العاب البي سي

2024.11.27 12:59 9cx4 العاب البي سي

مساء الخير ، يخوان ابي اسئلكم عن ارخص طريقة ممكن تشتري منها العاب بالبي سي ابي موقع او طريقه تخلي اسعار الالعاب مره رخيصه
submitted by 9cx4 to saudi_gamers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:59 claud-fmd [For Hire] Build your MVP in 2 weeks for $500

I am a Full Stack Developer (Python/Flask, Javascript and Cybersecurity), and I am available for hire to build your business MVP.
What to except: - Quick turnaround (2 weeks) - Website with up to 8 pages (landing page, about, login, register, privacy, terms, user and admin dashboard) - Cost $500 + hosting/database costs (~$14/month)
If you’re interested, please send a DM or leave a comment below :)
Personal website + portfolio: https://imclaudiu.com
submitted by claud-fmd to forhire [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:59 chefjeff30 Click for click let’s do it

Comment yours!
submitted by chefjeff30 to PKMNTikTokDeals [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:59 Jon_J_ Gomo down?

Anyone else's Gomo coverage down?
submitted by Jon_J_ to AskIreland [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:59 xatfi Poliisi etsii sinisen pulkan omistajaa – liittyy vakavaan väkivaltarikokseen

Poliisi etsii sinisen pulkan omistajaa – liittyy vakavaan väkivaltarikokseen submitted by xatfi to xatfi [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:59 Jonanzo How strong is Adora?

How strong is Adora? New video is out :)
submitted by Jonanzo to NinjaKiwiOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:59 BranchOk8850 Turkish Central Black Sea Results

Turkish Central Black Sea Results Can somebody rate these results?
submitted by BranchOk8850 to illustrativeDNA [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:59 ffs_go_die Control over Solid View in VSE

Is there a way to have more control over the Solid View in VSE? I have this sequence with some scenes, and I wanted to export a preview to the client in Solid View. However, I want to change some settings, such as matcap, cavity, etc., but it doesn't seem to give me any option to do so.
submitted by ffs_go_die to blender [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:59 jay_56_ What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by jay_56_ to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:59 Runajin Does PolyU requrie PS? I did not see any option for that.

submitted by Runajin to HKPolyU [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:59 dfvjn25 Ya está normalizado el ghosting

Mi gente, (H 24) salí con una chica, ella no vive en mi ciudad, la primer salida fué un fin de semana que ella estuvo de visita en mi ciudad (vino de rumba y se quedaba dónde una amiga de ella), ya nos conocíamos de antes por un trabajo en común (ella doctora yo ingeniero).
Aproveché y le invité unas polas un domingo (el día siguiente era lunes festivo) charlamos toda la noche y nos entendimos súper bien, había química, siempre le expresé mi intención de las relaciones tradicionales y no solo pasar el rato, a lo que ella estuvo de acuerdo en ese momento.
Su amiga se enrumbó ese día, a lo que le dije que si quería descansar se quede en mi casa, no había lío. Ella accedió, en mi cama nos besuquiamos y hubo manoseo, no hubo acto carnal de alto placer, yo avancé, pero, ella no estuvo predispuesta a proceder.
Aproximadamente por un mes nos comunicamos frecuentemente por Whatsapp y en uno de los festivos de noviembre fuí a la ciudad de ella para hacerle visita y parchar por allá.
Me quedé en el apto de ella y ese día sí pasó lo que tenía que pasar, debo decir que lo disfruté mucho y ella también (por lo que percibí), al día siguiente fuimos al zoológico, luego al centro de su ciudad a ver ropa y parchamos en un centro comercial, la dejé en su casa y todo parecía ir de maravilla, hasta quedamos de vernos nuevamente antes de que termine el año.
Hablamos por dos días después de mi visita, luego de ese día dejo de responderme, volví a escribirle una semana después me respondió y nuevamente no volvió a responder mi último mensaje (hace 15 días).
La cosa pintaba bien, pero, supongo que simplemente no se da. Prefiero no suponer nada ni pensar en los posibles motivos por los que me ghostearon. Es increíble, pero no se me da, solo me encuentro con chicas que quieren pasan el rato y ya, la verdad es muy feo ghostear a la gente, prefiero que me expresen que no les intereso, ya sea por tiempo, expectativas, o porque quieren "estar solas", pero bueno, hay gente así.
Después de mi última relación formal de dos años (hace ya un año) no me ha pasado nada interesante, pero bueno, así es la vida, mejor sigo trabajando y en algún momento tendré suerte de encontrar sin buscarla.
submitted by dfvjn25 to NecesitoDesahogarme [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:59 Joseph_Young114 What happens if you can’t open Examplify during finals

