My son's dad (my ex) is asking for my sons SSN to file for unemployment?

2024.11.27 14:40 Pretty_Candidate_994 My son's dad (my ex) is asking for my sons SSN to file for unemployment?

My son's dad called me yesterday asking for our sons SSN because he was filing for unemployment while the season was over (He works for a lawncare service). I don't understand why he would need my sons SSN to file for unemployment. Is he trying to claim him as a dependent? Will him doing this affect me when I file my taxes at the end of the year? He only has my son one night a week every other weekend. He only pays 250$ a month in child support and is SUPER behind in that. My son is not a dependent of his.
I tried googling this and couldn't find any answers.
submitted by Pretty_Candidate_994 to tax [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:40 janichla I'm trying desperately to draw people

I'm struggling with wanting perfection and total accuracy and not feeling "good enough" to even pursue art ever, at all. I've been grinding daily and don't hate this completely (only a little).
submitted by janichla to learntodraw [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:40 Weak_Limit_8682 Tractor Filter Cleaning Tool

Perfect time of the year to SAVE MONEY switching up your engine maintenance routine! Get the right tool for the job now until December 1st for our LOWEST PRICE OF THE YEAR!!
1 tool cleans multiple filter sizes..
Get Pete's Air Filter Cleaner tool NOW!
submitted by Weak_Limit_8682 to tractors [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:40 Ramos3588 Ovos mexidos

Ovos mexidos submitted by Ramos3588 to gororoba [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:40 sufinomo Are most modern stoics atheists/materialists/atomists?

I noticed that the stoics are not atomists. Most of them derive aspects of their metaphysics from the platonists and Pythagoreans. Generally speaking they believe in a metaphysical cause for the creation of the universe. I noticed alot of modern stoics are usually atomists or atheists. How do you balance this with the thought of being a stoic. I thought the metaphysics was fundamental to stoic thoughts.
submitted by sufinomo to Stoicism [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:40 Signal-Image104 Är tjejen jag träffat galen?

Vi träffades för första gången i somras, men jag befann mig då i ett förhållande. Tyckte där och då att hon verkade trevlig och vi klickade bra. När mitt förhållande tagit slut så sökte jag upp henne och samma kemi fanns kvar.
När det nu gått en tid så börjar fler obehagliga sidor hos henne dyka upp. En form av manisk, självsaboterande inställning om att jag kommer lämna henne eftersom jag inte är lika verbal i hur jag uttrycker mina känslor, eller att jag inte svarar på meddelanden tillräckligt fort.
Till saken hör att jag har barn varannan vecka, vilket gör att hennes behov av min bekräftelse ökar lavinartat när jag inte är helt tillgänglig för henne. Hon har uttryckt oro över att när jag inte svarar på meddelanden tillräckligt fort så tolkar hennes hjärna det som att jag har tröttnat på henne och skrämts bort av hennes mörka sidor.
Jag har föreslagit att hon kanske behöver professionell hjälp för att reda ut vad dessa hjärnspöken kan bero på och hitta verktyg för att kontrollera dessa, med blandade och osammanhängande reaktioner till svar.
Jag gillar henne när hon är normal, men jag vet inte om jag kan hantera det här om det fortsätter. Ska jag chansa och hoppas att det bara är en fas som hon snart kommer över, eller ska jag avbryta det här innan det gått för långt?
submitted by Signal-Image104 to Asksweddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:40 Adorable-Delay-2382 Trashiest reality TV shows

So after a long day I need my brain to be flushed And I wanted to find new reality tv shows that you can recommend for me to watch and binge Thanks in advance
submitted by Adorable-Delay-2382 to televisionsuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:40 7272hsbsbz Dm me if you can trib t3 n soles

submitted by 7272hsbsbz to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:40 flythedelorean 3 cards to go for round 1!

