So, is the orc on the cover of Warcraft III Thrall or Grommash?

2024.11.27 15:50 Suspicious_Bird3975 So, is the orc on the cover of Warcraft III Thrall or Grommash?

So, is the orc on the cover of Warcraft III Thrall or Grommash?
submitted by Suspicious_Bird3975 to warcraft3 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:50 WakeUpTheOcean Summertime adventure awaits - "The Empress Quest : Full Moons Saga"

Summertime adventure awaits - Hello everyone! I want to announce that my very own adventure game will be released on Steam in two weeks!
It's a story about senior Scottie dog, who is moving to a new place with his owner and a favorite toy pig, just to find out that the old house (with the spacious backyard and a bird feeder 😌) is full of unsolved mysteries and a whimsical creatures. Moreover, our grumpy protagonist finds his toy pig is missing, and, caught up in a hot pursuit of the thieves, he finds himself in a curious hidden world. We need to help him get home. After all, it's almost dinner time.
submitted by WakeUpTheOcean to cozygames [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:50 BitsBoy96 GMGN AI Copy Trading Tutorial (How to Copy Trade on GMGN AI)

GMGN AI Copy Trading Tutorial (How to Copy Trade on GMGN AI) submitted by BitsBoy96 to solanatools [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:50 Different_Score_5308 Looking for new friends to join my SMP!

Im currently looking for more players on my mostly-vanilla SMP server, its 1.21 and we are looking for more of a community to help us with builds, shops and more. We are still in BETA but If you would like to join our community and are interested in being apart of our community please comment your discord down below!
submitted by Different_Score_5308 to MinecraftServerShare [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:50 True-Dream3295 Sister Michael once said...

submitted by True-Dream3295 to DerryGirls [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:50 Busy_Development2995 The icks

What gives you the icks? I (46f) was messaging with a guy (46m) on an OLD site yesterday. Within a few messages (1 in which he asked if I was ghosting him because I hadn’t responded in an hour), he asked to exchange numbers. I gave him a Google voice number and he sent a selfie (nothing inappropriate). This morning he sent another selfie (not inappropriate) and asked me to send one. Conversation otherwise has been fine, but something about this guy is kinda giving me the icks. Maybe instinct, or maybe just overthinking. What gives you the icks in the first couple interactions?
submitted by Busy_Development2995 to datingoverforty [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:50 Designer-Control666 En formation avec des handicapés je suis en train de craquer

Je suis en formation pro (j'ai 30 ans) dans un petit groupe d'adulte dont certains sont handicapés. Ça doit faire peut être 30% de la classe. Ça ne me dérange pas du tout, ils sont pour la plupart adorables. Mais le problème c'est les autres. Les COTOREP. Ils me bousillent mentalement, c'est pire que d'avoir en permanence des gamins de 3ans collé aux basques. Ils ne parlent pas, ils hurlent. Pas moyen d'avoir une conversation structurée et intelligente puisque les réponses sont basiques et répétitives. Et ils me demandent toujours quelque chose, je n'ai jamais 5 minutes à moi. Même les choses les plus basiques : il y a quelqu'un aux toilettes ? Ils n'ont pas vérifié. Je peux imprimer ça ? Ben oui qu'est ce qui t'en empêche.... Il faut les attendre très longtemps pour suivre le cours ce qui nous fais prendre énormément de retard. Bref je sais normalement je ne devrais pas m'en plaindre mais je ne supporte plus cette situation. La charge mentale est trop grande. Si quelqu'un a une solution je prends volontiers
submitted by Designer-Control666 to confession [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:50 kethbent Charger flashing red and yellow; provider no longer selling parts

Hi, I have a whippet ebike from revolutionworks (bristol, uk). The charger has started flashing red and yellow when I plug my battery in (it's supposed to be red while charging, yellow when not) - I'm not sure if the battery is charging but I feel like it might be dangerous to leave it plugged in whilst it's giving such an obvious warning sign.
Usually I would just speak to the company I got it from but it seems that revolutionworks is no longer selling anything to do with bikes so I can't get a new battery, might be able to get a new charger but I'm not sure.
Possibly this could be happening because I've been leaving my bike out in the cold a lot?
Wondering if anyone has ideas on either how to fix this or if there's another company that sells compatible batteries?
Or failing those, recommendations for ebike conversion kits so I can just replace the whole thing but keep my bike!
Thanks so much!
submitted by kethbent to ebikes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:50 bertwitt Stripe is hiring a Product Marketing Manager, Pricing in New York
submitted by bertwitt to productdesignjobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:50 Likappa Mazeret sınavı için rapor

  1. Sınıftayım eefde daha şu ana kadar hiç mazeret sınavına kalmadım ama yarın malum bir dersin vizesi var ve rapor almayı düşünüyorum bunun kabul olup olmaması için neye dikkat etmeliyim? Acilden rapor alsam kabul ediliyor mu?
submitted by Likappa to IstanbulTechnicalUniv [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:50 InitiativeProof2189 [WTB] HK 416 battle grip and geissle 416 SMR Rail sections

Would love a mustard yellow HK battle grip for my BRN project but will accept black. Want one without the tang. G rail sections for the 416 SMR rail as well!
Grip: $70-$90?
Rail sections: $25-$100 depending?
submitted by InitiativeProof2189 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:50 gallipoli307 Long Beach Police execute a father of 2 in front of a church. Caught on video.
submitted by gallipoli307 to longbeach [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:49 Cute-bunnyy Open for nay rp, please dm!

submitted by Cute-bunnyy to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:49 soumyadip23 Need suggestions!

