对于(1+1/n)^n < 3的证明如下图(图片来自崔尚斌数学分析教程) 1、先将第一个参考文献写好,光标放置在文献前。 2、点击图示位置处的编号库,在下拉菜单中选择“定义新编号格式。 3、在弹出的窗口中修改编号格式,此处按照一般的参考文献编号格式进行修改,改为"[1]",对齐方式按照喜好选择,然后点击确定。 一月到十二月的英文一月:January,二月:February ,三月:March 四月:April ,五月:May ,六月:June 七月:July,八月:August ,九月:September十月:October,十一月:November,十二月:December 扩展资料 正式文体的层次标号,如一、(一)、1、(1)、①等等这些该怎么排列第一层为“一、二、三”,第二层为”(一) (二) (三)“,第三层为1、2、3,第四层为(1)(2)(3),第五层为①②③。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... I_{k}=\int \frac{d u}{\left(u^{2}+a^{2}\right)^{k}} 分部积分得: I_{k}=\int \frac{d u}{\left(u^{2}+a^{2}\right)^{k}}=\frac{u}{\left(u^{2}+a^{2}\right)^{k}}+2 k ... 1.升级到LV3知乎好物目前开通条件是,知乎账号的等级要达到lv4,所以,想要做知乎好物,首先要做的就是让自己的知乎好物账号升级到3级。 [图片] 知乎账号升级到3级不难,多发一些回答和文章就行;发视频更快一些,可以剪辑一些风景视频,发上去,很快就到3级。 1~12月的英文简写分别是:Jan、Feb、Mar、Apr 、May、Jun、Jul、Aug、Sept、Oct、Nov、Dec。 我们常常能够看到日历上就会有英文的简写,因此学会相关的英文简写,我们能够在看日历的时候就不需要通过翻译软件或者字典去查询这是第几个月份。 一寸照片的像素大小是多少?1寸照片尺寸像素规格有三种,分别是1、 小1寸照片尺寸:2.2cm*3.2cm 390*260(像素) 驾驶证、一代身份证(注意我们现在用的是二代身份证,下面给出具体尺寸) 2、(普通)1寸照片尺寸 科学计数法是科学家用来表示很大或很小的数字的一种方便的方法,其满足正则表达式[+-] [1-9].[0-9]+e[+-][0-9]+,即数字的整数部分只有 1 位,小数部分至少有 1 位,该数字及其指数部分的正负号即使对正数也必定明确给出。 扩展资料: 科学计数法的好处 (1)精确。
2024.11.27 17:30 Tspchan HexFlame. (Part 1, 2)
submitted by Tspchan to OmegaStrikers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:30 Vosk143 M.2 SSD and DDR4 ram recommendations
Hello! I've been wanting to upgrade my laptop's RAM and storage units for sometime now and what better time to do it than 6 years after I bought it lol. I found these two options and would like to know if they're, well, compatible with my machine and if they're good choices.
RAM: DDR4 Kingston Fury Beast, 8GB, 3200Mhz, Black, KF432C16BB/8 (22 USD)
SSD: Ssd Nvme Nv2 PCie 4.0 Kingston SNV2S/500G 500GB (48.90 USD)
Notice how I'm not looking for a big upgrade; I just need my computer to work properly until I buy a new one some months from now.
I have an AN515-53 (8Gb ram, 1TB HDD, i5 8th gen).
If needed, I'll be glad to provide more information!
