Has your Year been a good one, average or one you want to forget ?

2024.11.27 13:49 Jon2015nomore Has your Year been a good one, average or one you want to forget ?

submitted by Jon2015nomore to A_Persona_on_Reddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:49 KindResponsibility75 3D Cities of Essos

I think all the 3D models of the free cities and capitals of Westerros are incredible, but wouldn't it be cool if there were more models like this for the cities of Astapor, Meereen, Yaros and Yunkai in the series and in the books, these cities are described so beautifully and elaborately? own cultures, such as when Daenerys conquered Meereen and stayed in the largest pyramid 
submitted by KindResponsibility75 to CK3AGOT [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:49 Accomplished-Arm-281 Aurora Baruto

Da segarsela per bene 🥵
submitted by Accomplished-Arm-281 to Aurora_Baruto_ [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:49 _oSamuraiv_ So I’ve been thinking, what about a live economy between camps or factions along with a faction menu?

Forgive me as it’s my first stalker play through so not sure if it’s later in game but just thought may be good thing to add
submitted by _oSamuraiv_ to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:49 Salty_Food6566 Regen icon stays on after charging to 80%

It used to be if I charged my car to near 100%, the regen braking icon would come on until the percentage went down (forgot at what number) regardless of whether or not I preheated the car. But recently, I noticed that when I charge to 80% and with preheating the car in the morning, the icon is on. It is currently at 69% after a 40 minute car ride on the highway, and the icon is still on. Typically, it will be off when I come back later and drive again. Current temperature is 45F. You’d think the engine would be nice and warm by now, right? Any ideas?
submitted by Salty_Food6566 to TeslaModelY [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:49 Theesm Mir ist jemand wohl beim ausparken (?) gegen die Karre gefahren und hat das mit Sprühfarbe versucht zu kaschieren. Wie asi kann man eigentlich sein?!

Mir ist jemand wohl beim ausparken (?) gegen die Karre gefahren und hat das mit Sprühfarbe versucht zu kaschieren. Wie asi kann man eigentlich sein?! submitted by Theesm to Leipzig [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:49 Vegetable-Hall-7281 Parental benefits for father

Hey guys maybe wrong sub but my wife and I had our first child a year ago, she was working full time and received maximum maternity benefits for one year like the standard. She got pregnant again about 4 months later so she is due about 13 months after the first one. Since she hasn’t worked 600 hrs she isn’t able to receive maternity benefits again for the next one. Am I able take 4-5 weeks of parental benefits so I can take time off work? It seems unclear on the government website. If so, would I get a percentage of my wage or just regular ei? I’m the trades. Tia.
submitted by Vegetable-Hall-7281 to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:49 desetJ Prodajem dvije karte za BVB

Oglas iz usluge, kolegica ima dvije karte za SD, ali zbog bolesti nije u mogucnosti ici na utakmicu. Cijena jedne karte je 30 eura jer je za toliko i kupljena (popust za clanove)
submitted by desetJ to dinamo [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:49 Reasonable-Raisin182 Unpopular opinion: Trish Jarvis was an underrated final girl

Unpopular opinion: Trish Jarvis was an underrated final girl submitted by Reasonable-Raisin182 to fridaythe13th [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:49 Sizbang Mixing fighting styles

Would it be a good idea to train in several fighting styles? Is it possible and sensible to mix them together or is it best to hyperfocus on a single one? By that, I mean, combining techniques from say bjj and boxing to win a fight.
Are there any mixed fighting matches out there?
submitted by Sizbang to bjj [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:49 Intelligent_Milk7572 TIL your stomach has a "second brain." Called the enteric nervous system, your gut contains over 100 million neurons—more than the brain of a cat! This "second brain" controls digestion independently of your actual brain and plays a key role in mood, memory, and decision-making. Crazy, I know!!! 🧠

TIL your stomach has a submitted by Intelligent_Milk7572 to todayilearned [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:49 Dazzling_Election484 Help asap

I am building my first pc and idk where to plug my fan hub(4pin, 5V 3Pin) and aio pump(3pin) my motherboard doesnt have 3pin connection it has sys fan, cpu fan, cpu opt only help me. Here is fan hub manual my case has 360mm aio, 7 fans
submitted by Dazzling_Election484 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:49 xamo76 Sure they did

submitted by xamo76 to atheistmemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:49 therealgoro VP9 Mags and Compensator Up For Grabs, Happy Thanksgiving

submitted by therealgoro to HKVP9 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:49 -ComfyAutumn- Deck shutdown bug - I'm pissed off.

