2024.11.27 09:34 RennisDitchie FBGL: A Lightweight Framebuffer Graphics Library for Linux
I'm excited to share a project I've been working on: FBGL (Framebuffer Graphics Library), a lightweight, header-only graphics library for direct framebuffer manipulation in Linux.
🚀 What is FBGL? FBGL is a simple, single-header C library that allows you to draw directly to the Linux framebuffer with minimal dependencies. Whether you're into embedded graphics, game development, or just want low-level graphics rendering, this library might be for you!
✨ Key Features:
2024.11.27 09:34 RedBullWack how to calm down the heart palpitations after a binge??
it's been like 30 minutes of my heart beating hard and fast while just sitting down and like i want it gone lol, its feels so weird. therye really no joke lol. i didnt even eat as much as i usually do in a binge so im a little surprised i even have palpitations right now. is there any way to calm them down?
submitted by RedBullWack to BingeEatingDisorder [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:34 uite_2lei Gigi Becali: ”Băi, George, tu să nu te superi, dar parcă-mi pare bine că te-a bătut Georgescu, pentru că o să avem un preşedinte bun. Tu nu te compari cu el, George. Este foarte puternic Călin Georgescu faţă de tine în discurs. Să-l ajutăm, să ne aliem cu el şi să facem bine pentru România!”
submitted by uite_2lei to sport_politica_cancan [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:34 JizzEMcguire gangstalking, scripted partners and false friends
throughout this kofc program of psychological warfare, a target will undoubtedly be faced with more challenges than their are letters in "psychoacoustics". one unfortunate challenge will be developing a relationship (friend or more) with an interjected FIA memeber. "what is jizzy talking about !?" i'm glad i asked... what i mean is. they will send in an individual from a catalog of active participating members that fit the exact mold of whatever it is you desire most from a companion.
they will have your deepest fantasies and dreams collected from neural linguistics programming, know what you want your fantasy partner to look like, even have them shaped and sculpted on in appearance and how to speak. they will know preemptively, all the things you want to hear from them as they will be conditioned to do so prior to meeting you. they may even become sexual partners to you in a time of absolute isolation, forced upon you by the aggressors subjecting it all to you.
the program requires all aspects of the targets life to be controlled by the handlers or groups contracted to the software. this means any and all human interaction you receive. you will be put into deep trancelike states or subliminal hypnosis to control your behavior around their interjected members. you may find a visual aid for this in hollywood by watching the truman show. the best example would be his wife. if the individual is your romantic partner you will be placed in a state of mind called cloud 9 programming. the interjected person will be in a place of complete safety even though you know something is very off.
your new friends if you're making friends during this time of forced programs, lies and torture are all involved. the people that have entered your life after this began are all false friends and interjected actors from this program. the infrasonic HAMs have no face to face contact with anyone but they do communicate through apps and gaming domains. they try to make it look natural but you will need to look out for a few things.
they are illiterate and you will never see them reading and if they do their pretending.
they have no sense of self.
they have no particular taste in anything.
they don't have a favorite music artist and know nothing of the majority of pop culture
they will be overly understanding of your current trials.
they will flip the script at the drop of a dime, to persecute you as a crazy person.
they will drop trigger phrases and cues in texts (they use screen reader and talk to text to do so)
they are horrible drivers.
these are a small fraction of the obvious attributes of a faith in action gangstalking covert implanted interested individual in your life. avoid these encounters at all costs. they are not here to help you. a major factor of mind control is physical touch. you may notice your group constantly making parts of your body itch with subliminal suggestive commands... they require you to touch your self to put you in a more controlled state. the rest of their job is to induce bi polar attacks within a target as this is a major attack vector in their psyops operations ation. extreme highs and lows.
they are trying to liquify your mind to cause permanent imbalances and life trajectory changes. they. don't care about you, they are puppets. don't fall their soulless lies and worthless attempts to please their own agendas. you're smarter than they are. they just think otherwise.
submitted by JizzEMcguire to TargetedSolutions [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:34 Lovelessgorgon Gigabyte B650M D3HP - Fractal north help
Hey guys, need a bit of help, I have the mb and case in the title and I realized that the CPU plug on the mb interferes with the top fan of the case. I have 2 140 coolers on the top, but the CPU Power Connector hits it. What can I do?
submitted by Lovelessgorgon to PcBuild [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:34 Menter33 November 27 – Feast of Virgil of Salzburg (Virgilius, Fergal, Feirgil, Ferghil, Vergil) – Apostle of Carinthia, The Geometer – He was denounced as a heretic for believing that the Earth was round, and that land existed on the opposite side (antipodes). Despite this, he became bishop of Salzburg.
submitted by Menter33 to Catholicism [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:34 Sky_Stunning Rodic Diner Tapsilog
submitted by Sky_Stunning to filipinofood [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:34 evilArthas420 Firsts are always special
Pulled the trigger on this 5600sb last week. Can't get my eyes off it ever since. Although the negative display and recessed button felt unusual at first, I'm loving this one. Already looking forward to my next G, probably a 6900 or 2100 this time.
submitted by evilArthas420 to gshock [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:34 kdbleeep That's just how animals of different nationalities make friends.
submitted by kdbleeep to BestOfWholesomeSubs [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:34 deadmenrunning New SS+ gear when?
