Giving nn irl info out 0506d4fe420fc31f009038b40941bf45877b6e31ea51a3bbdd5ce7179e907e6059

2024.11.27 08:23 Think_Comfortable937 Giving nn irl info out 0506d4fe420fc31f009038b40941bf45877b6e31ea51a3bbdd5ce7179e907e6059

Giving nn irl info out 0506d4fe420fc31f009038b40941bf45877b6e31ea51a3bbdd5ce7179e907e6059 submitted by Think_Comfortable937 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:23 InevitablePampa69 Need help

Hi fellow redditors,
I need help regarding a situation I am in.
Few days back me and my friends applied for alumni credit card of icici bank. So they got their credit card approved and all.
So I checked what's my stand got to know that my application is rejected. And when I try to see the reason in app it says office address not verified.
Me and my friends work at the same office so not able to understand what's going on here.
And I am doing wfh so how will I verify office address in that case I also did a mail during the call from office mail id regarding this wfh thing on suggestion of the customer care rep.
So wanted to know what should or can I do regarding this.
Any help will be much appreciated 👍
submitted by InevitablePampa69 to CreditCardsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:23 matteo5477 problema emissione scontrino e fattura su stessa prestazione

praticamente un cliente ha emesso lo scontrino e poi la fattura per una stessa prestazione allo stesso cliente e se n'è accorto dopo 2 mesi ovvero l'errore è stato commesso a settembre (sia scontino che fattura sono datati settembre) e ce ne siamo accorti a novembre, come si può risolvere?
submitted by matteo5477 to commercialisti [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:23 davidtheraptor1 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by davidtheraptor1 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:23 bilgesem Karanfil Çiçeği Buketi

Karanfil Çiçeği Buketi submitted by bilgesem to veronasluxury [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:23 YukitoGaraga Certain women being jealous bcz Idgaf

I'm tired of pretending this is not true or is mysoginistic when it's not, some women (not all of them) can be very bitchy when I (a straight passing gay man who doesn't feel the need to tell anyone) when I don't display attraction towards them or act upon their obvious advancements (I mean I notice I am gay) I chose to ignore it and keep the conversation friendly, but they feel entitled to be rude if I do so because I feel it's like an insult or I'm somehow implying they're not good enough or are ugly? some of them even start telling me shit like "Are you female or what?", "You know some men need to remember they're men" or they start making weird questions to find out like "do you like Lana del Rey or Lady gaga?", "Do you use productd on your face?", or they stop being friendly nice like it was all a mask from the beginning because they thought I was interested... I mean sorry, I don't have to tell you shit about my orientation, and I don't have to fake I like you, I can just be friends with people, I can show interest in people but because I want to be friendly and respectful.
submitted by YukitoGaraga to venting [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:23 android_tests_pac Crosspost video test for 27/11/2024 08:20:10

submitted by android_tests_pac to automation_crossposts [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:23 Regantze Proxy question

Proxy question I was wondering if the bestiarim Ettin models would work good as proxy’s?
submitted by Regantze to sonsofbehemat [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:23 Complete_Lie9301 (m22 here) my mom having an affair. Should I support her?

I found out that my mom was having an affair and maybe because of physical needs I didn't know what to do and were there any women who could guide me.
submitted by Complete_Lie9301 to AskIndianWomen [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:23 body_hair_havrr random question

starting episode 8 and am starting to wonder, will there be more aliens? We have seen a TON of ghosts but only the dudes from episode 1 for those who read the manga, will there be aliens soon or just more ghosts
submitted by body_hair_havrr to Dandadan [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:22 stasiia_ Чи маю я право на те щоб говорити про відпочинок?

Зачасту коли я щось говорю про те що хочу відпочити я чую наступну фразу « від чого ти можеш втомитись?»
І справді, від чого я можу втомитись? Я молода дівчина, студентка університету третього курсу. Що може бути такого від чого я втомилась? Усі проходили даний етап життя - навчання у ВНЗ.
З першого курсу, я роблю всю роботу старости хоча сама нею не була на той період, мене вибрали і поставили перед фактом. Я не могла постояти за себе, висловити чітко свої кордони та зрозуміти якість своїх сил. З першого року навчання уся робота старости лежить на мені, на третьому курсі ( сьогодення) я і є староста.
Можливо староста це не так і тяжко, навіть цікаво. Проте моя група це люди лицеміри. Я не раз вислуховувала в свою сторону бридкі слова, хоча не думаю, що я це заслужила. Я постійно допомагаю своїй групі з завданнями, прогулами та іншими дрібничками. Можливо цього мало, щоб вони помітили що я стараюсь для їхнього «дякую»?
Цього року я вижата як лимон, навчання скоротили до 13 тижнів. Для тих хто не дуже розуміє в чому проблема - навчання йде у швидкій формі, сесія раніше, балів катастрофічно не вистачає. Мене весь семестр кудись тягають «акредитація!! Ви йдете на акредитацію!», «напишіть наукову роботу англійською мовою, а доречі ви відмовитись не можете тому що вас вибрала зам.кафедри», «ой доречі вам там конкурсну роботу потрібно зробити, вас вибрала зам.кафедри відказ не можна», « там конкурс має бути, чому твоя група досі нікого не виставила? Якщо ніхто не хоче - йди ти, ти повинна когось виставити з групи!!!» і це буквально тільки за останній місяць…
Сталась ще не приємна ситуація, я потрапила на шахраїв і в мене викрали кошти. Зараз моя мати кожного дня мене упрікає за те що я така дурна. Проте я від неї нічого не приховувала з своїх планів. Всі документи дала їй на перевірку тому що сама багато не розумію, документи переглядала і її подруга з юридичним досвідом на що я почула « я не бачу нічого поганого можеш до них звертатись».
І залишається питання, чи можу я хоч трішки відпочити від цього всього? Я втомилась вирішувати справи в університеті, а на вечір слухати від своєї рідної матері, що я ху*ва дочка. Я хочу мати підтримку, а не вислуховувати від зам.кафедри, що я студентка яка погано виконує роботу старости. Я хочу щоб мене не смикали через якісь проблеми і просто дали мені трішки відпочити…
submitted by stasiia_ to reddit_ukr [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:22 Sufficient-Meet1421 A book to help understand connection and relations between plants and weather conditions

