2024.11.27 09:50 Charedi MSCS vs MIS
Profile- 8.04 GPA VIT Vellore, 315 GRE (168 quant), 3.5 yoe as backend developer at Motorola Solutions. 8.5 IELTS. No research Since my profile is just average, im doubting my chances at MSCS at a really good school(Upenn, Umass amherst,Stony brook etc), should i apply for MIS just to have a better chance of going to a better college? Or maybe even MSCE?My main goal is to get a job as a developer and if i can get a product management role due to MIS then i’m okay with that as well.Do companies prefer mscs grads for developer roles or is it just about who can clear the leetcode round?? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Charedi to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:50 Advanced_Drink_8536 Homan says he is willing to put Denver mayor ‘in jail’ over deportation position
submitted by Advanced_Drink_8536 to AnythingGoesNews [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:50 marsicano I created a tiktok-like website ideal for promoting your OnlyFans
To grow your Onlyfans profile create a profile and upload a short video preview of your content to https://tikfap.me . Don't forget to include the link to OF in the description of the videos you upload! For best results set a profile picture and periodically add a small video! 🚀
submitted by marsicano to onlyfansadvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:50 Ahoy-Alternative Yesterday Once More by Carpenters . Piano . Lyrics
submitted by Ahoy-Alternative to Youtubeviews [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:50 sad39 Nový Fiala: Některé moje postupy teď překvapují i můj tým
submitted by sad39 to czech [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:50 bzpc Adonde mudaron a los senegaleses de Once?
Eso, para comprar un par de cosas berretas sin irme a Flores
submitted by bzpc to AskArgentina [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:50 Business-Purchase934 What's the most breathtaking moment you've ever experienced?
submitted by Business-Purchase934 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:50 CherryBlossomEnding tripleS and Ai Tomioka added to the lineup of 2024 Seoul Con x WORLD K-POP FESTIVAL
submitted by CherryBlossomEnding to kpop [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:50 Totallyrealyamumreal 5uc on Siemens dishwasher
Woke up today, went to the kitchen and saw that '5uc' was on the dishwasher screen. Any ideas?
submitted by Totallyrealyamumreal to dishwashers [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:50 rqrdi fake right? the print font and the embro are sus
submitted by rqrdi to VETEMENTS [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:50 1629uknow typa shit Peggy would get tattooed
submitted by 1629uknow to jpegmafiamusic [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:50 Crazy_Bar_7176 the shitfuck
submitted by Crazy_Bar_7176 to SuperMechs [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:50 According-Gain-4408 Mass Spec Peak Problem
Background info:
I synthesised a molecule from reagents of masses 223 and 252. It was catalysed by DMAP (mass= 122).
I've been trying to isolate my product of mass 457 (esterification) via column chromatography for a month now, without much success (cannot separate non-esterified reagent). Yesterday, I used the Prep-HPLC and gave my molecules peak to the LCMS. I saw 3 peaks:
Polar peak with major mass of 122 (4% Rel. INT)
Polar peak of 115 (no idea what this is)
And the peak of my material, with 2 major M/Z values: 480 (M+Na, parent peak), and 579 (30% Rel. Int.)
I noticed how 579 = 457 + 122.
My Question Now Is:
Even after HPLC, could DMAP not have been separated, is it possible that DMAP somehow binds to my molecule? Obvious answer would be yes, but then I would expect a mass lower than the sum of my molecule + DMAP, as some atom should leave to for DMAP to bond. My molecule contains an ester, carboxylic acid and thioacetal groups.
submitted by According-Gain-4408 to OrganicChemistry [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:50 Papershellhigh Do you guys print your own backdrops?
I’ve been working as a commercial photographer for a year now and am looking to expand my collection of props and backdrops. I’m based in Asia and have noticed that most of the backdrops I like are from Western countries. While I don’t mind the cost of the props, dealing with customs has been such a hassle that I’m wondering if I can print my own backdrops locally. There are a few large-scale printing shops near me that offer gloss and matte options with different GSMs. I’m curious about what I should look for when printing backdrops myself. For example, what kind of paper or material would work best? I know Etsy offers downloadable files and for simple geometric patterns, I could even design something in Photoshop. The backdrop I want to replicate is a vinyl print - would that be a good option to aim for? I’ve also browsed Amazon but didn’t find the designs I wanted. I did come across translucent PVC backdrops - did not like them. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! submitted by Papershellhigh to AskPhotography [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:50 Bartholo_TV Motivation schwindet von Tag zu Tag
Hallo zusammen :)
Dies ist mein erster Beitrag hier. Wie der Titel bereits andeutet, fällt es mir zunehmend schwer, meine Motivation aufrechtzuerhalten.
Ich hoffe, hier ein paar ermutigende Worte oder Tipps zu bekommen. Vor einer Woche habe ich beschlossen – nicht ganz freiwillig, es ist eine Wette mit einem Bekannten – mit dem Rauchen aufzuhören, sowohl mit Cannabis als auch mit Zigaretten. Es fühlt sich gut an, diese "Entscheidung" getroffen zu haben, aber ehrlich gesagt ist es ziemlich schwer, dranzubleiben.
