2024.11.27 12:40 LightedX U guys think he’d accept this? (i’m getting Montgomery)
i’d still have Olave, MVS, Taysom Hill, Keon Coleman, Doubs, Kittle, Ricky Pearsall, Derrick Henry, Rashod Bateman, Lamar Jackson, and submitted by LightedX to FantasyFootballers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 12:40 transdeveloper biscuit is getting bigger
we found out that biscuit is not a toy poodle, she’s 4 months old and adult size for toy poodles. really curious on how much bigger she’s going to get. enjoy the cute pictures 🐩❤️ submitted by transdeveloper to poodles [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 12:40 FiguringOutDollars Costco or LL Bean Percale sheets?
So I searched this sub for sheets and what I’ve concluded is percale is highly recommended and either LL Bean or Costco are great strong brands for my price range (<$200, optimally closer to $150 since I’d like to buy two).
Has anyone had experience with both? If not does anyone have a really compelling argument for one or the other?
submitted by FiguringOutDollars to BuyItForLife [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 12:40 Altruistic_Ticket891 Any girls or boys willing to give my cock an honest rate?
submitted by Altruistic_Ticket891 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 12:40 thebloomingcherry Where can I buy stuff online that's not incredibly expensive?
Hello I want to start cosplaying as a hobby and I'm wondering if anyone knows of a store where I can buy stuff for affordable prices and that has international shipping. Thank you in advance
submitted by thebloomingcherry to CosplayHelp [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 12:40 sonnehesse Sword Art Online merchandise in Japan
Hello! I'm currently in Hiroshima and I'd like to ask for help as to where to get merch 🥲 Specifically small items like keychains! You see, I tried to find some in Animate in Fukuoka PARCO with no luck... I had someone in mind back at home to gift to, so any leads would be very helpful! 🙇♀️ Thanks in advance!
submitted by sonnehesse to swordartonline [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 12:40 SandWarrior18 Eu amo ler comentários! (De que jogo é essa personagem? ela começou a aparecer no meu feed do nada)
submitted by SandWarrior18 to animebrasil [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 12:40 Additional-Sleep-376 Looking for Drummer and Bassist sa BC
Eyow, naghahanap kami ng drummer and bassist sa BC, or kahit saang campus, taga BC kasi kami. Anyways, kung mayroon.man dito interested pm ka sa akin.
Tunog namin punk/emo/metal.
submitted by Additional-Sleep-376 to SpeakUpBPSU [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 12:40 PrimeMinisterFurnace Hello there
sips lager Hello, I am PrimeMinisterFurnace, Prime Minister of one of the greatest countries Ingland! What Ingland brings to the table is dodgy teeth, weird accents, and some lads that are bloody good at sailing.
submitted by PrimeMinisterFurnace to EmberfallFurnaces [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 12:40 Lajisam Advice on first set
Hi! Sorry if this is not the right sub for this question, but I’m buying my first set of speakers and amplifier. I am a bit confused as to what cables and cable heads I need. Will this be enough for a working setup? Thanks! submitted by Lajisam to BudgetAudiophile [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 12:40 wewdwtnizrub Marks and Spencers US Promo Code Black Friday
Check here for Marks and Spencers US Promo Code Black Friday
Get amazing Marks and Spencers US deals and offers with our verified promo codes for November 2024.
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to blackfridayisnoww [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 12:40 ThunderCrasH24 Anyone else that expected Savior Viktor to be more like this?
2024.11.27 12:40 Khregg Mega Altaria raid in Sweden. 0118 6817 1046
submitted by Khregg to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 12:40 DMYourFeetPicsTy See levels & class of bnet friends?
Why is this not a thing? I can see what realm they play on, but nothing else. It's not a huge deal, but it's just a bit annoying, is there an addon that can show their class, level and race?
I can see those things when they're on the same realm & faction, but not otherwise.
submitted by DMYourFeetPicsTy to classicwow [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 12:40 DanZ_S Eu quero conseguir todas as conquistas no Deep Rock Galatic e estou procurando alguém para ajudar nessa empreitada kk.. ROCK and STONE BROTHERS !!
E basicamente isso ai que esta no titulo mesmo.. da pra fazer sozinho? Sim, mas seria consideravelmente mais difícil/complicado, tem missões que necessitam de mais jogadores(mínimo 3) e da cooperação real para coisinhas bestas e especificas, o que torna complicado contar com a cooperação de um aleatório. Estou querendo platinar esse joguin ('-' )7.. ou o mais perto disso kk (inventei a ideia de platinar Space Marines 2 e foi uma PEROKA ter que matar 41mil inimigos. O jogo é legal, sou fã de w40k, mas ficar repetindo as mesma missões estava um crlho ja) Sou jogador de PC, caso vc esteja disposto a ajudar um anão de cavernas a fazer MUITA BAGUNÇA em Hoxxes IV e dar dor de cabeça para a companhia, me fala aqui, ai combinamos a melhor forma e dia para essa mineração e troca de tiro. E genuinamente sem compromisso, vc estaria me ajudando, mas se por algum motivo não quiser mais pq vc me achou bobo, feio e chato, ou pq vc não quer mais pagar a sua internet ou descobriram o seu gato na rede e agora vc esta tendo que fugir da policia federal, ta suave :D https://preview.redd.it/vmfs5do8tf3e1.png?width=724&format=png&auto=webp&s=c268e7cebeff468eb3165e8be63bfcb8fa8bd6bc submitted by DanZ_S to jogatina [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 12:40 danruse Ferrero Rocher
submitted by danruse to weirddalle [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 12:40 Final_Association_90 Mi casi algo es una traga atención y no se cómo actuar en esta situación que hago?