Need suggestions! submitted by soumyadip23 to MutualfundsIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:49 stevebisig ITAP of a tree in the fog

ITAP of a tree in the fog submitted by stevebisig to itookapicture [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:49 Own-Cantaloupe-5798 Sub For Sub! Just watch ac23 second link and subscribe afterwards!
submitted by Own-Cantaloupe-5798 to Sub4Sub [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:49 notoriousstudios We've designed a new creature for our fantasy PvPvE game. How should we name it?

We've designed a new creature for our fantasy PvPvE game. How should we name it? submitted by notoriousstudios to IndieGaming [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:49 folklorehore Most similar switch game to Harvest Moon DS?

I’m looking for a switch game that I can cosy down with in the evenings but just can’t seem to find the right one.
I really really loved the original Harvest Moon DS and the pixel art style. Sadly I just don’t like the newer story of season games likely due to the more 3d style.
I’ve played stardew and potion permit before and while they definitely fit the bill, I’d like to play something new.
Roots of Pacha is the closest thing I’ve found so far, but I think it might be too chill for me? I personally really liked the mine combat in harvest moon and just feel like I might get bored with Roots of Pacha.
I guess I’m looking for a top down, pixel art, farm sim rpg with a little grinding. Is there anything that you would recommend please! 🙏
submitted by folklorehore to CozyGamers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:49 DukeTorpedo A hatching piece that took me a small while.

The girl in question is "Rina Astera"
submitted by DukeTorpedo to AnimeART [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:49 Hiti4apok Horror (very scary)

Horror (very scary) submitted by Hiti4apok to VALORANT [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:49 88Milton Why does my Kindle GO BACK A PAGE with my wireless Datafy Kindle controller sometimes?

Why does my Kindle GO BACK A PAGE with my wireless Datafy Kindle controller sometimes? I purchased this wireless Datafy RF controller for my kindle and it’s great but since owning it for the past 3 weeks every once in a while, and by that I mean at least once a day, upon pressing the wireless controller, my Kindle will turn the page but sometimes go back a page instead of to the next page.
It’s perplexing because obviously the adapter that’s clipped onto my kindle is always on the right side.
I’m wondering if I’m missing something, like perhaps clicking on the controller rapidly twice is making the clipper portion send two quick signals and the Kindle thinks I want to go back a page? That doesn’t make sense to me so I’m just guessing here that…
…maybe it could be that I have a matte screen protector on the kindle and whatever little shock the kindle receives from the Datafy is being improperly interpreted due to the matte screen protector?
I can’t be the only one that this has happened to.
submitted by 88Milton to kindle [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:49 tikvalover Не можам да најдам работа, губам надеж за живот

Ќе пробам да бидам брза на темава... Имам 24 години и со мојата диплома како ликовен педагог не можам апсолутно ништо да најдам како работна позиција. (ги слушам коментарите 'па зошто се запиша како ликовњак??') Старците не си одат во пензија, а да се умилкувам по општиниве за врски или да вадам партиски книшки за лажни ветувања дека ќе ме вработат, немам намера...Бар сега за сега. Со сите дипломи и награди, со сето портфолио кое ми е турбо дебело, пак ништо, боље да ги изедам за доручек. Нема везе тоа, бар да знаев некоја работна позиција која нуди 30k+ во месецот за да може човек да преживее, ќе бев доста посреќна. Искрено да ви кажам, повеќе од пола барања кои ги гледам по странициве за вработување и LinkedIn, навистина не ги ни разбирам. Како да се апстрактен поим. Можеби е до мене... Небитно, последнава година секаде аплицирав - или пропаднато интервју или нудат апсолутно прениска плата, а сакаат да работиш како за 3 позиции или смао не враќаат. Сега прашањето на векот: Знаете ли некоја работа која плаќа добро и генерално е добра работна позиција? Нешто што по можност не е ИТ или слично (требаше да баталам уметност и да завршам електро или финки, реално) Веќе ми е навистина преку кур! И btw, сериозни дискусии only, сите страдаме во државава.
Фала ви и чаос
submitted by tikvalover to mkd [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:49 schmitty69420 Legit Check Thread

Would anybody be interested in adding a legit check thread to this sub? I feel like my feed is inundated with legit check requests. hockeyjerseys and baseballunis does this, and it’s been a great way to keep the sub organized.
submitted by schmitty69420 to footballjerseys [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:49 User100000005 Parsnip tomorrow over at Superstonk on Thanks giving day.

Parsnip tomorrow over at Superstonk on Thanks giving day. submitted by User100000005 to GME [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:49 Front-Page_News $BEGI - BlackStar entered into an agreement to retire $861,539.26 of debt ("the Settlement Amount") in a transaction pursuant to 3(a)(10) of the Securities Act. Continuation Capital, Inc. ("CCI"), a Delaware corporation, purchased the obligations from certain vendors of the Company, which consist of

$BEGI - BlackStar entered into an agreement to retire $861,539.26 of debt ("the Settlement Amount") in a transaction pursuant to 3(a)(10) of the Securities Act. Continuation Capital, Inc. ("CCI"), a Delaware corporation, purchased the obligations from certain vendors of the Company, which consist of accounts payable due from the Company.
submitted by Front-Page_News to allbasescoveredstocks [link] [comments]