I’m asking cuz it might happen to me. My finals are tomorrow and few days ago Examplify works fine when I was downloading the papers. But it won’t open now, it immediately crashes after finishing loading. My laptop is windows 24H2 which is stated as supported OS version in the earlier announcement, Examplify is 3.7.0 too. I did everything they asked me to do like setting exclusions in anti-virus software, and I managed to use my laptop perfectly fine during my midterms and quizzes.
I’m so anxious now. I’m currently trying to downgrade my OS but I’m not sure if it will work. So in the worst case scenario if it can’t be fixed, will they make special arrangements for that or I straight get zeros for my finals like allowing me to do it physically without using Examplify? Anyone experienced this please advise me, thank you very much!
submitted by Joseph_Young114 to nus [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:59 Vegetable_Charity_73 Feeling behind

I have wasted my first semester, not I am confused what to start, dsa or development. I still haven't learnt Java or c++
submitted by Vegetable_Charity_73 to Btechtards [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:59 Ketuh7 Comment déboucher cette douche

Comment déboucher cette douche Bonjour à tous et toutes ! J’ai un problème avec ma douche et je n’arrive pas à la déboucher. Je n’ai jamais vu un système pareil (il est aux nouvelles normes) et donc n’ait jamais rencontré ce problème. Nous avons essayé les produits chimiques, le vinaigre / bicarbonate, nous avons même acheté une ventouse mais au vu de la douche elle ne fonctionne même pas. Que pouvons nous faire ? (Nous sommes locataires) Merci d’avance !!
submitted by Ketuh7 to brico [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:59 gaybro69420 Kenan and Kel Thanksgiving episode

I'd love to have a fun discussion about this one and how insane it is. I've listened to the Adam and Aaron podcast episode a bunch of times as well.
So I'm sure the prop department roasted 2 real turkeys, 1 for Kel to nibble on, and then the other where they literally stripped all the meat off and left the carcass. And when the kitchen explodes, nobody seems to care? 🤣😹🤣😹
I also kind of love how easily Kel could steal the turkey from Le Meats.
submitted by gaybro69420 to RetroNickelodeon [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:59 cannavacciuolo420 Engine broken beyond repair, replace engine (125k miles car) or get a new (used) car?

I have a 2011 Alfa Romeo Mito, 1.3 JTDm 95hp, with 200k km on it (125k miles) on it, and the engine basically broke down. Since english isn’t my first language, i don’t know how to properly explain it, but basically i heard a knock that increased with rpms, then the car shut down. It won’t start. Mechanic said it has to do with the connecting rods (he gave me a lenghty explanaition, but in italian, not sure about the technical terms to translate it).
Now i’m left with two options.
A: get a rebuilt and tested “zero km” engine (or a slightly used one) and replace my broken one. ~2.600$ quote
B: Or get a new (used) car for 6/7k.
In favour of A, i do have the cash to get my engine replaced. But i am afraid if any other components may fail on me soon (transmission, suspensions etc). But at least i know this car.
In favour of option B, i can get an used car with 2 tears warranty, but i wouldn’t know the car and the problems it brings. The major downside being that i’d have to get a loan out from my bank for at least three years at an 8% interest, since i don’t have the cash to get a new car.
What do i do? Replace the engine on a 125k miles Alfa romeo, or get a new used car and a loan to go with it?
submitted by cannavacciuolo420 to askcarguys [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:59 TheOneAndOnly1521 Sighh... I spent 3 weeks making this thing right here. But I hope yall like it! (Oh and here's a bonus photo!)