3 cards to go for round 1! I just need 4th Anniversary (22) Hefty Haul (23) and Giving Thanks (24)
I have lots of 4 and 5 crown cards to trade so let me know if you’re looking for something specific!
197281717375160768 - Kristina
submitted by flythedelorean to Projectmakeover [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:40 Asleep_Cycle_6043 Need help finding a story

i read this webtoon like maybe a year ago? i remember it was kind of midieval times, forbidden romance and it was like the princes from two warring nations i think?
submitted by Asleep_Cycle_6043 to webtoons [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:40 rixtomegap MALIN GOETZ Black Friday 2024 Offers

Use the link for MALIN GOETZ Black Friday 2024 Offers. The website features a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly for you to choose from and make your purchase more affordable.
submitted by rixtomegap to NowNewsNow [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:40 gurglywind Found a fix for the european keyboard bug that disables cmd-shift-7 for toggling comments

Hi - I use a danish keyboard layout and experienced that cmd-shift-7 stopped outcommenting lines and opened the help search instead.
After trying to change the macOS help-search keyboard shortcut, I found a fix here
The fix is to bind ToggleComments to cmd-shift-6, which for some reason is activated when pressing cmd-shift-7.
"cmd-&": ["editor::ToggleComments", { "advance_downwards": false }],
I use danish keyboard but it seems that german and other european keyboards has the same problem.
Hope that it'll help fellow european zed users.
submitted by gurglywind to ZedEditor [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:40 skyderbeste Did mandy just shit there?

Did mandy just shit there? submitted by skyderbeste to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:40 Complete-Business857 heart shape inside the heart shaped leaf

heart shape inside the heart shaped leaf submitted by Complete-Business857 to 4LeafClovers_irl [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:40 GustavoCarney What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by GustavoCarney to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:40 m00z9 He now says he believes they’d all been drugged. He told the court he had no memory after stepping inside the bedroom.

submitted by m00z9 to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:40 CloudzyV2 Youan posting his MOTM has went down well with Bartley

Youan posting his MOTM has went down well with Bartley submitted by CloudzyV2 to ScottishFootball [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:40 Slushester Minimising risks

Ive never pirated games before. I dont have a vpn, so direct downloads will do. I am very paranoid about viruses though, so if i factory reset my pc now, and fuck up and get a virus on that new windows, can the virus do anything?
submitted by Slushester to PiratedGames [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:40 Conscious_Battle8022 How to Achieve Shadow like this in procreate. Please help me I want to sketch something like this but struggling with shades and end up like 4th pic please help.

How to Achieve Shadow like this in procreate. Please help me I want to sketch something like this but struggling with shades and end up like 4th pic please help. submitted by Conscious_Battle8022 to DigitalArt [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:40 rootbeer277 Testing how to cross post

Testing how to cross post submitted by rootbeer277 to test [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:40 IndividualItem4443 Me volví precoz de la nada, que hago?

Yo [H18] empecé a tener relaciones con mi novia [M18] y hace poco en una de las veces que cogiamos, me pidió que yo le diera arriba y en perrito.
Total que yo procedí, pero 5-30 segundos después de metérselo, no pude evitar querer correrme por lo cual tuve que sacárselo rápidamente y terminar afuera, pensé que fueron nervios, por lo cual lo hemos hecho aproximadamente 4-5 veces después de eso, pero siempre que me toca a mí darle en perrito o darle yo arriba, me dan ganas de venirme demasiado rápido, y no se que hacer
Que conste que con mi ex me pasaba lo mismo, siempre que yo tenía que hacer los movimientos, me daban muchas ganas de venirme, puedo hacerlo lento o rápido y sigue siendo lo mismo, de ambas maneras me dan ganas de terminar
Que conste que cuando ella se me sube encima y ella controla, no me dan ganas de venirme, pero hay posiciones donde me siento demasiado sensible y no puedo relajarme porque siento demasiado todo y me dan ganas de correrme.
Es como si no pudiera hacer movimientos que involucren cintureo, es raro, no se si es que me volví precoz o no se si es que son nervios.
Leí en internet que puede ser que sea precoz. Una chica en internet hablaba sobre que la masturbación en los niños cuando son pequeños, suele hacerse ver como algo horrible y los hace sentir culpables, por lo cual se acostumbran a masturbarse rápido y eso hace que se acostumbren a terminar rápido, es como si se les produjera un trauma mental. Y me sentí muy identificado con eso.
No se si alguien habrá pasado por lo mismo y tenga consejos, o si me puedan recomendar cosas para durar más al yo tener que ser el que reparte pito.
Que conste, no uso condones porque mi novia es alérgica al látex y anda tomándose post days todos los días (fue lo que le recomendó la ginecóloga)
submitted by IndividualItem4443 to Preguntas_de_Reddit_ [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:40 SatoshiAstoria907 Hantengu ct

