2024.11.27 16:40 randominthevoid 4 year old XPS: replace or repair?
I have an XPS 13 from 2020. It is a nice little machine, and I previously owned the version from 2017, which I also enjoyed. However, in the past year I've noticed it gets very hot very frequently, while running Netflix or YouTube in particular. Netflix might be the second tab open, with just emails in the other one, so there's not an overwhelming number of programs running. The fan is honestly pretty loud and concerns me. I have a stand on the case, so it never sits flush, and I've never dropped it, put it in dusty environments, or downloaded a ton of content. In fact I think I've only used a 4th of the storage. And I keep the screen dim, as I have sensitive eyes. I'm not contributing to the problem, basically. The next problem: the battery life is TERRIBLE. It dies in 2-3 hours, even when I'm not using YouTube or Netflix. I noticed a year or so ago that even if it is half charged, when I try to turn it on first thing in the day, it won't turn on unless it's plugged in. And then I see how much it's charged. I'm really tired of how limiting that issue is, but I'm now in Italy, where there's a language barrier on top of finding the right tech help issue. Basically, is it worth it to buy a battery and wade into the price arguments? Is there a guarantee it'll fix all 3 of my problems? Because if it doesn't fix them all, I'm not so keen on starting the process. I enjoy Dell but I'm wary, as my last laptop broke in a very peculiar way, and now with this one acting up, maybe it's time to switch companies. Anyone have any advice or thoughts on the matter?
submitted by randominthevoid to Dell [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:40 No_Expert_6093 Some Argonaut Library classics
submitted by No_Expert_6093 to bookporn [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:40 PrimaryGap7816 When rendering a GUI, is ot better to render each element as an individual texture, or is it better to batch them all into a single texture?
By GUI I refer to elements such as runtime-generated text, interface rects, buttons, and the likes of that.
Do you often render each one of these with their own individual texture or do you create some dynamically-generated atlas and batch all of them into it at once?
This might be hard to implement (although not impossible), but frequent texture changes are bad for the fps and this could help minimize them.
Personally, texture changes were never a problem for my pc, and I don’t know how many texture changes per frame is acceptable. I might be a little way too paranoid.
submitted by PrimaryGap7816 to GraphicsProgramming [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:40 bot_painani Los Capitales
submitted by bot_painani to Mexico_News [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 16:40 MissHelen93 Tux or panda ?
submitted by MissHelen93 to cats [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 16:40 Over_Explanation_692 1nt1har etmemem için herhangi bir sebep söyleyin
submitted by Over_Explanation_692 to vlandiya [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:40 Midstream_on_Whatnot Added This Display to My Collection. Lets go!
submitted by Midstream_on_Whatnot to legostarwars [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:40 ETM_is_the_GOAT Is using someone else's Emby safe?
I'm using a shield that's connected to my home internet (obviously)
My question is if I have a access to someone else's Emby, is there a vulnerability to my home network?
Could some nefarious person gain access to my network via a shared Emby account?
submitted by ETM_is_the_GOAT to emby [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:40 ShockWave1997 Today I learned that the trope where characters in movies and tv shows dies if they are seen coughing, originates from, you gussed it, Tuberculosis
submitted by ShockWave1997 to nerdfighters [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 16:40 pinkpoodle2 Beautiful breakfast sammy.. thousand island, egg, ham, double cheese. It is already gone
Sorry bad picture but I cant get another lol. I am sooo good at making breakfast sammys.. submitted by pinkpoodle2 to BreakfastFood [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 16:40 jayzeem LM35 sensor is getting way too hot
I have a project where I have to build a simple circuit with the lm35 sensor and an op amp where if the heat sensor detects heat up until a certain threshold the red LED should light up otherwise the green one should be lit up. However, the LM35 sensor is getting extremely hot up to the point where it burnt my finger. I've tried three different heat sensors and two different op amps with the same result. Any help is much appreciated submitted by jayzeem to ElectricalEngineering [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 16:40 bot_painani Los Capitales
submitted by bot_painani to mexico_politics [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 16:40 Glass-Librarian-6529 Boost 4 boost
My tag is yns_headquarters
submitted by Glass-Librarian-6529 to chimeboost [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:40 Fit-Stress3300 Teria o Azhagal vencido a bariatrica?
Lá pelos idos de 2017 quando a gange fizeram bariatricas eles disseram que 25% dos operados revertem e ganham peso novamente.