Saw someone posted before that young yellow gamma and then Xmas Alexia would get SS+ gear next. Wondering when to expect that, and where tat came from. Is JP ahead of global?
submitted by deadmenrunning to EminenceInShadowRPG [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:34 Feisty_Cranberry6571 Motorbike's speed
Hello guys! I play the game on PS4 for a couple of days now and I noticed that the motorbike's speed is very slow compared to other vehicles. Is it just me or this is a normal thing in the game?
submitted by Feisty_Cranberry6571 to GhostReconWildlands [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:34 GapRevolutionary1055 [XB1] WEAPONS SALE! Want leaders/ trades
submitted by GapRevolutionary1055 to Fallout76Marketplace [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:34 complex_escape24 Should I start a new channel?
Ok, I know that's a dumb question often. But I started my channel just making uninspired shorts a while ago. I just wanted to create and practice content creation really. But then I found myself doing actual thing's that interest me and making video(s) about it. I repurposed my channel as a platform to share my work. I'm wondering if now that I'm not aimless and I have an actual niche and focus should I start fresh instead of just doing what I am?
submitted by complex_escape24 to SmallYTChannel [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:34 Bottlez1266 I just want him to flap again :(
submitted by Bottlez1266 to dankmemes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:34 Fiona-Rose Is it too late to get the memorial tree and give the card to a villager?
I’ve been really busy and haven’t gotten around to either of those things yet and just assumed I could do it today but I have seen some people say it’s too late now and I can’t open my app to check right now. Can someone please tell me I didn’t miss it?
submitted by Fiona-Rose to ACPocketCamp [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:34 kiriuazoldyck convalescence: budding
need someone for the 3 cooperative missions since it is mandatory to play with someone and no one joins whenever i make a listing in fireteam finder.
submitted by kiriuazoldyck to destiny2 [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:34 drainterminator333 Love is confusing me, please help I need guidance
I (m23) met this girl (f23) and im confused…
My love history is weird, I used to crave love a lot. I went on dates and nothing worked out. Eventually I was dating this girl for a while but my anxiety to make a move was to big so I did not. She wasn’t feeling it anymore so we quit dating. Then, when I least expected it, I met a girl. I liked her persona but we did not match. She wasn’t my type in “looks” like I was not that attracted to her. We didn’t have much in common like music/film taste, clothing taste, things we liked to do. Idk we did not fit but it still did feel good. After a 1 month of dating and 3 weeks of having a relationship, she broke up. She saw her ex on vacation, had dinner with him, and found out that she wasn’t ready for love. She told me (and this is important I guess) that she never loved me but that she was in love with the feeling. When we had a relationship, I wasn’t sure if I loved her but it felt good. I started being more attached towards her and then she broke up. I was a bit sad for a week, then I wasn’t and then after 2 weeks I was very sad. I let the feeling go away and started dating again. I felt fresh so imean it was the right to start dating.
I met this other girl and she is amazing. She is so genuine, caring and sweet. We match with a lot of thinks, film, music, common interest. I think she is perfect for me in every way. Like we can communicate in a way ive never communicated with someone else, we just understand eachothers feelings and fears so well.
But now comes the hard part… I feel really confused because of my ex. After she broke up she told me that she was in love with the feeling, afterwards I believed I felt the same way, but now… i dont know, maybe I loved her, maybe I was in love with the feeling. This is confusing me a lot because I feel like I dont really know the difference anymore…
Im so confused because I really like this girl, like i think a lot of her, i am learning her mother tongue, when we talk, its as if we understand eachother without explaining. Like I dont even have that with my parents… Im even getting nervous when she doesnt text me (I think I might have a lil anxiety going on). Sometimes we call and the time passes so fast, 4 hour calls feel like 1 hour, a 6 hour date feels like 3 hours…
I can keep going on about how much I like her but deep down it still feels confusing because of my “love history”. I feel like ending it with her would devastate me, like she could definitely be “the one” but at the same time im not sure if I should go on because im so confused and I want the best for her. But then im not sure if ending it is the best for her. I really dont know but I do know that I don’t wanna end it. Im just confused and i’d love some guidance.
submitted by drainterminator333 to dating_advice [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:34 KaleWild956 Wer hat Lust zsm auf snap zu wichsen auf Mädchen, Add sevbla9
submitted by KaleWild956 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
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submitted by Repulsive_Source8587 to TEMUpact [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:34 KynQu POV of Post-time skip Imp vs Dune worms, when?
I really like to see a long segment of Imp fighting the Dune worms. Already seen post time skip Saint, now I wanna see Imp's.
submitted by KynQu to ShadowSlave [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:34 Ov3rk1ll_99 How do I get the pallets from the warehouse? they will be put back into storage immediately. I'm on ps5 btw.
Wie bekomme ich die Paletten aus dem Lagerhaus zurück? Sie werden sofort wieder eingelagert wenn ich sie raushole. submitted by Ov3rk1ll_99 to farmingsimulator [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:34 TimeToPayThePipetter Admiring my progress
I’ve been a QC microbiologist for a few months and only get to practice streaking when there’s cultural. Could be better but I’m proud!
submitted by TimeToPayThePipetter to microbiology [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:34 asd_win Incompatible game connection
Hi, i host my own dedicated server locally voor ark survival evolved. I use ptetodactyl for this. This all works fine, until, at one point, i am not able to join the server because "incompatible game connection". The issue resolves itself when i remove mods, but thats no permanent solution. I have no clue what could be causing this. Any help would be appropriated. At the ark subreddit giet sent to ptetodactyl and at ptetodactyl i get sent back to ark so that doesnt really help.
submitted by asd_win to Pterodactyl [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:34 Interesting-Most5353 Tribbing teen irls 05b20326d2b37ffeb7433d95fd7f7f66d1a79637837f9f0066c82e039687f57526
submitted by Interesting-Most5353 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:34 DeliriousMac Obvezna dnevna Milka objava
submitted by DeliriousMac to Slovenia [link] [comments]