How best to repair dented PVC bifolds?

2024.11.27 12:37 luckless666 How best to repair dented PVC bifolds?

Hi all, my partner left the key in the middle door of our bifolds when opening them and dented the (I presume) PVC before she realised. What's the best way to repair the damage? I was thinking a PVC filler and colour match (as best I can) a PVC anthracite paint. Or is that a terrible idea and there's a better approach?
submitted by luckless666 to DIYUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:37 MonMonMonMon08 Last ep tonight. Not sure what to do with myself when the show’s finished 😂

submitted by MonMonMonMon08 to AussieShore [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:37 crocodilesweetpickle Make it as obscure as possible

Make it as obscure as possible submitted by crocodilesweetpickle to keane [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:37 LxixaaxiaL i have decided thag i wanted my temporary oc to be a 2018 styled furry, this is angel kitty(you can suggest better names in comments lol)

i have decided thag i wanted my temporary oc to be a 2018 styled furry, this is angel kitty(you can suggest better names in comments lol) submitted by LxixaaxiaL to HazbinHotelOCArt [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:37 Howard_Coan A way for guys (especially open-minded straight guys) to make extra money
You don't have to show your face
Sign up with my affiliate link and I'll help you get started
Straight guys willing to sell content/items probably earn more
You can do it as little or as often as you want
Great if you've a great body - you don't have to do anything you don't want to
Great also if you're an underwear collector and need to sell some
submitted by Howard_Coan to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:37 White--Ghost Can we agree that in the EOS Gun with his TUI or next level TUI and Goo with Hwarang Sword will be equal.

submitted by White--Ghost to lookismcomic [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:37 steponmeolga Commander's dragon maid
submitted by steponmeolga to NikkeMobile [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:37 Eeeeetlol [Profile Review] Hi, I have 319 in GRE, 106 toefl, 9.01 pointer, 3 years of work experience with a big4 in developing websites using salesforce. I am looking for universities that offer subjects like mobile app development and web development. Which colleges would you suggest me for mscs?

submitted by Eeeeetlol to MSCS [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:37 Maddison_love32 Mmm yes daddy

Mmm yes daddy Content available just ask for menu
submitted by Maddison_love32 to maddison_love_content [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:37 FriskwaslostT-T About Microsoft Family and glitches

I'm 16 years old, with Microsoft Family on my phone, which tracks my screentime and sends it to my Mom- and it's currently my exam time, for second term. It's glitched out, alot these past months I've used it. As in- some days screen time usage is missing when the report comes each week, and sometimes, it shows that I have screen time for apps that I haven't even used. But this incident really takes the cake for me.
I was focused on the coming exams, and I still am studying right now... But I remembered that I had taken a break for a few half an hour, after coming back from the exam I had written today, and after that, I'd studied about 4-5 hours of study with breaks for lunch, snack and reading a few other books in the middle.. So, I decide to check my screen time, because I wanted a break. And just seconds before I'm writing this, at 6 o' clock- the app showed a whooping 18 hours of usage. On a game app that I didn't even touch today.
I had only touched my phone, for about half an hour, or one hour max- but this happens. And it's not like I used it before at all- I woke up at six in the morning today, touched up and revised what had to be revised, then I went to the exam at 8, came back at 12 during noon, and the rest of the time was utilized for studies and for the next exam..
Any advice, help or idea on what I should do about this?
submitted by FriskwaslostT-T to microsoft [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:37 Eviliant It's not much but it's honest work

It's not much but it's honest work submitted by Eviliant to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:37 WME0WM So sick of copywriters who think they're amazing for submitting AI content

