14“ or 16“ ?

Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. In writing the phrase and/or, for example in a sentence as: I need to purchase a new item and/or return this one. the sentence would literally translate to: I need to purchase a new item and and or or return this one. Etymology - Exodus 14:14 The LORD shall fight for you , and ye shall hold your peace. 14:10-14 There was no way open to Israel but upward, and thence their deliverance came. I am wondering if there is a symbol or glyph to represent the conjunct "and/or". I doubt there is a formal, de jure symbol (i.e., found in any manual of style or dictionary), but I cannot even find... or是什么意思,那and和它有什么区别?and和or是初中英语的常见并列连词,用于引导两个并列的词、词组或句子。 They both come from a PIE agentive suffix with two variants (ablaut grades): *-ter, the E-grade, meant a person who had performed some action, while *-tor, the O-grade, meant a person who generically performs some action (i.e, a professional). As a preposition, "below" would be written after "information" as a stranded preposition.While typically prepositions would precede the noun, stranded prepositions can occur "in interrogative or relative clauses, where the interrogative or relative pronoun that is the preposition's complement is moved to the start". approach to NOUN. When used as a verb, 'approach' takes no preposition. However, when as a noun, it requires a preposition, otherwise you end up with two nouns in a row: "The pilot's approach [ ] the runway was too low." There is no official English: English is what its speakers make of it. That said, and/or is terrible English. It should be avoided, and people who use it should be made fun of. Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.

2024.11.27 11:51 OnWackation 14“ or 16“ ?

Hey Guys, I want to upgrade this week from my 2013 dinosaur mbp 15“ to the new m4 pro and I’m still struggling to decide which size is the better choice. I’m studying design, so my workflow includes the Adobe cloud with much Lightroom Photo editing and I want to dive in to blender. Right now I really have my eye‘s on the more compact 14“ because of the practicality but do you guys have any other opinions?
submitted by OnWackation to macbookpro [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:51 Dizzy_Mousse_3426 Concert Venue?

Recently heard from someone apparently in the know that concert in Chandigarh is being cancelled!? He seemed very sure about the same. Did anyone else hear anything similar?
If so, I wonder how they'll go about giving refunds.. especially for a lot of people who bought from resellers!
Also: Mods it's weird banning the word D*jit. I get you want to stop reselling but this is dumb! I literally can't post using that name in the post
submitted by Dizzy_Mousse_3426 to Chandigarh [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:51 zTek6 Arcane Eye Interactions

"You create an invisible invulnerable eye within range that hovers for the duration. You mentally receive visual information from the eye, which can see in every direction. It also has Darkvision with a range of 30 feet.
As a Bonus Action, you can move the eye up to 30 feet in any direction. A solid barrier blocks the eye's movement, but the eye can pass through an opening as small as 1 inch in diameter."
Does that mean that you can cast it anywhere within range, behind a wall or door that you don't have vision (LOS)?
What other interactions are possible with the eye that most people tend to overlook?
I'm a fisrt time DM DMing a dnd5e 24 version and the lvl 10 warlock can explore a lot with that little bugger, just wanted to make sure that we are not going against some rules.
submitted by zTek6 to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:51 Gullible-Ad-7931 Primul tur al alegerilor prezidențiale ar putea fi anulat. Când va lua CCR o decizie

Primul tur al alegerilor prezidențiale ar putea fi anulat. Când va lua CCR o decizie submitted by Gullible-Ad-7931 to Romania [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:51 Ok-Repeat-110 Undertale meme I decided to post

Undertale meme I decided to post Does this make any sense? Tell me.
submitted by Ok-Repeat-110 to Undertale [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:51 mcmdreamer RSD 2024 WEDNESDAY | Show off one Record Store Day 2024 release in your collection (or an ISO) in the comments!

submitted by mcmdreamer to popheadsvinyl [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:51 Proof-Scholar-5025 Guys what if Abel will drop it near Christmas time and maybe he’s just having sex with Mariah Carey for a collab in Christmas time on HUT

lmk what yall think about this theory!
submitted by Proof-Scholar-5025 to TheWeeknd [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:51 Accomplished_Talk953 [Tails of Iron] Anyone else with this epic platinum ?

