Which Yuki do u prefer today ?

2024.11.27 09:46 PinInternational217 Which Yuki do u prefer today ?

submitted by PinInternational217 to SelfieDump [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:46 bertwitt Octopus Energy is hiring a Platform Product Manager in Manchester

submitted by bertwitt to productdesignjobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:46 BeDoubleNWhy 600€ Zuzahlung Wurzelkanalbehandlung?

Hallo in die Runde...
Ich wollt gern mal Rückfragen, ob es normal ist oder ob ich von meiner Zahnärztin hier irgendwie abgezogen werde... Ort ist Dresden.
Heute stellte sich heraus, dass bei mir eine Wurzelkanalbehandlung erforderlich ist. Laut meiner Ärztin ist dabei mit einer Zuzahlung von 600€ zu rechnen. Begründung: Man würde heute immer noch mit einem Honorarkatalog von 1988 arbeiten, bei welchem die teuren Geräte, die heutzutage benutzt werden, nicht abgedeckt sind.
Ist das Usus? Es wurden mir keine Alternativen genannt (Weglassen irgendwelcher Zusatzleistungen o.ä.).
Vielen Dank schonmal für den input!
submitted by BeDoubleNWhy to Ratschlag [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:46 fiddlesticks-app Fiddlesticks Match #1290

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by fiddlesticks-app to Fiddlesticks [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:45 Full-Mulberry5018 This Cute Tiger 🐯

This Cute Tiger 🐯 submitted by Full-Mulberry5018 to cute [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:45 Good_Barracuda2409 🎃 Free Book Alert! 🎃 FREE for 2 DAYS ONLY! (27th Oct - 28th Oct)

🎃 Free Book Alert! 🎃 FREE for 2 DAYS ONLY! (27th Oct - 28th Oct) submitted by Good_Barracuda2409 to ebooksforfree [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:45 WittyCompetition7978 Wie kann ich meinen Eltern das Leben erleichtern ohne kaputt zu gehen?

Hallo zusammen.
TLDR: Welche Hilfe von außen kann ich für meine Eltern bekommen, die quasi pflegebedürftig und unselbständig sind? Wohin kann ich mich wenden, was finanzielle sowie praktische Hilfe angeht, ohne selbst alles zu machen? Ich (32w) hab einen Mann und drei Kinder, Arbeit, Haustiere, Therapie am laufen etc ...also an sich schon genug zu tun mit meinem Leben.
Meine Eltern sind leider ziemlich unselbständig und verlassen sich sehr stark auf die Hilfe der anderen Familienmitglieder, insbesondere auf ihre Kinder. Meine Schwester ist aber im letzten Jahr gestorben, mein Schwager seither relativ distanziert und mein Onkel, der neben dem Haus meiner Eltern wohnt, ist selbst mittlerweile zu alt, um immer auszuhelfen.
Meine Mutter (63) ist durch diverse Vorerkrankungen des Bewegungsapparates kaum mobil und aktuell auch wegen einer Hüftgelenks-OP im Krankenhaus. Sie geht im Februar vorzeitig in den Ruhestand und hat einen Schwerbehindertenausweis mit 60% und dem Zeichen B bekommen. (Befristet und ohne G, da man beim Amt hofft, die OP würde die Gehbehinderung auffangen.)
Mein Vater (62) ist ebenfalls vorerkrankt, Krebs überstanden und hat andauernd offene Beine. Er liegt aktuell wegen einer OP am Darm im Krankenhaus. Er arbeitet selbstständig bis zu 12 Stunden täglich und hat einen Mitarbeiter, aber im Winterhalbjahr wenig Arbeit. Die Buchführung seines Betriebs ist grundsätzlich bei einem Steuerberater, aber die Vorarbeit dafür sowie die normale Geschäftsführung (Rechnung schreiben / bezahlen, Post scannen und Verschicken, Belege digitalisieren und Mails bearbeiten) sollte aber immer von meiner Mutter gemacht werden. Er selbst hat keine Ahnung davon und will auch niemand dafür einstellen. Meine Schwester hat es übernommen, um meine Mutter zu entlasten. Seit ihrem Tod klebte es an mir.
Beide wohnen in einem alten, nicht behindert- bzw. altersgerechten Haus mit zwei Ebenen. Treppengehen für beide eine Qual. Generell sind beide übergewichtig, unsportlich und liegen meist auf der Couch, weil sie von der Arbeit platt oder depressiv sind. Es wird nicht gekocht sondern nur bestellt, der Haushalt ist nicht nur unordentlich, sondern wirklich dreckig, wenn ich und mein Mann nicht aufräumen.
Seit ich in Therapie bin, habe ich mich schon ein Stück von meinen Eltern abgekapselt. Ich habe meine Mutter wieder in die Buchhaltung eingearbeitet (erfolglos, sie macht nichts weil es ihr zu viel ist) und mein Mann und ich räumen auch nur noch auf, was wir oder unsere Kinder bei Besuchen unordentlich machen.
Meine Frage ist, an wen ich mich wenden kann oder was ich wo beantragen kann, um den beiden zu helfen bzw. mich zu entlasten? Die beiden haben weder Pflegevollmachten noch Testamente, sind ziemlich stur und inaktiv. Aber eigentlich bräuchten sie sowas wie eine Haushaltshilfe (Einkaufen, Putzen), meine Mutter eine Art Physiotherapeutin (?) um sie körperlich wieder aufzubauen und mein Vater eine Hilfe bei der Buchhaltung / Betriebsführung. Zumindest mein Vater erwartet das alles irgendwie von mir und meiner Mutter tut es zwar leid, dass sie mich/uns belastet, aber davon abhalten tut es sie trotzdem nicht...
Würde ich die beiden einfach komplett allein lassen, würde ich am schlechten Gewissen meiner Schwester gegenüber kaputt gehen. Sie hätte definitiv Verständnis für mich gehabt, aber sie hat immer alles für alle Familienmitglieder gegeben und hat an den Zusammenhalt aller appelliert. Als sie noch lebte und geplant war, dass alle beteiligten Haushalte zusammen auf einen Mehr-Generationen-Hof ziehen, hat es in der Familie eigentlich auch gut funktioniert. Seitdem sie fehlt, ist alles verschroben und irgendwie bin ich als einzige belastbare Person übriggeblieben.
Außerdem liebt meine Mutter meine Kinder über alles und die Kinder ihre Großeltern auch. Da möchte ich ehrlich gesagt keinen kompletten Kontaktabbruch.
Ich weiß, das hat viele Facetten und vieles habe ich noch weggelassen, aber im Grunde möchte ich euch hier einfach um Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe fragen. Wo kann ich mich hinwenden?
Danke fürs Lesen!
submitted by WittyCompetition7978 to Ratschlag [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:45 Less_Tennis5174524 Is Avowed "play anywhere"?

