2024.11.27 07:44 Rej1nald What if Bayverse Optimus met TFO Sentinel?
https://preview.redd.it/f5dohe04fe3e1.png?width=736&format=png&auto=webp&s=f1838aa4d7b25effff9c2725df0daea544723dda I think meeting will go something like this. What do you think? submitted by Rej1nald to transformers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 07:44 DatBoi786 Heads up if you want an Okami poster
First time in this sub, love the game and wanted to share this poster I found. $5 for an 18x24 poster of a beautiful print like this from the game is an absolute steal. They're probably getting rid of the last few units, so act fast if you want one. Free shipping ends on December 3rd. Best wishes https://preview.redd.it/d5y6kuggee3e1.png?width=1495&format=png&auto=webp&s=821431c756af8fd628d5d48893d3e9083af457cc submitted by DatBoi786 to Okami [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 07:44 WonderfulWanderer777 Senators say generative AI represents 'unprecedented theft' to musicians and creatives as a whole
submitted by WonderfulWanderer777 to ArtistHate [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 07:44 New-Understanding-22 Monitors - MSI MAG 275QF or MSI G274QPX
I have a 6700XT, Ryzen 5 7600 and 32gb of ram. I like playing elden ring, valorant, CS, sekiro, etc. I want to buy a 1440p monitor, but am unsure which I want to buy. I think I've narrowed it down to the MSI MAG 275QF (180Hz 1440p) or the MSI G274QPX. They are $260 and $460 respectively (AUD), or 168USD and 298USD. Is the G274QPX worth the extra money, or should I just buy the 275QF?
submitted by New-Understanding-22 to PcBuild [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 07:44 vantaratine Costway Discount Codes
Go to this page for Costway Discount Codes. If you're looking for the newest coupons and promo codes, that page is the place to go. They always have the latest offers available.
submitted by vantaratine to ArticulateOffers [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 07:44 Ac0w161 I didn't know Inscryption had friendly fire enabled
submitted by Ac0w161 to inscryption [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 07:44 beegeebarbie Should I get the outdoor corset?? What are y’all’s thoughts on it?
submitted by beegeebarbie to SKIMSbyKKW [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 07:44 ClientBasic7964 weird dream with time skip
Hey so i had this weird dream where i met a girl i only met once a while ago then there was a time jump and i was in a club and i met her again and we seemed to start dating. Then there was another time jump this time i have no idea what happend i am crying everything is in shambles i look at my phone its july 2027 i open my photos app i see a category that i think is made for her but it just doesnt seem right since i cant remember anything about the years it seems like just a second ago it was 2024. with that realisation i think i wake up but i only woke up in my dream i look at my phone its 10am i go downstairs to my sister and mother and everything is still weird, i tell them of some dream i have almost no memory off where i also lost all my memory and i was a mess and my sister (that doesnt even live at home anymore) told me she knows since i screamed names in the night. then there was another time skip i have no idea where i am what time it is what happened and then i woke up for real
submitted by ClientBasic7964 to Dreams [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 07:44 sandrozurabashvili16 Guys ive been in local museum and found this impressive piece of art,can someone explain the meaning of that gorgeous painting?
submitted by sandrozurabashvili16 to DigitalArt [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 07:44 koknop Ktoś pedali się do influ?
submitted by koknop to SexyPolishInfluYoutub [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 07:44 composites123 How do I make sure my name is spelt correctly in Japanese?
I am looking to order an embroidered black belt from Shureido (http://www.shureidousa.com/obi/embroidery.html)
I want to make sure I provide the proper information to have name correctly spelt in Japanese. Does anybody have advice on how to go about this? I cannot read nor understand Japanese so I will have no idea if the finished product is accurate, however, I would feel comfortable knowing that it was vetted by someone with more experience/knowledge.
submitted by composites123 to karate [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 07:44 ETechBuy X5127A Sun 73GB Ultra-320 SCSI 10000 3.5" Hard Drive
For the True Tech Enthusiast – the X5127A Sun 73GB Ultra-320 SCSI drive gives you:
#X5127A #Sun #73GB #Ultra320 #SCSI #10000 #harddrive #serverhdd #TechUpgrade #DataSpeed #Ultra320SCSI #HighPerformance submitted by ETechBuy to ETechBuy [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 07:44 Most-Position-9548 Georgescu e omul americanilor.
De ce spun asta? Hai să o luăm cronologic: 1. Ciolacu a fost sunat de Trump săptămâna trecută, înainte de alegeri. Nu știm clar ce or fi discutat, dar what if Trump i-ar fi explicat frumos ca are un om de încredere pe care îl vrea la Cotroceni și are nevoie de sprijinul PSD pt a-i umfla voturile în primul tur. Marcel, ca un bun covrigar de Buzău, acceptă neclintit. 2. Aparatul propagandistic al PSD dă un zvon, prin mass-media, ca s-ar organiza un blat cu Simion, ca să intre în turul doi cu Ciolacu. Da, blat a fost, dar nu pentru ca voturile să meargă spre Simion, ci la Georgescu. 3. Ieri Iohannis spunea ca serviciile nu i-au comunicat nimic legat de TikTok și de avalanșa de postări cu Georgescu înainte de alegeri. Refuz să cred ca serviciile nu știau așa ceva, în schimb știm ca ele sunt aservite americanilor de când am intrat în NATO, iar acum, la ordin, au mers pe burtă.
