Tip: Není video ve vašem jazyce? Zkuste vybrat Skryté titulky. Vyzkoušejte to! Pokud máte v jednom souboru objekt, například dokument, dynamický graf nebo snímek prezentace, který chcete vložit do jiného, můžete ho do druhého souboru vložit nebo oba soubory propojit. V PowerPointu můžete přidávat animované GIFy, videa z počítače nebo online videa, nahrávky, exportovat prezentaci jako video a dokonce přidat do videí titulky. Přidání animovaného obrázku VE FORMÁTU GIF. Vyberte Vložit > Obrázky. Video: .mp4 soubory kódované pomocí videa H.264 a zvuku AAC. Zvuk: .m4a soubory kódované pomocí zvuku AAC. Tyto názvy a formáty můžou znít složitě, ale tyto formáty můžete snadno převést a používat, aniž byste museli znát něco víc než názvy. Podporované formáty videosouborů Tip: Není video ve vašem jazyce? Zkuste vybrat Skryté titulky. Vyzkoušejte to! Přiblížením nebo oddálením dokumentu, tabulky nebo prezentace najdete dokonalé zobrazení. Použití posuvníku lupy. Vyberte posuvník lupy na stavovém řádku a posuňte se na požadované nastavení přiblížení. Proč z prezentace vytvářet video? Když budete chtít kolegům nebo zákazníkům nabídnout verzi svojí prezentace s vysokou věrností (poslat ji jako e-mailovou přílohu, publikovat ji na webu nebo ji poskytnout na CD nebo DVD), můžete prezentaci uložit tak, aby se dala přehrát jako video. Tip: Není video ve vašem jazyce? Zkuste vybrat Skryté titulky. Vyzkoušejte to! Pomocí Schránky a příkazů pro vyjmutí, vložení a kopírování vám Office umožní přesunovat text, grafiku a další prvky v jednom souboru nebo mezi aplikacemi. VPowerPoint pro Microsoft 365,PowerPoint 2021 nebo PowerPoint 2019 můžete na snímek vložit online video z YouTube nebo Vimeo. Ve verzi aplikace PowerPoint pro Microsoft 365 1907 nebo novější můžete také vložit online video ze služby videí pro podniky Microsoft Stream. V závislosti na verzi aplikace PowerPoint, kterou používáte, můžete přidat vložené video (výchozí chování) nebo vložit odkaz na videosoubor uložený na počítači. Přidání vloženého videa je praktické, ale velikost prezentace se zvětší. Školení: Přidejte do souboru Microsoft Office odkaz pro připojení k jeho dalším částem nebo místům na webu. Podívejte se na toto online školicí video. Klikněte pravým tlačítkem na rámeček videa, vyberte ikonu Start a vyberte, jak se má video spouštět: V pořadí kliknutí, Automaticky nebo Při kliknutí na. Vzhled videa můžete změnit tak, že kliknete pravým tlačítkem na rámeček videa, vyberete ikonu Styl a vyberete jiný obrazec. Pomocí možností přehrávání v PowerPoint můžete určit, jak a kdy se video zobrazí v prezentaci. Video můžete přehrát v režimu celé obrazovky nebo změnit jeho velikost na zadané rozměry. Můžete také ovládat hlasitost, přehrávat video opakovaně (ve smyčce) a zobrazovat ovládací prvky médií.
2024.11.27 11:50 Alternative-Owl7459 Through these bars (video)
I turned my image into video using minimax 🤍😖the picture was meaningful but the video just made it priceless submitted by Alternative-Owl7459 to aivisuals [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 11:50 Alexandr-Dmitriy What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Alexandr-Dmitriy to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:50 ThinkExam7725 Hi Guys please use my discount code : 3RQQWJ for £40 off struggling to pay for it full priced this month 😞
submitted by ThinkExam7725 to MounjaroDiscount [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:50 GiantA-629 Just a few more of my favourite screenshots exploring Walled City 99
The artistic visual scope of this game is amazing.
submitted by GiantA-629 to stray [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:50 vigilantee001 What was the most frugal thing you ever done?
submitted by vigilantee001 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:50 sweetpsych78 Excellent, and so true! 💯
submitted by sweetpsych78 to justgalsbeingchicks [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:50 Future_Me_Problem How to start over?