Xbox introduced the "play anywhere" concept where if you buy a game on xbox or on PC (via the xbox store) you could also play it on the other platform.
Is this game part of this program? Can't find any info.
submitted by Less_Tennis5174524 to avowed [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:45 Sam_Alexander Rune Hammer Build

Had a really fun idea the last night and I feel like it’s gonna turn into one of my funnest playthroughs!! I’m really proud of this lol
Your aim is to get to level 10, start Dawnguard, meet Florentus and complete Lost Relic to get the Dawnguard Rune Hammer. It’s such a unique and fun weapon I’ve conceived this whole build around it specifically.
What it does is every time you bash with it, it leaves a FIRE RUNE on the ground!! And you can control its placement by where you bash exactly. And the coolest part is it doesn’t use Magicka, it uses 50 stamina instead!
Race - Redguard
Ties with Nord for most fitting stats, but have a power that allows them to regenerate Stamina (and Health) very quickly for a minute or so, this is the perfect power for a warhammer build.
Level up - almost exclusively upgrade Stamina, so t invest in Mágicka at all, base 100 and Flames will be enough for us
Stats -
Two-handed (obv) (most important perks - Skull Crusher 3, Devastating Blow)
Block (Quick Reflexes - time will slow down when we place the runes) Smithing (Steel, Advanced Armors - will allow us to upgrade the hammer and another piece we’ll use later) Destruction (Rune Master - will let you place runes 5 times as far away, turning the hammer into an optionally ranged weapon )
Helmet -
Go to Somstheim, start Unearthed - At the fourth expedition you will be able to obtain
Ahzidal's Helm of Vision.
It allows you to place runes significantly further. Yes, it stacks with Rune Master and works with the hammer.
Shout -
Become Ethereal
Incredible stuff. This is made for our build. Hold on to your seats, guys.
clears throat When we bash in Ethereal form. We. Don’t. Become. Physical. So yeah, we can remain invulnerable while placing fire runes around. Yes. This is very, very cool.
submitted by Sam_Alexander to SkyrimBuilds [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:45 tofutunasalad My boyfriend cheated on my on my birthday, help