Thank you!
submitted by Vosk143 to AcerNitro [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:30 BroMandi [Amazon] 8.5-oz Cracker Jack The Original Popcorn 7 for $14.39 ($2.05 each) w/ S&S + Free Shipping w/ Prime or on $35+ [Deal: $14.39, Actual: $20.44]
submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:30 Sorenduscai It's giving Tiger Drop 🐯
submitted by Sorenduscai to yakuzagames [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:30 TheGreenBehren How the Israel-Hezbollah ceasefire is supposed to work
submitted by TheGreenBehren to B3W [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:30 DerRealBoris Momentum 4 Bluetooth interruptions
Hello, I’ve just bought the M4 and they are superb! Audio quality is great and I love everything expect for the small Bluetooth interruptions (around 1s) while listening to music which appear every 10-30min. It’s definitely the Bluetooth connection since I tested it with cable and everything worked. I even exchanged them for a new pair but the problem still persists. I reseted the firmware and reconnected the buds. I have this problem on my iPhone 11 and Windows 11 laptop. Now I’m thinking: Shall I give them back? Or is there a way to fix it? I don’t want to spend 200€ if I know those problems could get worse. Even my Soundcore Liberty 4 NC don’t have those problems and they’re way cheaper.
submitted by DerRealBoris to sennheiser [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:30 Jannick11-45 White to move, very natural mate in 8
submitted by Jannick11-45 to chessbeginners [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:30 AutoModerator Mid Week Push
We're all trying to grow here on Soundcloud SO,
2024.11.27 17:30 stoplookingatmypepe Fools often reveal their own ignorance without much effort.
I try to maintain the belief that people are aware of their actions and capable of taking responsibility for the harm they cause through carelessness or lack of empathy. Yet, this perspective isn’t always accurate. The reality is, understanding the hurt they’ve caused others often requires a dramatic shift—one that begins when you face the truth and distance yourself from the situation. It takes courage and belief in your own worth to recognize that their behavior doesn’t define you. Agency lies in your ability to step away, but doing so demands strength and faith—faith that you are far more than the version of yourself reflected by their actions.
The refrain of “Should’ve. Would’ve. Could’ve.” played endlessly in my mind as I dissected toxic relationships. Was it my fault? Perhaps, but this self-critical thinking wasn’t born within me—it was instilled in my unconscious long before I could comprehend it. These patterns were handed down, carved into the corners of my mind, and I carried them unknowingly. Now, I see them for what they are—a projection of someone else’s struggles and pain. These burdens were never mine to bear.
It’s taken years to reach this understanding, but clarity finally found me.
submitted by stoplookingatmypepe to Disorganized_Attach [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:30 PricePlow A BASIC, Cost-Effective Pre-Workout Supplement!
submitted by PricePlow to Supps [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:30 Mammoth_Ad3341 Max Taylor vs Ash Ketchum(Dinosaur King vs Pokemon).
submitted by Mammoth_Ad3341 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:30 what_it_used_to_be 5O7YX8
submitted by what_it_used_to_be to publicmobilereferrals [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:30 DumpsterxDragon Should I quit engineering?
Should I quit engineering?
I'm a ECE freshman major (Stockton/Rowan) and I've debating on whether of not I should switch my major. My family is saying it's difficult to find an engineering or tech, especially near Atlantic County. I don't really have any other interest and I definitely don't want to work in the medical field.
I'm staying in Atlantic County, but I don't mind driving 30-40 minutes to commute. I'm not sure what the exact job I want to work for but I would like to work in electrical/computer, programming or even IT. My main goal was to work at the FAA but I'm not sure how attainable that is lol
submitted by DumpsterxDragon to SouthJersey [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:30 bluemerald9 Which skirt looks better on me? 💞
submitted by bluemerald9 to crossdressing [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:30 Important_Search_759 nude por nude
submitted by Important_Search_759 to Tiktokersv2 [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:30 BadGroundNoise How to "correctly" run a blog on video games?
So, I've been getting my bearings on starting a blog on video game news and updates, with an emphasis on independent games. I get this market may be a bit saturated, but I'm not trying to make too much money here, just establishing a media presence and trying to have fun. I started out by scrolling through recently uploaded demos on Steam, played about 5-7 a week, and wrote out highlights on ones I like. I've just made an itch.io account too, and I'm genuinely enjoying my time on both, even if I don't have a blog just yet.
