El origen de esta frase hay que buscarlo en la figura del capitán Arana o Aranha, un personaje del siglo XVIII que recorría el litoral de la península Ibérica con la intención de reclutar gente con destino a las colonias de América para luchar contra los insurrectos, sin que él jamas emprendiera viaje alguno hacia el Nuevo Continente. “Ya tú sabe” se usa más bien como “ya me entiendes”. También es común usarlo con gente con quien tienes complicidad en una conversación para no terminar de contar alguna historia si hay alguien más delante (p.ej.: vi al chico que me gusta y ... ya tú sabe) – Mucha gente es aficionada al deporte: “Gente” is a singular collective noun, so it takes a singular verb and adjective. Therefore, “es aficionada” is correct. In Spanish, adjectives must agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify, which can be different from English. X "Hay veinte gente en esa casa." => "There is (a whole of) twenty people in that house." Example in terms of not counting: "Toda la gente está esperando pacientemente." => "All (of) the people (as a whole) are waiting patiently." One last thing to note is that while gente isn't interchangeable with personas, the opposite isn't necessarily true. Pues la verdad que la palabra moro, la gente la toma como algo malo pero lo malo es el ignorante que lo dijo por lo tanto cuando a mi pasa, que me ha pasado en 8 años me paso solo 3 veces de malas formas entre una de ellas un policia (que lo denuncie y luego fue el quien vino pidiendo perdon cada dia unas dos semanas hasta que retire la ... I think I can tell about the use of "en pelotas" in Argentina.. Firstly, pelo does not mean "skin", pelo means "hair". A la gente mayor le encanta ver los tatuajes que lleva la gente joven hoy en día. The exercise is to alter the original sentence if deemed false. I understand how to change it, but I do not understand why lleva precedes la gente joven in this case. Thanks in advance. La clase, la torre and la gente come from the feminine Latin words, classis, turris and gens. DRAE access 19 Sept 2014; Latdict access 19 Sept 2014. Hombre and pie come from the masculine Latin words homo and pie. DRAE; Latdict. Equipaje comes from the Spanish verb equipar, which in turn is from the French verb équipar. DRAE. Bromas aparte, sí tiene diferencia, aunque no mucha. Como toda frase, el orden y el uso de pronombres matiza su sonido y sentido. Si decimos "a mí" es como cuando en inglés se empieza con un "to me": connota que es algo muy personal, poniendo el acento en ese hecho en posible contraposición a la opinión de el resto de la gente. La palabra hablada y escrita es relativamente nueva. El español es un hijo del idioma castellano (lengua romance que llegó a las Américas debido a las famosas conquistas), que a la vez es hijo latín (el cual tiene aproximadamente más de 2800 años de existencia y tuvo orígen junto a la cultura de Grecia), y así sucesivamente...
2024.11.27 18:50 carolscv Gente, isso é golpe??
Recebi isso no meu linkedin e achei que tem cara de golpe... Alguém já recebeu isso?? É mesmo golpe ou eu sou paranoica?? submitted by carolscv to golpe [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:50 Matt82233 I did the thing, Edd as the jonkler
submitted by Matt82233 to Eddsworld [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:50 KevinNiceTry Transworld videos
Hot take but the editing in transworld skate videos is S tier. Still prefer it to today's styles. In bloom, sight unseen, I.E., all so good. The audio, the ramp slow motion, the angles are all so good. The variety of music and styles. Maybe I'm just an old head now. Haha.
submitted by KevinNiceTry to skateboarding [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:50 Appropriate_Feed421 FPE Ultrakill au, Oliver.
He is a Ferrymen. submitted by Appropriate_Feed421 to FundamentalPaperEdu [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:50 Typical-Reserve2487 The person I want to add in my group chat does have iMessage. Why do I get this prompt?
submitted by Typical-Reserve2487 to iphone [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:50 CamposDjoel Dungeon Dice Monsters Online: Some meta decks!
Interested in trying out Dungeon Dice Monster Online? Join the beta testing by joining the discord server: https://discord.gg/Gcm4PvuD
submitted by CamposDjoel to dungeondicemonsters [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:50 NazxyTQ Buying AMP w Robux
7k available
submitted by NazxyTQ to CrossTrading_inRoblox [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:50 silk754k Diving into the water
submitted by silk754k to KidsAreFuckingStupid [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:50 bigbgofballs I drew a piece of cheese 🧀
submitted by bigbgofballs to AlfaOxtrot [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:50 Adensty Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout - 'Solramimi' by Kazuki Yanagawa
submitted by Adensty to soundtracks [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:50 JamesofFlatbush Long Island Cannabis Club
Grand Opening on December 6th. submitted by JamesofFlatbush to NYSCannabis [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:50 Acrobatic-Summer-414 Why do people bring up race in debates?