For context, I (29)really loved my boyfriend, let’s call him Fred (21). Ever since meeting him, I’ve been there to support him since he’s coming from nothing and his country is at war, so that’s why he landed in the same country I’m living in.
He didn’t have a good place to stay when I met him so I let him crash at my place. I had roommates and they weren’t happy about it, I tried to explain and I got kicked from the flat, it’s fine, I thought it will push for something new and give us both a good start.
After this I simply haven’t been able to find a stable place for two people and my pet, when only I am working and supporting a “family” of 3. It’s been a lot of dead ends, shitty places and even shittier experienced without amenities because it’s all I could afford or find at the moment. Sure he’s tried a bit, and tried to hussle money on the side, but it’s max 200$ a month. He told me to heal my mind with starting some sports.
With living situations being putrid, he snapped and hasn’t been so supportive as I thought. The night before my birthday he stormed off to meet friends, he’s done this a few times before. I couldn’t reach him for over 14 hours. I’m worried sick, especially in a bit more attached to this person who I’m really giving half my soul to, really risking my comfort to make sure we have a place to stay together. He comes back in the morning, I ask if something happened, he said no. Ok. I feel bad on my birthday and he takes me for food.
2 months pass, I find another place for us to live in, I don’t like it, but it’s all I could find for us both, and he wasn’t searching. We pop mushrooms, I think it’s a great idea because he’s my safe person, and I’d love to roll with him. The walls change color and he begins to tell me the real story on the night before my birthday. He was with friends, they went to the club, begin taking some drugs from the group of girls that his buddy knows. It’s G. He proceeds over the night to dance, make out, and eventually in the bathroom stall try to fuck her. They touched each part of each others bodies. I’m sick.
I found another place for us now. I’m exploding, he has no money and no place to go, no friends and no country. I see myself in the mirror turning into a witch, the ugliest soul I’ve seen of myself. I am livid, he helps me carry bags when it’s heavy, kisses me a lot and tells me sorry. I dreamed of being with this man because our connection was so strong, now I begin to resent, everything has kicked in. I thought I could get over it, but I can’t even touch or kiss with him. It’s all for nothing. He’s stoned 24/7 and losing his money from his addiction.
Will it get better? I know it won’t. What would you do? And how? I want him to find what makes him happy, how to live and find someone who makes him feel safe in his sleep, as that’s what I want too.
I know I know.. I’ve told a few people and everyone says let him go, I truly care about him, not anymore to be with him, but how can you let someone go when they have nothing?
I’m lost, getting old and keep on losing my mind from the situation. I’m gaining weight, smelling funny, losing friends, I’m not myself.
Sorry for the typos, it’s not letting me go back and correct them.
submitted by tofutunasalad to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:45 Schmizi Dialga - 497749919369

submitted by Schmizi to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:45 Potential-Ad9552 Can I go for Feb Intake 2025 ?

I'm from Bangladesh .I just gave my HSC this year (Year 12) .I applied for Feb Intake 2025 at RMIT.I got my conditional offer letter.And in those conditions there was requirements of the academic transcript and completation certificate .Altough I sent my academic transcript but I do not have the completation certificate yet .I do have the provisional one which I sent . Can I get selected with that only ? or do I need the completation certificate ?
submitted by Potential-Ad9552 to rmit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:45 CCCAZ Trade Republic - Que forma(s) usar o cartão virtual e usufruir dos 1% Saveback

Faço este post para perguntar a quem usa Trade Republic e especialmente o cartão virtual quais as maneiras atuais para conseguir usar o cartão no dia a dia como mercearia, compras etc.
Fiz pesquisa no subreddit e vi uma resposta do JRJordao a dizer que não dá para adicionar o cartão ao MBWay porque não é um banco português. Foi logo a maneira que pensei em conseguir usar o cartão mas sendo que não dá fiquei sem ideias e daí criar o tópico.
Se alguém puder ajudar e dizer como faz agradecia.
submitted by CCCAZ to literaciafinanceira [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:45 hb_hayati Güneydoğu Asya, hareketli şehirleri ve iyi kavrulmuş plajları

Güneydoğu Asya, hareketli şehirleri ve iyi kavrulmuş plajları submitted by hb_hayati to STARTWER [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:45 MegatrixFix LG 38WR85QC-W vs Dell U4025QW vs EIZO FlexScan EV3895

