2024.11.27 11:40 143GirlySexyAct 18F kinda bored rn so I wanna get to know someone and make friends right here
wyd rn let's talk
submitted by 143GirlySexyAct to chat [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:40 LadyWhiplash Has anyone else had an event happen after a session that made you realize that it wasn’t working for you in the way that you thought it was?
I’ve been using ketamine therapy not primarily for depression, but for OCD, anxiety, and CPTSD. My biggest struggle is emotional regulation. Over the last year, I thought the therapy was helping me create more space between my experiences and my reactions, and for a while, I really believed it was making a difference.
Recently, I stopped taking my anti-anxiety and antidepressant meds (I know, probably not the best timing), and now I’m realizing it might not have been the ketamine alone that was helping. I just had two sessions in a row before a big trip I’m currently on, and to be honest, I’ve been feeling completely unmoored.
I’ve been so insanely triggered, having these overwhelming, hour-long manic-feeling episodes where my emotions feel unbearable. It’s shaken me. I don’t want to believe ketamine isn’t helping me because I attributed so much of my progress to it—but now I’m feeling dejected and unsure.
Has anyone else experienced something similar? I’d love to hear if others have insights or advice. It’s been a tough realization to sit with.
submitted by LadyWhiplash to KetamineTherapy [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:40 Broly_Gainz This is back when I did modelling - this outfit is still alive and kicking 😂
submitted by Broly_Gainz to GothFashion [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:40 winechug Deathsworn Inceptors
Final Edition to my 2000 point space wolf army! Hope you all enjoy! I never quite liked the idea of Inceptors being blood claws so decided to do a take on them as deathsworn whole are so death hungry they swoop into battle or another theory as to these being judiciar-esque battle brothers who are prospective Wolf Priests who must go through the trials and tests of dangerous fire support missions. What do y'all think?
submitted by winechug to SpaceWolves [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:40 mysticmoonlitmeadow Is anyone else’s amazing store still crashing even after they fixed it?? Do I need to uninstall and redownload?
submitted by mysticmoonlitmeadow to PocketLove [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:40 lifeofnatalii12 Cute little selfie
submitted by lifeofnatalii12 to ShareYourSelfie [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:40 FreddieThePebble My reddit dude naked
Its kinda weird submitted by FreddieThePebble to TeenagersButBetter [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 11:40 Hannahmartirah Today is a spider day
https://preview.redd.it/43bt3ojdlf3e1.jpg?width=1790&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69a83e11d49ad299efa0ac35e6c332721b24d012 submitted by Hannahmartirah to spiders [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 11:40 BaoziTV 实在搞不懂为什么恁中这么爱卷
以前一直听到中国人的一种说法,外国过得好,主要是外国人垄断了某某产业,实现了高利润。等我们产业升级攻克XX产业后,我们也可以过上外国人一样,不加班高薪的好日子。 但, 中国一旦攻破了什么,就会把什么干成白菜价,并且让整个产业的所有人都没钱赚,很多人还以此为荣,我实在无法理解。 像长江存储没搞出来之前,三星卖1000(举例),你卖600 700不行吗?结果疯狂搞996压榨员工,要把成本压榨到极致,居然卖300。 中国早就垄断了光伏,全世界95%光伏相关的产业和专利全都是中国的,这行业已经没外国人了。但你看看中国光伏产业亏成什么样了,疯狂内卷,卷到全世界都因此受益,卷到光伏面板跟垃圾一个价,很多发达国家都在用中国光伏板做围栏,反正便宜。 中国动力电池,世界第一,也处于垄断地位,可利润呢? 现在又轮到电动车世界第一了,结果还在卷,卷自己,卷世界,卷的自己非常累,卷的全世界都没利润。如果产业升级只是为了卷自己,卷的自己人过不上收入高加班少的日子,卷的全世界产业都没活路,那卷的意义是什么? 上个月,中国光伏行业协会一起开了个会,意思就是: 国外的光伏产业已经都被我们卷死了,我们都是自己人,别卷了,大家一起提高价格,收割外国人吧,一直这么卷下去,不是收割中国人便宜了老外吗? 结果,都没坚持一个月,然后中国人又卷起来了,天生牛马料,一生致力于收割自己给外国人生产廉价工业品,天生的奴隶命。 再举个例子,以前中国生产不了SSD,生产不了内存颗粒的时候,三星经常搞什么 工厂失火了,完了来提高价格,收割世界。 后来中国搞出了这个SSD,内存颗粒,靠着廉价的劳工,直接就给干成了白菜,三星的工厂再也没失过火。