Had anyone else platinum’d Tails of Iron ? Story and gameplay is awesome. Definitely does not get enough credit. One of my favourites.
submitted by Accomplished_Talk953 to Trophies [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:51 ____NatoPato Puzza di sigaretta da deumidificatore

Buongiorno, Ci siamo da circa un mese trasferiti in affitto in una casa dove il precedente inquilino fumava all’interno. Non vi dico la fatica a togliere grasso e nicotina da serramenti e pavimenti, ma perlomeno quel punto l’abbiamo risolto. Ora il problema che persiste è che, essendo la casa dotata di vmc e deumidificatore integrato, quando viene acceso quest’ultimo la puzza di fumo si sente ancora. Partendo dal presupposto che i proprietari non ci sono d’aiuto, avete soluzioni da offrirmi per poter eliminare definitivamente la puzza che viene da lì? Grazie!
submitted by ____NatoPato to istrutturare [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:51 idkhowtotft Question about 6 cost

Dont think this has been done for a 5 cost heck even a 4 cost in non staged lobbies beside Jhin in set 10
But its possible to get a 4 star 6 cost right?All you need is just 3 3 star 6 cost and pandora's bench and some time or 18 duplicators
submitted by idkhowtotft to TeamfightTactics [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:51 punpunloveschocopie Germans help pls

Germans help pls Nor Ticketmaster nor Eventim show any events for Taemin. Is it just me or is it like that for everyone? It’s making me very nervous.
submitted by punpunloveschocopie to Taemin [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:51 self-harmony Employer reducing the salary without notice

I am asking this on behalf of someone else i know.
I got an email from HR today stating that my salary has been reduced to 30K from 50K because my performance is not upto their expectations.
Now i work in a small service based IT company in NCR as software developer and from last 1.5 months they do not have any client work, so they had asked me to create a replica of Chat GPT in 2 weeks. This was less than 3 weeks back
I have less than 1.5 years of experience and i started with machine learning, however i could not build a prototype within the time limit theybasked
So they started poking me that i am not dedicated to my work and they started asking me tell them what i was doing every our on a excel sheet, after end on each day. They started doing these petty things.
So finally when i got this mail from HR, i was shocked and i confronted them, told them that they are not agreeing to the contract. They said, "we will increase salary if you improve your performance"
I was disappointed and disheartened, so i told them i am resigning right away. Then he said, that you will have to go to unpaid sabbatical immediately after you resign. That person's behaviour was suffocating and i was about to get faint after having this nonsense conversation with him.
Later i got to know 3 other ppl got the same salary revision. They have 16 employees in total.
What should i do here? I am very much tensed about the situation.
submitted by self-harmony to LegalAdviceIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:51 SnooChipmunks125 How likely is it that there will be a chronicled wish next patch with Liyue characters?

Basically title, I havent seen any leaks about a chronicled wish, and banner leaks make no mention of Xiao... And last chronicled wish I remember seeing leaks about it before so I am assuming none will happen this time.
submitted by SnooChipmunks125 to XiaoMains [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:51 mabachooba How much can I sell this for?

Bought this prebuilt 4 years ago and want to downsize but my MOBO is limiting me so I might as well build a new one from scratch?
submitted by mabachooba to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:51 AnyLove7850 I miss my grandfather so much my heart hurts