I’ve been in multiple debates where someone will following up a question with, “ I bet you a WHITE, RACIST, HOMOPHOBIC, FASCIST. “ Which i don’t understand whatsoever, it’s so racist to just stereotype people because of their skin color. On top of that why do people feel the need to use every single buzz word in the English dictionary lol.
submitted by Acrobatic-Summer-414 to YouthRevolt [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:50 hrnyboy56 So sexy😍
submitted by hrnyboy56 to aurora_aksnes_sexy [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:50 PAWGLuvr84Plus How cursed do you want your peace-deal?
submitted by PAWGLuvr84Plus to hoi4 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:50 RoutineCharacter3322 Peak Szn
has you guys peak season started because it’s been overly slow at my facility and i’m very curious. i see others with MET including added a whole shift and we haven’t been hit with that yet
submitted by RoutineCharacter3322 to AmazonFC [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:50 nickmast1 When I kick back some tomorrow
When I have a few at the family function tomorrow 🦃 I might accidentally increase the bag ! ApeWifCape $Apecape submitted by nickmast1 to memecoins [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:50 Rockets_Everywhere Cadian Pattern Sentinel is out on Rebrickable !
After seeing how many peoples in the Wh40k subreddit liked my MOC, I said I would release it for all on Rebrickable. And today is the day ! Unsure if I can post links here, so just go on Rebrickable and type "cadian" and it should pop out instantly. Any questions, or anything, is welcome ! submitted by Rockets_Everywhere to lego [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:50 LeWenth Type in your experiences! Even in arcade you can find these players...
Don't get me started on comp players being this annoying, often result in dropped morale and quick loss... submitted by LeWenth to Overwatch [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:50 Curious_Parsley2961 Star quests/ Rank rewards
Maxed out about a year ago and haven’t received rewards since. does anyone know if this will change anytime soon? i was enjoying the game so much more when i was earning the chests
submitted by Curious_Parsley2961 to MergeDragons [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:50 Warhammer_newbie99 Plague marines - 1 Wound and Poisoned !!!
Every time I play them they leave my operatives on 1 wound and poisoned. Turing points 3 and 4 are just me activating guys to immediately die!!!
submitted by Warhammer_newbie99 to killteam [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:50 SendMeYourPetPics Holiday Plans sheet from therapy that has been helped my overwhelm/"unprepared anxiety", and hopefully can help someone else:
submitted by SendMeYourPetPics to autism [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:50 Right-Ad-1678 Problems with L/100kms and estimated range.
Hello I have a 07 328xi. What is happening is that my estimated range is going down way more then it ever should, pulling out of my parking lot it goes down 3 kms and it less than 100 meters. Just driving to school it goes down 20 kms and my school is less than 2 kms away and I don’t drive like a maniac I’d say I drive normally. The weird part is, when I go on the highway my estimated range increases. What would the problem be and why is it happening? submitted by Right-Ad-1678 to BMW [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 18:50 Big-Wonder5053 [Mobile][possibly 2010s] possibly a Puzzle game
I don't remember much of this game since it was years since I played it, you would play as something in the system of a phone as you would go through these levels. What I do know is that the phone owner would be in some sort of the camp, and if you 100% the game you would see some text that the phone owner's father was in a car crash. And I also distinctly remember this music playing in the menu and level select screens.
submitted by Big-Wonder5053 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:50 Life_Plum_5806 Kaufberatung für max. 1800€, Habt ihr noch Tipps ?
Hallo, nach mehr als 15Jahren will ich mir einen neuen PC kaufen. Leider habe ich wenig Ahnung von der Materie und habe einfach mal Chatgpt gefragt, was ich für maximal 1800€ kriegen könnte. Der neue PC soll das aktuelle CoD BO6 schaffen und Spiele wie Cities:Skylines, Anno 1800, AoE, CoC usw.
Zusätzlich soll der neue PC auch Virtulisierungssoftware wie VMWare und Virtual Box schaffen.
Das hat mir ChatGPT als Ergebnis gegeben, habt ihr noch Verbesserungsvorschläge oder Ideen.
Komponente Modell/Details Preis (geschätzt)
Prozessor (CPU) AMD Ryzen 9 7900X (12 Kerne, 24 Threads) ~600–650 €
Arbeitsspeicher (RAM) Corsair Vengeance DDR5 64 GB (2x32 GB) 6000 MHz ~280–320 €
Motherboard MSI MAG B550 TOMAHAWK ~140–160 €
Grafikkarte (GPU) NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Ti ~350–400 €
Speicher (SSD) Samsung 980 Pro 2 TB NVMe SSD ~180–220 €
Netzteil Corsair RM750x (750W, 80+ Gold) ~100–120 €
Kühlung be quiet! Dark Rock Pro 4 ~80–100 €
Gehäuse Fractal Design Meshify C ~90–110 €
Ich bin für jede Hilfe dankbar !
submitted by Life_Plum_5806 to PCBaumeister [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 18:50 kingleonidus12 (Question for those celebrating) Thanksgiving…what are you allowing yourselves to eat this year?
Any suggestions?
submitted by kingleonidus12 to Gastritis [link] [comments]