Emotion control
Basic technique. the user gains the ability to change their emotion into 4 diffrent channels, giving them a diffrent power and cursed technique quality everytime they change. this emotions output intensifies if the people around the user feel the same emotion.
Anger: The user gains the ability to summon a relic that allows them to control lightning, and fire. as well as gaining a high resistance to heat based attacks, and a bulkier structure.
Joy: The user gains a pair of wings and bird-like charactaristics for flight.
Maximum output joy: the user gains the ability to create sonic blasts from its mouth. if the user's tounge is cut out, these sonic blasts become weaker and less useful.
Sadness: the user is able to summon a spear-like cursed tool the user can use for jabbing and even tearing out someone's cursed energy. the spear also has a similar long range quality like sukunas Dismantle technique.
Pleasure: When the user is in pleasure, the the user gains a pair of fans that can literally blast destructive wind that goes on for miles. the efficiency and damage depends on the output.
Hatred: When the user is spiteful or hating of someone, a large ring of emotions appear on their back, and they gain the abilities of all emotions listed before, as well as the ability to use wood dragons to their advantage. these wood dragons can suck the stamina and CE out of someone, or imbue the emotions into the dragons for further enhancement.
Resentment: after death, there is a chance the user comes back to life, slowly growing in size. when the user resents someone, the stronger the resentment comes, the bigger and tougher the user gets. they are unable to acsess any of the other emotions, but in return, the user is near-impossible to kill.
(no Domain due to Supremely overpowered technique
submitted by SatoshiAstoria907 to CTsandbox [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:40 Rey__Rey__ Do I need alliance for GAS

Do I need alliance for GAS Do I have to be in a good guild to build GAS in a timely manner? I’m stoked to have him but now I’m bummed knowing I basically won’t use him or his team for a long time
submitted by Rey__Rey__ to SWGalaxyOfHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:40 dadboddeadliftt 36[M4F] Online/East Coast I'm looking for a long term conversation

I'm a 6ft 230lbs powerlifter looking for some good conversation on a long term basis. I enjoy taking care of my body through fitness and nutrition. I work in a STEM field and have an extensive background in most sciences. When I have a chance to chill I like watching movies and TV, and I enjoy playing and watching sports and doing anything to get outdoors. If you want to more, you'll have to message me. 😉
I love women who can actually hold a conversation and articulate their thoughts well. Bonus if you wear cute outfits and wouldn't mind sharing.
I'm looking for a casual chat, that eventually gets spicy, with a 30+ woman during work hours to help pass the time. Busty women make melt 🫠😍
If this sounds interesting to you, please send a chat with your ASL and a little bit about yourself. Talk to you soon 🤙
submitted by dadboddeadliftt to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 14:40 No-Sagarbdkr2 Ordered all these products for a grand total of ₹274🔥

There was a price bug last night on blinkit and powerbanks and charger were listed for insanely low prices.
The 100w charger costed just ₹150 which retails for ₹4500 on amazon and the powerbanks costed ₹30 each and they retail for ₹799 on amazon.
Blinkit was serviceable 3 kms away from my house so ordered there and I rushed to collect it.
Crazy stuff!!
Link to original post:
submitted by No-Sagarbdkr2 to gurgaon [link] [comments]