Long story short I don't consider my parents my "parents". However I'm super close to my grandparents and always have been and always considered them my parental figures. My grandfather passed away in April this year and I honestly don't know how I've made it first. My grandad was and always will be my most favourite person ever. He loved me with his entire heart, he protected me, he had genuine concern for me, he always prioritised me. I never got any of those things from my actual dad. With ny actual "real" dad, all I ever wondered was why him and my mum don't love me, why do my "real mum and dad" love to see me hurt, upset etc. but I've NEVER not once ever wondered that with my grandad or grandma. I wish I could stop and freeze time permanently so I have forever with my grandma, she's 87. I wish I could have frozen time permanently with my grandad too. I'd do anything to see him for two mins, to hug him, to hear his voice. To him knocking on my door every morning, the same time everyday, wishing me good morning and asking me if I'm in a happy mood. That's all he ever cared about, my happiness. If he could sense for a second I'm even remotely upset he'd go above and beyond to cheer me up. He's always gone above and beyond for me, and since day one everyone has been able to tell how much me meant to me and how much I meant to him. I'm the youngest too, so I know he always had an extra soft spot for me. I just wish, for 2 min I could see him and tell my grandad he was the best father in the world, that he always healed me in so many ways, that because of him I actually got to experience a fathers love because my biological father never gave it to me. I wish I could ask him if he thought I was a good grand daughter to him, what if I didn't do enough for him like he did for me? Every single day I cry myself to sleep because I'm so desperate to see him and cry in his arms. I miss him. So much.
submitted by AnyLove7850 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:51 anonfdkm13112000 Hanoi fake clothing and other accessories

Where is the best place to buy fake clothing, watches, trainers etc in Hanoi? And what is the quality like
submitted by anonfdkm13112000 to VietNam [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:51 buck-oo [How To Watch] - UEFA Champions League 2024 Stream : UEFA Champions League sTREAMS

i’m looking at SoccerNoobs TV; What streaming service allows live soccer last season. Last year, we tried about 3 different services that claimed we could but come to find out certain teams weren’t available to watch. We really want to get into watching soccer and being tuned for every soccer game live.
finally i got it, you guys can Try HERE: soccer Streams 2024
submitted by buck-oo to SoccerNoobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:51 God0fCats Comment on peut foirer à ce point une trad ?

Comment on peut foirer à ce point une trad ? submitted by God0fCats to trouduction [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:51 Beratungsmarketing UN Rapporteur Francesca Albanese debates Piers Morgan on his past remarks & accusations pertaining to the Gaza genocide.

submitted by Beratungsmarketing to World_Now [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:51 Beneficial_Touch2439 Found some kind of a secret move in the game, dont know if everyone knows it.

Found some kind of a secret move in the game, dont know if everyone knows it. Dont mind how i got flipped off my feet.
submitted by Beneficial_Touch2439 to LikeADragonIshin [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:51 buguladogler Wow... handsome!

Wow... handsome! submitted by buguladogler to Chihuahua [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:51 earlysh US dad for morning fun, 18 or close

submitted by earlysh to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:51 Most-Recognition6488 Help! Stuck in a Plateau for Months Despite Training Hard – What Should I Do?

Hey everyone,
I’ve been stuck at the same numbers for 4-5 months:

I’ve always trained with low volume and pushed all sets to failure, as many recommend. I have seen multiple youtubers saying this principle.
Recently, I’ve been reading about periodization, where you alternate phases of higher volume, lower intensity and lower volume, higher intensity to break plateaus. It sounds promising, but I’ve also heard that intensity is the key driver of progress, and increasing volume could just lead to “junk reps.”
  1. Does periodization actually work to break plateaus?
  2. Why would increasing volume and reducing intensity help progress?
  3. Should I change my current low-volume, high-intensity approach?
Would love to hear your thoughts or experiences. Thanks!
submitted by Most-Recognition6488 to bodyweightfitness [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:51 Edmunsons IPlay Mini Turbo battery issue

Watched a movie using Novaplayer and out the tablet away with probably 75% battery left. Came back 2 days later and the tablet was completely dead. Battery was drained all the way. I didn’t completely close Novaplayer but that was the only thing running and it wasn’t playing anything when I put it away.
Watching the movie it lost less than 25% battery while hooked up to my tv, so I can’t imagine how being off could cause this problem.
Any suggestions?
submitted by Edmunsons to androidtablets [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 11:51 Rough_Werewolf_8647 Where can I get this from and how much is it 😻

Where can I get this from and how much is it 😻 submitted by Rough_Werewolf_8647 to lifemakeover [link] [comments]
