I have an addiction. what to do?

2024.11.27 15:39 SunSnowi I have an addiction. what to do?

I have an addiction to por#, s#x and masturb%% (sorry, but is it possible to express myself like that here?.. What to dooo😭😭😭😭. I'm just 17(((
submitted by SunSnowi to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:39 Actuary-Negative Lizard In Era+

Lizard In Era+ Credit to "W Studio" to create such a beast. The kit is Lizard from In Era, modified with resin.
submitted by Actuary-Negative to Gunpla [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:39 Spino-Dino Habe einen Brief mit einem Vergleich bekommen

Hallo zusammen!
Ich habe vor einigen Jahren einen Vertrag fĂŒr Strom bei einem Unternehmen (ca. 1,1 Sterne bei Trustpilot, wie ich spĂ€ter herausgefunden habe) abgeschlossen, das mittlerweile Insolvenz angemeldet hat. Dieses Ă€ußerst unseriöse Unternehmen (teilweise wurden nicht mal Netzentgelte gezahlt und die Netzbetreiber haben dem Unternehmen gekĂŒndigt) hat nach Aussagen der Verbraucherzentrale und der Schlichtungsstelle Energie wirklich viele Verfahren anhĂ€ngig (gehabt). Ich habe irgendwann, lange nachdem ich gekĂŒndigt habe, eine Mahnung einer Kölner Rechtsanwaltskanzlei bekommen, eine Rechnung des Unternehmens ist mir zuvor aber nicht zugegangen. Weder die Kanzlei noch das Unternehmen haben je auf eines meiner Schreiben reagiert. Auch auf das eingeleitete Schlichtungsverfahren wurde nicht reagiert. Irgendwann bekam ich einen Mahnbescheid, auf den ich entsprechend reagiert habe und dann die Zivilklage vor dem Amtsgericht. Auch dort wurde nicht auf meine Argumente/Fragen und Anforderung einer nachvollziehbaren Schlussrechnung reagiert. Die im Onlinesystem hinterlegten Rechnungen waren teilweise â€žĂŒberschrieben“ und offensichtlich faktisch nicht korrekt. Irgendwann ist auch dem Amtsrichter zu bunt geworden, dass die Kanzlei nur weiter Zeit geschunden hat und keinerlei Sachinformationen zum Verfahren beigebracht hat. Daraufhin wurde eine persönliche Verhandlung gefordert. Dann kam die Nachricht, dass die Insolvenz eingeleitet wurde und das Verfahren solange ruht.
Nun hat mir der Insolvenzverwalter einen Vergleich mit folgendem Text angeboten: "1. Sie verpflichten sich, an RA Inso

 i. H. V. „Betrag okay“ €

  1. Mit vollstĂ€ndiger und fristgerechter Zahlung des Vergleichsbetrages sind sĂ€mtliche im Rechtsstreit streitgegenstĂ€ndlichen und wechselseitigen AnsprĂŒche der Prozessparteien abgegolten und erledigt.
FĂŒr den Fall der vollstĂ€ndigen und fristgerechten Zahlung des Vergleichsbetrages verpflichtet sich RA Inso in seiner Eigenschaft als Insolvenzverwalter ĂŒber das Vermögen der FA Strom zugleich, den Rechtsstreit durch KlagerĂŒcknahme zu beenden, wobei Sie in diesem Fall ihrerseits keinen Kostenantrag stellen werden.
  1. Im Übrigen tragen die Parteien die Kosten des Rechtsstreits sowie die Kosten dieses Vergleiches selbst."
Ich habe keinen juristischen Hintergrund und verstehe den Text nicht ganz. Wenn ich den Betrag gezahlt habe, ist die ganze Sache dann zu Ende? Oder muss ich noch irgendwas zusĂ€tzlich bezahlen (Mahnbescheid, Verfahrenskosten oder so?). Was ist mit dem Kostenantrag gemeint? Ich wĂŒrde den Vergleichsbetrag bezahlen, damit ich endlich nach 2 Jahren meine Ruhe habe. Es ist ein relativ niedriger dreistelliger Betrag.
Vielen Dank schon mal fĂŒr die Hilfe!
submitted by Spino-Dino to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:39 Ok-Locksmith-594 Getting over her đŸ˜Ș

