2024.11.27 17:30 NumerousEmu6702 Bora fazer uma vaquinha e montar um projeto de civic type r (vai ser) num civic vti?
submitted by NumerousEmu6702 to gearheadsBR [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:30 Dyliah I just discovered people add comments on the bookmarks and I wanted to share my favorites
I didn't know you could read notes on bookmarks and my one old fic has some gems! What are the best notes you've had in bookmarks for your fic?? submitted by Dyliah to Archiveofourownmemes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:30 PhilosophyLimp9541 Какой вашь любимый мем?
submitted by PhilosophyLimp9541 to rusAskReddit [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:30 Best-Business-50 seeing alot of pregnant niggas in this community recently 🫃🏼
inglokkwetrust🫃🏼 submitted by Best-Business-50 to Glokk40spazz [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:30 Low_budget12345 Connection issues
I am on pc and I keep having server connection issues because of my firewall, is there any way I can get around this without getting rid of my firewall and antivirus?
submitted by Low_budget12345 to Isonzo [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:30 Nowa_Iscord VPN service at cheap cost
Guys, do you like to have VPN service less than ₹100/month rupee a month ( little more than a dollar internationally) with added features like:-
Allow users to set custom DNS, split-tunneling, transparency privacy, multi-hop connection, best ping (hosted at edge), global edge server, low traffic CDN caching (recent Netflix case),
Countries like India which have log policy - coustomers have already notified about this save logs policy in the app if they like to use indian/log save policy country servers.
Should I invest my effort in this project or the VPN market is too much saturated?
submitted by Nowa_Iscord to StartUpIndia [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:30 GraeBornRed Obligational coin collection upload photo :D
My collection of loonies and loonies thus far. Hopefully the lighting is good enough to see all the designs.
submitted by GraeBornRed to CanadianCoins [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:30 splashyHugsU How can I use 100% of my growth potential to level up my game?
Prolly not the best sub-reddit page to ask on and I'm sorry for any inconvenience but I'll still give it a try.
I'm 15 (since a couple days lol) , 6'0 at 65kg and my parents are both about 5'9 and some of my grandparents were 6'0+, I've never had a huge growth sprout but I've been growing <=0.3feet(10cm) on average per year.
I've always somehow been insecure about my height, although I'm above average for my age when I go to school and see older guys being 6'3-6'7 giants rather often I can't but want to get the most out of my entire growth because I'm scared I won't get any taller and I think that would give me a confidence boost.
I'm fully aware that worrying won't get me anywhere and if my genes don't want me to grow they won't make me grow, so I shouldn't be stressing myself but the thoughts just keep comping back.
Supplements wise I've been taking almost on a daily basis: magnesium, potassium, vitamin B and vitamin C. In my family we already eat in very healthy and alternative ways following a nearly perfectly balanced diet, I never cook but since I have to make myself breakfast everyday I try to get as many nutrients as possible (I usually drink plenty of milk and eat bananas + some extras).
I sleep 8h+ minimum each night although lately I've been slacking off way too much and I'm trying to get everything back together. Whenever I don't have basketball practice and my friends aren't free to go to our fav local court I jump rope and do sprints, jumps and plyometrics to increase my vertical jump.
So back to my question, what could I had to help me increase my height as long as I'm still growing? Doing some researches I found that taking Somatotropic hormone boosters may help a lot but they often have different nutrients so is there a specific one I should take? What other good supplements should I get along with the others mentioned before? I've also been suggested to start stretching but idk if I should find a guide on YouTube optimal for BB players or just build my own but I wouldn't know where to begin with; can stretching help me with growth increase?
I'd like to know yall experiences and thoughts on this. I'd love to just get told "you'll grow a ton for sure don't worry" so I could just chill out but sadly it's impossible to tell yet. Also is there a way I can determine whether I will keep growing or nah? I've read that people get x-rays on their ankles to check plates or smth like that I genuinely dk about this one.
I just simply want to grow as much as possible and use 100% of my potential.
Thanks in advance for everything and I'm sorry for any inconvenience have mercy on me.
submitted by splashyHugsU to Basketball [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:30 Dysonis101 DQ3HD - what personalities are working best for you?
Vamp doesn't seem to give good stat growths like I remember from previous versions. So far I've been getting better use from Good Egg, Tough Cookie, Wit, Slippery Devil and Lone Wolf.
Also for the Monster Wrangler, I really think they shouldn't of given us the Monster Pile-On ability so early. It's far too powerful with high cost that can wipe most enemies easily. It would have fit better getting it in the lvl 30s.
submitted by Dysonis101 to dragonquest [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:30 iLoveGroceries Personally I'm a little embarrassed that my gym clothes are now associated with this
submitted by iLoveGroceries to Lululemen [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:30 Mother_Experience_89 Confession
I admit my hand, I find older teenage girls, attractive. Would you rather, I bury my head in sand. I only though, like the conversations, I feed on a simple bubbly and the soft of the sweet.