I cannot decide, which one to choose. Currently I have only one monitor 27" Eizo 2750, which is great. But be more productive, I would rather buy new one and bigger one as main monitor and keep Eizo as second one. My candidates are those 3. Eizo and Dell are most expensive, but from properties point of view Eizo doesn't bright at all. On the other hand, Eizo is Eizo. Mainly I would use monitor for programming as I work from home. Gaming isn't prio, but sometimes I play (God of War, Far Cry, etc.), maybe 1 game per year. As I said programming and productivity is main prio.
Regarding Dell I read some "rumors" that during gaming there is blurring, mainly fps games. And I'm not sure if my Nvidia GTX 1070 can work with 5k resolution on Dell.
Lg seems to be good choice price/performance. Good for productivity and also for gaming.
What are your opinions?
submitted by MegatrixFix to ultrawidemasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:45 waywardviking208 Carve your Bird 80’s Style 🔪🦃❤️ (A meat “sawzall”)—I recall it use to cause interference with all the other electronics in house while in use- lights,TV,etc.

submitted by waywardviking208 to Xennials [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:45 machismo666 Please somebody guide

I am a 27 (M) facing a lot of issues on the part of debt as I started my own business into garment manufacturing in 2023 December. Sales are good but unable to move forward without debt. Some or the other roadblocks are occurring in the way. Thankfully I have a supportive wife. But I don’t want to burden her anymore and let her free of her obligations and hardships. Please guide me when will this period of torment end and sun will shine.
submitted by machismo666 to vedicastrology [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:45 YeahThatCee Annual Checkup

Annual Checkup Annual checkups provide an opportunity to discuss lifestyle habits and mental health concerns, which are integral to long-term well-being. 😏
submitted by YeahThatCee to wyzecam [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:45 IcoBoy99 Пак ли?

Пак ли? submitted by IcoBoy99 to bulgaria [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:45 Conscious_Cover6607 Trouble finding supressor

Trouble finding supressor I have trouble finding a supressor for the ronin t10, i want to have it under the handguard and it needs to be small (for cqb purposes), i think its 14mm thread. Anyone with a t10 or knowledge?
Kwa ronin t10
submitted by Conscious_Cover6607 to airsoft [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:45 NeedleworkerOld135 My property has been destroyed by negligence. What do I do? I put a video in description.

G'day all.
Long story short, there is no drainage in place from the street, and it ALL comes washes my property. It has destroyed my shed, tools, driveway, foundations of my house.
The council are not responsible for the main road (Belgrave-gembrook Rd, Avonsleigh), VICroads are. I have approached both the council and VICroads who both state work needs to be done. (This was originally brought up in March, and multiple times since then). I have stated the urgency etc. and what it is doing to the property. Many different rain events have left the property increasingly damaged. I have had an insurance claim made for damages incurred to the property. I am at wits end! It is causing me considerable stress. Nothing has been done.
Where do I go from here in terms of legal action? Vicroads are the responsible party, not the council.
The video is the most recent footage of the issue.
submitted by NeedleworkerOld135 to AusLegal [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:45 SilverWin7694 23 [F4M] DEGRADE ME NOW

Are you horny and mabango? If yes, HMU. I wanna fuck now na. I think I'm willing to do anything aside from Anal, Multiple guys, or gory shit like don't kill me hahah I'm just horny.
about me: - cute, pretty, curvy - 5'1 - hygienic - mabango - appreciates aftercare
about you: - same age and older - slim-chubby - soft dom and single - patient and kind to teach me - bonus if you drive! not a must since i know how to get to and from places
Hit me up with an intro! G to swap pics sa TG and vibe! No hard feelings on both ends if we pass, i understand not everyone's each others type!
submitted by SilverWin7694 to dirtypr4r [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:45 cdauby0 Dreamt I saw Gengar in real life but it’s name was Vengar and it was smoking a cigar in the middle of the ocean so I photographed him and made this

Dreamt I saw Gengar in real life but it’s name was Vengar and it was smoking a cigar in the middle of the ocean so I photographed him and made this submitted by cdauby0 to thomastheplankengine [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:45 CodeMaster7779 Hindi preboard exams are in 2 days, and I haven’t studied half of the syllabus.

Hindi has always been my weak subject, is wajah se mere har baar percentage kam ho jati hai. Exam is day after tomorrow, aur ab tak maine sirf grammar aur writing section complete kiya hai. Literature bilkul nahi kiya, aur grammar mein bhi confidence nahi hai. What should I do?
submitted by CodeMaster7779 to CBSE [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 09:45 The_Real_Big_Joe impressive tank gap

submitted by The_Real_Big_Joe to overwatch2 [link] [comments]