So yesterday I finish playing, everything normal. I press the turn off button and the screen goes black. I'm a bit paranoid, so I always press other buttons to see if it is really sleeping, and to my surprise it still makes noise as if it is in the menu.
I try again now pressing the Steam button. Only the menu shows up, the rest of the screen is still black. I chose shutdown this time to be sure. It gave me the normal message and when I tried other buttons there was no sound anymore. I thought about turning it back on just to see if everything was normal, but that wouldn't be necessary, would it? I put it inside the case and go to sleep.
I open the case this morning, the thing is frying inside of it. Turns out it was still turned on in the menu after all. Like, I don't live in a country with official support from Valve, so I'm extremely careful about it. Never dropped, never let it gather dust. And this happens because the shutdown button is not reliable somehow. I'm pissed.
What do I even do now? Should I avoid the case so it doesn't fry on me? Because apparently pressing shutdown and not hearing any noises is not enough to make sure it is actually turned off.
submitted by -ComfyAutumn- to SteamDeck [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:49 InfiniteKellogs My XG Mobile keeps disconnecting every other second

So i'll start off with saying i have the ROG Flow x13 (GV301QH) with the XG Mobile (3080). Last week everything worked just fine, but when I launched my pc this week, it started flickering a black screen and the message kept appearing saying it's charging and then the message that it was using battery power. So naturally I tried to look online but I could only find occasions where this happens maybe once a month or so, but this is literally every other second!
To me it feels like a loose contact, but its so weird as the last time I used it, everything seemed fine, and now it's completely and utterly broken and unusable...
Could it perhaps be a software or driver thing or is my XG mobile just fried?
submitted by InfiniteKellogs to ASUSROG [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:49 Marlesden Ok let's do the reverse. Which champs Base design is objectively their worst design i.e none of their skins are worse than their base

This doesn't mean that their base skin is bad, it just means that all of their skins are better than their base.
I'm going to cheat a little bit and say K'sante because he only has two and they are better 😅
Struggling to find others because newer champs have base skins that are currently better (Vex, aurora, Gwen) and older champs have some real stinkers
submitted by Marlesden to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:49 AdventurousTitle6347 My sweat made a face

My sweat made a face submitted by AdventurousTitle6347 to mildlyinteresting [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:49 YteKnight696 Congrats Rylee on a 4th place finish this season!

Congrats Rylee on a 4th place finish this season! submitted by YteKnight696 to RyleeArnold [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:49 DelegadoNick never easy: idk how to give up [GUITAR COVER]

never easy: idk how to give up [GUITAR COVER] submitted by DelegadoNick to guitarras [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:49 EichenHardt If there's anything I hate more than Batarians, it's these guys

If there's anything I hate more than Batarians, it's these guys submitted by EichenHardt to masseffect [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:49 EdwardBloon keep getting this bug on Savali. any one know a way to stop it? its becoming hard to progress cus i need to reload checkpoint every 5 mins

submitted by EdwardBloon to RatchetAndClank [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:49 ConstantFew5109 PS portal and Mental health

I was asked to get into gaming due to my work stress. I tried playing on PS5 but i never had the energy or motivation to turn it on and play mainly because I am very bad at gaming, Then came the cloud services on portal. The portal has done wonders for my mental health because I can just pick it up, lay on my bed and game. I am leaving for work and all I can think about is coming back home and gaming. I really hope more games come to the cloud streaming services.
submitted by ConstantFew5109 to PlaystationPortal [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:49 Flashy-Tear-1861 Looking for shiny litwick, offering shiny comm day

Tell me what you’d want and I’ll tell you if I have it!
submitted by Flashy-Tear-1861 to PokemonGoTrade [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 13:49 Zirzamini They have to ruin everything don't they?

They have to ruin everything don't they? submitted by Zirzamini to MortalKombat [link] [comments]
