2024.11.27 14:32 1992_na_mazda_miata Thought i would join in on the trend
submitted by 1992_na_mazda_miata to TeenagersButBetter [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 14:32 jeffgrantMEDIA PROOF 72-Hour Merino Wool Long Sleeve T-Shirt | 4 DAYS of Wear in a Row!
submitted by jeffgrantMEDIA to YouTube_startups [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 14:32 Smoid Galaxy
I’m pretty happy with how this specific shot turned out. I figured a lower resolution would make it feel more real, I think I pulled it off. A reddit filter also reminded me that extra sharpness makes it look worse, which I think is better lol. It ain’t perfect, but I think it’s cool! submitted by Smoid to blender [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 14:32 CarsandMars Stop Blaming AM for Same Gender experiences & Same Anthropological Monolith experiences
Stop Blaming AM for Same Gender experiences & Same Anthropological Monolith experiences
submitted by CarsandMars to EASEAcommunitybackup1 [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:32 KIL0-0SKA I just realised.
That this game I just found out about and played merely days ago, is just the tip of an iceberg. I just got to know, that buildings, facilities and amenities are built BY players. Players who pull resources together and build their strongholds and bases. I thought they were randomized by the map every reset. But no. They were the blood m, sweat and time from our fellow player base.
The concept of every MINOR thing you do, adds a plus to your faction. Logistics hold a major backbone, which fascinates me the most. As a person who's no longer doing well in "shooting" and being in the frontlines contesting the enemy, this role (logistics - which I never new could exist in a game) fits so perfectly.
I got hooked being that guy who's doing little, but once successfully delivering something simple as Bmats, to even Shirts, they commend you. You feel accomplished.
As a working adult, with not many hours to spare can hop in, and use 2-3 hours of my time contributing. It made me feel happy. I don't feel rushed, pushed and diluted into doing my best, because I can afford feeling great in just doing what I can. What a freaking amazing community driven concept to a game.
Not to mention, the community itself, so far has been extremely helpful. No one judged me as a noob. I can freely ask questions, and they'd be happy to put their 2 cents in it.
This has been an early journey into this game, and I hope to feel excited if not, engrossed in this.
Thank you for reading.
submitted by KIL0-0SKA to foxholegame [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:32 fa6664 Checking Price of Original Flight for Changes
I thought someone mentioned you could go to Delta and select change flight, and then put in your same flight days and times and if your original flight was cheaper, just select it and you would get an e-credit back. But when I go to change flight my current flight options just say "original flight" and there is no option to select it. Is there some other way to do this?
submitted by fa6664 to delta [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:32 etnomalex Helly Hansen Black Friday 2024 Offers
Visit this page for Helly Hansen Black Friday 2024 Offers. The website offers a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly, just visit the website to find the perfect one for you.
submitted by etnomalex to AcmeDiscount [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:32 Potential_Method_144 INVENT, ANIMATE - Dead Roots (2016)
submitted by Potential_Method_144 to Metalcore [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 14:32 aczemdone TigerDirect Black Friday 2024 Offers
Use the link for TigerDirect Black Friday 2024 Offers. The website features a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly for you to choose from and make your purchase more affordable.
submitted by aczemdone to SuddenDaily [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:32 vanvz Foreign Diplomat Parent
Hi all, I’m in the process of filling out my SF86 for a TS. My dad however is a foreign diplomat. On the section where it asks about foreign government affiliations do I have to put him / the government on there? I already listed him under the foreign contacts but I don’t know if that counts as a government one too
submitted by vanvz to SecurityClearance [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:32 heyvelli HELP PLS
When I go to file claim it says 0 penalty records for this account… Please I have spent over 3000 dollars in this game I did not know I had owed money… I recently got a new phone and I had to get a new iCloud please I’ve had this account for so long. I really need help and I’m not in the best living situation currently right now :(. Can someone please help me? submitted by heyvelli to PUBGMobile [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 14:32 Enough_Cranberry9365 test
submitted by Enough_Cranberry9365 to WhatIsMyCQS [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:32 Caver6913 My fortune cookie 😁
submitted by Caver6913 to rockphotosposters [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 14:32 el3rod عروض مؤسسة حصاد البساتين سعودي|27 حتى 28-11-2024\ #عروض_مؤسسة_حصاد_البساتين_السعودية\ #العروض #el3rod\ #تخفيضات #خصومات #تسوق #عروض #تخفيض #خصم #عرض\ #el3rod_ksa #اخر_عروض_السعودية #السعودية #عروض_السعودية
submitted by el3rod to el3rod_KSA [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 14:32 MajorTechnology8827 It has never been about the Palestinians
the current ceasefire terms are undeniable proof, that despite the countless rhetoric of Hezbollah, their existence has never been, and never will be about the Palestinians
they have abandoned them the moment they get hit by the smallest resistance, immediately going into self preservation
Hezbollah never cared about the Palestinians, and have never cared about Israel, it cares about one thing and one thing only- keep the Lebanese weak and sectorized, unable to form their own stable power and forever be reliant on the Khomeinist imperialist expansionism
Hezbollah and the IR could never have cared less about a bunch of displaced nomadic Sunni. the Palestinians are a pawn for Khamenei ambition to become a regional hegemony. its a ploy to turn Israel into a "boogieman" all the arab countries need to be afraid of, and therefore they need Iran to "protect them". a trick Khomeini learned back in the 60's directly from the soviets who he was under their payroll
Hamas goal on October 7th was to destroy Saudi Arabia normalization with Israel, and Hezbollah goal was to further seed terror in the lebanese so their little autonomy will forever be shattered. it's all about cementing Lebanon as a forever puppet state, and to overall prevent the entire region to stabilize in any other term but under the Khomeinist colonial empire
submitted by MajorTechnology8827 to IsraelPalestine [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:32 ShinSekaiSvd Weather boost Regidrago 014746008218
submitted by ShinSekaiSvd to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 14:32 Gullible_Zebra7118 Sobrepase los limites con mi pareja (NO)
Hola a todos gente, estoy un poco consternado por como terminaran las cosas con mi pareja, les doy un contexto.