It still hurts knowing she was just using me for attention a good bit of the time. We had some deep conversations sometimes, but I was looking so intently for signs that were never really even there. I guess I’m to blame as well because I allowed it. I wanted her or someone to be my girl so badly, so desperately. I wanted to live someone and have them love me back. I just hope it doesn’t happen again or I can at least catch myself.
submitted by Ok-Locksmith-594 to WLW [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:39 Dreamcatt567 Gibt es auch nur einen guten Grund das bei einigen Steckdosen EinsĂ€tzen die DrĂ€hte von hinten anstatt von unten eingefĂŒhrt werden sollen?

Gibt es auch nur einen guten Grund das bei einigen Steckdosen EinsĂ€tzen die DrĂ€hte von hinten anstatt von unten eingefĂŒhrt werden sollen? Ich kriege dabei jedes Mal einen halben Nervenzusammenbruch, vor allem bei Doppelsteckdosen, es ist einfach alles zu eng, nichts passt und halten tuts auch nicht richtig. Ich sehe einfach absolut keinen sinnvollen Grund das so zu machen, aber vielleicht könnte ihr mich ja erhellen đŸ˜Ș
submitted by Dreamcatt567 to Elektroinstallation [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:39 SealBreaker0 Donald Drump is once again betting on familiar businessmen for key strategic positions. Is he repeating Zelenskyy’s mistake, who once entrusted important roles to people from the entertainment industry? Enemies skillfully exploit the era of showmen for their own interests.

Donald Drump is once again betting on familiar businessmen for key strategic positions. Is he repeating Zelenskyy’s mistake, who once entrusted important roles to people from the entertainment industry? Enemies skillfully exploit the era of showmen for their own interests. submitted by SealBreaker0 to UkrainianConflict [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:39 Dammit_Mr_Noodle WIP my first book nook- little bakery

WIP my first book nook- little bakery I didn't want to do a kit, so everything is made by hand, except the box itself. I managed to find a cheap blank one on Amazon (which is now unavailable 😞) to create my own scene.
I really hope I can get more nook boxes like this one, because I'm already wanting to start another when I'm finished with this.
submitted by Dammit_Mr_Noodle to booknooks [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:39 PreciousPeridotNight Excessive barking driving me crazy

Excessive barking driving me crazy What’s up dood? Does anyone else’s dood wake you up throughout the night barking and growling? What about having one fav person they don’t bark at but goes crazy barking at others in the household? His bark is soo deep and LOUD! It drives me crazy to the point he can’t sleep with me anymore. My husband is the primary target. 5 year old son after that. Maybe protectiveness, excitement, hungry, super good hearing?
My beansie baby (beans for short) is a mini golden doodle, weighs about 27 pounds, neutered, a little over 2 years old, got him as a puppy when he was 7 months? Otherwise a very loving dog that has made me feel very protected.
I’ve tried negative and positive reinforcement. Only thing that seems to work is holding his mouth shut in the morning when he’s my personal alarm clock. I’m at the point of considering a vibrating/shock collar(that’s what made her dog stop excessive barking. I don’t want to hurt him tho or cause confusion. ADVICE AND EXPERIENCES WELCOME!!!
Bark, Your fellow dood.
submitted by PreciousPeridotNight to Goldendoodles [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:39 C9_Viper Ethernet disconnects when laptop goes to sleep and doesn't reconnect until i restart the laptop

I have a Asus zephyrus and i use an ethernet connection, however when the laptop goes to sleep when i don't interact for some time, the ethernet stops working once i turn it on. It doesn't reconnect until i restart the laptop. Does anyone know how to fix this issue without making the sleep countdown longer or turning auto sleep off? It’s fairly annoying if i have to go to do something and come back just to see i have to restart the laptop to continue working. Thanks a lot!
submitted by C9_Viper to WindowsHelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:39 Curry_For_Three I wish he got these numbers when he was in office but a lot of people have realized they much prefer him over Biden/Harris.