干成了白菜价,中国人还很骄傲, 这玩意本来就没几个国家能生产,撑死了也就美国韩国日本台湾几个厂。恁中也搞个什么工厂失火,控制 产能周期,跌了就减产,涨了就扩产,来回收割全世界不好吗?全产业链所有人都很滋润。 但中国人从来不懂收割全世界,永远都在扩产,只懂 收割中国人,惠及全世界。 然后中国人一个个还搁叫好呢,彻底要把行业做烂,大家都没钱赚了,打工者利益也没了, 为什么,为什么要这样? 三星卖1000,咱们技术差点就卖800,一起收割全世界不行吗??? 这并不是个例, 华为当年进军非洲市场,发现思科设备在非洲的定价是华为的10倍,华为大为震惊,随后用价格战把思科扫出了非洲。 任何行业只要中国人进来,自己不想着赚利益提高打工人利益,还要害全世界谁也别想玩,这全世界谁不讨厌中国呀? 对内,劳工消费不了自己生产的工业品,导致消费疲软经济萎靡甚至劳工绝种绝代,对外别人扛不住你的过剩产能,只能对你竖起关税壁垒。 生产的东西不能无底线便宜,因为作为人,我们既是生产者,又是消费者,无底线的便宜,是以牺牲生产者劳工待遇为前提的。 劳工权益被牺牲了,你都赚不到钱,成不了消费者,生产出来的东西卖给谁? 自己生产的东西自己消费不了,只能出口国外,国外抵挡不住你的产能,只会对你竖起 关税壁垒。 一百多年前,福特认为:要想把自己的汽车卖出去赚更多的钱,就需要工人有钱买车和有时间开车。因此,他发明了“双倍工资”,并带头实行“双休制”。让工人消费自己生产出来的工业品,形成正向循环。 但恁中仍然不懂,所以劳动法形同废纸,肆意剥削劳工权益,导致 消费能力疲软,经济萎靡不振,失业率居高不下,还造成了全世界的产能过剩灾难,害人害己。 submitted by BaoziTV to LOOK_CHINA [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 11:40 theonlywayische About Australian bike gangs
Does anyone have any recommendations for books about Australian outlaw bike gangs, please? Non-fiction and True accounts please
submitted by theonlywayische to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:40 death_505 Can we mark answers on the question paper?
Many ppl hv told me to fill omr after every 6 questions so to do this can we mark the answers by ticking the correct answer in the question paper. If not what's an alternative?
Also can we tear the rough pages so that it is easier to work with?
submitted by death_505 to clat [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:40 ddi32 5G-Router/Gerät (vorübergehende Lösung)
ich ziehe in ein neues Haus in Deutschland, das noch keine Glasfaserinstallation hat, und ich möchte seit April dieses Jahres, dass die Telekom sie installiert. Ich habe keine Ahnung, wann sie kommen, und muss von zu Hause aus arbeiten. Ich werde einen Handyvertrag mit unbegrenztem Tarif abschließen, den ich jeden Monat stillen kann, und 5G für das Internet nutzen, aber ich bin mir nicht sicher, welchen Router ich wählen soll, sie sind alle teuer und ich möchte nicht so viel in etwas investieren, das ich nicht so lange nutzen werde (hoffe ich). Was könnte die beste Lösung sein? Ein gebrauchtes Telefon kaufen? Günstige 5G-Router, die ich gesehen habe, kosten etwa 200 €, mir gefällt der TP-Link Deco X50-5G AX3000, aber ich suche nach etwas Günstigerem. Im Moment habe ich eine Fritzbox 7530 und einen TP-Link-Repeater.
submitted by ddi32 to informatik [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:40 kriegmeow autism and friendship
do y’all ever feel like you’ll be alone forever? Even around people, they all feel like. not genuine? I guess? it’s like I can never get to actyally know someone because they all have this limited barrier to their social interaction, like a fuckin NPC dialogue with the same 3 options 😭 I’ve been bullied my whole life for being odd but I just wish I knew people I could actually rely on, who cares about me just as much as I care for them. It’s like, my emotions and care are heightened to a scary amount which is always too much for neurotypicals, which is also probably a reason I lost my true love. I miss him. I wish people actually cared and didn’t baby me for my outbursts, that they saw me as a person and not just “the ill one”.
submitted by kriegmeow to lonely [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:40 Gbro08 Mirror Mirror A Melee Jigglypuff Highlight Video
submitted by Gbro08 to firstsub [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:40 Historical_Newt5570 Power rangers RPG
So would anyone have any ideas of a rated M or at least T power rangers game? (no side scrollers) I’m thinking 3rd person GOW style. Thoughts??
submitted by Historical_Newt5570 to powerrangers [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:40 vargframe Dune.
submitted by vargframe to RunwayAi [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 11:40 xLainik Can someone tell me if this is a scam?
