My first quarts

2024.11.27 13:07 bigscaryunknown My first quarts

My first quarts I can't stop looking at it. The new colours of this Enticer series are kind of amazing!
submitted by bigscaryunknown to watchesindia [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:07 TheStartupChime Bluesky Is Booming in Japan

Bluesky Is Booming in Japan submitted by TheStartupChime to hypeurls [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:07 PopularBake3825 WCIF

Anyone know where I can find that tree? its so cute I want it 😭
submitted by PopularBake3825 to sims4cc [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:07 Cyenna Unfallschaden anteilig auszahlen lassen

leider hatte ich kürzlich einen Unfall mit meinem Auto, bei dem der Spiegel an der Fahrerseite beschädigt wurde, sowie kleine Kratzer an der Seite des Autos entstanden sind. Ich vollkaskoversichert bei der Westfälischen Provinzial. Den Spiegel möchte ich gerne zeitnah durch eine Werkstatt ersetzen lassen und hatte auch eigentlich geplant im selben Zug die Kratzer an der Seite reparieren zu lassen, dafür hat die Versicherung bereits die Reparaturfreigabe erteilt. Nun ist es allerdings so, dass im Kostenvoranschlag eine 4-stellige Summe für die Reparatur der Kratzer angesetzt wurde, die deutlich größer ist als mich der Schaden tatsächlich stört. Zudem hat die Werkstatt mir heute mitgeteilt, dass sie aufgrund des hohen Auftragsvolumens in diesem Jahr keine Zeit hätten, die Kratzer zu reparieren und nur den Seitenspiegel unterbringen können, weshalb ich zweimal zur Werkstatt muss, was für mich recht umständlich ist, da die Werkstatt (Partner der Versicherung) ungünstig für mich zu erreichen. Beides zusammen hat mich darüber nachdenken lassen, ob es möglich ist, den Schaden für den Spiegel über die Versicherung regeln zu lassen, sich das Geld für die Reparatur der Kratzer aber auszahlen zu lassen. Hat jemand Erfahrung damit bzw. weiß, ob das überhaupt möglich ist?
Danke für die Antworten :)
submitted by Cyenna to Versicherung [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:07 Kriptofoni Ünlü Analiste Göre Bu Memecoin Dev Harekete Hazırlanıyor

Ünlü Analiste Göre Bu Memecoin Dev Harekete Hazırlanıyor submitted by Kriptofoni to Kriptofoni [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:07 TheBoredScienceGuy Me and my girlfriend wanna make new friends! [Friendship]

So hey im Danny 23 and me and my girlfriend are looking for some new people to talk with and be friends with. She is a bit shyer than me thats why im posting for both of us.
About me: Well as i said im Danny 23 yo and im from the netherlands. My hobbies are gaming,watching movie or series, building legos and going for a walk. I studied chemistry and am curently jobless due some problem with getting to work. Soooo im busy with my drivers liecents right now. But other than that i have alot of time.
About her: She is 26 and lives in sweden. Her hobbies are plants, gaming, 3Dprint stuff, going for a walk, meditation andd all sorts of creepy stufff. She got tattoos and is very sweet but shy at first after you get to know her she will open up more.
Overall are we both really open minded and layed back people that would just love to meet new people!
submitted by TheBoredScienceGuy to MeetPeople [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:07 ehsterzinha Número golpe

Vocês poderiam dar parabéns para o número 83996829010 ele está pensando em se suicid4r porque ninguém o parabenizou.
submitted by ehsterzinha to golpe [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:07 VoiceAware705 Yeni nesil seiko 5lerin çok sıradan olması

Eski nesil, nostaljik seiko 5 modellerini incelediğimde çeşit çeşit kasa tasarımına sahip onlarca model var. Tv kasa, altıgen, sekizgen, yuvarlak köşeli ve adını bilmediğim onlarca çeşit... Fakat günümüzde satılanların hepsinin kasa tasarımı yuvarlak ve birbirine benziyor. Neden seiko artık tek kasa tipine sahip modeller üretiyor bilen var mı ?
submitted by VoiceAware705 to trsaat [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:07 Accomplished_Fox4614 RED IS SUCH A NICE COLOR

RED IS SUCH A NICE COLOR submitted by Accomplished_Fox4614 to civic [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:07 noliver1987 Elusive varmint hat

Keep getting the shield on rare drops and my lucky hat is at f0. The incurability at fx will be nice though
submitted by noliver1987 to mkxmobile [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:07 _Beasters_ This is Why You Should Never Pee In Front of a GOAT !