I don't hit on them, just steal a flirtation.
Just being honest Inside my demons never released.
-Ryan Geoffrey Hayward
Confession - a poem by Ryan Geoffrey Hayward - All Poetry
submitted by Mother_Experience_89 to OCPoetryFree [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:30 Memeanlion 2018+ wrx OEM Thule roof rack fits but not perfect
Bought 2018 wrx cross bars for cheap, saw some references that they fit. However the back is a bit sloped. Just a reference for anyone else looking to get cheaper roof racks submitted by Memeanlion to wrx_vb [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:30 Kind-Rule-5834 What is yoru favorite teams tradition?
Ours is usually chanting tulsa and then oilers, or the overhead clap which we dont do it this season because of the new goal song, but I'd like to see your tradations!
submitted by Kind-Rule-5834 to ECHL [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:30 LordFentonGaming Ultima VI The False Prophet PC Walkthrough Part 44 The Gargoyle City
submitted by LordFentonGaming to gamingvids [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:30 historianyan femboy maid in training looking for friends :3 (23)
hey all ^ hope you're enjoying day/night anyone up for a vc and just talk about anything >.< im really into anime/manga and play gacha games and some fps. you can usually find me spending my days cleaning or baking or having tea parties with my friends :3 i also love to cafe hop and talk to stray cats :3
submitted by historianyan to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:30 chaitanyavaddi Blogging Straight From WhatsApp
Writerry - Recently I launched this product to help writers and professionals maintain their blog simply from WhatsApp. Please check and provide your critical feedback. Thanks
submitted by chaitanyavaddi to writing [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:30 Gnomenus $100 Inalla, Needing Cuts and Recommendations
submitted by Gnomenus to EDHBrews [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:30 Ap0l0geticAppl3 Air75 Canopy on Meteor75 Pro?
Just curious if anyone has swapped out the canopy on the Meteor75 pro? Was hoping to shed a little weight (I know it won’t be much lol) by swapping out the canopy, possibly with the Air75 canopy? Any info, suggestions or discussion would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by Ap0l0geticAppl3 to TinyWhoop [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:30 Jotaro27 Anyone else keeps saying these online posts about Gojo past arc? lmao
submitted by Jotaro27 to Jujutsufolk [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:30 Icy-Flounder-6686 Anyone use electronic (not smart) lock.
Ok, I know that the apartment complex is supposed to have access to my apartment at all times, but I’d rather ask for forgiveness than permission. However, this place has been a nightmare. The only way to secure the door is a flimsy deadbolt lock, keyed. The doorknob does not have a lock. Now the problem…..Management does not seem to be able to keep maintenance people, and the latest employees are dicey to say the least. One of them is a drinker, even while working, but complaints have fallen on deaf ears, with the excuse that good help is impossible to find and keep. I have seen them enter apartments and leave doors open letting pets escape. They have also left the apartment doors unlocked and open after they leave. Complaints are falling on deaf ears. I am considering purchasing an electronic lock like these. Remote Control Electronic Intelligent Door Lock, Smart Wireless Anti-Theft Home Security Keyless Deadbolt Access Control system with four remote controls.
The way that these locks are constructed, I do not have to drill into the door frame to make a large hole for the deadbolt latch. The door and door frames have already had things screwed into them, so no additional damage is required. Additionally, since the lock operates with a remote control and not a keyed entry, it would be an unnoticeable from the outside.
Has anyone ever used these types of locks? Thanks!
submitted by Icy-Flounder-6686 to Apartmentliving [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:30 SuccotashWorth9201 The winner of the 8,5k raffle is....
Congratulations u/kytallguy66 comment for your 8.5k raflle prize.
submitted by SuccotashWorth9201 to polyGONE [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:30 Emergency_Raisin2341 9 years of 'Tamasha' ✨
submitted by Emergency_Raisin2341 to bollywood [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:30 FluffyNight9930 Algorand Foundation: Why is Algorand the future of crypto
Starting now submitted by FluffyNight9930 to algorand [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:30 Ron341 5 natural ways to reduce mouth ulcers
submitted by Ron341 to latestworldstories [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:30 CrewProfessional1545 Help plese
So I have had a ECSE license for years but I have been mostly working in early childhood intervention. I love EI, but as an educator I just wasn’t making enough money (maybe 12000 per year. I got an offer to teach ECSE at local district this year and it’s not working out. There were mistakes made by both me and the school district. I have been given my 2 weeks notice One of the things I realized in this process is I have no practical experience in a PRK or toddler classroom and is been years (at least 20 since Ihave been teaching). I am not thinking of going back to ECSE at least not right away. But I am thinking of looking for a teachers aid position somewhere, perhaps at daycare or somewhere similar. I keep hearing about getting a CDA. I know technically I don’t need one. But I can’t imagine things haven’t changed in the past 20 years, would getting my CDA be a good way to brush up on child development. Or should just take some Child development courses or something?
submitted by CrewProfessional1545 to ECEProfessionals [link] [comments]