Anyone know the "Ashley Bolton" font?

2024.11.27 10:30 TintinTheSolitude Anyone know the "Ashley Bolton" font?

Anyone know the submitted by TintinTheSolitude to identifythisfont [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:30 zaira223 Alguien para hablar soy mujer

submitted by zaira223 to emimernesbitch [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:30 Vired042 What effect is used in BTTB?

Heyo, I am a relatuvely new singer, Ive been trying new songs and I wanna learn to sing the song "Bad to the Bone" (yea I know funny meme song but also fun song in general) I dont really know what kind of vocal effect is used in this song, and so I cant google it to find out how to do it... Can anyone help? I have no real idea where to even start with learning this song so any advice would be much appreciated!
submitted by Vired042 to singing [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:30 linkenski IMO Half Life would've just been a collection of fun level design without Marc Laidlaw

I don't know the full scope of how he worked or pivoted anything in the games, but his story was always that he came on late in HL1, and was amazed by the stuff done by the team. Really, what he did then, was that he mentored people while also writing things himself, into becoming aware of what story dynamics the content of the game could contain. There were stories being told in the level design, whether it was military raiding a science facility, or dodging an attack helicopter.
According to him, the entire tram intro was his also in concept. But really, his contribution is in creating the Half-Life story and world. He was inspired by the "First person, worldless storytelling", he wrote in his own blog, taking the experience of playing the game as a new style of literature. The invention of G-man is based on the Cigarrette-Smoking Man from the X-files, but through the FPS narrative, the dichotomy of Gordon Freeman and "Government" Man was formed. The player is a free man in a pre-calculated series of events. There's already great poetry just in that, but the rest of the HL1 and HL2, and Episodes saga has plenty of great prose too.
You can tell Marc who was probably in his late 30s in the Half Life early days, was inspired by all the film and TV shows from his childhood and adulthood, like Alien, but the dialogue in HL1 and HL2 also use a lot of archaic turns of phrase, like when Kleiner says "Oh, fie." Breen's orwellian Newspeak is so well done too.
I just think a lot of what I associate with Half LIfe when I'm not playing it, the things that really stick with me, are the conceptual things, and then when I play them I'm reminded that so much of what Half Life is, is just great ideas for gameplay -- it actually takes precedent over story, but the story is always complementary. But when the games take time to breathe between gameplay, like HL1's great "Day at work before disaster", or Kleiner's Lab, or the Black Mesa East portion of HL2, it really made me feel like Half Life is a great franchise.
IMHO, without that added touch by Laidlaw, this series would've been like a Serious Sam franchise. Just a "collection of great level design". But with Laidlaw, it became this revered thing.
submitted by linkenski to HalfLife [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:30 Fearless-Phone3032 Help

My girlfriend and I have decided take a break from talking with each other because of her mother creating obstacles. All I want to ask is will the conversation will ever be restored? Will her mom accept me
submitted by Fearless-Phone3032 to freepsychicreadings4u [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:30 Pleasedontkillme2day Dealing with insecurity

I have lost a ton of weight. Going down from 240 to 148 pounds has led to a lot of earlier “out of my league” men to approach me and it is very overwhelming.
I start falling for anyone who shows the least bit of interest because of how often I used to be ignored when I was obese. I don’t know how to navigate things anymore.
I’d say I look good objectively but even so, every guy who approaches me feels out of my league and I feel like I have to be over the top to be able to keep them.
I don’t know how to fix it
submitted by Pleasedontkillme2day to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:30 Southern-Quiet7894 Ich möchte das nicht mehr für mich