Hi! I’m building a thesis about how the weather of my region is affecting the plants’ ecosystem and I was wondering if there were books/resources to get more knowledge on how to analyse this effect and get deeper into the relation between weather and plants. Thanks a lot! ❤️
submitted by Sufficient-Meet1421 to meteorology [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:22 PyroChiliarch Claude 3.5 Not Appearing

I can't seem to get Claude to appear as an option in Visual Studio 2022 Tried reinstalling the copilot extention Updating to the latest version Claude is turned on in Github
Is there anything I'm missing? I can only see 40, o1-preview and o1-mini
submitted by PyroChiliarch to GithubCopilot [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:22 Aggravating-Zone6695 proteste viitoare?

ştiți cumva dacă se desfăşoară proteste şi în serile care urmează? și dacă da, unde?
submitted by Aggravating-Zone6695 to iasi [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:22 Bynairee *Sub4Sub*
submitted by Bynairee to Sub4Sub [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:22 Shino005 Galaxy Z Flip 5 : Amazon plie le game, il affiche un deal FOU sur le smartphone (-46%)

Galaxy Z Flip 5 : Amazon plie le game, il affiche un deal FOU sur le smartphone (-46%) submitted by Shino005 to 01net [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:22 MrBigNaughty USA C4C only a couple left

Friday: Can you accept my invitation so that I can get a free gift? Download Temu App and search the code below to accept my invitation! 37617121
Hattrick: Accept my invite & Get 4 freebies! Download Temu and search my code to accept my invitation: 40523205
Username: Kyle XL
submitted by MrBigNaughty to TemuThings [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:22 ericthewolf78 45 [M4F] 🇨🇦

Chilling alone at work, could use a little company on kik. All ages and locations welcome, just dm your kik name and let's chat! Mines NFDeadpool. Open to Females and Couples. No sellers please.
submitted by ericthewolf78 to Kikpals [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:22 ohmygodamnit racket reco please :3

any racket reco for intermediate level player? preferably light weight. currently using 26lbs but planning to go 28lbs-30lbs :):) budget is 1-3k.. thank u in advanceeee ! <3
submitted by ohmygodamnit to badmintonph [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:22 Frattagliae Cura per capelli poco porosi con caduta stagionale

Buondì☀️ Ho 21 anni con capelli non trattati, mossi, grassi e poco porosi. Conseguenza di quest'ultima cosa: si appesantiscono col niente, anche mettendo solo il termoprotettore durante l'asciugatura. Infatti metto prima il balsamo e poi faccio lo shampoo. Inoltre, quest'anno ho notato una caduta di capelli maggiore durante l'autunno, forse anche per lo stress. Potreste consigliarmi prodotti adatti al mio tipo di capello e sieri/fialette da usare durante il cosiddetto periodo delle castagne?🌰 Intanto, ho acquistato una lacca volumizzante per capelli grassi della adorn con cui spero di trovarmi bene :)
submitted by Frattagliae to xxitaly [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:22 Nullcapton We meet again

A while a go I was kidnapped and forced to fish, they captured another guy and they saw me cath a pink crab. Yesterday while playing, I met the ther guy who was kidnapped. So, ya. I don't know what tag to do.
submitted by Nullcapton to sailVR [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:22 sebastianstehle Is there still a viable build for Harmony to kill Thrax?

Is there still a viable build for Harmony to kill Thrax? Hi,
I have not played that much for 1-2 months, but when I came back and was playing a level cap void cascade I was surprised that harmony is really useless now. Before I was able to kill a Thrax in 1-2 heavy attacks. My Squad told me that Harmony has been changed, but according to the change logs, it is should still make a lot of damage.
I checked the current builds in Simulacrum and nothing really works for me. I make around 1 Mio damage, often less, which does not even kill a level 175 Thrax. This is my build:
submitted by sebastianstehle to Warframe [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:22 No_Impression_9216 Damon is a jerk

Damon is a jerk I have no idea what Damon’s problem with this creator is but he is consistently rude to him and always messing with him. I get battles have banter but Damon makes it too far with him every time they battle. San Diego and him were trashing his gifter for sending a Leon instead of the big lion. Damon stfu , you had 300 points and were jealous . He pocket watches him and created drama with Lara with this creator as well. I believe it’s because this creator is young and new to battling so he just takes Damon’s rude comments but it’s annoying. I wish people would stand up to him more because he’s a sore loser . Also Damon, you deserve nothing despite what your delusional gifters think. I hope your downfall is swift and soon.
submitted by No_Impression_9216 to livenfamilysnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:22 newslenderarts IMMEDIATELY after he died,unless this was like a "berserk demon fetus" situation

IMMEDIATELY after he died,unless this was like a submitted by newslenderarts to FromTVEpix [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 08:22 t0nyfranda Frontierer - Wearing Hell

Frontierer - Wearing Hell submitted by t0nyfranda to Metalcore [link] [comments]