
2024.11.27 19:30 Western_Lie_3757 Encuesta

submitted by Western_Lie_3757 to ayudaconlatarea [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 femcel-icon Love the reference

Love the reference submitted by femcel-icon to BitLifeApp [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 unnecessary_otter Does USCIS store records of name changes during naturalization?

I was born in a foreign country but moved with family to the states as a kid and was naturalized as an American citizen. My parents altered my legal name in the process (added a word to my first name). As such my birth certificate and my current US passport have similar, but different, legal first names.
As an adult I'm now resident in another country (not the one I was born in) and applying for naturalizlation there; the application requires my birth certificate and current passport. It hasn't been processed yet, but I'm fairly certain this discrepancy would pose a problem.
I asked my parents and they said they don't have any documentation for this name change, but they'll look around. But just in case, does USCIS keep records of historical legal name changes during naturalization? Would I get anywhere if I contact USCIS regarding my naturalization as a kid and records of my name change?
submitted by unnecessary_otter to USCIS [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 RenegadeFryerBR Fui Banido Do Underegg.fun tm?

não consegui postar nada
submitted by RenegadeFryerBR to ifunnyNovoMundo [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Low_Cup7962 I’m confused

I want to cheat on my very loving but way too clingy girlfriend. Should I?
submitted by Low_Cup7962 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Mecha-dragon1999 Knights That Are Called Saber

Knights That Are Called Saber submitted by Mecha-dragon1999 to TopCharacterTropes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Darilaco Shortcut to Google Lens Without Installing the Google App

This is a shortcut that lets you search images using Google Lens in your browser—no need to download the Google app! You just share any image with the shortcut, and it’ll automatically open Google Lens in your browser for the search. Super simple and handy.
submitted by Darilaco to shortcuts [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Dainis_V Suspension corrected rigid fork.

Suspension corrected rigid fork. This is specialized crosstrail from 2016. And I changed suspension fork to rigid. Is there gonna be problems if i leave it like this? Or is there any way to make it better?
submitted by Dainis_V to bikewrench [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Humbly_Brag Ford calls for incentives to buy electric cars as backlash grows

Ford calls for incentives to buy electric cars as backlash grows submitted by Humbly_Brag to unitedkingdom [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 imperchaos Those of you new to IM/GIM, what's the biggest struggle you've faced so far?

In about 7 years of the game, GIM is my first experience with an IM account. So far, the biggest hurdles I've been facing are getting herblore levels and getting ghostly ink for Necro rituals.
Curious what struggles other people who have little or no IM experience are facing without trading or using the GE.
submitted by imperchaos to runescape [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Harrioot Missing Monitoring Forms Psych-UK

Hey everyone,
I’m about halfway through my titration phase with Psych-UK after going through RTC in 2022 and getting my diagnosis just over a year ago.
I have to fill in monitoring forms and my prescriber has said as long as I do one a week, I won’t be discharged. On Sunday (5 days after my last one) I went to fill in my next and the forms weren’t there, but obviously no one was in to talk to so I waited until Monday.
On Monday the forms still weren’t there so I had to call. The person on the phone updated the portal and the forms were added. When I filled mine in (2 out of 12), the rest of them once again disappeared. I called and they’ve sent a note to my prescriber, who’s been enormously helpful previously. I’ve also sent her a message (as she sent me one on Saturday about a booster to help me sleep) but she hasn’t gotten back to me.
Has anyone else experienced this? What’s the turnaround time for prescribers when you’re already in titration? I have no idea what happens after titration is over, either. I’m guessing I get discharged back to my GP, but then I’m worried I won’t get the medication that’s been so vital in helping me.
submitted by Harrioot to ADHDUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Kroenen19 Bestia @TuAtoMadre

Bestia @TuAtoMadre submitted by Kroenen19 to Chaquetrix [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Kroenen19 Bestia @TuAtoMadre

Bestia @TuAtoMadre submitted by Kroenen19 to Chaquetrix [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 AutoModerator Thursday Thread: Upcoming Talents of Indian Cricket

submitted by AutoModerator to indiancricketteam_r [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Faded_Chinchilla torture.

torture. how do they keep getting away with this, almost 300k and no hit, what happened to the goat gods 💔💔
submitted by Faded_Chinchilla to Goatapp [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 IC2Flier Mobile Suit Gundam Frieren by Rintaro Komori (@jJcq1UcKLRmwvOT)

submitted by IC2Flier to Frieren [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 shrxpm Cum sa incep?

