeadsetVR to ThrillOfTheFight [link] [comments]