It clearly has AI all over it – they use the same format of rhetorical questions, words and phrases. It’s not 100% obvious but it’s clearly there.
I give them feedback about the openings, transitions, the abruptness – they don't even use AI to review their own AI work.
The words end up sound very boring, unengaging, uncontextual...
Thing is, our clients notice AI content when they see it. We even got called out for using a word that's been duped as an AI word although it totally wasn't.
So we're very picky with our revision process - but we keep getting the same old sh*t again.
When people see my work, they tell me "oh wow I wasn't expecting something that good" – and I get it, because all they're getting is sh*t AI content.
How do I hold the same standards to my team without burning them out?
They all seem to leave at the end because I'm too picky.
One of them even told me to lower my standards before quitting – but if I do, then we wouldn't have the clients that we have.
submitted by WME0WM to copywriting [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:37 breakingthebox Zacian 644419010008

submitted by breakingthebox to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:37 Final_Association_90 Mi casi algo es una traga atención y no se cómo actuar en esta situación que hago?

Ps SI es una chica que solo busca full atención y le da confianza a todos aún sabiendo eso me le tire y lo hize por WhatsApp, soy tan inexperimentado que literalmente en menos de 10 mensajes le dije que la extrañaba y que la había estado pensando 🤡 obvio fue tan entregado en bandeja de plata que del viaje me metió como 2 en vistos y encima hizo chismes así que lo más lógico que hize fue no darle más atención lo cual me a resultado bien ya que soy súper desapegadisimo aunque no pareciera siempre dicen que es como si no me importara nada y en esta clase de situación saque ventaja de eso, no le like ni un estado a pesar de que después de todo eso ella si lo hizo al mío y ni siquiera de sus fotos que sube cada milenio para rematar ni siquiera la volteo ni a mirar.
Y puede sonar medio estupido pero aparentemente a funcionado me mira más de lo normal y encima de la nada casi que se me hace al frente como para que la vea y simplemente la ignoro familiarizó con esas actitudes por que hubo un tiempo donde yo las hacia también así que si muy fácil darme cuenta, pero a la vez por más que trate de hacer que no me importe si me afecta un poco ya que me tiene tragadisimo no le haría caso por muchas cosas pero entiendo que también es medio inexperimentada al igual que yo y algo inmadura pero simplemente no se me va de la cabeza
puedo fingir pero duele saber que las indirectas que me da son para tenerme como un estupido, osea ver si todavía babeo por ella más no son indirectas para que siquiera le escriba o intente algo que opinan al respecto?
submitted by Final_Association_90 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:37 L4zyB0nezz Damn That's Crazy

Damn That's Crazy I think I've only SHed like two times this month while normally I go months without being even 24hrs clean, I'm not healing or trying or anything I've just been so depressed that I haven't had the motivation and I'm sleeping most of the day, I only get up to hang out with my mom before dinner :/
submitted by L4zyB0nezz to selfharmteens [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:37 SeanTheBastard I hate myself

I have heard from all people I know "it's not the end of the world, you can always bounce back" and I do believe that, but I just can't bear it. I hate even typing this because I feel so pathetic about whining out on the internet but honestly I feel like I have very little other places to vent.
I've always been a God awful disappointment, failing studies in high school barely crawling through each year like some whelp with a broken leg, no matter how much help I get, I can't even get at the same level as other students. I do have time to read and learn, but I just zone out each time, procrastinate against my own damn will, and yesI'mt currently seeking help about that. This year I was an idiot enough to go to college right after high school, my naive self believing that simply because I'd study something I have interest for I can make it. But no, same issues, hell they might've been even worse. Probably because of living alone for the first time, maybe.
Can't study without zoning out and/or trying to study only to lose track of how to process the info and all. And for writing is even worse. I try my best every damn time, only to hate what I write, confuse myself with my books and sources and just fail. The last two weeks I saw my failure coming and of course I didn't get up to exam (not that I would've handled it). I'm tired, I am so tired of being so horrendously weak, idiotic and naive. I've hated that feeling since fucking tenth grade, and it's only grown.
And no matter what help I seek with anxiety, or self hate, depression, you fucking name it, they genuinely care and give good advice, but I just can't seem to help it. Each time I wake up, the first thing I feel is the dread and shame of me being alive. I'm only disappointing my family, friends and most of all myself. I've had suicidal thoughts before, but only glimpses. Now I get full on thoughts, ideas and montages, cause justs despise being myself and alive to just be a miserable and laughable sight for those near me.
I hate being alive waking up to myself, and I keep getting thoughts on following through with it tomorrow or the day after, no matter how much I try to "resist".
I know I might be overdramatic or over thinking. I don't expect the grandest attention, just good to get it out there I guess.
PS: Pardon if some parts is not easily understandable, English isn't my first language. And I'll also be posting this in other subs that may fit this theme, because I'd want to get some answers. I don't like the idea of suicide, I just keep getting thoughts.
submitted by SeanTheBastard to Suicidal_Comforters [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:37 EliaGud techno1
submitted by EliaGud to TouchDesigner [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:37 Talani23 Completed hg aile strike gundam