Pois bem, nesse último NO o Azhagal fala do Pastrami de NY como alguém que não parece ter o estômago do tamanho de uma laranja.
E esse não foi a primeira vez que ele sequestrou um programa para discorrer sobre a "vida monstro" dele nos EUA.
Somando isso a alguns comentários deles estarem usando Ozempic, acho que dá pra dizer que o Azhagal foi aquele do grupo que "venceu" a bariatrica.
submitted by Fit-Stress3300 to jovemnerd [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:40 Inevitable-War481 Erm why is the backgrounds changing
The casa dressing room is so different and its weirdly looking like we’re back at the Villa already 💀
submitted by Inevitable-War481 to fuseboxgames [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:40 AlternativeBody1121 Invite code
Na server
Invite code: 3syjyGDXAPEg
Please add me
submitted by AlternativeBody1121 to PhantomParadeOfficial [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:40 Tyyydaddy Add me
submitted by Tyyydaddy to DragonValeFriends [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 16:40 General-Priority-479 Fund growth YTD
Good year so far, 300k to 425k with 25k contributions. How's everyone doing?
submitted by General-Priority-479 to EuropeFIRE [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:40 Drippedsauce For $159.99 from $349.95: Beats Studio Pro x Kim Kardashian – Bluetooth Noise Cancelling Headphones #ad
submitted by Drippedsauce to DripDeals [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 16:40 rewkom Against Imperialist War! Against Capitalist Peace! - Communist Workers’ Organisation
submitted by rewkom to LeftWithoutEdge [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 16:40 itsDWhy Groundstrokes: My best rallying to date
Something clicked in this moment where my wrist stayed loose longer than usual. My bad habit is my wrist and body is too stiff, but this felt more fluid. Is this the feeling i should be searching for? I feel like I have less control (ball depth and direction) with letting my wrist loose.
submitted by itsDWhy to 10s [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:40 brokentoilet445 What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by brokentoilet445 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:40 Dependent-Toe-3359 Claim Me Now!
Anyone, else get this, and if so, what color, did you choose? I needed, darkbrown. submitted by Dependent-Toe-3359 to Influenster [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 16:40 grazhdanin_kosmosa В мире программного обеспечения кипит бурная жизнь.
В Мозилле, которая разрабатывала Firefox, опросник о будущем не упоминает Firefox или даже вообще веб, но предлагает выбрать один из 8 полов.
Там же, в Мозилле, провели конференцию по "Фемнизму, деколонизации, ЛГБТКИА+ и климатическому правосудию с использованием ИИ".
Там же произошёл дворцовый переворот, постановивший чтобы браузер (т.е. Firefox) собирал информацию пользователей и затем использовать её для продажи рекламы:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=db225xgSNZs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKJRwzflKjc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C90fPfWFB3o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kiT24EVcngY
В NixOS (дистрибутив Линукса) зачистили всех разработчиков, которые не являлись по политическим взглядам ультралевыми, обозначив их "нацистами". Основателя проекта тоже выгнали.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhttDZ99aiA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsDYul3J3Dc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqKpuSLnm4k
В IBM и Red Hat проводится политика в отказе найма белым и принудительное анти-белое обучение сотрудников. GNOME внёс в официальный "кодекс поведения" положение, что "обратный расизм", "обратный секизм" и "циспофобия" не протиоречат кодексу. Linux Foundation даёт гранты людям, но только в тех случаях, если они не являются белыми гетеросексуальными мужчинами. Linux Foundation также запрещает участие в своих конференциях людям, которые были когда-либо ранее (вне конференций) замечены в ношении одежды с надписями, поддерживающими республиканцев. Опрос 6 тыс. участников линукс-сообществ показал, что 44% определяющих себя как "склоняющихся к левизне" высказываются за цензуру идей.
В SUSE (дистрибутив Линукса) запретили гомофобов.
https://youtu.be/hKEiTThd8p8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GE1Au2YAiFU
Утекшие документы Микрософта раскрывают, что компания продвигала перемену пола для маленьких детей, включая 3-леток.
submitted by grazhdanin_kosmosa to tjournal_refugees [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:40 throwawaylikearock Weekly Megathread: Credit Scores, Credit Limits, and Personal Financial Situations
Here is your place to show off or have a discussion about credit scores, credit limits, and/or your financial accomplishments or progress.
Basic rules still apply, so please fully read the rules before commenting
Some other useful subreddits that may be better suited: CRedit, CreditCards, personalfinance, debtfree
submitted by throwawaylikearock to discover [link] [comments]