Sighh... I spent 3 weeks making this thing right here. But I hope yall like it! (Oh and here's a bonus photo!) submitted by TheOneAndOnly1521 to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:59 Due-Ad6949 Hayley Atwell

Hayley Atwell submitted by Due-Ad6949 to ladiesofthemcu [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:59 4ri4ri Emergency commissions

Emergency commissions Here is some of my work for reference. I can do OCs, fanart and some NSFW. Nothing illegal or offensive. No furry/chibi art. Solid color backgrounds only. Rendering is an extra $3-5 depending on how heavily rendered you want it. my instagram is @/couchlandunoriginal if you want to see more of my work!
submitted by 4ri4ri to artcommissions [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:59 Violetteotome Loss of facial volume?

Loss of facial volume? Hi all. I’ve noticed that I am developing some sagging lines around my nose, mouth, and under my eye. The lines are not wrinkly, but more like deep impressions in my face. I suspect it’s a loss of fat and facial volume but I’m wondering if there is anything I can do to combat this. Thanks
submitted by Violetteotome to 30PlusSkinCare [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:59 This_Exercise4791 Unterschrift wird vor Gericht Ignoriert

Vor Gericht wurde einfach ohne Begründung eine Unterschrift Ignoriert die mit Zeuge ( der unter Eid ausgesagt hat ) stattgefunden hat. Dies ging dann eine Instanz höher wo das Gericht sich dem vorherigen Gericht anschloss nicht auf die Unterschrift einzugehen. Diese Unterschrift ist der Schlüsselpunkt des Verfahrens dennoch wurde gar nicht auf diese Unterschrift eingegangen. Die Unterschrift ist auf Papier vollständiger Familienname ohne Kürzel etc sollte also Rechtskräftig sein. Kann mir jemand sagen ob man damit vor das Bundesverfassungsgericht gehen sollte da das Grundgesetz auf Faire Verhandlung missachtet wurde. Freue mich auf Antworten. LG
submitted by This_Exercise4791 to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:59 viachlelover I think this is the nicest BMW I have ever seen!

I think this is the nicest BMW I have ever seen! https://preview.redd.it/emtcdu4hzf3e1.png?width=2360&format=png&auto=webp&s=c833be5ec5f3748cd0eab42f6bfb16223a6847ff
link to the original post on twitter: https://x.com/BlackPanthaaYT/status/1861434907399999676/photo/1
submitted by viachlelover to BMW [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:59 Illustrious-Summer50 Giorgio Armani Silk Creamy Bronzer 50% off. Golden Sunrays shade only.

submitted by Illustrious-Summer50 to MUAontheCheap [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:59 starryknight03 Body hair is gross

I understand the mindset of these women who grow out and flaunt the hair in their armpits and pubes, as a rebellion to patriarchy but the hair in both those areas should be shaved/trimmed by both genders. When you sweat profusely and we hairy in those areas, the odor is simply unbearable.
You're more than welcome to grow and do whatever you wish to with it, provided you ensure you DO NOT SWEAT, at all in public !
submitted by starryknight03 to opinionnonpopulaire [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:59 LiquidNuke Female Ninjas Magic Chronicles I (1991) "Evil rape ninjas get what's coming to them. Meanwhile the titular lady ninjas just want to protect an unborn heir. All scored by 90's daytime soap opera synth music. Plus random nonsense ninja-magic (like womb-transference. seriously)"

Female Ninjas Magic Chronicles I (1991) submitted by LiquidNuke to CultCinema [link] [comments]