Die Gewohnheit ist tief in mir verwurzelt (ich rauche seit etwa 2010, da war ich 14), und die Versuchungen sind nach wie vor sehr präsent. Darüber hinaus habe ich mir vorgenommen, endlich meine Diät ernst zu nehmen und abzunehmen. - ich wiege knapp 80Kg auf 174cm, kaum Muskeln -
Ich habe ein klares Ziel vor Augen, aber die Disziplin, die notwendig ist, um sowohl mit dem Rauchen aufzuhören als auch mein Kaloriendefizit einzuhalten, fordert mich extrem heraus. Täglich nur 1500 Kalorien und mein Hunger ist schon direkt nachdem Frühstück extrem. Ich esse ca. 100g Haferflocken, 200ml Hafermilch und 100g Erdbeeren, der Hunger geht aber nicht weg.
Ich merke, wie meine Motivation nachlässt, und das Gefühl, immer wieder zu scheitern, macht es nicht leichter. Gibt es hier Leute, die ähnliche Erfahrungen gemacht haben? Wie habt ihr es geschafft, sowohl das Rauchen aufzugeben als auch langfristig eine Diät durchzuhalten?
Ich wäre für jeden Rat oder jede motivierende Nachricht dankbar.
Btw heute ist Tag 10 meiner Reise.
submitted by Bartholo_TV to FitnessDE [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:50 misharaa My tongue scraper just arrived. How do i clean it before usage?
I am a little germaphobic, so i wanna make sure it's sterile or at least safe before i use it. I already cleaned it with 50% alcohol, is that enough? what would you recommend? boiling it in water? anything else? The scraper is stainless steel.
submitted by misharaa to hygiene [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:50 Ahoy-Alternative Yesterday Once More by Carpenters . Piano . Lyrics
submitted by Ahoy-Alternative to YTPromo [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:50 Horror_Berry_6463 Can someone explain this?
Can someone explain why with eclipse + cleaver interaction i get 3 stacks from q-auto or auto-q, 3 stacks from q-tiamat or tiamat-q and only 2 stacks when hitting two consecutive q's? The 0.01-second internal delay between applying stacks has been removed in patch 14.16.
submitted by Horror_Berry_6463 to AatroxMains [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:50 Complex_Act949 Model v2 is a failure
The v2 model is terrible. Right now the developers are testing the v2 model in the feedback. It has a duration of 2:10 instead of 2:11. The v2 model is terrible, it sounds synthetic, it has extraneous noises, crooked instrumentation, it's terrible. The v2 model sounds like Suno, seriously. Vote for v1.5 (2:11) in the feedback, friends, so that they do not release this misunderstanding.
submitted by Complex_Act949 to udiomusic [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:50 Chel-San 🤔
submitted by Chel-San to japan_insoul [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:50 Caremi76 Jenna Ortega
submitted by Caremi76 to celestialbabes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:50 Turtle456 Reductress » Woman Who Says She Needs Coffee Actually Needs Entirely New Life
submitted by Turtle456 to satire_de_en [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:50 C4nt3r About PvP Solo Play
Hi all,
I'm liking the game so far, enjoying the newbie Manibus Server. I'm enjoying the PvE "Survival" aspect of the game, but I love PvP looting games too. Would like to know how good is this game about PvP, and about solo play, because I play solo almost all the time (lone wolf), and not interested at all to join a warband or similar, but would like to enjoy the PvP/playerhunting aspect of the game.
submitted by C4nt3r to OnceHumanOfficial [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:50 ASICmachine Best cold wallet? (x-post from /r/Cryptocurrency)
submitted by ASICmachine to CryptoCurrencyClassic [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:50 Berserksoul666 Should I just stop caring?
My upstairs neighbour is a total arsehole, he’s been confrontational on multiple occasions, physically pushed myself infront of my partner, called me homophobic slurs(quite funny considering I’m not gay and my partners female, however I do have gay family members who visit). Filed a noise complaint with our local council, who investigated and deemed there was no statuary noise nuisance at all and closed the case. Especially given he was complaining doors opening and closing, cupboard for the same and sexual noises (Creep, listening to us).
Our flat is old, the walls are shit quality and there’s barely any sound proofing. If he expects total quiet, do not live in an apartment.
I’ve informed the police, who were kind enough to speak with him and then conversed with myself to inform me that he’s denied all claims. They asked me to be mindful of our noise, but we already are? We’ve installed anti slam hinges on all cupboards, we do not play music out of speakers. Solely our phones when showering. I feel like it’s causing friction between myself and my partner due to the whole “egg-shell” feeling. Moreover, we both work full-time (myself from home 4/5 days, my partner 5 days exterior to the flat) so we’re both asleep for 11:00pm.
I’m just at my wits-end with caring anymore, I can’t keep living this way but our flat is cheap and allows for us to save. Should I just stop giving a shit and live as if he doesn’t exist? It’s not fair on myself and Partner and my mental health is just declining by actually caring.
submitted by Berserksoul666 to Apartmentliving [link] [comments]