2024.11.27 13:38 pochakkoo 15⭐ each
submitted by pochakkoo to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 13:38 m_havic_ My Hero Academia
Why is shoto todoroki taller then midoriya is midoriya is older? Thoughts?
submitted by m_havic_ to MyHeroAcadamia [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:38 liveoutdoor How can I loop routines?
Trying to make a routine or two to do the following.
Have the front yard lights come on and set each bulb to a certain color. Wait for a little bit and then change the colors of the bulb wait a short while and go back to the first set if colors.
submitted by liveoutdoor to alexa [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:38 Tommarnt [REQUEST] Is there the number 6789998212 in the 31.4 trillion digits of pi that had been calculated so far
I saw this interesting video on Youtube and it sparked a question on my mind if there was the number 6789998212 in the digits of pi,. The video had no mention of it so I google searched it but still nothing, so i'm asking reddit.
BTW the number is from a song made by Souija Boy in 2008, the video reminded me of that number.
submitted by Tommarnt to theydidthemath [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:38 Markmonic1 Prince Harry and Meghan Markle suffer blow as $4.7M Portugal home remains incomplete: report
Another FAIL! Their Portugal home is not a year-round abode, it seems. Now they're claiming it's for little getaways and summer retreats. Personally, I don't believe any of it. This is another Meganut manifestation... wonder if Hawwy is shutting all doors to her trying to communicate with him.
The last time we actually saw them together IN REAL TIME (not pre-taped propaganda) was the Jane Pauley interview with those poor, suffering parents of children who took their own life. In that video, you could easily cut the tension/hatred/disrespect with a knife. Since then, we've been exposed to pre-taped footage, Hawwy galavanting the globe and Meganut running amok.
They're over. Kaput. Finished.
Archive: https://archive.ph/QOU8s
submitted by Markmonic1 to SaintMeghanMarkle [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:38 firashamadi Selling car for a Cheque
A Qatari national is offering to buy my car with a cheque dated 1st of January 2025. He wants the car now and promises that the full amount will be available on new year. My Question is: Are cheques safe to use this way ? Will the law protect me if the cheque bounces ? The care value is above 100k and i dont know this person.
Will appreciate any comments related.
submitted by firashamadi to qatar [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:38 Right-Hospital9845 My first time i do
submitted by Right-Hospital9845 to FPEseries [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 13:38 Miss-Wonderland She is good at it (The Book of Outcasts)
submitted by Miss-Wonderland to adultgame [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:38 StarZealousideal7846 going veg 🥦 assist me with 80+gms of protein/day with 1600 Kcal
just turned veg, assist me with 80gms of protein/day with 1600Kcal
Hey 👋 I know this is very cliche, but I'm looking for a vegetarian diet of 80 gms of protein per day distrubted in 2-3 meals a day with roughly 1500-1700 Kcal (on a deficit now)
I've recently turned vegetarian not vegan, and am open to paneer and whey protein ( optimum Nutrition whey)
I am 18M.
Also which is a decent brand of paneer for protein, I've been eating amul paneer for a while.
Feel free to share recipes that are easy to make, take less time, and can be done with minimum equipment.
Thanks a lot folks
submitted by StarZealousideal7846 to IndianFood [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:38 BlueBea- For the first time, I am asking for help
I feel like I’m in a tragic financial takeoff, for the first time, at 23 years old, without the support of my family and living in another city. I started working at 14 as a hairdresser, then at 15, I worked in a sandwich shop, followed by a cleaning company, and then as a floor manager in an Asian restaurant at just 17 years old. However, I decided to change jobs because, in every workplace, I was harassed and psychologically destroyed. My pay never exceeded €100 a week and was sometimes less than €20.
I packed my bags and left, not knowing the language or anything. I met the man I am with now, and we moved in together, but despite having two jobs and him working almost all day, we are sinking deeper and deeper.
I’ve accumulated debts for my prescription glasses and my credit cards just to buy food. My partner has accumulated €30,000 in debt because he wanted to consolidate all his other debts into one single payment.
It feels like a bad dream, and I don’t know how to escape it. I can’t even afford to pay for my internet connection—I’m two months behind—let alone my electricity bills. (I have a part-time job that pays €1,200 a month, and in the afternoons, I clean houses. He has a job that pays €2,000, but still, we can’t make it. And we don’t spend anything on ourselves, absolutely nothing—only essential items.)