I've followed various indie dev subreddits too, and occasionally they post about people wanting to review their games, and I came across a comment that essentially went like "No REAL reviewer is trolling through recent Steam uploads and just happens to find your game for a review. Definitely scammers."
And don't get me wrong, that totally tracks, but it's also exactly my current process 😭. But I'm not an established writer, I don't have a following or any real incentive for people to come to me to write about their games (yet), and I don't even have a website, I'm posting on Tumblr and BlueSky. What's the "correct" way to establish a presence on writing about upcoming projects, without appearing like a scam?
submitted by BadGroundNoise to Blogging [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:30 lady_murasaki666 Why do some subs do this??
I honestly want to know. Because I’m here trying to contribute positively to this community, full of unethical dommes that will see a sub dig his own way into bankruptcy and not bat an eye, and all I get is my time wasted. Does being nice and ‘soft’ wins you nothing, then? Because I see countless posts that that’s what most subs crave, and yet… I just. I don’t know, man. Just be better subs, yeah? I guess that’s what I’m trying to say. submitted by lady_murasaki666 to paypigsupportgroup [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:30 Keelit579 Saitama just stopped a uni-level attack sent from a higher dimension while being in a lower dimension, the attack in question ignores all objects and is instant.
Main point of this post is to see what people think of it.
Uni-feat and infinite speed without even being close to EOS, thoughts?
submitted by Keelit579 to PowerScaling [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:30 Unfair-Description95 @?
submitted by Unfair-Description95 to RizzkageIDs [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:30 mjsorrentino International referrals?
If my friend in Canada joins OTF and lists me as a referral, despite me living in the US, am I able to get the $50 discount off my next membership? I know that I have to pay a drop-in rate since my membership doesn't otherwise crossover, but hoping maybe the referral system links? Thanks!
submitted by mjsorrentino to orangetheory [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:30 Some_P- What other 3 sites do i get access to if i pay for wowgirls?
The pay site says that i get access to 4 sites, which?
submitted by Some_P- to PremiumPornFinder [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:30 Lady_Dokuga Lf Red Handed, 1:1 trade, pls
submitted by Lady_Dokuga to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:30 Scytul [USA-MI] [H] PayPal [W] 9800X3D 2200+ FCLK Stable
Looking for a 9800X3D that is stable at 2200 or higher FCLK (ideally 2233/2266 FCLK will pay more for these)
submitted by Scytul to hardwareswap [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:30 JamesWatchesTV They could use Original Sin for flash forwards teasing potential storylines.
Original Sin could use flash forwards every episode to give us a minute or two in the present timeline that takes place right after new blood. They could use this to show him in the hospital and maybe show the aftermath like Angela and Batista showing up etc. while Dexter is in a coma. But it sounds fun because they could treat every little scene as a mystery and a tease. Then wherever the flash forwards end in original sin with Dexter waking up from the coma they could pick up immediately in resurrection. That would keep us excited for more episodes, get us to speculate on what's going to happen, give us a mystery and surprises for what they do. This makes me so much more excited. Also what if his life flashing before his eyes could have made him uncover some buried memories he lost from trauma?
submitted by JamesWatchesTV to Dexter [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:30 Cyber_Ghost_1997 FWI Challenge: Create a plausible motive for China to deploy troops to Latin America or South America and fight drug cartels
I’m writing a video game fanfic about fighting drug cartels and I’m thinking about getting China’s People’s Liberation Army involved.
Except I can’t think of a plausible motive behind a Chinese military deployment to Latin or South America to fight drug cartels.
What sort of plausible motive can you imagine China having (whether real or fake) to deploy military forces to Central or South America to fight drug cartels?
Challenge rules:
Your motive can either be genuine or an invention of the Chinese Communist party. The only rule is that it must be PLAUSIBLE!
submitted by Cyber_Ghost_1997 to FutureWhatIf [link] [comments]