Mulți îl aseamănă pe Georgescu cu Putin, dar încercați să vă uitați și la trump, ideologia e aproape aceeași. Plus ca relația dintre trump și puțin este chiar una bună.
Încă nu știu sigur dacă s-a dorit să avem același scenariu trump-Kamala cu Georgescu-Lasconi, sau ca pur și simplu PSD-ul a calculat totuși greșit și singur și-a tras un glonț în picior, de l-au lăsat pe Marcelus pe tușă pt turul doi.
E probabil să aberez, dar prea multe lucruri ciudate care s-au întâmplat recent merită chestionate.
submitted by Most-Position-9548 to Roumanie [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 07:44 Shroft NWSL sees 6 percent increase in setting new attendance record
submitted by Shroft to WomensSoccer [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 07:44 LocksmithPurple4321 Lego Training Camp Arena
submitted by LocksmithPurple4321 to ClashRoyale [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 07:44 Harpia--Harpyja JBL quantum duo auto-shuttoing off
Hi! Im on the verge of buying the JBL Quantum duo speakers to my computer for musik, gaming and video playing. I have however read a lot about them auto shutting off and want to ask if people still have the problem. I hear that there is a new uppdaterad since October?? that allows you to shut it off and if you press the power button long enough until every light blinks you also turn this off. (As in there being two modes when turning it on)
Is it true? Or is the problem still there?
submitted by Harpia--Harpyja to JBL [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 07:44 Effective-Ad-485 Losing my mind/Lost/Don't know what to do.
I'm 33M, and believed in God most of my life. I grew up Christian (southern Baptist but am now non-denominational) but over the past 4 years or so, I have been questioning everything. Not that i have lost faith in God. No, i just can't figure out if I'm right. I guess what im saying is, there are so many different paths to take when it comes to Christianity. So many different denominations and doctrines that all contradict each other, (Prot,Cath,Orth) and i just don't know which one is right. I've asked God to show me the way, show me the correct path. And maybe he is testing my patience. But, over the past 6 months, I've started to lose my mind, like, legitimately. I can't remember things clearly anymore. I have all these thoughts race through my head and its NEVER quiet in there. Constant thoughts always going through. I'm just scared I'm not ok. That I'm not saved, and it absolutely terrifies me. I HATE that when i think of God, i think of a being that isn't to happy with me... I hate it...Why can't i stop thinking of God in this way. I know some random person on reddit isn't going to have all the answers. I just pray i get some kind of peace from posting this. Anyways, God bless.
submitted by Effective-Ad-485 to TrueChristian [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 07:44 Jax_the_Floof I got to unreal for the first time ever
submitted by Jax_the_Floof to FortNiteBR [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 07:44 sherkhannabi How to test Battery (not checking battery health) Before Buying an iPad?
Hi, I’m planning to buy a second hand iPad Pro M1 or M2 and want to know how to check the battery before buying. I tested one iPad M1 yesterday, and the battery dropped 4% after just 5 minutes of light use (browsing Safari and watching a few YouTube Shorts). The owner said this is normal for iPads. Is that true?
So, my main question is: how do I check if the battery is in good condition? Anything that I can run and see battery drains normally?
Also, I found online that checking battery health depends on the iOS version, with some versions showing battery health directly and others requiring different methods but if I test it and show it to the owner that I can or I can't buy.
submitted by sherkhannabi to ipad [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 07:44 Early-Response5980 Wukong armour
Quick question just got into chapter 6 last night, got my “wukong” armour , so far just got the chest upgraded from boss fight . But my question is, if I’m not wearing the armour will it not upgrade it to mythical after beating the bosses? Does it have to be equipped ? I beat one or two bosses before realizing where the armour set was. Then I equipped it all and beat the first boss with it on and got the first upgrade. Obv I’m at a disadvantage until it gets upgraded. But I can see that being the point. Anyway, any help be much appreciated bc if I can wear my other armour and still have it be upgraded upon defeating that would be nice lol
submitted by Early-Response5980 to BlackMythWukong [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 07:44 _porphyrophile_ You coming to our wedding too??
submitted by _porphyrophile_ to sixwordstories [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 07:44 SlightDisaster4103 Send me your NL teen girlfriends to be rated and talked about.
submitted by SlightDisaster4103 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 07:44 mintlilu Leggings not the only thing that could fit this booty
submitted by mintlilu to AllDolledUp [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 07:44 Strve_B1TCH Calories in this oat cookie made by a kid? (Repost)
calories in an oat cookie made by a kid?
I mention that it was made by a friend of mine’s little brother because it was overly sweet, and I do wonder if he put a concerning amount of sugar in his baking. Was relatively quite thick and soft/chewy if it makes it easier. Literally tasted like oats and brown sugar, but was delicious. Anyone know the amount?
submitted by Strve_B1TCH to caloriecount [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 07:44 peacehappycontent ‘Delayed’ grief?
Hi everyone. It is fast approaching my dad’s first anniversary. His death was completely unexpected. I live abroad; and by chance, I ‘luckily’ was home when he passed. In the Aug since, I’ve been back to where I live.. I went back within weeks despite wanting ti stay and support my family as I’d just found out I was pregnant at the time. I’m now returning home for the holidays with my partner and kids.. and for is also his first anniversary. I feel like I’ve been hit by a bus. Grief is so hard. Distance makes it hard? I feel guilt too. But most of all I’m overwhelmed by how much your life can change in 12 months. Anyone else?
submitted by peacehappycontent to GriefSupport [link] [comments]