I hope that one day my parents can be proud of me and that I’ll be able to help them.
Any help is appreciated…thank you.
submitted by BlueBea- to Assistance [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:38 Whateney19831a Test
submitted by Whateney19831a to WhatIsMyCQS [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:38 Jakeh_G HOW IS LAUNCH GOING?
submitted by Jakeh_G to 2007scape [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 13:38 Some_Box5846 Everyone Be Calm
Faked screenshots and portals are not going to tell you if you got matched. Yes, emorys financial portal went out, but it doesn't mean anything. The end of the email specifies that it does not indicate admission. Yes, the red banner is disappearing, but probably for people who submitted the form. No, there is not going to be any legitimate signs, so calm down. Go outside and touch grass, you need it.
submitted by Some_Box5846 to QuestBridge [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:38 m1lkman1974 Sound Blaster GC7 + Beyerdynamic DT 700 Pro x + Mod MIc Unit 2
Hello everyone!
Please bear with me as I am purchasing a gaming setup for Christmas, and I have never used this combination before.
Essentially, my son is a semi-competitive gamer and a Jr. audiophile. He plays a fair amount of 1st person shooters like Rainbow Six Siege, COD Black Ops 6, and Battlefield. His favorite genre of music is hip hop, but he enjoys jazz and oldies from time to time, too. He always gravitates to wired headphones; however, he is hung up on a detachable mic for whatever reason. So, I landed on this setup, actually.
With the Modmic Uni 2, and DT 700 Pro X, both plugged into the Sound Blaster GC7, will he be able to hear his mic monitor in his headset or will that not be possible? It seems like a great setup but if he cannot hear his voice in the earphones it might not be ideal for chatting with his team on the games as he will be yelling without hearing his voice volume with the headphones on.
Thank you for your help!
submitted by m1lkman1974 to SoundBlasterOfficial [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:38 AggressiveSmell7421 Custom zombies
Check out my video please. New vid every day! FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDYS CUSTOM ZOMBIES (BO3) https://youtu.be/0rAXSaeblqc
submitted by AggressiveSmell7421 to YoutubeGamingVidPromo [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:38 Personal-Put262 345 Türkiye geneli sonuçları geldi mi veya ne zaman gelecek?
submitted by Personal-Put262 to liseliler [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:38 No_Region_9787 250636562913 , Regidrago raid in 2 min . 1 raider
submitted by No_Region_9787 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:38 RubySlippersMJG [ Removed by Reddit ]
[ Removed by Reddit on account of violating the content policy. ]
submitted by RubySlippersMJG to atlanticdiscussions [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:38 Giampyero Help with a glitch?
Yesterday I bought the game, but I can't progress because of this glitch that doesn't let me select, because instead of "A" there is a white square. I already tried to restart the console but it didn't work, did this happend to anyone else? How do I fix it? submitted by Giampyero to NineSols [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 13:38 dead_owl_in_the_oven Lo dico ufficiosamente, perché forse un si capiva, io me ne vado.
Ho avuto dei problemi recentemente, ho provato ad ignorarli ma ora si stanno accatastando, insomma "i have some undone business to settle" ecco. Inoltre lo voglio dire pubblicamente, mi dispiace, per tutto ciò che ho fatto, tanti mi odiano e fanno bene, perché sono stati pochi i momenti in cui ho aiutato il sub invece di esserne il cancro, davvero scusatemi, non mi meritavo di essere mod e non mi merito il vostro rispetto. Arrivederci, perché l'addio non esiste(decidete tra voi cosa farvene della mia eredità).
submitted by dead_owl_in_the_oven to TankChat [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:38 JadedHooman_ Jarren and Therese Being in Good Terms, Confirmed
With all of the ruckus among fandoms, whether solids or ships, this is some pleasant news to hear.
For context, Miyuki is one of Therese's non-Gen 11 closest friends. She basically answered a question about how the two are, and according to her, they're fine. On top of that, she even shared one instance of Jarren looking out for Therese when she was in a bit of discomfort, which many of us probably didn't know about before.