„Ich möchte das nicht mehr für mich“ Ich habe den Gedanken in letzter Zeit öfter. Ich habe dieses starke Gefühl, dass es endlich voran geht in meinem Leben und es treibt mich unglaublich an. Ich lasse Dinge die mich schon lang zurückhalten los und finde mich das erste Mal selbst. Ich habe immer ein Identitätsproblem gehabt. Ich habe mich immer gefragt wer ich eigentlich bin.
Jetzt habe ich das erste Mal das Gefühl ich bin am Weg das herauszufinden. Zu sagen, dass ich manches nicht mehr für mich möchte tut unglaublich weh… Zu sagen, dass ich dies nicht mehr für mein Leben möchte… Aber ich weiss es geht mir damit besser.
Ich tue das erste mal Dinge die unangenehm sind, damit es MIR besser geht.
Ich bin mir nicht mehr egal.
Und es tut so gut.
submitted by Southern-Quiet7894 to Gedichte [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:30 Leonjoman Demirovic oder duksch nächsten Spieltag?

submitted by Leonjoman to kickbasemanager [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:30 desibeauty420 Prakriti Pavani

submitted by desibeauty420 to fashiondesi [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:30 AggravatingRub7159 Eksamenstips?

Hei. I starten av januar har jeg 4 eksamener på 10 dager. 3 av disse er matte/regnskapsbaserte og det siste er skrivefag over 72 timer. Har jobbet godt hele semesteret, men nå som eksamen nærmer seg lurer jeg på om noen her har tips til eksamensøving, og hvordan jeg kan bruke den neste måneden best mulig :) Setter pris på alle svar!
submitted by AggravatingRub7159 to norge [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:30 georgebul Anyone know how many points in total were the daily challenges (Monday, Tuesday)?

With all the additional tasks ofc, I'm trying to calculate something
submitted by georgebul to TravelTown [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:30 Candid_Being_626 Looking for IB teachers

Hey everyone,
I recently launched a platform called Scholars Tutors that connects tutors with students across all subjects and curricula.
If you’re looking for a way to earn some extra income or want a more steady flow of students, I’d love for you to check it out. It’s a great opportunity to expand your reach and connect with more students who need your help.
Send me a message if interested.
We are currently looking for Math AA HL, Physics HL, Chemistry, and Biology teachers please do not hesitate to reach out!
submitted by Candid_Being_626 to IBO [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:30 Beginning_Whole_4867 Dans la mouise

Dans la mouise ALED. Même pas l'effort c'est devenu un mot. Je fait des études d'ethnologie, et à côté j'ai un cours de théologie Biblique vu que j'aimerai me spécialisé là dedans en fin d'études. J'étais hyper confiant : je suis chrétiens alors ce cours allez juste être des point bonus donc, j'ai pas réviser et je m'y suis pas consacré du tout.
Le partiel, c'est le 9. J'ai commencer à voir un peu les cours hier mais bon sang, quel erreur. Des termes j'ai jamais entendu ça, une études philosophique hyper dur de la Bible.
Vous avez pas des tips pour assimilée vite quelque chose ? Ou si par grand miracle quelqu'un qui as fait les même études peu me donner des fiches de révision parce que la...
(J'ai mis quelque photo pour montrer un peu en mode les cours-)
submitted by Beginning_Whole_4867 to etudiants [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:30 The-Scientist-4 Moon Muisc (Christmas Moon Edition)

A new Moon Music edition has appeared on Tidal. The only difference is that they have added Christmas Lights after ONE WORLD. It is only shown Tidal right now, so they might have made it public by an accident.
submitted by The-Scientist-4 to Coldplay [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:30 Surv2 Lawrence

Phenomenal lighting really captures his essence.
submitted by Surv2 to cats [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:30 datly1202 Wayne best collection

Wayne best collection I did a survey 2 years ago to find out lilwayne favorite song from each album.
Are there any songs that you would like to replace in this list?
submitted by datly1202 to lilwayne [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:30 Traditional-Claim631 Happy ending massages

Want to try these but idk of places like these in Bangalore and I don’t want to go to a very very shady place. So if you know of any such places pls dm or comment
submitted by Traditional-Claim631 to bangalore [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:30 reddit_lss_2 test post 27/11/2024 10:29:14

submitted by reddit_lss_2 to RulesBodyDisable [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:30 OneAd8746 Guys. New-ish update that we haven’t gotten for IOS is now HERE!!