Deci. Totul a inceput in August. Pe 18. Prima data cand l am intalnit. Ii dam un nume, Oița. Oița in seara aceea s a bagat cu mine in seama, fara ca noi sa ne cunoaștem. Apoi, eu i am dat follow pe instagram. Prima oara i am cerut snap ul, apoi ne am dat jn vorba, si au urmat zile in care vorbeam pana la 3-4 dimineata. Ca sa se inteleaga, eu imi doream noi prieteni, si am incercat sa leg o prietenie cu el. Bun, totul bine și frumos pana pe data de 31 august, cand mi a spus ca nu vrea sa fim prieteni. Atunci al simtit ca o bucatica din sufletul meu s a rupt. Eu intre timp prinsesem sentimente pentru el, dar nu le am aratat. Il rugam sa iasa pe afara, sa stam, sa radeam, dar mereu si mereu primeam acelasi raspund “Nu”. In fine, a trecut August, si a venit Septembrie . Mai exact 8 septembrie. Cand i am spus ca nu il mai caut. Si asa a fost, pana pe 15 octombrie( de ziua mea, cand mi a zis la multi ani) nu il mai cautasem. Si iar am inceput sa vorbim, si iar am inceput sa trag de el sa fim prieteni, pana in prezent. L am facut sa se schimbe, sa nu mai fie cum era inainte( ma refer ca era in banca lui si nu vorbea cu nimeni), l am facut sa se schimbe in bine si mi a mulțumit. Numai ca eu am ramas aici, asteptandu l. Duminca aceasta ne am vazut, am stat 2 ore si mi a povestit de ce nu poate nici el sa treaca peste. Mi a spus ca il tine ceva, dar nici el nu stie ce. Si eu cred ca si el a prins sentimente pentru mine dar ii e rusine. Asa e el, mai timid si mai rusinos. Eu mi am propus ca pana pe 31 decembrie sa nu l mai caut, pentru ca deja se fac 5 luni de cand tot incerc si nimic. ( a spus ca o sa imi scrie pana atunci) Am nevoie de niște sfaturi, ce sa fac??
submitted by shrxpm to GenZRo [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 alle15minuten Gerade ist es November 27, 2024 at 08:30PM

Gerade ist es November 27, 2024 at 08:30PM
submitted by alle15minuten to alle15minuten [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 New_Tonuk Guys help pls PC doesn't give image

Guys help pls PC doesn't give image I was setting up bios, restarted PC and it didn't give image. I wanted to reset bios, turned off PSU switch and heard electrical click. And I also found this (probably capacitor?) exploded
How important is that and is that okay? Mb: biostar a320MH Usin rx 580 as gpu, r5 2600 CPU and xilence 700w psu
submitted by New_Tonuk to computers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Ayoub_Hamadou نصرنا الله واياكم

نصرنا الله واياكم submitted by Ayoub_Hamadou to omarahmoun [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Just-Cherry-289 how long do i have to queue to have a decent spot at GA?

i'm attending the prague show next april, i have GA/standing tickets (my literal dream since middle school:') can you hear me screaming) and it's a first time for me, as i always had seating tickets for music shows. i really want to secure a good spot, i don't necessarily need to be at the barricade, but i would love to be at least somewhat in the front. how long do i have to wait in front of the venue to ensure that? i'm traveling 3+ hours by train from my city to prague so i wanna figure out the logistics as soon as possible. thank you in advance for any advice!!💛🫶🏻
submitted by Just-Cherry-289 to twentyonepilots [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 NewMGFantasyWriter I feel stuck with my mythical urban fantasy's history

I've been working on this story for years. It's something I absolutely want to make amazing.
The series has stuff in common with Percy Jackson's premise, but there's no masquerade. The mythical side has been integrated into society because these mystical creatures are just as intelligent as humans. Some want to be left alone, some want to have careers, etc.
There's one potential problem that I don't want to turn people away. In this world, the exact same countries exist plus one I made up, borders and territories are the same, most wars unfolded the same way, etc. In fact, WW2 was the catalyst for the overarching conflict.
But that of course raises the question of how in the world it would ever turn out that way. How could, for example, wars have turned out the same way? I try to minimize the absurdity by saying the mystical beings are rare, so humans have the most influence on society. Like other than 2 specific races, there are more tigers in the world than mystical beings, but still.
I DO plan on diving into the politics of this world to explore themes of freedom, discrimination, crime, and government, but the heart of the story will be themes of family, choice, heroism, and identity.
Still, am I asking too much of my readers to suspend their disbelief of, even with these mystical creatures, the world being so identical to ours? I mean, I'm not trying to create a whole new world here. I'm trying to create ours where mystical creatures fit in.
But see, I just feel stuck. Like how much does it REALLY matter that history turned out the same way? I want the meat of my worldbuilding to be the showcase of this modern society and how these creatures fit into it. But is it lazy to just make it so the world is, on a macro-level, the same?
What do you think?
submitted by NewMGFantasyWriter to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Illustrious-Sign3015 Could you see Thomas Wayne Jr don the Flashpoint batsuit?

Could you see Thomas Wayne Jr don the Flashpoint batsuit? submitted by Illustrious-Sign3015 to superheroes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 KaiserPreis Queen?

Queen? submitted by KaiserPreis to whatbugisthis [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 19:30 Jazzlike-Response812 This is a modern politics and troll ridden generations sub now. What the fuck?

This subreddit has become borderline unusable, I just wanted to discuss the events and pop culture of recent decades, now everyone is an asshole for no reason.
submitted by Jazzlike-Response812 to decadeology [link] [comments]