El dia Domingo yo estaba en casa de mi pareja, comúnmente siempre estamos en su cuarto y en ese espacio es donde nosotros nos sentimos seguros para darnos besos y tocarnos.
Ella me permitio tocar sus pechos y por su puesto que comunicandole que queria tener sex0 ella me rechazo en dos momentos a lo largo de mi estadia con ella, yo lo entendia y lo lleve bien, seguiamos con la dinamica de besos y acariciar sus pechos.
Apartir de aqui todo se torna catastrofico porque al momento se retirarme, ya estando parados le empece a tocar los pechos y acercarme a ella para que sintiera mi miembro, y lastimosamente sedio ante mis acciones y empezamos a tener sex0, antes de tener una pen3tracion le pregunte si me ponia el condon y ella no me dijo nada asi que prosegui.
Aqui es donde inicia lo peor, ella pide que me detenga porque se siente rosada e instantaneamente a los 3 minutos empieza a llorar en su cama muy feo, yo aun no conciente por el estado sexual en el que estaba no era capaz de reconocer que sobrepase su “No” previo al s3xo.
En medio de sus lagrimas le pregunte si todo estaba bien, a lo que ella me responde que probablemente es porque ya viene su periodo y se pone sentimental, en ese momento se levanta y se dirige al baño, me dice que empezo a sangrar poco pero que piensa que quizas bruscamente le hice daño con mis dedos, entonces empieza a caminar con las piernas como abiertas en tijera; esto similiar como cuando un niño camina rosado.
Le comento que me tengo que ir, y ya en la puerta rehusa a salir completamente de su casa y me despide de la puerta, en eso avanzo 3 metros y empiezo a ser mas consciente al darme cuenta que he ocasionado una falta de respeto. Justo en ese momento, a los 3 metros ella sale corriendo llorando hacia mi de esa forma rosada, dios mio, aqui ya empezaba a similar la clase de aberración como hombre que fui.
Ella seguia llorando mientras me abrazaba, yo tratando de no preguntar lo obvio le hacia saber si era por algo que hice, le pasa, o estaba preocupada. Ella no dice nada, asi que, pregunte si fue porque tuvimos s3x0 a pesar de que ella dijo “NO” y esta respuesta termino de aterrizarme en la bajesa de mi ser:
“Lo hice para complacerte”
Dios mio, aqui ya me desborone y asimile la realidad de mi culpa, empece a pedir disculpas ella justificaba que tambien era su culpa por ceder, pero bajo la respuesta anterior, me hizo sentir fatal ya que el amor que nos tenemos no deberia ser egoista.
Me retire y me adjudique la palabra “agresion sexual” la cual al dia Lunes hable de emergencia con mi psicologa para expresar lo sucedido y me hizo caer en razon que esa palabra no iba conmigo.
Pero, en ese lapso de la noche Domingo y Lunes, el sentimiento de culpa, nauseas, repudio, tristeza de acordarme como ella lloraba en su cama, corría hacia mi rosada y luego me decia que lo hacia por complacerme, me hizo entender la clase de persona asquerosa que soy.
Asi que reconoci por primera vez abiertamente con mi Psicologa que soy adicto a la pornografia y masturbación, que no habia encontrado una negativa hasta apenas lo que acontecio con mi pareja, maldita sea, porque tuvo que ser asi.