Here's the link to the post showcasing that part of her livestream saying all of those: https://x.com/urheib/status/1861739134831956360?t=6F73EMu_26xPoBVSLK1IwA&s=19
Now, while some here have already claimed that they were always fine behind the scenes, despite them having very rare and limited interactions, this somewhat answers a question that not only Berries (JarRese supporters) had, but even some members of this community as well.
Hoping that this provides, at least, some room to breath for us and a short pause, amidst all the circulating issues among many Gen 11 housemates and fandoms.
submitted by JadedHooman_ to pinoybigbrother [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:38 FreeDrag6130 Cotas para homo betas
Apoio a política de criação de cotas para homo betas em concursos públicos e universidades.
Homo beta (beta) é um gênero de ser humano que possui o desenvolvimento físico, neurológico e comportamental retardado devido à falta de alimentação saudável, exercícios físicos e assistência médica e psicológica de qualidade na idade apropriada.
Além disso, o homo beta (beta) também apresenta baixa aptidão social como efeito da péssima formação educacional que recebe ao longo da vida (ensino fundamental e médio em escolas com instalações precárias e ensino superior de qualidade duvidosa), problemas de socialização por uma convivência em um ambiente repleto de privações e com pessoas de baixa escolaridade, formação familiar carente como resultado da ausência dos pais devido à carga horária excessiva de trabalho, pouca desenvoltura cultural graças a inexistência de atividades extracurriculares e a exposição frequente a conteúdos “imbecilizantes” e de baixo estímulo intelectual ao longo da infância e adolescência (programas de auditório apelativos, vídeos de youtubers teen, animações japonesas, jogos online etc), além de danos comportamentais causados pelo estresse psicológico que começa a passar logo após alcançar faixa etária em que possa participar legalmente na força econômica (trabalhar em empregos desqualificados para ajudar no orçamento familiar, acordar por volta das 5h00 da manhã, passar 4 horas diárias em transportes públicos durante o deslocamento de um bairro periférico ao local de trabalho, suportar calado todo tipo de humilhação imposta por superiores administrativos etc).
Ao analisar este contexto de formação, é possível concluir que, para um indivíduo homo beta (beta) ter uma vida minimamente digna na fase adulta e não acabar caindo na marginalidade, em subempregos que não permitem mobilidade social ou virar dependente de algum programa assistencialista do governo, é necessário o triplo de esforço e comprometimento com os estudos e o trabalho ou literalmente ter muita sorte.
Já o indivíduo homo alfa (alfa) nasce em um contexto favorecido e tem acesso à boa alimentação, não tendo seu desenvolvimento físico e neurológico comprometido. O homo alfa (alfa) geralmente estuda em escolas particulares organizadas e com boa qualidade de ensino, tem acesso a atividades extracurriculares pagas pelos pais (natação, escolas de futebol, xadrez, cursos de idioma etc), acesso à cultura de qualidade (shows musicais, teatros, exposições artísticas etc), é mais inteligente e socialmente apto graças ao ambiente familiar estruturado e, devido às boas finanças dos progenitores, não precisa se submeter a subempregos insalubres, repetitivos e estressantes ainda na adolescência.
Consequentemente, o homo alfa (alfa) possui um caminho muito mais fácil para conseguir aprovações em universidades públicas, bons cargos no setor privado e altas colocações em concursos públicos. Além disso, mesmo que o homo alfa (alfa) venha a cometer contravenções (seja por más influências ou problemas mentais), tem maiores chances de ser ressocializado e se tornar um cidadão útil na sociedade.
Sendo assim, não acho que seja justo homo betas (beta) disputarem de igual para igual vagas em concursos públicos e vestibulares com homo alfas (alfa). Essa medida de cotas já seria uma boa iniciativa para integrar betas a sociedade, assim evitando que esses indivíduos se tornem inaptos. Além disso, essa pequena afirmação social também poderia diminuir gastos com assistencialismo estatal, reduzir a criminalidade e evitar suicídios.
submitted by FreeDrag6130 to concursospublicos [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:38 anshu_eureka Poora subreddit Modi-may ho gaya hai.
submitted by anshu_eureka to SaimanSays [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 13:38 zablonb2424_AGAIN they're becoming the new Lee Harvey Oswald
submitted by zablonb2424_AGAIN to ObjectShows [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 13:38 JeeperJoe73 271124
submitted by JeeperJoe73 to Julia_PlingGustafsson [link] [comments] |