Hey, hi, how are ya? I (29M) recently got fired from what I thought was my career. I have a job again, but it very much feels like a placeholder.
I understand, logically, that 29/30 is not too old to start over. I just…don’t know how to do it, I guess. I was in Less Than Truckload for my entire adult life, working in multiple roles. Continuous process improvement, operations management, dispatch. I have always taken an interest in data, though I have no experience in actual data analysis. I’ve got leadership skills, and can talk to people like they’re human. I just don’t know where to go with it. LTL had me working 60+ hour weeks and I really don’t want to go back to that. The pay was nice, but not that nice.
So, any similar careers that you know of, please, I’m all ears. Any advice starting over, or finding a career, or moving towards financial independence/stability is extremely welcome. I’m way outside of my area of expertise and comfort zone. Thank you for taking the time to read/respond.
submitted by Future_Me_Problem to careerguidance [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:50 ParkwaySteel Helite Airbag Crash.
Hi guys long time lurker never posted. Crashed bike yesterday, traffic slowed to dead stop unexpectedly and I hit curb to avoid rear ending car, nowhere else to go with oncoming traffic. I was travelling too fast for road conditions also which didn't help (lesson learned).
Anyway, reason I'm posting is to highly recommend the Helite Airbag Jacket I was wearing.
Not sure how fast I was travelling by the time I came off over curb onto footpath but I was still moving at a good clip. I was wearing the tethered Helite airmesh jacket which deployed instantly when I came off bike and was inflated before I hit ground. Was sure I was in for a few broken bones and couldn't believe it when I could stand up instantly after. Landed on my left shoulder and head based on helmet and scratches on jacket.
In the moment hitting the ground it felt way softer then I had expected and my neck was immobilised by the jacket. Still quite sore today across my shoulder and my hip took a bang but I'm basically completely unscathed. Very thankful today that nobody was hurt and I'm fine.
I really believe the jacket saved me a trip to A&E.
Jacket was expensive 600 euro but it's the best money I have ever spent. All it needs now is a new C02 canister for about 30 euro from helite. I'll never ride a bike without one I've treated it like a seat belt since I bought it.
Just said I would post this in case anyone is on the fence about buying one or hasn't heard of them. Stay safe guys.
submitted by ParkwaySteel to MotoIRELAND [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:50 Electrical-Cry-1805 Jalen Ngonda- Anyone in Love
submitted by Electrical-Cry-1805 to TheTikiHut [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 11:50 ASICmachine Jim Cramer may have jinxed crypto after backing Bitcoin and Ethereum (x-post from /r/Cryptocurrency)
submitted by ASICmachine to CryptoCurrencyClassic [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 11:50 ASICmachine ChainScape - Your Personal Crypto News! (x-post from /r/Cryptocurrency)
submitted by ASICmachine to CryptoCurrencyClassic [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:50 Isadore2001 You have an opportunity to roast your least favorite Bully character. What will you tell them?
submitted by Isadore2001 to bully [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:50 MasterOfMagician_YT What does Reddit mean with this?
submitted by MasterOfMagician_YT to okbuddybaldur [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:50 Icedoutgremlin 27/PC/EST FPS/Survival/Any!
I'm looking for more players to play the following games...
Fortnite ZB
Overwatch (Quick Play)
League (Unranked)
Stardew Valley or Core Keeper
Apex Legends
I own most games if it isn't listed on here and down to play anything else. Region also doesn't matter to me, all I ask is be friendly!
submitted by Icedoutgremlin to GamerPals [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:50 utanhjarta Hur fungerar IPTV?
Jag försökte läsa på om det men är fortfarande lite förvirrad. Vissa verkar använda sina smart-tv:s inbyggda funktioner och installerar specifika mjukvaror, medan andra använder dedikerade "IPTV-boxar". Vad är egentligen skillnaden mellan dessa, och finns det några fördelar med att välja det ena framför det andra?
Samma sak gäller för abonnemang – vissa verkar få sitt abonnemang med boxen, medan andra köper det online och kopplar det via enhetens MAC-adress. Jag har uppenbarligen inte så bra koll på hur det här fungerar. Skulle bara vilja få en grundläggande förståelse för vad jag behöver göra för att få allt att fungera innan jag beställer något, särskilt eftersom boxarna kan vara ganska dyra.
