2024.11.27 14:40 lilactaco Why aren't the judges all 5 stars?
I mean Hanya and Xueiyi are both four stars but little fox lady is a five star despite both of them being her superior? Not to mention i doubt any of the stone hearts will be four stars, so why should any of the judges be 4 stars?
submitted by lilactaco to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:40 Solitario89 (35H) A solidão e o peso da falta de escolha
Imagine a seguinte situação: você vai ter que passar o resto da vida comendo a comida que mais gosta — ou uma das suas favoritas — porque não existe mais nenhuma outra opção. No começo, parece um sonho realizado: todo dia o prato que você ama, à disposição. Mas, com o tempo, algo começa a mudar. Aquele prazer inicial dá lugar à monotonia, que lentamente se transforma em enjoo. Chega um momento em que a simples ideia de comer aquilo novamente causa repulsa. Pois bem, essa é uma metáfora para a solidão — especificamente para quem sugere que você “aproveite a solidão”. A solidão é boa quando você tem escolhas. Não quando ela é sua única opção.
A solidão, assim como na metáfora, é uma experiência que depende do contexto. Quando ela é uma entre muitas opções, pode ser revigorante e cheia de possibilidades: um momento de autodescoberta, reflexão e paz. Nessa perspectiva, a solidão é como uma pausa necessária, uma escolha saudável para reequilibrar a mente e o coração. Porém, quando não há alternativas, a solidão perde seu encanto e se transforma em um fardo.
A compulsoriedade da solidão nos leva a enxergar sua face mais dura. Ela deixa de ser escolha e passa a ser condição. É nesse ponto que o "aproveite sua solidão" se torna um conselho cruel, vazio de empatia. Dizer para alguém que a solidão pode ser boa sem considerar a falta de opções é desconsiderar o peso do isolamento involuntário.
A solidão obrigatória é um lembrete de como somos seres relacionais por natureza. Necessitamos de interações, de trocas e de conexões genuínas para dar sentido às nossas experiências. Sem essa alternância, sem a liberdade de ir e vir entre o mundo interno e o externo, até aquilo que é inicialmente prazeroso perde o sabor.
Por isso, o conselho de “aproveitar a solidão” precisa ser contextualizado. Solidão é boa quando podemos voltar ao convívio humano, quando podemos escolhê-la como refúgio e não quando ela se impõe como prisão. Assim, essa metáfora não é apenas sobre solidão; é sobre o valor da escolha, da diversidade e da capacidade humana de se nutrir não apenas do que é mais óbvio ou esperado, mas do que é múltiplo e livre.
submitted by Solitario89 to 30mais [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:40 Beginning_Turnip8716 Ketokonazole shampoo?
Hi all. I wanted to buy a ketokonazole shampoo, but one that is gentle on scalp. I’m too sceptic of chemist brands that they might be harsh on hair or drying. Is there any tried and tested brand which works ?
submitted by Beginning_Turnip8716 to indianbeautyhauls [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:40 Cool-Sorbet9621 Missing file on interview day.😭
On interview day, after I-130 questions which obviously went well as it has since been approved, it was time for I-485, but the file could not be found. For a month now it’s radio silence. Anybody ever had similar issue? How did you resolve it? Thanks everybody.
submitted by Cool-Sorbet9621 to USCIS [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:40 tokkipan 241127 tripleS : ∞! YooYeon and SooMin - Untitled (Dance Challenge)
submitted by tokkipan to triples [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 14:40 Top-Meet745 DOMME’s ROULETTE
Hi again goddesses and queens!👑 While I'm waiting for my sub, I came up with a game that will help get additional sends for those dommes who already have a sub, this could be one of the tasks, and for those dommes who don't have a sub, this will help them gain confidence!
Among the comments, using a roulette, I will randomly select a domme. I will write to all dommes who have subs with a link to the winning domme's wallet and domme should instruct their subs to send a tribute to the winning domme (a small amount from $1 to $10).
Write in the comments: 1. Are you participating? (yes/no) 2. Do you have a sub? (I have/don't have)
What do you think of the idea?
submitted by Top-Meet745 to findommes [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:40 camisoo Estou desesperada, será se estou louca
Acabei de descobrir que minha mãe está com câncer e estou disposta a fazer tudo o que for preciso para ajudá-la. O hospital público da minha cidade é péssimo, e fico pensando se devo realmente vender fotos do meu corpo ou arrumar um 'sugar' para me ajudar. Sei que sou atraente, inteligente, estudo muito, conheço muitas pessoas e já recebi várias propostas, mas nunca tive muito interesse. No entanto, agora me vejo nessa necessidade e faria tudo para ajudá-la. Eu amo tanto ela e não quero vê-la sofrer. Eu faria qualquer coisa para colocá-la em um hospital particular, onde eu pudesse ajudá-la com tudo, deixá-la confortável e fazer com que ela parasse de sentir dor. Aqui no hospital, nem remédio tem e ela sofre muito."
submitted by camisoo to conversas [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:40 HorrorJunkie0666 While typing away on my keyboard I noticed the space bar sounded different.