Follow me on ig for more:
submitted by Talani23 to Gunpla [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:37 ChangeNarrow5633 World First: Scientists Create New Timber Treatments from Tree Bark

World First: Scientists Create New Timber Treatments from Tree Bark More than 23 million cubic metres of timber is processed in Europe every year. Now, material scientists are using the bark from processed trees to create higher-value forest products and treatments.
submitted by ChangeNarrow5633 to MaterialsScience [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:37 Passenger5 Zacian raid on me add up 941461103861

submitted by Passenger5 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:37 beats_byjay Large letter returned due to being 'oversized' when it isn't

Hi everyone. I recently sent out two large letters- both A6 sized (18x12cm). They both weigh less than 60g which is the weight I chose for the label. I received a grey slip in the post saying the sender did not pay the full postage and was asked to pay £3- which I did. Yesterday, both letters were returned to me with a sticker on them saying they couldn't be sent to the destination because they are oversized. I do not understand this as they are well below the maximum large letter size (35.5x25cm).
They also have yellow stickers on saying insufficient postage because of underpaid- format. These are stamped saying paid, presumably due to the fact I paid the £3 online.
Why did they get returned to me? Do I have to pay the postage again to get them sent? If so, how do I avoid this happening again as the letters are definitely NOT oversized? Any advice would be appreciated.
submitted by beats_byjay to royalmail [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:37 Desert_Mountain_Time What sealant/impregnator for bathroom sandstone floor tile?

Hello. I am building a home in a Mutual Self Help program (kind of similar to Habitat for Humanity).
I will be tiling my bathroom floors with this sandstone tile (MSI Rainbow Teakwood Sandstone Tile)
It is obviously very porous/permeable. I want to pre-seal the top and sides before installation (and then again after installation).
I want the seal (and/or impregnator?) to look always wet color-wise, but I also want it to be sealed very well against water and staining. Strengthening would be nice too.
I've tested TSS300 and TSS500
The TSS300 looks wet. For some reason the TSS500 doesn't make the stone look wet. Maybe I got a bad sample batch of the 500?
But, I've dreamed of owning a home and having housing security ever since my mom passed away over a decade ago. I almost gave up several times.
I just want to use the best product for the tile to protect it and make it look nice.
submitted by Desert_Mountain_Time to Tile [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:37 slipperswiper Reviving this subreddit

After the recent khaos with the main sub in shambles after the “leak” of MK1 ending after KP2. That place is a legit warzone. If you wanna have cool discussions about MK1 and not be bombarded with hate, then this sub is the best place to do so.
submitted by slipperswiper to liukangdidnothinwrong [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:37 chrisabraham The 2014 Ukraine coup served U.S. interests, baiting Russia into conflict. Delayed by Trump, it’s now a testing ground for new weapons sold as "battle-proven," with war profiteering, money laundering, and countless dead Slavs as collateral. Uninformed indeed.

submitted by chrisabraham to chrisabraham [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:37 Rentu__ Infj, Intj, Entp? Can somebody help

submitted by Rentu__ to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]