Tack på förhand!
submitted by utanhjarta to Sverige [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:50 Ok_River5031 Some of my favourite FPE ships
submitted by Ok_River5031 to FundamentalPaperEdu [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 11:50 uncertainusurper Where can I buy a thanksgiving dinner?
Looking for places that might serve a thanksgiving dinner to go tomorrow..
submitted by uncertainusurper to Maine [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:50 MugShots Man facing charges for 10 murders relating to two separate Birmingham mass shootings
submitted by MugShots to ArrestStories [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:50 Feeling_Confection77 Mpeite exei free kai liga invites
submitted by Feeling_Confection77 to GreekCelebrityFeet [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:50 RoughDiamond10 Can I still get into Warwick?
I got a 2.6 in the TMUA, is there any chance I get into Warwick?
submitted by RoughDiamond10 to 6thForm [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:50 Prior_Air2502 Inito waiting for PdG to rise, but I think it missed the spike?
I think my PdG spiked CD25, but the app is still waiting for it to rise. My BBT is clearly elevated. What do you think!? submitted by Prior_Air2502 to Inito [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 11:50 commonways Mensagem da espiritualidade ou questões emocionais a serem tratadas?
Então da noite de ontem para hoje sonhei com 2 exs (o ex Y eu terminei, já ex X terminou comigo). Contexto do sonho: Eu tinha entrado em contato com com (Y) para que ele mante - se informado sobre X em um primeiro momento (Y) não sabia que era eu a quem ele dava as informações (informações essas vindas por mensagens), então (Y) me deu informações sobre X eu agradeci, porém o cenário mudou e nós estavamos na casa antiga da minha tia, eu no quarto da minha tia sentada tentando me esconder, e (Y) fora da casa na janela da frente. Eu não queria que (Y) me visse então tentei me esconder mas ele acabou me vendo e entrou na casa e sentando - se na ponta do sofá, então me levantei e sentei na outra ponta, em seguida tentei explusar (Y) mas ele não queria sair, tentei e tentei, até que explodir e contei que só tinha entrado em contato com ele pois eu tinha feito um trabalho para X e era apenas isso, mas ele se recusava a sair, então fui na rua chamei pesoas ninguém me ajudou lembrei que meu irmão estava em casa e chamei pelo seu nome ele atendeu e levantou e conseguiu expulsar (Y) então eu acordei. O que mais me assusta é que o sonho era quase palpável, e já não tenho contato com (Y) a uns 3 ou 4 anos. O que vocês acham?
submitted by commonways to Umbanda [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:50 10LargeCoffeesPlease Is my face fat? 21M
submitted by 10LargeCoffeesPlease to LooksmaxingAdvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:50 dilplo88 Recently started with St James Place - what to do now?
I've read a lot (probably all!) of the posts related to SJP on here and know they are not well liked - looking for advice for my situation.
I started with them last year to pay a lump sum into my pension from my Limited Company (I'm self-employed) to make use of the allowance before business year-end. I started with £10k lump and £500 per month from the business, so around £13k total by now - I'm 35 without any real pension due to working abroad.
Whilst it's not a huge amount so far, it feels like I need to decide what to do next as they recommend life / critical illness cover and then ultimately savings investments. I also have more money in the business which I'd like to invest into pension, maybe 20k per year
I've read a little about the comparative high fees etc. with SJP and the general bad vibes - so I'm wary of committing any more than the existing £500 and weighing up whether to stop investing altogether and leave it and move in the future, or to remove it soon and take the hit on exit fees
Exit Fees are 6% in the first year, coming down 1% every year until 0. The other fees are ~2% for ongoing advice, product and fund management - which I now understand is higher than alternatives. I asked about the removal of exit fees, but they said this would replaced by initial advice charges so less beneficial than current.
I'm not especially savvy when it comes to investing etc. but having read a little, would feel more comfortable if ongoing fees were not so high and eroding the total pot over time. Thanks!
submitted by dilplo88 to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 11:50 Expensive_Fudge_311 Hebrews 13:5
"God never leaves you"
Some people will just like but I don't want likes I want your opinion. The question is that do you spread the word of god? Tell Me.
submitted by Expensive_Fudge_311 to JesusChrist [link] [comments]