Hello, i found this on twitter: https://soltards.fun can someone tell me what is this?
submitted by xLainik to SolanaMemeCoins [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:40 LanguageOk1726 Custom droid customisations?
So I’m playing a C-V droid fighter who uses an Electrohammer, which is reflavoured to be my character channeling his electricity through the weapon. If I ever find myself a better weapon I would hate to lose the signature ability to electrify my opponents
So I’m pitching to my GM that my character, along with our BerserkeEngineer character, can rebuild the electric part of my hammer to be a droid customisation instead
Picture it being like if you get a pair of gauntlets that let you deal an extra D6 of elemental damage, essentially. But with the same dexterity save function
What I’m wondering is how does one homebrew a droid customisation like this?
submitted by LanguageOk1726 to sw5e [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:40 bearypandacrystal_ My Flora and Fauna Stamps collection so far
I been buying random packs of stamps so far,some I found on the road,some I found from those lil packs of stamps they sold as souvenir at my local stamp museum.But so far these are my only flora and faunas.The rest in my collection are human figures,flags, Randoms,places and vehicles
submitted by bearypandacrystal_ to stamps [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:40 Ihave10incheslol How to use Direct Drive wheel mount?
How am I suppose to connect my Alpha Mini to the Trakracer Direct drive mount? Does anyone have any pics? submitted by Ihave10incheslol to simracing [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 11:40 No-Salamander9364 Please help in starting my mutual fund SIP portfolio.
40k monthly SIP plan. 8-10 years window.
10k in Motilal Oswal Mid cap
20k in Parag Parikh Flexi Cap
10k in Kotak equity opportunities Large and Mid Cap
Is this fine or should I diversify with more funds?
I avoided a small cap fund because I already chose a multi cap fund instead of a Large Cap or Index fund and hence don't want to make the portfolio more risk heavy. Is this the right approach? Or should I add a small cap as well?
submitted by No-Salamander9364 to mutualfunds [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:40 That_Juggernaut4820 Neil Haskell
submitted by That_Juggernaut4820 to MaleCelebrityArmpits [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 11:40 AfternoonNo7206 Real or fake Schott it is a Xl
Is my first time buying and i didnt buy from schottnyc.com i bought from a second party shop zalando and my jacket is a size xl. In the schottnyc site it has sizes like 40-48 why? submitted by AfternoonNo7206 to schott [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 11:40 ToxicAvenger161 Leikkaus onnistui mutta potilas kuoli
Luvattuja 100 000 työpaikkaa ei ole eikä koskaan ollutkaan tulossa. Kalevi Sorsa säätiö kävi läpi Riikka Purran johtaman valtiovarainministeriön laskelmat hallituksen toteuttamien leikkausten työllisyysvaikutuksista, ja raportti on karua luettavaa.
Kun hallitus aloitti, Orpo lupasi 100 000 uutta työllistä. Näistä n. 75 000, eli noin kolme neljäsosaa, oli tarkoitus saada aikaiseksi leikkausten työllistävillä vaikutuksilla.
Kalevi Sorsa säätiön raportti ( https://sorsafoundation.fi/wp-content/uploads/kss-paras-web.pdf ) paljasti useamman ongelman valtiovarainministeriön laskuissa, joista mä nostan esille kaksi. Toinen liittyy itse laskuihin ja niistä saatujen tulosten luotettavuuteen. Ja toinen ehkä isompi ongelma liittyy perustavanlaatuisiin taustaoletuksiin, joihin nämä laskut perustuvat ja, jotka ei välttämättä kestä kriittistä tarkastelua.
submitted by ToxicAvenger161 to HommaInAction [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:40 shadowghost_31 Date night via ig story November 2024
submitted by shadowghost_31 to GalGadot [link] [comments]