Mi casi algo es una traga atención y no se cómo actuar en esta situación que hago?
Ps SI es una chica que solo busca full atención y le da confianza a todos aún sabiendo eso me le tire y lo hize por WhatsApp, soy tan inexperimentado que literalmente en menos de 10 mensajes le dije que la extrañaba y que la había estado pensando 🤡 obvio fue tan entregado en bandeja de plata que del viaje me metió como 2 en vistos y encima hizo chismes así que lo más lógico que hize fue no darle más atención lo cual me a resultado bien ya que soy súper desapegadisimo aunque no pareciera siempre dicen que es como si no me importara nada y en esta clase de situación saque ventaja de eso, no le like ni un estado a pesar de que después de todo eso ella si lo hizo al mío y ni siquiera de sus fotos que sube cada milenio para rematar ni siquiera la volteo ni a mirar.
Y puede sonar medio estupido pero aparentemente a funcionado me mira más de lo normal y encima de la nada casi que se me hace al frente como para que la vea y simplemente la ignoro familiarizó con esas actitudes por que hubo un tiempo donde yo las hacia también así que si muy fácil darme cuenta, pero a la vez por más que trate de hacer que no me importe si me afecta un poco ya que me tiene tragadisimo no le haría caso por muchas cosas pero entiendo que también es medio inexperimentada al igual que yo y algo inmadura pero simplemente no se me va de la cabeza
puedo fingir pero duele saber que las indirectas que me da son para tenerme como un estupido, osea ver si todavía babeo por ella más no son indirectas para que siquiera le escriba o intente algo que opinan al respecto?
submitted by Final_Association_90 to VivimosEnUnaSociedad [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 12:40 UserDM94 Arthur Morgan
submitted by UserDM94 to RDR2 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 12:40 Purple-Win-9790 Paedophile jailed for raping young boy and having 12,000 indecent images of children
submitted by Purple-Win-9790 to crime [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 12:40 CharlieZipe Zamazenta 216553236733 +1 local
submitted by CharlieZipe to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 12:40 CosmicGlitterCake Rob is very apologetic
submitted by CosmicGlitterCake to oldpeoplefacebook [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 12:40 That-Sympathy-2799 jokes on you
submitted by That-Sympathy-2799 to Sanatunni_Drama [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 12:40 Mr_Towns90 🤣🤣🤣
submitted by Mr_Towns90 to DEHH [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 12:40 Difficult-South7497 I think I have found the best alternative for Bitrefill!
Yeah I know so far we all have came across scams and rugpulls in our crypto journey but I think there are some good lesser known marketplaces are available which offer better price for crypto, I used Crypto Refill in the past when it was all looking shady and skeptical but many fam in crypto community recommended me that so I used it and it turns out to be good, but now there prices are the worst.
So I found out [Bitrefill](https://www.bitrefill.com/invite/ajt9cvbu) and was using it since then, I would still highly recommend using Bitrefill for bigger purchases (Still avoid Amazon Gift cards or Jewelary Gift cards with higher value to avoid issues), have bought alot of gift cards (MAX 1k INR worth at one purchase) but now I thought about finding the alternatives because the their kind of poor prices, for example a 1K INR Amazon GC worth $12.35 (1042.58 INR) and on top of that it goes higher when INR price goes up which is weird as it should supposed to go down or match the current conversion rate. But still I would highly recommend using this site if you don't like experimentation or can't afford to lose. It also offers wide varities of gift cards which aren't available most other alternatives. Recommended purchase will be Amazon Shopping vouchers (not gift cards), Bewakoof GC, most lesser known online retailers as these offers best price like $11.85 for a 1k INR GC.
In search of finding I used Crytomate only because it was available on Binance I gave it try but tbh it's kind of slow and wouldn't use it for higher amounts I don't know why but I do not trust them that much.
So finally I have to recommend the best alternative so far not only in terms of reliability but also for their prices:
[Spendcrypto](https://spendcrypto.com/?rc=7A753C52) They offer the best price I have seen so far and yeah after buying 10K (1k x 10) worth of GC so far I can say yes they are legit and trustworthy. I was skeptical at first even asked about their reliability in this sub before and got good reviews so I thought that I should post my personal experience as well to everyone in this sub so people can get best possible rate for their hard earned crypto. Reason why I love them is for the price they offer is almost same for all retailers GC and lowest amoung it's competitor, for example, you can get Amazon 1k INR GC for only $12 (1013.04 INR). So I think everyone should give it a try, you can try it with smaller amount as I did and gradually increase it. Hope you guys will love it aswell.
PS: If your are buying Amazon gift card regardless of which platform you use to but this gift card please I request you to use lower denominations probably <1000 INR per purchase and keep the buying frequency random, Amazon has been always notorious for freezing suspicious accounts which also includes frequent GC usage, no one knows what flags the suspicion, maybe it's random. Sometimes you may even want to throw in you UPI/any other cash payment method, I have seen people buying kinda of expensive products with GC balance and also bank transfers so it keeps you under the radar, but still this is an non tested method so personally I will keep it low.
P.S.S: Please use the links in this post if you are using these sites for first time so we both earn while spending, Happy spending you all :D
submitted by Difficult-South7497 to CryptoIndia [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 12:40 TypicalBath2020 Question for the mods. Whats your favorite food?
submitted by TypicalBath2020 to boykisser2 [link] [comments] |