After tapping the spacebar multiple times I noticed I was being urinated on, then my wig was split by the evil administrative Assistant.
submitted by HorrorJunkie0666 to 2sentence2horror [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:40 WhoIsJolyonWest Trump Finally Signs Transition Documents—With One Giant Catch
Donald Trump’s team has signed some key documents needed to begin the transition, but they’re still refusing to agree to everything. submitted by WhoIsJolyonWest to AntiTrumpAlliance [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 14:40 Wrong-Brick-5993 Need head or dtf hmu
submitted by Wrong-Brick-5993 to 530marysville [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:40 hetaliavocaloid Sorry mom
submitted by hetaliavocaloid to AnimeMeme [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 14:40 StainlessInferno [OC] “Level 98 Charmander” by me
submitted by StainlessInferno to ImaginaryKanto [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 14:40 throatchakra ‘Literally heartbreaking as a librarian’ 150 titles pulled from Rutherford County school libraries
submitted by throatchakra to murfreesboro [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 14:40 Hairy-Knowledge-6431 Mega64: The Phantom Juxtaposition
I think this has been done recently enough to be relevant:
This is mega64 on their A++++++ GAME. in 2022. They are still capable of this.
Create an original series with Sweded style props and effects which will leverage every member's best strengths.
submitted by Hairy-Knowledge-6431 to mega64 [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:40 Prize_Ad_7036 Manifesting that my friend doesn’t have cancer
Can you guys please manifest that my friend doesn’t have cancer? There’s a 97% survival rate but he doesn’t deserve this.
submitted by Prize_Ad_7036 to Manifestation [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:40 InValidName118 deadline day half bread
emmanuel sure took their sweet time with it 💀💀 submitted by InValidName118 to 6thForm [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 14:40 Rude-Ad-7287 Slept in for work 3 days this week
I genuinely don’t know what to do here and need some advice.
I’m 18M and start work at 8:15am
The last 3 days i’ve slept in for work and i never used to do this. I got an absolute ear full from my boss this morning to the point him and my co workers genuinely think i might be taking drugs and drinking at nights and it could either cost me my job or put me in an uncomfortable position while working.
I’m not on drugs or drinking as i say i literally never sleep in and it happens 3 times in a week.
I’m not hearing my alarms at all and if i do i just wake up and switch it off without a thought. I feel like im not in control of waking up and it’s genuinely terrifying going to sleep now with the thought that im going to sleep in.
I know this sounds pretty dramatic lol but i would appreciate any help.
submitted by Rude-Ad-7287 to Adulting [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:40 NeonChampion2099 Zamazenta 3 locals, 356798750649
submitted by NeonChampion2099 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:40 rixtomegap Marc Jacobs Beauty Black Friday 2024 Offers
Check out the link for Marc Jacobs Beauty Black Friday 2024 Offers. Once on the website, you'll have access to a variety of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly to help you save on your purchase.
submitted by rixtomegap to NowNewsNow [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:40 Daddy_Scar waaaaa i fell and hit my head waaaaa it hurts waaaaa i want attention
submitted by Daddy_Scar to okbuddychicanery [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 14:40 Vaughn_Schweetz What’s your take on same sex marriage and its impact on society?
submitted by Vaughn_Schweetz to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:40 Parking_Green_7955 Using Tautulli data for predictive analysis and maybe even AI
I've been using Tautulli for over a year now, and I love it. Its been generating some great outputs for me on watching behaviors. I'd love to bring it to the next level however and take the watch data, combine it with library data to extract more metadata about the film and TV show and generate watch suggestions. I know Plex does this, however, I have no insight into how its generating this, but, effectively, I would love to generate this data leveraging some AI models.
Has anyone done anything remotely similar to this? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Parking_Green_7955 to Tautulli [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:40 rusiben How do I make Pouncer titan?
When I aged pouncer to level 20, there was a popup about aging him to titan or alpha level but I can’t ind anything about it.
submitted by rusiben to SchoolofDragons [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:40 IntroductionOk9466 I'm not enough
I'm not even considerable a man. I'm not manly enough. I can't protect or help anyone. I just want to be hugged and pampered by a girl, I'm embarassing
submitted by IntroductionOk9466 to lonely [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:40 reddit_lss_2 Test Title 27-November-2024 14:40:25
Test body 27-November-2024 14:40:25
submitted by reddit_lss_2 to lssAuto [link] [comments]