Ayer, dia Martes por la noche ella me escribe diciendo lo siguiente:
“No estoy preparada para dejarte, mi cabeza dice si, pero mi corazon dice que no”
“Arruino la perspectiva que tenia de ti”
“Arruino un poco el amor que sentia por ti”
“Perdi la confianza”
“Quiero un hombre que piense con la cabeza no con la de abajo y siempre que me vea quiera tener s3x0 cuando sabe muy bien que yo no siempre quiero”
A todo esto, me pidio “un tiempo” en lo que tenia sesiones con su psicologa y pensara que es lo mejor por hacer. De solo acordarse le da asco y nauseas.
Por mi lado, siempre he sido adicto a esto y se me hizo muy fuerte que ella me definiera como la persona que siempre quiere tener s3xo, y lastimosamente es cierto.
Siento unos piquetes en el corazón, quizas es tristeza pero, me aterra no saber cuando llegara el volvernos a ver, no se que explicacion darme a mi mismo en esta situación, fuera de ello mi Psicologo mas alla de decirme que no sera facil dejar de raiz esta adiccion, me comenta que mejor deberia preguntárme:
¿Por que lo haces?
Estoy sumamente devastado gente, le falle a mis principios y a mi pareja; ella que es pilar importante en mi vida y ocasiono todos esos escenarios un trauma en mi como para no querer volver a saber nada de mis adicciones.
Gracias por leer, estaria muy encantado de leer sus opiniones, les pido respeto mi gente, les mando un abrazo.
submitted by Gullible_Zebra7118 to ayudamexico [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:32 Beauty-art2386 Going off meds due to move. RLS has been awful.
So I recently moved to a new state, red unfortunately, and there was a whole bunch of mix ups about getting my pain med. Been on tramadol 3× daily for about 12 years but the past 5 years or so it has been a struggle about every other month because people don't like prescribing them or filling them so even though I've never had 1 issue and never had to increase or fill early, I still have something make it annoying and inconvenient too often. So with this move, my doctor was out for weeks and the other doctors didn't want to oblige in filling it so I'm left with quiting them cold turkey. I decided since it's so difficult to continue to get it, I'm fine getting off of it and finding any alternative methods to help with pain. The problem is, I can deal with being sick from it and the intense pain that has come on but the restless legs, really its intense restless body, is becoming unbearable and I don't have a doctor here yet to help or insurance that's switched over yet, and am at a loss as to how to cope. Has anyone else dealt with this and what methods truly helped?
submitted by Beauty-art2386 to ChronicPain [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:32 NoPresentation8051 In bed
submitted by NoPresentation8051 to stephaniaeGW [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:32 LedyardWS CNC freezing
I have a VMC in my garage and my heater is broken. Ill be getting it fixed in the next week or so but I was planning on going out of town this weekend and temps are going to be below freezing.
I was planning on just pumping the coolant out of the lines into 5gal buckets so they dont freeze. Anyone have better ideas or suggestions?
I could pick up a space heater but the garage is 800sf and I dont think it would help.
submitted by LedyardWS to Machinists [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:32 rixtomegap Look Human Black Friday 2024 Offers
Check out the link for Look Human Black Friday 2024 Offers. Once on the website, you'll have access to a variety of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly to help you save on your purchase.
submitted by rixtomegap to NowNewsNow [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:32 nusry_ Help Me? WebRTC & PeerJS
Hey guys!
Have anyone of you to worked with PeerJS for react native.
I would appreciate to get some insight on some problems that I'm facing. I'm using react-native-peerjs with react-native-webrtc to communicate with a web app and a mobile app.
The only thing that's holding me back is when I send an image from web to mobile, while the while the serialization is 'binary', I get a errors when parsing the image data that is sent as an ArrayBuffer, saying that creating Blobs from ArrayBuffers is not possible.
This is the error I'm getting: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/78609503/error-creating-blobs-from-arraybuffer-and-arraybufferview-are-not-supported
I understand that it might be because PeerJS uses browser APIs. If I try to polyfill with something like react-native-blob-util, it conflicts with PeerJS and I can't establish a connection that way.
I'm using PeerJS because of the signaling server it provides by default and I don't have to worry about the underlying implementation and connection.
Any insights? Anything that I'm overlooking? Appreciate any help.
Thank you for your time.
submitted by nusry_ to reactnative [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:32 trungpv I made this for Bluesky 🦋
submitted by trungpv to chrome_extensions [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 14:32 BilbleRhino HSR orbs??
Does anybody have some spare HSR orbs. Unfortunately I don’t have anything to trade but I need like 76 orbs to summon.
submitted by BilbleRhino to DragonCity [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 14:32 Middle_Department_60 Another Thing I did
submitted by Middle_Department_60 to ObjectShows [link] [comments]