This is Why You Should Never Pee In Front of a GOAT ! submitted by _Beasters_ to Thatsactuallyverycool [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:07 Eire_ninja_warrior Relationship advice: in a conflict loop

I 33M have been seeing my GF 31F for about a year! Everything started off fantastic. No arguments for about 8 months UNTIL we moved in. Now, we are stuck in some kind of loop. Every time we resolve a conflict, something new comes up. It seems to never end. I obsess over the arguments, so it really messes with my peace (affecting work performance and life happiness). Is there some way to break out of this loop ? Or am I better off single ?
submitted by Eire_ninja_warrior to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:07 Imaginary-Egg-178 can someone help me fined this sound effect

im looking for the eye twitching sound that squidwerd makes when he's angry. but I just cant fined it any were. plz help
submitted by Imaginary-Egg-178 to spongebob [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:07 LargeTwist9469 Crucible of Steel--A Brotherhood of Steel Milsim

Crucible of Steel--A Brotherhood of Steel Milsim
Crucible of Steel is recruiting! We are looking for new members to join our ranks!
We are looking primarily for people interested in following the path of the scribe, performing duties such as lockpicking, hacking, healing, crafting, and even stealth operations through their secondary branch called ISR.
While primary goal is to recruit scribes, Knights will be accepted as well. Knights also have a secondary branch that specializes in explosive weaponry called the Lancers.
By joining CoS you are doing much more than joining a server, you are joining a community of like minded individuals dedicated to RPing the Brotherhood of Steel in game.
We are currently a Playstation and PC only server.
Join us today at
submitted by LargeTwist9469 to Fallout76FanGroups [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:07 Competitive-Hawk-686 Wtf are my vindicators up to?

Wtf are my vindicators up to? submitted by Competitive-Hawk-686 to MinecraftMemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:07 riddleman01 Harde, koude en droge wind in het zuiden van Frankrijk (7) letters

submitted by riddleman01 to dailytriviaanswers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:07 Aggressive_Owl3096 I need a mean feargasm. Dm 05f9e6db789b5b81333584a78eac53c93995d121f2fe3ff6d9c7f01573a80d6040

submitted by Aggressive_Owl3096 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:07 tmallan 16 or 24GB

Hi all,
I’m looking to purchase the new M4 Mac Mini but I’m stuck on what memory to go for. I have the M1 for which I sprung for 16GB at the time. It’s done me well so far but for this upgrade I don’t know whether to stick with 16 or go for 24.
Mainly use my Mac for web browsing, light gaming; Sims, Cities Skylines etc; nothing too taxing. Some games are run through crossover however hence why I’m stuck on this decision.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
submitted by tmallan to macmini [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:07 swamplord333 my rig

my rig submitted by swamplord333 to metalguitar [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:07 Wolfz44 ASU Gymnasts

ASU Gymnasts submitted by Wolfz44 to GymnastBabes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:07 Jylon10 the zoo must be so fucked up for people with adhd how many intrusive thoughts about climbing into the gorilla enclosure can one person be expected to stave off

submitted by Jylon10 to Fishdom [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:07 choose_username1111 Law school services feedback section

submitted by choose_username1111 to LawStudentsPH [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:07 TearRepresentative56 SNOW has definitely seen a total shift in analyst sentiment following their report. Software sector strong. I am personally watching for weekly break above blue line to set up more upside into 2025.

SNOW has definitely seen a total shift in analyst sentiment following their report. Software sector strong. I am personally watching for weekly break above blue line to set up more upside into 2025. This is the technical chart on the weekly. you see that the blue line has held as a key resistance level, and indeed support on the pullback in early 2024 before breaking eblow it on the next candlestick.
A break above this level at 185 will signal more upside to come.
REmember you are watching the weekly chart, so this is a long timeframe play. Don't be buying 1m calls to try to play this as that makes no sense, that gives you just 4 candelsticks to be proven correct. IF the first one is red, you're screwed.
Positioning shows a resistance at 175 in near temr for break higher from put delta. My expectation is we do probably get that.
We will then likely see the resistance at 185.
Then to set up the real big move higher, it's the weekly close above 185 tht we are looking for.
submitted by TearRepresentative56 to TradingEdge [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:07 Wither9 New Members Intro

If you’re new to the community, introduce yourself!
submitted by Wither9 to Minecraft_Funny_Memes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:07 Firm-Charge3233 Only one person is worthy to be G’s protege.

submitted by Firm-Charge3233 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]