Guys. New-ish update that we haven’t gotten for IOS is now HERE!! submitted by OneAd8746 to HybridAnimalsGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:30 Apprehensive-Car-387 Why do I have a sensitive cervix? TW

I've done two pap smears and both of them were horrifyingly painful. The first one was done by a gynecologist who was very gentle so I survived the pain without fainting but the second one was really rough and took longer.
After it was done I was still squirming in pain, tears in my eyes, and then I saw her holding the bl**dy brush and this did me in, I legitimately puked and fainted on the chair. A nurse helped me recover.
Neither of the gynecologists informed me to take painkillers beforehand and told me "it's not going to be painful". Everywhere I look, all resources say that I am not supposed to feel any pain and that very rarely some people experience very mild pain. Every woman I know who has had a pap smear done didn't report any pain.
Meanwhile I experience severe sharp and stabbing pain and a dull cramping pain that spreads to my back, at the same time. The sharp pain reminds me of a flesh wound being poked and the dull pain reminds me of severe menstrual cramps, the ones that won't let you sit or stand up straight and make you feel sick to your stomach. And after the procedure I have these same bad cramps for 1-2 days straight so I have to somehow get by using painkillers for the duration.
I also experience severe pain in my cervix during a pelvic exam & ultrasound, while inserting my menstrual cup and when I used to have intercourse with a partner who was on the bigger side. My current partner is 4.1" and I very rarely experience pain with him, he's perfect. Anything over 5" is not going to be fun for me.
My GP doesn't believe me, neither of my gynecologists believe me, nobody does. The later gynecologist laughed at me and poked at me about me being so sensitive, refusing to investigate what causes the pain. I feel sad and let down. What's wrong with me? I would think I experience vaginismus but then again it has to be something more than just that, I doubt vaginismus alone would make my cervix sensitive.
submitted by Apprehensive-Car-387 to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:30 Khantlerpartesar never mess with those angels!

never mess with those angels! submitted by Khantlerpartesar to memes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:30 Ordinary-Tie-7914 ⚠️ SCAM ALERT: Avoid 'Soccer Storez'! ⚠️

Hey everyone, we’re Shikayathai, a free platform where people can report and resolve legal complaints.
In the last couple of days, we’ve been flooded with reports about a site called Soccer Storez. After digging into it, here’s what we found:

Bottom line: Stay away from this site! If you’ve had a bad experience with them, let us know or report it to local authorities.
Be safe out there, folks! Don’t let these scammers win. 💪
submitted by Ordinary-Tie-7914 to LegalAdviceIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:30 PracticalCloud777 Anyone else get the feeling that sticky boys might be done for a while?

I’m sure the boys still love each other loads and deserve this break but who wouldn’t love some more stifi tunes. Paddy (and the band) have done great giving us a deluxe, book, past demos and a remaster since LEKKERBOY was released about 2.5 years ago.
I’m super keen to hear what each of them have going on (it seems each is doing solo or newer projects) but something about no sticky stings a little.
I don’t think there would be a band ‘break up’ as such as it wouldn’t make sense… there’s no obligation or corporate cockroaches to force them into albums, at least we know when we get something it’ll be genuine. This feels like a place that the band has never been before, and from the outside looking in it doesn’t look like much will be cooking in the sticky sphere soon.
Keen for more Westway though! Dante album coming next week
submitted by PracticalCloud777 to stickyfingers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:30 AdFun9687 Why do my workers keep disappearing?

Im not sure if its intentional or a bug since I never see any mention of it— But for some reason my miner, security, and entertainment slaves all keep going down- Does anyone know why or is it just like that-?
submitted by AdFun9687 to GladiatorManager [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 10:30 MyIpodStillWorks Fantastic Four v7 #26

Fantastic Four v7 #26 submitted by MyIpodStillWorks to ComicBookCovers [link] [comments]