I wish he got these numbers when he was in office but a lot of people have realized they much prefer him over Biden/Harris. submitted by Curry_For_Three to YAPms [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:39 jesusgodandme Lords of keyboards, Help a noob decide please!

Hi all!
Context: I have been reading and learning a lot from youtube and reading online still yet to make a decision!
Things I consider: RMA process when there is an issue and how the brand handles it? Longevity is a big one. South or North facing led?? Please let me know if I consider other things and I’ll try to dig in more. Brands and models I am deciding between! Realistically I will need the arrow keys minimum.
Thank you for your input!
View Poll
submitted by jesusgodandme to keyboards [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:39 CheesecakeSuitable12 Scared cat

My cat just hides under my couch and won’t come out, she is afraid of everything, she comes out to eat and use the litter box then runs back under the couch, I have cat shelves she can walk on but she won’t. I have other cats but she has been around them for years, any advice?
submitted by CheesecakeSuitable12 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:39 PM_ME_SCREENSHOTS_ [WTS][NYC] Framework 13

Specs: Intel i7 1360p 32 GB RAM 512GB storage Excellent condition Open to offers, feel free to DM.
submitted by PM_ME_SCREENSHOTS_ to frameworkmarket [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:39 Illustrious-Meal9067 I stand a lot and need protection

I'm a metalworker. I basically stand in one spot a lot of my day with some minimal walking around the shop. I need toe protection (cause stuff fall, often) and a wide toe box along with a flexible body. Ground feel is of little importance to me since I'd prefer durability and puncture resistance. I also don't know how standing a lot would affects one. Would love to learn and hear what y'all got to say
submitted by Illustrious-Meal9067 to barefootshoestalk [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:39 Regular_Magician_118 Harrahs

Staying at harrahs, seeing 50 cent on Saturday, Ruth Chris for thanksgiving. Any lit strip clubs?đŸ‘€đŸ˜©
submitted by Regular_Magician_118 to atlanticcity [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:39 slap_that_fish Welcome Mr. Big Neck

Welcome Mr. Big Neck submitted by slap_that_fish to NFCNorthMemeWar [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:39 2_Blue An Attractive Ghost Encounter at D.C. Omni Shoreham Hotel

submitted by 2_Blue to Zampano [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:39 ElonILov3you Going to enjoy turkey and chill till next week acc sizing now at 251k

Going to enjoy turkey and chill till next week acc sizing now at 251k Cut amzn at open, hopped on some tesla puts to recoup 100k lol. Gonna chill for a week now
submitted by ElonILov3you to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:39 JohnnyboiWR Financial Aid slip up?

So currently for the fall semester of 2024 I was awarded 160 dollars which I was happy with, however in spring 2025 I was awarded 1,300. I was elated because that would cover my fees and I could take a break from work to study.
This morning I got a email from the financial aid office saying my aid had been adjusted. It now says that I will ONLY receive 160$ in spring 2025
I am in full on panic mode, has anyone else had this issue? I am waiting to talk to the office on zoom.
submitted by JohnnyboiWR to SDSU [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:39 MajorCrafter25 Bad idea but we need them...

What if we sign Trevor Baur and Julio Urias ?
We need more arms and they are available. We instantly get better
View Poll
submitted by MajorCrafter25 to angelsbaseball [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:39 ShinMagal TBC Era

submitted by ShinMagal to classicwow [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:39 WallStreetDope Lets Pump This One - Only Takes $0.01

Lets Pump This One - Only Takes $0.01 https://pump.fun/coin/DiFz8nepL6pmzroUwooMYjLbfonstyFS7qp8zNBjpump
Just a Penny (PENNY)Just a Penny (PENNY) - Just a penny is all it takes! 💰
submitted by WallStreetDope to pumpfun [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:39 That-Media-7671 Anyone? I can see what I have

Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/f43ua1aydj4
submitted by That-Media-7671 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:39 LittlexAngel_ my apologies to y'all but,

my apologies to y'all but, submitted by LittlexAngel_ to sciencememes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:39 Garawai_ New fursuit!

New fursuit! Wait, who is that tiger!? Yes, new fursuit, his name is King! đŸŸ kigurumi made by 枃䞁
submitted by Garawai_ to fursuit [link] [comments]
